Module #4 REFRESHER Documentation Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ PI34 *PI34 Synopsis Powerpoint: COMPLETE ALL THREE PI 34 COLUMNS BELOW: Before viewing the PowerPoint, list what you think you KNOW about PI 34 in terms of its development, purpose, and components. After viewing the PowerPoint and looking at the Information and Links, list what you LEARNED about PI 34 in terms of its development, purpose, and components. After viewing the PowerPoint, and looking at the Information and Links, list what questions you still HAVE about PI 34 in terms of its development, purpose, and components. STANDARDS: What have you done/will you do to be comfortable with your understanding of the 10 InTASC or WI Educator Standards and what they look like in terms of a teacher candidate’s performance in the classroom? How have you addressed/will you address the standards with your teacher candidate? UW OSHKOSH COMPLETE EACH SECTION BELOW edTPA / Portfolio What is your understanding of the purpose, features, preparation and/or use of the edTPA and how it relates to the UW Oshkosh teacher candidates’ Transition to Teaching Portfolio. prePDP What is your understanding of the purpose for/preparation of UW Oshkosh’s prePDP and your role in your student teacher’s prePDP process? If you will be working with student teachers from institutions other than UW Oshkosh: Instead of answering the prePDP question, tell me about your understanding of the other institution’s requirements for their student teachers. How do these affect your role as a cooperating teacher? Related information on each of the topics above can be found at: Required Readings THE JOB OF SUPERVISING Step One: COMPLETE EACH SECTION BELOW REFERENCING YOUR PAST OR CURRENT EXPERIENCES PREPARATION: How did/will you go about preparing yourself, your classroom, your students and your colleagues for the presence of your teacher candidate? DEVELOPING A RELATIONSHIP: What steps have you taken/will you take in order to develop and maintain a positive relationship with your teacher candidate? OBSERVATION AND COMMUNICATION: What have you done/will you do in terms of observing your teacher candidate in the classroom? What methods, strategies and/or approaches have you used/will you use to communicate the knowledge, disposition and/or performance you observed? SUCCESSES AND STRUGGLES: What methods, strategies and/or approaches have you used/will you use to provide opportunities for your teacher candidate’s professional growth, whether they are to challenge him/her to move beyond established skills or mentor him/her through challenges in the classroom? Step Two: Read at least 8 of the Required Readings Step Three: Review your The Job of Supervising chart above. Based on your initial responses and the information found in the readings, complete the following chart by listing: 5 new things that you will make sure to do in your role as cooperating teacher. 3 things that you may struggle with or question in your role as cooperating teacher. 1 area that you want to investigate further REASONS FOR BECOMING A COOPERATING TEACHER Read through the following statements, choosing which one best fits your personal reasons for becoming a Cooperating Teacher. Explain your answer below. Opportunity for professional development/growth; Provide a sense of personal/professional satisfaction; Get new ideas/materials/strategies; Provide freshness to the classroom; A new perspective for you about your students/classroom/content; An extra pair of hands; A chance for some individualized/small group instruction; Provides another adult for students to develop a meaningful relationship with; A chance for you to self-reflect on your objectives, teaching methods, relationships…; Other (personal reason) Submit this Documentation and the required Commitment Form to Penny Buckley at If you are interested in earning the graduate credit, you may complete the Workshop Assignments.