Where do We Go from Here? Thoughts on Computer Architecture Jack Dennis

Where do We Go from Here?
Thoughts on
Computer Architecture
Jack Dennis
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
• The purpose of a computer is to execute
programs that implement applications.
• Programs are expressed in programming
• It makes no sense to design computers
without taking into account the principles of
software methodology and programming
language design.
• Modularity: It should be possible to use a
program module in the construction of other
programs without knowledge of its internal
• Generality: It should be possible to pass any
data object between program modules.
• Determinacy: Unexpected asynchronous
hazards should not be possible.
These principles apply to parallel as well as
sequential programs.
Lessons from Multics
• Address Space: Many segments per process.
• Why such a large address space?
• “To permit a degree of programming
generality not previously practical. This
includes the ability of one procedure to use
[any] other procedure knowing only its
• “to permit sharing of procedures and data
among users subject only to proper
Lessons from MULTICS
• In Multics, segments have independently
assigned numbers in each process, and
unlinking segments leaves gaps that may
never get reused.
• This makes it difficult for processes to
collaborate in a modular fashion.
• In IBM System/38 and AS/400, “handles”
are universal, but the system software does
not support the generality achieved per
process in Multics.
Data Flow: Motivation
• Question: How to express concurrency?
• Answer: Use implicit parallelism!
• Forms of implicit parallelism:
Data Parallel
In an expression such as
(u + v) * (x + y)
the subexpressions (u + v) and (x + y) may be
evaluated in parallel.
If neither of two functions depends on the
results of the other, as in
z = f (x, u) + g (x)
the two function applications may be
evaluated concurrently.
Data Parallelism
A new array Z may be specified in Sisal by
Z :=
for i in [1..n]
z = X[i - 1] + Y[i +1] * 2.0;
returns array of z
end for;
where the body code may be executed
independently for each value of index i.
In a computation such as:
While true do
x = f(x);
send g(x) at port;
While true do
y = receive at port;
z= h(z,y);
the producer and consumer processes can
operate concurrently.
Data Flow: Influence
Data Flow ideas were presented at:
• The Second IEEE Symposium on Computer
Architecture, 1975: “A Preliminary Architecture
for a Basic Data-Flow Processor.”
• The 1975 Sagamore Conference on Parallel
Processing: “Packet Communication
Architecture.” where I presented an impromptu
seminar on the work of my MIT group.
Data Flow: Projects
Experimental machines were designed or prototyped
in laboratories worldwide, including:
Texas Instruments
NEC (two products)
Manchester University (England)
ETL,Tskuba (Japan)
Tokyo, Keio, and Osaka Universities (Japan)
Data Flow: A Conclusion
• It is possible to build efficient processors
that exploit implicit parallelism.
• Related ideas are embodied in
contemporary superscalar processor
Data Flow: Monsoon
• An MIT group led by Professor Arvind built
the Monsoon data flow multiprocessor in
cooperation with the Motorola Corp.
• Monsoon demonstrated that: Significant
scientific applications can be written in a
functional programming language to fully
exploit their implicit parallelism on a data
flow multiprocessor.
The Sisal Programming Language
• Developed at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory (LLNL) based on work at the MIT
Computation Structures Group. (1985)
• Compiler developed by LLNL competitive with
Fortran for kernels of important scientific codes.
• Should be extended to support streams and
• Single Processor Computers are reaching
their limit; computers with multiple
processors will be the rule in the future.
• Programming for multiple processors is a
disaster area due to code explosion and
unwanted asynchronous hazards.
• A global address space for all activities
simplifies process multiplexing and storage
• A global address space supports effective data
protection and security.
• Functional programming permits expression of
programs with implicit parallelism.
• Functional programming languages support a
general form of modular programming.
• It can be shown how to implement efficient
transaction processing within a functional
programming framework.
• With only a small sacrifice in single-thread
performance, it is possible to build superscalar
simultaneous multithread processors that are much
simpler than today’s superscalar processors.
• Exploitation of parallelism eliminates most of the
benefits of speculative execution.
Therefore future computer architecture
• Employ simultaneous multithread
• Implement a global shared name space
• Support modular program construction
through functional programming.
Some Radical Ideas
• Fixed-size “Chunks” of Memory
• No Update of Chunks
• Built-in Garbage Collection
• Cycle-Free Heap
A Fresh Breeze System
Interprocessor Network
Shared Memory System
Memory Chunks and Pointers
• Chunk: A fixed-size unit of memory
allocation. 1024 bits of data; for example,
32 x 32-bit words or 16 x 64-bit longs.
• Each chunk has a unique 64-bit unique
identifier; this is the pointer or unique
identifier of the chunk.
Representation of Arrays
• An array of arbitrary size may be
represented by a tree of chunks.
Eight levels suffices to represent an array of
16 ** 8 = ~ 4 * (10**9) 64-bit elements.
Multiprocessor Chip
Instr Association CAM
Instruction Access Net
Data Association CAM
Data Access Net
Shared Memory System Interface
• Towards the Computer Utility: A Career in
Computer System Architecture.
An essay written for the 50th reunion of the MIT
class of 1953.
• A Parallel Program Execution Model Supporting
Modular Software Construction.
A paper presented at the 1997 Massively Parallel
Programming Models symposium, London.