1 BIO 212: HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY COURSE INSTRUCTORS – LECTURER – DR. MARGARET BEARD, HS 161, x7089, beard@uwosh.edu (Note: I do not answer e-mail in the evenings or over the weekend). I am generally in Halsey from 8:00am through 5:30pm (excluding teaching hours and regularly scheduled meetings; See office door for schedule). Appointments can be made. LAB INSTRUCTOR – Ms. Sonja Jeter: HS 256, peters64@uwosh.edu COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR INSTRUCTORS: E-Mail is the most efficient way to get in touch with us. The University considers uwosh.edu email an official line of communication. Therefore, the policy of the University is that only uwosh.edu e-mail accounts will be used for faculty to student communication and vice versa. BIO 212 students are expected to check their uwosh.edu email accounts on every business day and abide by all messages sent by any BIO 212 Instructor. Additionally – announcements and assignments will be posted on D2L COURSE PRE-REQUISITES BIO 105 "Introductory Biology: Unity". Grade of C or better. Based on this course you are expected to know most of the material presented in Chapters 2 and 3 of your Text. This includes: basic biochemistry (the nature of bonds and of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids); anaerobic and aerobic cellular respiration and energy metabolism; cellular structure and organelle function; basic molecular genetics (the processes of DNA to protein). We do not have time in this course to review these aspects of cellular biology upon which organismal physiology is based. BIO 211 "Human Anatomy". Grade of C or better. Based on this course you are expected to know the general anatomical arrangement of the organ systems. We will not review these. TEXTBOOKS & MATERIALS: REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Sherwood, L, 2006, Fundamentals of Physiology, 3rd edition, Thomson, Brooks-Cole, CA (Note this text comes in soft cover or ring binder forms. You may use either form available through the bookstore or other sources.) REQUIRED LAB HANDBOOK : Cooper S.J. and Vaughan D.K., 2008, Bio 212 Human Physiology Lab Manual, UW-Oshkosh - available through the bookstore. We will be using this as a basis for the laboratory experience. The order in which the exercises are performed may not be that given in the lab manual. Likewise, supplementary material and experiences not outlined in the manual may be introduced into the course 2 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES OR SPECIAL NEEDS are welcome in this course. Please contact your lecture and lab instructors the first or second week of the course to arrange accommodations ACADEMIC HONESTY: Academic honesty policies are clearly defined at this University (See below) and all students are expected to abide by them. Penalties for violations are severe. Cheating on an exam, quiz or any other assignment (including looking at someone else's paper) at a MINIMUM leads to zero on that exam, with no opportunity for a make-up. A second offense is an F in the course and a report to Dean of Students. CHEATING POLICY: Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. It will result in an F grade in the class and possible expulsion from the University. UNIVERSITY STATEMENT ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Any evidence of any form of academic dishonesty makes you subject to the Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures, as outlined in the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Student Discipline Code, as detailed in specific provisions of Chapter 14 of the State of Wisconsin Administrative Code. (http://www/uwosh.edu/dean). Any student found in violation of any aspect of the above Code will receive a sanction as detailed in UWS 14.005 & 14.06, ranging from a grade of zero on the assignment to expulsion from the university. . Academic dishonesty is interpreted to include (but is not limited to) the following: looking at another student’s exam and/or copying answers, talking to other students in exams; using notes or other resources e.g. electronic devices during exams, when not permitted, using another’s work (obtained from on campus or off campus sources) as a student’s own; not giving attribution to work either quoted or paraphrased, failure to give sources for work referenced, etc. Students may appeal sanctions per UWS 14.06-14.08. COMMON COURTESY – Be considerate - Please refrain from talking, texting, playing games on the computer, having cell phones rings during class. Each of these activities disrupts the flow of the class and the learning process of your neighboring fellow students, who are attending class because they want to listen and learn. COURSE GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTATIONS Biology 212, Human Physiology, is a required pre-requisite course for two programs at UW-Oshkosh – “ Nursing” and “Kinesiology and Health”. Therefore the over-riding goal of the course is to result in a student prepared to enter one of these programs, specifically courses in pathophysiology and pharmacology in the Nursing Program, and exercise physiology and biomechanics for the Kinesiology program. Biology 212 is an introductory course. Introductory courses are RIGOROUS AND HARD – simply because they introduce new concepts (as opposed to courses which build on previously learned concepts). “Intro” courses also cover a lot of ground in a short period of time. Teaching an “Intro” course is a compromise between breadth and depth. Physiology is a subject that builds upon itself. What is learned on one day is used again and again. It also builds upon Biology 105 as taught her at UWOSH. So you really can’t forget anything. You will need to know it tomorrow and thereafter. The saving grace is that there are themes in physiology that repeat over and over – such as feedback regulation; receptor-ligand interaction, 3 homeostasis, signal response. I will try to alert you to these repeating themes when they occur; but you be alert to them too. The “big picture” goal for the course is to have you acquire enough knowledge (that really sticks with you) so that you can add onto this basis in more advanced courses – e.g. exercise physiology or pathophysiology. To this end some specific objectives for the semester are listed below. To understand the central physiological principle of HOMEOSTASIS To understand physiological SYSTEMS INTEGRATION To understand physiology on MOLECULAR to ORGAN SYSTEM levels To build physiology VOCABULARY & QUANTITATIVE SKILLS To prepare you for ADVANCED STUDY in physiology In order to achieve these goals, it is specifically expected that the students will attend lecture and laboratory as an active learner who uses all senses in the integration of information presented by the instructor SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT LECTURES: The lecture and laboratory schedule as published is not set in stone and can be subject to change as the semester progresses. You will know of changes well in advance, if any such are made.. Regular lecture attendance does correlate with success in the course I do not take attendance in lecture. Attendance in the laboratory is required, however. In both venues, it is your responsibility to learn the material presented in lecture, from your text readings, by the lab exercises, etc. If you miss lecture, you don’t have to tell me, but you do need to ask a classmate for notes. (Remember I do not publish or hand out my lecture notes.) Please feel free to stop me during a lecture to ask questions Please be courteous and silence all cell phones and pagers when you enter the lecture hall. Likewise, please refrain from talking during lecture. It is difficult for others to listen attentively with extraneous sounds in the room. Having said this, if you cannot keep yourself from talking during lecture, please sit in the last rows of the hall to minimize your disturbance of your classmates and me. Lectures will be presented using images/figures, most often taken from the textbook, AND notes that I will write on the blackboard or on overheads as I lecture. I do not present images or notes as power point presentations. I have found that students simply copy what is on a power point slides and do not listen (see below for the usefulness of bringing all senses to bear on learning). Part of learning is also learning how to take true notes. 4 Taking notes is not copying , not writing down every word a speaker says. Instead it is listening and distilling what is said (or what is written) so that a more complete set of notes can be transcribed later (see below in study hints). When an instructor hands out lecture notes, students come to depend solely upon this printed source as his/her only source for learning. Combining the senses (eyes, ears, tactile of hand) by taking notes during an oral presentation or from a printed page and then fleshing out the topic by using another source (the text book for instance) reinforces the learning process. LEARNING IS A PROCESS REQUIRING REPETITION AND REHEARSAL!!! I do not publish the notes that I use for lectures. Since the images are from the text, these are not published either. I strongly suggest that you bring your text, to class so that you can make notes on the images. Do ask questions during lecture. If you are uncertain or insecure, you can be quite sure that others are too. I welcome in-class discussion. SOME THOUGHTS ON HOW HUMANS LEARN Human learning comes by using all senses. Classroom learning occurs by harnessing the senses of vision, hearing and touch (hand movements). Human learning is improved by hand movements, so take notes throughout lecture. Develop a personal "shorthand" so that you can write faster (somewhat like the special language of text messaging). Examples: fxn (instead of function), rxn (instead of reaction), fdbk (instead of feedback). I too use such abbreviations as you will see when I lecture. I will tell you what my abbreviations means the first time I use one. To tap into the natural human visual learning style, copy over your notes and then convert these notes from words and phrases to flow charts and sketches whenever possible. Integrate and flesh out the material in your notes with details from the text. To tap into the natural human auditory learning style, read your notes aloud to yourself or – best of all – work with a study partner or two, to give yourselves rehearsal verbalizing and explaining these concepts. Ask and answer each other questions. You may record my lectures if you like. EXAMS The level of difficulty and the format of the exams given in the course were approved by the Nursing and Kinesiology faculty in Summer 2002 as being appropriate preparation for successful licensing in a student’s chosen field. However, because of time constraints, some topics that do, for instance, appear on the Nursing Boards cannot be covered in this one semester course. These include, but are not limited to, the physiology of infants, children, the elderly, or the physiology of disease. We will have THREE LECTURE EXAMS on the scheduled dates (see lecture and laboratory). These three exams will comprise 75% of the course grade. The remaining 25% of the course grade comes from the laboratory experience and quizzes. 5 Exams will consist entirely of multiple-choice questions, yet will be thought provoking nevertheless. Anything discussed in lecture, any text material relating to lecture topics and content from the laboratory experience may appear on an exam. (Likewise principles discussed in lecture that relate to the laboratory experience may appear on a lab quiz). Exam questions come from various sources, including from your textbook and accompanying CD, as well as questions that I and other instructors have written and questions from other texts and teachers. Missing even one lecture will have significant impact on your course performance. A missed exam will receive a grade of zero – unless you qualify for the make-up exam (see below) MAKEUP EXAM: Only individuals who miss a regularly scheduled lecture exam for an approved reason (see below) can take a make-up exam. This makeup exam will be given the day immediately before, the same day as or the day immediately following the missed exam. In order to take a makeup exam, a student MUST contact the instructor BEFORE the date/time of the scheduled exam. Approved reasons for missing an exam are: (1) a documented university sponsored event that conflicts with the exam date; (2) a documented family crisis (e.g. your illness documented by health service notice or doctor’s note; a serious illness of a parent documented; a death in your immediate family – parents or siblings or grandparents, but not cousins, etc that is documented by an obituary notice). I do not allow your taking the make-up exam for reasons such as – I have purchased airline tickets already or I am participating in a wedding. Read the class schedule carefully and make your plans accordingly. PRE-EXAM STUDY/REVIEW SESSIONS: Study/review sessions will be held in the evening one or two days before each exam. These will give you an opportunity to ask questions about material that you find confusing and to ask questions pertaining to the study guide handouts that will be distributed through D2L the week prior to each exam. Watch D2L for the dates of these review sessions. EXAM REGRADE POLICY Grading errors on exams do occur. These may be as simple as an addition error; or more encompassing, such as my misinterpretation of how you understood a question, or your having learned information from a source other than class notes or the assigned text and thereby giving an answer different from the expected answer to a question. No matter the reason for your requesting a re-grade of the exam, such requests must be submitted in writing within 48 hours of your having received the your exam score onD2L and studied the posted key. In your written request you must justify why you believe that your answer is correct – i.e. provide the outside source, explain your logic, etc. Simply saying I think my answer is correct is not acceptable. WHENEVER A REGRADE IS REQUESTED, I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REGRADE THE ENTIRE EXAM, NOT ONLY THE QUESTION(S) AT ISSUE. GRADING POLICY 6 COURSE GRADE: Each lecture exam will be worth 100 points and will contribute1/4th of the points toward your final grade. Your lab experience (quizzes plus participation plus clinical presentations ) will be worth 100 points and contribute 1/4th of the points toward your final grade. I will calculate your final grade by dividing the total number of points you earn over the semester by the total number of points possible on the exams and from lab which will yield a percentage. This percentage will be converted into a letter grade using the scale below: EXAM SCORES WILL BE POSTED ON D2L AS A PERCENT SCORE. YOUR LAB QUIZ SCORES WILL NOT BE POSTED ON D2L. YOU CAN KEEP TRACK OF HOW YOU ARE DOING IN THE LAB BY CALCULATING THE PERCENT SCORE FOR EACH QUIZ. GRADING SCALE: (Note: I reserve the right to lower the scale slightly if class performance warrants such a change. I will never raise the scale.) 100-92% = A 91%-88% = AB87%-80% = B 79%-77% = BC76%-69% = C 68%-66% = CD 65%-56% =D <55% =F SOME STUDY TIPS Expect to spend 2-3 hours of focused study for each hour in lecture (as you would be any college level course). However do not study in a long block of time. 20-30 minutes is about maximum for efficient studying before you need a “7th inning stretch”. Bring you text book to lecture so that you can follow figures that are projected on the screen and even make notes on the figures or in the page margins. Bring your text book to lab. Figures from the text are often shown in lab. USE WRITTEN REHEARSAL TO STUDY. To do this – within 24 hours of each lecture rewrite your lecture notes because they used shorthand that you might easily forget. Then, later look over these notes, cover them up and write out what you remember. Also, look over the relevant sections in the text and write out what you remember. Then go back and see what you did not remember and fill that into your outline or flow chart. Make a list of questions that you have and mark parts of your lecture notes or the text that you find confusing. Come to office hours and get these clarified and/or ask questions in class. STUDY WITH A STUDY PARTNER OR IN GROUPS. Ask each other questions. If you can discuss something verbally you most likely truly know the topic TAKING EXAMS - Take your time. Read questions carefully. On Multiple Choice questions, cover up the answers and come up with the answer your self. Then look for this answer, from among those given, that matches your idea. If you do not know the answer, skip the question, move on, and return to that question(s) at the end of the test. 7 SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT LAB The laboratory experience will consist of hands-on exercises as well as interactive discussion time and will constitute 25% of your overall course grade. You are expected to come to the laboratory alert, having read any relevant portion of the Lab Manual and or the text and prepared to ask and answer questions regarding the topic of the day. Bio 212 lecture and lab comprise one course. The laboratory experience is designed to supplement and/or reinforce the concepts taught in lecture. The material covered in one portion is wholly relevant to the material covered in the other portion. Therefore concepts from lab may appear on lecture exams and vice versa where lecture content is specifically relevant to lab. On most days, the laboratory experience will take the entire 2-hour laboratory period. After the first week, during the first 15-20 minutes of each laboratory period there will be a quiz covering the laboratory experience of the preceding week. The quiz questions may be any combination of short answer, multiple choice, fill in the blank, graph drawing, math calculations. LAB QUIZZES CAN NOT BE MADE UP. If you must miss a lab (except for an approved reason (see above)), you will receive a zero for the quiz grade that day and you must learn about that day’s exercise from your fellow students. If you come to a laboratory session late, after the quiz has been qiven, you make up the quiz ONLY IMMEDAITELY at the end of the period. The actual number of points on any quiz may vary. No quiz grades will be dropped. CLASS SCHEDULE – MEETING DATE/PLACE/INSTRUCTOR/CONTACT Lecture MW HS-109 3:00-4:30 Dr. Beard beard@uwosh.edu Lab 001 Tu HS 120 9:40am -11:40am Ms. Jeter peters64@uwosh.edu Lab 002 Tu HS 120 1:20pm – 3:20pm Ms. Jeter peters64@uwosh.edu HS 120 10:20am -12:20pm Ms. Jeter peters64@uwosh.edu Lab 003 W Lab 004 Th HS 120 9:40am-11:40am Ms. Jeter peters64@uwosh.edu Lab 005 Th HS 120 1:20 pm - 3:20 pm Ms. Jeter peters64@uwosh.edu 8 Lab 006 F HS 120 8:00am – 10:00am Ms. Jeter peters64@uwosh.edu LECTURE AND LABORATORY SCHEDULE - The topic order is firm; however we may proceed at a slower or faster pace than outlined. Lecture Topic Text Reading Lab Topic Ch’s 1 & 3 Blood: Plasma & RBC’s, Mar 2 Introduction- Principles: Homeostasis as Systems Integration as Communication: Blood Communication: Blood cont (WBC’s) Communication: Cell Signaling Basics; Immunity Communication: Neural & Hormonal/Endocrine Communication/ CNS Mar 4 Exam 1; Review TBA. Mar 9-11 Communication/PNS Covers 2/2 through 2/26 Ch’s 7 Reflexes Quiz 3 – Brain Imaging Ch’s, 6, Special Senses Quiz 4 – Reflexes No Classes Held No Lab Ch 8 EMG; Muscle types/function ECG; Cardiac Function Quiz 5 – Special Senses Quiz 6 –Muscle Heart Rate; Blood Pressure Quiz 7 – ECG: Cardiac Function Ch 12 Lung Function Quiz 8 - Blood Pressure, Heart Rate Ch 13 Urinalysis Quiz 9- Lung function Date Feb 2-4 Feb 9-11 Feb 16-18 Feb 23-25 Mar 16-18 Communication/ PNSSenses Mar 23SPRING BREAK 25 Mar 30Muscle Physiology Apr 1 Apr 6 Cardiovascular System I – The Heart and Vessels Apr 8 EXAM 2; Review TBA Apr 13-15 Apr 20-22 Apr 27-29 Cardiovascular System II cont. – Blood Vessels and Pressure Respiratory System; Gas Exchange Urinary System Quiz on Lab # Ch11 Ch11 WBC’s Ch 4 & Ch 11 Blood Typing Ch 4 & 17 Vm; EEG; Sleep Quiz 3: Blood Typing Brain Imaging Quiz 4 –Vm; EEG; Sleep Ch’s 5 Ch 9, Ch 10 Covers 3/2 through 4/1 Ch 10 Quiz 1 Plasma & RBC’s Quiz 2- WBC’s 9 May 4-6 Digestion May 11 Catch-Up May 13 EXAM 3; Review TBA Ch 15 Clinical Presentations Clinical Presentations Covers 4/6-5/11 ……………… Quiz 10 – Urinalysis View Digestion Film ( Resource Center–HS 2) …………….