Dear Neilly Beag We are having a nice time visiting


Dear Neilly Beag

We are having a nice time visiting

Loch Ness. Grannie Island and I looked for Nessie. It was fun. We didn’t find her. See you soon.

Love, Katie

Dear Neilly Beag

Having a wonderful time exploring Loch Ness. The loch is

HUGE. I think it’s the size of

Struay! Grannie Island and I have searched for Nessie all week. I fell in the loch chasing after her but it was only a shadow. I was as wet as a sheep on dipping day.

Grannie couldn’t stop laughing!

Haven’t found Nessie yet but I’m

NOT giving up! Remember to walk Bob every day and feed the cats. Love, Katie

I can plan and write the first draft of a postcard from Katie Morag 12.3.15

Neilly Beag

3 High Street

Isle of Struay

PA 78

I can write a postcard from Katie Morag 13.3.15

Dear Neilly Beag







Love, Katie

I can write a postcard from Katie Morag 13.3.15

Dear Neilly Beag








________________________ Love, Katie
