Improper fractions Describe the shaded parts in these shapes as a fraction. What do these fractions mean? Do they hold the same value? If 10 parts out of 10 parts =1 Then, what does How can you show mean? 13 parts out of 8 parts diagrammatically? What is the clue to help you decide how many parts there should be in each block? Total shaded parts How many parts each block should have. What is the value of the shaded part in each block? + = Exercise 1: Show the following improper fractions in diagrams like the one above: 1) 5) Five halves 2) 6) Eight thirds 3) 7) Eleven fifths 4) 8) Forty twelfths Solutions: 1) 5) Five halves 2) 6) Eight thirds 3) 7) Eleven fifths 8) Forty twelfths 4) + But, = =1 This means we can write In maths, we call 1 as 1 a mixed number. A mixed number is a number made from a WHOLE number and a PROPER fraction. Exercise 2: Use the diagrammatic answers in Exercise 1 to write all improper fractions as mixed numbers. Solutions to exercise 2 are on slides 8 and 9. Exercise 3: Can you spot the connection between mixed numbers and improper fractions and vice versa without diagrams? What is it? Exercise 4: Write these fractions as mixed numbers: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Exercise 5: Write these mixed numbers as fractions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Exercise 6: Are the following statements true or false? Why? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solutions to exercise 2 slide 6: 1) + = 2) + = 3) + = + = 4) Solutions to exercise 2 slide 6: 5) Five halves + + 6) Eight thirds + + 7) = Eleven fifths + + 8) = = Forty twelfths + + + =