Position Description Non-Instructional Staff

Position Description
Non-Instructional Staff
Complete this form for analysis of, and/or update of a position description for noninstructional academic staff, university staff continuous, and university staff temporary.
All appointments require a position description prior to recruitment.
Non-Instructional Academic Staff
University Staff
Revised – Current Incumbent:
Currently Vacant – Former Incumbent:
New to Department/Division (no former or current incumbent)
Date Created/Updated:
Position Information
Position Title:
Working Title (if applicable):
Supervisory Position:
Terms of Appointment
Reports to (name and title):
Faculty/Academic Staff:
University Staff:
Position of Trust:
Fixed-Term Terminal
Fixed-Term Renewable
Project Appointment
Defined as: Position requires unsupervised or significant access to minors, under the age of 18 who are NOT enrolled or
accepted for enrollment at a UW System Institution, and medical patients (vulnerable populations); property access;
financial/fiduciary duties; and all executive positions
*Refer to position description guidelines for assistance/reference.*
Position Summary Statement: Please describe in paragraph format the major goals of this position.
Essential Job Functions and Responsibilities:
What major duties are required for the position? Include fiscal and supervisory responsibilities.
Note: Please indicate the percentage (%) of time associated with essential and additional duties. Regardless of FTE, total
combined must equal 100%.
Essential Job Functions: Describe the major achievements, outputs, or results. List them in descending order of importance.
Responsibilities: Under each job function list the responsibilities performed to meet that goal.
of Time (%)
Essential Job Functions and Responsibilities
Revised: 10/14/2015
Contact Human Resources with Questions
Phone: 920/424-1166; Fax: 920/424-2021
hroffice@uwosh.edu; www.uwosh.edu/hr
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Position Description
Non-Instructional Staff
E. Continue on; can add more essential job functions if appropriate.
Other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Preferred Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Essential Skills, if applicable:
Physical Demands such as walking, lifting, equipment operations, etc.
Working Conditions and Environment such as necessary travel, evenings, and weekends to meet the needs of the department.
Core Competencies: May add additional competencies beyond the UW Oshkosh competencies listed
UW Oshkosh Core Competencies:
1. Job Knowledge and Technical Skills: Demonstrates proficiency in technical and job knowledge aspects of the
position to achieve a high level of performance; possesses an ability and desire to learn. Starts with the position
description and identifies the “big rocks” of the position — the half dozen or so most important tasks, duties,
outcomes or responsibilities of the position.
2. Self-Awareness and Professional Development: Proactively looks for opportunities to develop own skills and
related behaviors in areas of expertise in an effort to maximize performance and effectiveness.
3. Communication and Personal Effectiveness: Effectively communicates with stakeholders to share and express
information in an ethical and forthright manner.
4. Customer Orientation: Empathetically seeks understanding of what stakeholders require and expect and uses
available resources, policies and opportunities in their best interest without compromising institutional values.
5. Collaborating and Partnership: Effectively develops relationships and collaborates with all stakeholders; values
teamwork and applies a variety of strategies to meet the needs of a diverse constituency.
6. Achievement Orientation: Has a strong sense of urgency about proactively solving problems and getting work
done; gains support for ideas, proposals, projects and solutions, takes initiative.
7. Leadership: Demonstrates institutional responsibility, administrative skill, as well as a commitment to and a
vision for public service; demonstrates ability to achieve positive outcomes by encouraging, supporting,
coaching, developing and mentoring others.
Additional for supervisors:
 Regularly reviews performance and holds timely performance appraisal and goal setting discussions.
 Holds people accountable and takes corrective action when necessary.
 Encourages and rewards effort, hard work, and results.
 Facilitates and creates compelling vision that drives the strategy of the department and/or University.
 Accomplishes major strategic goals according to established timelines.
 Demonstrates commitment to employee health and safety.
Contact Human Resources with Questions
Phone: 920/424-1166; Fax: 920/424-2021
hroffice@uwosh.edu; www.uwosh.edu/hr
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Position Description
Non-Instructional Staff
Supervisory Review
 I attest to the supervision, direction and review given to the work in this position.
 The statements and time estimates above accurately describe the work assigned to the position.
Signature of Supervisor:
Employee Review
 I have read and understand that the statements and time estimates above are a description of the
functions assigned my position.
Signature of Employee:
HRS Position Number:
-- For Human Resources Use Only-FLSA:  Exempt
 Non-Exempt
CUPA Code:
Contact Human Resources with Questions
Phone: 920/424-1166; Fax: 920/424-2021
hroffice@uwosh.edu; www.uwosh.edu/hr
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