Sentence Objective •We will know what is meant by the word definition. •We will be able to create our own definitions for common words. Define a definition •A definition is a phrase or sentence that describes the meaning of a word. •We find definitions in a dictionary or glossary. Guess the word from its definition. • A person who travels into space. Astronaut • The sharp edged front teeth of a mammal. Incisors • Trained fighter in Ancient Rome. Gladiators Your turn •Create a definition for… gold Challenge: Can you find the definitions of this word in your different class dictionaries? Text Objectives •We will be able to add a diagram to our non-chronological reports. •We will be able to use technical vocabulary to label our diagrams. Your Task • You MUST have completed a basic drawing. • You SHOULD have labelled your drawing. • You COULD have added detail to your drawing and used technical vocabulary for your labels