October 1, 2007 TO: FROM: RE: Members of the LERT Subcommittees John Koker, Susan Nuernberg, Barb Rau Subcommittee Charge, Learning Outcomes and Guiding Principles Thank you for agreeing to serve on a subcommittee of the University-Wide Liberal Education Reform Team (LERT). The LERT has been charged by the Chancellor to lead processes among staff, student, and faculty members that will result in the development of a university-wide liberal education reform plan. There are several goals of the plan, spelled out in the Chancellor’s Charge to the LERT, but in essence they are to identify essential learning outcomes of a liberal education and lay out actions steps to achieve those outcomes. These action steps must include cementing the relationship between learning outcomes and assessment/development of new programs on campus. Subcommittees of the LERT The LERT has identified six subcommittees: 1. Admissions and Outreach will focus on how the Learning Outcomes identified by the university community can be integrated into the recruitment and admissions processes and communications with potential students, parents, high school counselors and teachers and other important stakeholders. 2. Faculty will focus on how to attract, select, and motivate faculty and instructional academic staff members that to ensure commitment to the learning outcomes of the university through instruction, communication with students, and curricular developments. 3. Curriculum will focus on developing a curriculum that clearly establishes pathways to the Learning Outcomes and encourages students to think of their curriculum, not in terms of getting a degree, but rather, of getting an education. 4. Assessment will focus on developing assessment processes that create accountability for the Learning Outcomes and improvement of programs to continuously improve our ability to achieve those outcomes. 5. External Relations will focus on how the university can interact with important local and state stakeholders like the community, high schools, state legislators and alumni in ways that improve their understanding of a liberal education and the Learning Outcomes. 6. Integrated Marketing will focus on ensuring that the university’s marketing materials, including brochures, web sites, and advertisements communicate the Learning Outcomes as well as the ways in which the university is working to ensure students achieve those outcomes. Charge for the Subcommittees The subcommittees are charged with the following tasks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Involve and inform key stakeholders of the subcommittee about the LERT, its charge, and its tasks. Facilitate stakeholder review of the Learning Outcomes of the Liberal Education & America’s Promise (LEAP) and obtain feedback that will help to either refine Learning Outcomes for the campus (or obtain campus support for the outcomes identified by LEAP). Facilitate stakeholder review the Guiding Principles of LEAP and the draft Guiding Principles of the LERT and obtain feedback that will help to refine Guiding Principles for the campus. Conduct self-study of the subcommittee’s area by answering the guiding questions found in the AAC&U’s publication, Communicating commitment to liberal education: A self study guide for institutions. Prepare a report to bring back to the full LERT during the November meeting (date to be determined.)