LAB SYLLABUS 26-104 ECOSPHERE IN CRISIS Fall 2007 - sections A01L (Tues 9:10-12:10), A04L (Thurs 9:10-12:10), A07L (Thurs 1:00-4:00) Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Classroom: Shannon Davis-Foust email: Halsey 255 Phone: 424-1102 Tues 12:30-1:30, Thurs 8:00-9:00, or by appointment S. Halsey 110 Objectives This lab will enable students to judge the consequences of human exploitation of resources. We will engage in using the scientific method, explore the meaning of air, water, and soil quality; and we will also examine management strategies and technology that strive toward sustainability of our lifestyle. Required Materials Printouts from D2L* Cunningham, W.P., M.A. Cunningham, and B.W. Saigo. 2007. Environmental Science: A Global Concern, Ninth Edition. McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., NY. Policies Please turn off all electronic distractions during class. There will be no make-up labs. It is your responsibility to attend each lab. Read the assigned lab before coming to class and bring your D2L printouts to each class. Arrangements for any special need must be made at least one week in advance, except in the case of unforeseen circumstances. No late assignments will be accepted unless arrangements have been made in advance. Your work area must be clean before you leave. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. ** Grading Exams (2) 50% Assignments (6) 40% Participation 10% - You are required to participate in at least 5 discussions during the semester. There are at least 10 opportunities to participate during in class discussions. You can also receive credit by asking a guest speaker a question, or by professionally thanking them during class for something that you specifically learned from them. Disabilities Students who have physical or learning disabilities who wish to request academic adjustments should notify the Disabilities Office so that appropriate accommodations can be made. For more information contact the Counseling Center or Disabilities Services (424-2404). *Where to find documents for printing: All of the labs and reading assignments will be posted on D2L one week in advance. Some of these files will be PDF files for which you will need Adobe Reader to view. See to download a free copy of Adobe Reader. **Academic Integrity: If you decide to engage in academic misconduct you will be subject to the Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures as outlined in the Student Disciplinary Code ( Under Chapter UWS 14 (Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures), “academic misconduct” means an act in which a student (UWS 14.03): a) seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization or citation; b) uses unauthorized materials or fabricated data in any academic exercise; c) forges or falsifies academic documents or records: d) intentionally impedes or damages the academic work of others; e) engages in conduct aimed at making a false representation of a student’s academic performance; or f) assists other students in any of these acts. LAB SCHEDULE * Week Date Topic(s) 1 Sept 11,13 Scientific Method 2 Sept 18,20 Biodiversity 3 Sept 25,27 Succession 4 Oct 2,4 Water Quality 5 Oct 9,11 Air Quality and Energy 6 Oct 16,18 Climate 7 Oct 23,25 8 Oct 30, Nov 1 Nov 6,8 Fossil Fuels & Environmental Remediation Lab Exam I 9 10 Waste Management Nov 13,15 Soils Activities/Assignment Review of the scientific method Set up decomposition experiment Campus as an Urban Environment Reading “Biodiversity Loss: A Human Health Issue”* Discussion of reading Field trip to Waukau Creek County Nature Preserve Assignment: Biodiversity individual or group lab report Biodiversity lab report due at the beginning of class Field trip to Terrell’s Island Assignment: Water quality group lab report (due in class) Film “The Power of Water” and discussion Assignment: short essay to follow up film Essay due at the beginning of class Film and discussion Assignment: Energy consumption and CO2 emissions Reading “A Climate Repair Manual” by Stix* Discussion of reading Energy consumption and CO2 emissions assignment due Compile and discuss class CO2 emission data Film “Inconvenient Truth” and discussion Reading: “The End of Cheap Oil” Discussion of reading Peak Oil Guest Speaker Ms. Kathy Sylvester, WDNR Readings “Material Flows for a Sustainable City” by Ackerman and “Landfills Expand Energy Output” by Weeks Discussion of readings Field trip and guest speaker David Misterek and Jennifer Semrow Assignment: Group soil lab report (due in class) Analyze decomposition results Reading: Easters End Happy Thanksgiving – no class this week Decomposition Lab Report (individual) due at the beginning of class Discussion of reading Film “People Bomb” and discussion Assignment: Ecological Footprint Readings: “A Blot on the Land” by Rees and “Ecological Footprints: Evaluating Sustainability” by Palmer Ecological Footprint due Discussion of readings and class data Guest speaker Mr. Pete Knigge Enjoy the holidays! 11 Nov 20,22 Nov 27,29 Population Demographics 12 Dec 4,6 13 Dec 11,13 Lab Exam II * Please note that this schedule is subject to change Agriculture