Y5 & Y6 Spellings Finish Spellings 1 Spellings 7 Spellings 13 Spellings 2 Spellings 8 Spellings 14 Spellings 3 Spellings 9 Spellings 15 Spellings 4 Spellings 10 Spellings 16 Spellings 5 Spellings 11 Spellings 17 Spellings 6 Spellings 12 One person is an ind__ 58 individual Keen to succeed 38 determineddet____d Not passive. 42 aggressive ag____ve A car or bus. 21 vehicle ve______ We use the English lan___ to communicate. 37 language lan____ The P in PE. 26 physical ____cal ind___ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. A type of plant or fruit. 15 variety v___ty eg cat, hat and sat all r___ 7 rhyme r____ Where an arm joins your body. 62 shoulder sh_____ Found with thunder 79 lightning l______g A chance to do something 36 opportunity op_____ty Music has a r_____. 3 rhythm r____m We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. Go with someone. 22 accompany ac___ Eastenders is a TV pr_ 26 programme pr______ A book of words and meanings. 42 dictionary d_______y enough 22 sufficient talk 24 communicatecom____ We must protect the env_ 18 environment env____t suf______ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. 2 x 20 85 forty f___ Well known to you. 32 familiar fam____ Opinion not based on facts or experience. 0 prejudice pre_______ Sitting on the benches during assembly is a pri____. 16 privilege pri______ Butt into a conversation 40 interrupt int_____ Meddle with 21 interfere int____ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. Share an opinion about something. 28 criticise crit___ Which cat___ would you put this book into? 17 category cat____y An annoyance, a pest 11 nuisance nu_______ happen 45 occur oc____ Potatoes, leeks and beans. 50 vegetables veg____s sacrifice sac____ To give something up. 8 We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. She won the diving ___. 43 competition com____ Something to discuss and argue about. 3 controversy con____ The noun from explain. 45 explanation ex_______ Live in. 15 occupy oc______ + - x ÷ ° © are all 6 symbols _____ls Thank you. I really ap___ what you did. 23 appreciate ap____ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. A line of people waiting. 42 queue It is needed. 25 necessary n____s_y It runs the country. 38 government g_______t At once. 25 immediately im______y Measured in °C. 36 temperature t__m___ __ Large sailing boat. 26 yacht q___ y____ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. House of Commons and the House of Lords. 29 parliament pa_____ How something is said. 0 pronunciation pro_____n Certain. 10 definite Often. 40 frequently fre______y Make someone feel uncomfortable. 13 embarrass emb____s From another country. 24 foreign for___ def____ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. Not professional. 43 amateur ama___ Extremely old. 34 ancient An assistant. 29 secretary sec_____y End a letter with yours __. 62 This will trouble you if you do bad deeds. 14 conscience con_____ Where you find graves. 12 cemetery cem____ sincerely a____t sin______y We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. The TV came with a 5 year g__. 27 guarantee g______e Not particularly good or bad. 54 average A group formed to discuss and make decisions. 21 committee com______e It was not a help – it was a h__. 24 hindrance hin_____ Wonderful. 33 marvellous mar_____ A bit naughty. 24 mischievous misc____ av_____ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. A place to eat out. 39 restaurant rest___ She needed the loo. She was d__. 44 desperate desp__ Annoy and pester continually. 26 harass ha___s Free time. 18 leisure l___s__ Opposite to successful. 53 disastrous disa____s It was cheap – a b__. 74 bargain bar__ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. 12th 34 twelfth Clear to see. 26 apparent ap____t Awake – not asleep. 21 conscious con____s Person living next door. 14 neighbour n________r Make it sound better than it was. 26 exaggerate exa_____ __ Give someone a place to stay. 5 twe___ accommodate ac__m__e We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. You need these to move eg biceps, triceps. 65 muscles Write letters to. 19 correspond co______d Did it kill the cat?. 13 curiosity c_______y Grow and change. 54 develop d______p Mark on the skin following a blow. 22 bruise br_____ Difficult. 17 awkward ___w_d m___ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. Connected. 21 attached at_____ Your food goes into this. 38 stomach st_____ He or she is in the army. 64 soldier s____ Very good. 71 excellent e______t Who you are. Beware of ____ theft! 20 identity id____ A job or career which requires some training to do. 16 profession pro___ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. Give an idea. 43 suggest A hand-written name at the bottom of a letter. 29 signature s____ To identify. 19 recognise re___g__ Get someone to change their mind or do something. 28 Thing you need if you go camping. 41 equipment eq_____ He worked hard and did a th___ job. 39 thorough persuade s____t p___s___ th____ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. A group of people living close to each other. 24 community Encourage others to use something. 31 recommendrec_____ In particular. 23 especially esp______ Ready to go or be used. 47 available av_____ Ac____ to Sarah, it was a bargain! 60 according ac_____ 9 existence ex____ Bring into ex___ - create. c_m_____ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. Accomplish. 37 achieve The con____ store was handy and local. 22 convenience con__ E_____d with 3 jumpers and 2 coats, he was ready for the storm. 32 equipped e______d The way something is set up or works. 29 system s_____m Her comment was not rel___ to the lesson. 12 relevant rel____t Well meaning and honest. 49 sincere ac___ sin__ We asked 100 people to identify and spell these words. 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Pointless x 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Pointless Thank you for playing Pointless Y5 & Y6 Spellings You may also like to try: Pointless SPaG Pointless Maths – bumper edition Pointless Y3 & Y4 Spellings Pointless Roman Numerals