ART 203-005: Concepts and Creations for the Elementary Educator Fall 2013 Meeting time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:50 – 4:00 Meeting Place: Room S211 at Arts and Communication Center (A/C) Instructor: Jaehan Bae, Ph. D. Office: Room 526 A/C E-mail: Office Hours: Mondays 12:40-1:50, Wednesdays 10:20-12:30, and by appointment. Phone: (920) 424 7054 Overview This course focuses on an elementary experience with basic art concepts, history, aesthetics, criticism, appreciation, and materials. By learning two-dimensional and threedimensional skills and tool handling, students will be prepared to teach subsequent lessons of these skills in the following elementary education course: Teaching of Art (Art 355). This course (355) will also teach some historical, aesthetic and philosophical ramifications of visual art applications in the teaching of art. Open only to the Elementary Educator. Course Goals By the end of the course, students will be able to: Deeply understand current theories and practices in the field of art education. (Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure #1 and #5) Generally understand learner’s artistic, social, and personal development. (Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure #2) Practically learn how to apply theories and practices to their general classes. (Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure #4) Effectively create lesson plans which integrate art with other subjects. (Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure #7) Precisely understand and use various evaluation strategies which allow students to develop their intellectual, social, and artistic development. (Wisconsin Standard for Teacher Development and Licensure #8) Actively develop their communication skills and cooperative manners with other students through art projects and activities. (Wisconsin Standard for Teacher Development and Licensure #6 and #10) Attendance Policy (Must Read!!!) Your attendance is significant and you also should be willing to work outside of the class because we do not meet every day. You must attend entire meeting times. I will excuse two times of your missing class. Please save your two excuses for an emergency. However, after using one excuse, points will be strictly deducted from your total score for each absence or late arrival. There is no excuse at that point. You lose 10 points for one absence and 5 points for one late arrival and if you leave a class early without my approval you lose 5 points. I will not have any make-up 1 times, provide handouts, or present any significant concepts due to your absence. There are no excuses for your absence of this course. Once you miss your presentation day, your deduction will be doubled. Once you missed the class more than one-third, you will be automatically failed. Remember!!!! I do not allow you to leave class early. Even if you are done your artwork and assignment, I ask you to make another one or re-work your artwork or assignment by class is dismissed. Class Etiquette Please TURN YOUR CELL PHONE OFF and do not text during the class. If I hear your phone ring or vibrate and if you text, you will lose 10 points per one time and you must leave the class immediately. I don’t allow you to use laptop, tablet pc, mp3, i-pod, radio, or other entertaining electronic devices in the classroom. You will also lose five points if you use portable electronic devices in the classroom. Academic Misconduct If you made academic misconduct in this course, you are automatically failed. Please refer to the website at for more details. Requirements and Assessment Your grade will be based on 6 components. You can score _______ in the course. You grade some of your assignments; meanwhile, I grade all your requirements as well. Please grade yours fairly. I provide all assessment formats for each requirement on D2L. You should submit all your assessment forms and your art projects on time. Late submissions will not be accepted and will not be graded fully. For example, your late art projects will be deducted _______amount of points. All numbers of artworks will be determined after class discussion. Following are criteria and weights for grades: 1. Artworks from Studio Explorations and Lessons and presentations (please keep all your artwork): Each unit has three sections of Studio Exploration: If you miss your presentation for one artwork, it costs you one point deduction from the total points you earn. You need to create ___ artworks ( __ from Unit 1, ___ from Unit 2, __ from Unit 3, ___ from Unit 4, ___from Unit 5, and ___from Unit 6): 3 points x_________=__________ 2. Sketchbook: I provide a sketchbook for all students. Your sketchbook consists of: Seven unit reflections (At least one FULL page, typed, 12–point text, single space for each reflection. If this is not one full page, you do not receive a full score. Do not write this by hand. I look at this weekly.): 5 points x 7 units= 35 points Evidence of practice: You should draw your TWO initial drawings for your 2 lessons and Studio Expressions in your sketchbook. 2 points per each x _________ = _____ Note taking: Memo or write what you learned from daily meeting. 3 points for each meeting x ___________ =__________ Art Criticism assignments for each unit. Do this in your sketchbook. 18 points = (3 points per each x 6 assignments). Take a picture of your three-dimensional artwork and put your pictures in your sketchbook. One point per picture. 3. One Lesson or Studio Exploration Presentation: 20 points Choose one Lesson or one SE from your textbook. Make your example of artwork. Bring your copy of PowerPoint slides and the rubric. Do not choose these Lessons and SEs: SE for 11 and 12, SE for 13 and 14, Lesson 20, SE for 19 and 20, Lesson 24, Lesson 27, Lesson 28, SE for 27 and 28, and SE 29 and 30. 4. DVD reflection (at least one page): 5 points 5. Attendance (Read attendance policy above!) 6. Respect for your artworks and the classroom―clean up your table and the area around you. Please cover your table with newspapers when you draw or paint something and clean the table if you make any marks. Please put your art supplies back where you found them. Please do not use large amounts of paper towels. (Do not leave your artwork in the storage room of the class. I will check the room on the last day of class to see who leaves his/her artwork.) If you leave both your artworks and private materials in the room, I will deduct 10 points for each item from your total points. Your final grade will be changed due to this. Letter grades will be assigned using the following new grading scale: A = 95% – 100% A- = 90% – 94.9% B+ = 87% – 89.9% B = 83% – 86.9% B- = 80.0% – 82.9% C+ = 77% – 79.9% C = 73% – 76.9% C- = 70% – 72.9% D+ = 67% – 69.9% D = 63% – 66.9% D- = 60% – 62.9% F = Below 59.9% To succeed in this course you should know the following: Art studio projects: Each unit introduces NINE art projects you will use in your future elementary classroom. You will learn basic art concepts and vocabulary as well as how to teach art along with other content areas. I encourage you to do each art studio project that the book introduces and explains in certain sections of Studio Time and Studio Exploration. Your examples of artwork from Studio Exploration will be displayed when finishing each unit. Keep your artworks from Studio Time in your folder. Some of your artworks are three-dimensional, so you must take pictures and keep them in your sketchbook. 3 Sketchbook: Please use your sketchbook often like professional artists. Keep your written reflections of units, all initial sketches or visual reflections of your artworks, and notes of what you learned from a daily meeting. Organize your artworks and other requirements by unit. Before you make your artwork with paper, you MUST practice in your sketchbook. I will assess your thinking procedure through your sketchbook. Please get organized and write the number of the lesson and date on each journal entry. A Lesson or SE Presentation: This includes each lesson and Studio Explorations. If your instruction and presentation are well taught, your classmates will enjoy producing an art project. Pretend to be a classroom teacher: instruct a lesson, present main ideas, and demonstrate art skills. You also need to make your example for your presentation and create another one during class. Please copy and bring an assessment form on your presentation day. You can find the assessment form from D2L. When you prepare your lesson presentation, please consider the following: Provide your lesson objectives and guidelines for making an artwork. Go over all artworks and visual images that are found in your lesson and Studio Exploration. PowerPoint presentation needed. Ask questions and share your thoughts with your classmates. Demonstrate and explain how to make an artwork step by step. Share and talk about your example and tips. DVD Reflection: Watch the DVD carefully. Write your thoughts based on contents and write about how art contributed to the field of education and human progress. Your reflection should be at least one full page with 12-point type and single space. Textbook: Please read the textbook very carefully. During the reading, you should think about how you teach art concepts along with other subject matters and how you assess students’ art projects. You also meet a few artists throughout the textbook. You should know their background information. It may lead you to do additional research on them. I will see the efforts of your research during discussion. Participation: Your participation in each class discussion, your presentation about your examples of artwork, and your willingness to share your ideas, skills, knowledge, and experiences will be evaluated. Meaningful learning can only occur when you get engaged in class discussion. I will watch your participation, the number of your statements, and the quality of your thinking in order to assess your participation. Each student must talk about his or her thoughts and ideas at least two times a class. I promise that the class discussion will not finish until each student talks about something. D2L: All documents that I made are posted on D2L in a timely manner. 4 Communication: Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I would like to meet with you during the class hours. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail, give me a call, or see me. As you know, mutual communication is the best way to solve problems and is a key for success in the course. ADA Statement Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: 1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC); 2) bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC indicating that you need academic accommodations. This should be done within the first weeks of class. This and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request. Academic Honor Statement The Academic Honor System of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility 1) to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student’s own work, 2) to refuse to tolerate violation of academic integrity in the University community, and 3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University community. Required Text Stewart, M., & Katter, E. (2008). Explorations in Art 4th Grade. Worcester, MA: Davis. Art Supplies Bring your digital camera to take pictures of your three-dimensional works. Art supplies, except for the sketchbook, will be provided from the mandatory lab fee, although in some cases you may want to enhance your materials for better quality artworks. You need to figure out what you need for each class. Classroom Devices and Equipment The classroom has a computer, projector, and document projector, screen, speakers, and an overhead projector. You are able to learn how to use these basic classroom devices and equipment for your future class. If you need more devices and equipment, please let me know beforehand. Calendar Day 1 (9/5): Orientation Activities: Overview of the course, calendar, syllabus, assignments, expectations, grading procedures, evaluations, and textbook. Introduce one another. Make a cover for your sketchbook and fabricate your folder for keeping your artworks (I will distribute a sketchbook. Please don’t buy it.). Homework: Read from page x to page xxi (What Is Art?) and type your reflection (one page long) in your sketchbook. Day 2 (9/10): What Is Art? About Art 5 Activities: Discuss the assigned reading. Find each image of elements and principles of design from magazines and glue each image into your sketchbook. Introduce the textbook and its structure. Homework: Read Unit 1. Day 3 (9/12): Unit 1. Appearances: Looking at Our World Activities: I will introduce an Introduction of Unit 1 and present Lesson 1 and 2. Homework: Finish your artwork. Day 4 (9/17): Unit 1 Activities: Introduce Lessons 3 and 4. Continue to work on artworks. Homework: Finish art projects. Day 5 (9/19): Unit 1 Activities: Instruct, present, and demonstrate SE for 3 and 4. Homework: Finish your artworks. Day 6 (9/24): Unit 1 Activities: Present Lessons 5 and 6. Homework: Complete your artworks. Bring your three choices for teaching presentation. Day 7 (9/26): Unit 1 Activities: Present SE for 5 and 6. Finalizing your choice of teaching presentation. Homework: Finish art projects, a unit reflection, and an art criticism writing. Read Unit Calendar will be rescheduled based on choices of students’ presented lessons from Day 8 till Day 26. Please fill out new schedule on each meeting day. Day 8 (10/1): Unit 2 Activities: Homework: Day 9 (10/3): Activities: Homework: Day 10 (10/8): Activities: Homework: Day 11 (10/10): Activities: Homework: 6 Day 12 (10/15): Activities: Homework: Day 13 (10/17): Activities: Homework: Day 14 (10/22): Activities: Homework: Day 15 (10/24): Unit 4 Activities: Homework: Day 16 (10/29): Activities: Homework: Day 17 (10/31): Activities: Homework: Day 18 (11/5): Unit 5 Activities: Homework: Day 19 (11/7): Activities: Homework: Day 20 (11/12): Activities: Homework: Day 21 (11/14): No Class. The professor will be at the Art Ed. Conference in Chest, Great Britain. Activities: Homework: Day 22 (11/19): Activities: Homework: Day 23 (11/21): 7 Activities: Homework: Day 24 (11/26): Activities: Homework: Day 25 (12/3): Activities: Homework: Day 26 (12/5): Submit your sketchbook and folder. Activities: Homework: Day 27 (12/10): No Class! Activities: Day 28 (12/12): Finale Activities: Pick up your sketchbook and artworks. Announce your final grade. Discuss your final grade. I, ________________, read the syllabus and fully understand the course requirements and course policy. 8