Learning objective: Learn to halve even numbers to 10, then 20 when ready. Name __________________ Date ________________ Halving numbers Look at each number and halve them equally into 2 groups. How many do you have in each group? This is your answer. Example Half of 10 = 5 Half of 2 = _____ Half of 4 = _____ Half of 6 = _____ Half of 8 = _____ Half of 12 = _____ *A challenge is on the next page... Learning objective: Learn to halve even numbers to 10, then 20 when ready. Draw the correct number of balls in the box and then halve them into 2 equal groups, like you did before. Half of 14 = _____ Half of 16 = _____ Half of 18 = ____ Half of 20 = ____