
We will be able to predict the meaning
of new words.
 We will be able to use clues given in the
rest of the sentence or paragraph.
Many towns had amphitheatres. They
were very popular with the citizens of
Rome. We particularly remember them
for their great gladiator fights.
Can you predict the meaning of
Roman soldiers carried a large scutum
to protect them from arrows.
In AD43 about 40 000 soldiers (four
legions) sailed to Britain to attack.
The words you have discussed are what
we call Technical Vocabulary. That
means that they are precise words that a
linked to one particular subject area.
Writing objective
We will be able to write a clear
paragraph of a non-chronological report.
We will be able to use
precise vocabulary.
Your task
You MUST rehearse your sentences orally
with your writing partner.
You SHOULD draft your sentences first on a
whiteboard then reread them.
You COULD have written a clear paragraph
of text using precise vocabulary.
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