AtGentive WP2 AtGentNet AtGentive; 2nd General Meeting; 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Thierry Nabeth, Yé Deng & Pradeep Kumar Mittal INSEAD CALT (Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies) 2nd WP2: AtGentNet; AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Table of content: What is AtGenNet The “emerging” design (key points) The different categories of services Implementation of the Design Future work WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK The “emerging” Design of AtGentNet The design of AtGentNet (what is in AtGentNet) is progressively emerging as we are experimenting and following some feedbacks from STC. 2nd WP2: AtGentNet; AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Key points we have learned 2 usages considered: A communication platform, and a platform for supporting the management of learning. Objective is to support Information overload, and cognitive overload Importance to have an elaborated way to notify. Richer meta-information associated to posting and that can be used to better manage attention (better way to present and to notify) Support of roles (community organisers, professors, students), and some level of personalisation (context) The 3 attentional supports: perception, metacognition, operation. It appears a good idea for structuring the services. WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Key open points to be addressed The added value of artificial characters for interacting with managers. (some ideas, but still to be validated !) Advanced support for attention such as intelligent guidance and context management. User modelling (sophistication, emotion?) User profiling. (physiological measures?) Connection to external services (skype, etc.). WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK The different categories of services Perception Metacognitive support Operational support 2nd WP2: AtGentNet; AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK The dimensions of attention support: Perception / discernment. How to present information, knowledge, process in a way enhancing perception. (information design) The metacognition of attention. How to help the users to improve their current practices and performance (informed from attention theories). Execution. How support the users’ working and learning processes in a way that reduce cognition overload (interruption management, process automation) WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Support of perception Information design: user interface issues. Cognitive “ergonomics”. Colour, positioning, texture, sound, … (see. Attention research). Themes. Multi-modality: artificial characters, voice, … Social translucence Personalisation Group personalisation (support of roles) Magic Lens Summarization portal WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Illustration: artificial characters Question: How should they intervene in the context of adult users? As the Microsoft agents assistants? Not sure! To welcome participants? To support chat discussion? (talking characters) To explore: To help to conduct transformation & changes in a community. (INSEAD & Cantoche expertise in Change management) Mechanisms: Some postings are to be specifically design to be delivered by artificial characters WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Support of meta-cognition Approaches and mechanisms helping to understand how to manage attention. Display of people activities Display of community activities Comparison (to help to situate) WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Support of operation Approaches and mechanisms helping to understand how to manage attention. Agenda Automation of tasks (e.g. associate an action / handler to a post) WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK AtGentNet: Supporting Knowledge exchange The users: Managers geographically distributed They work in SMEs and they feel isolated The activities They share documents and cases They share experiences via interaction in discussions (forum, chats, etc.) They can also engage into some learning activities (lectures, simulations, etc.) WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Where does Mr Fox works? Who is Edward Fox ? WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Some Scenarios Scenarios illustrating how to: Enhance user perception More effectively help people to better manage their attention Help them to develop attentional selfreflective metacognitive capabilities WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Support of perception AtGentNet will be structured as a set of well identified and specialised spaces supporting a limited number of activities. The items will be display in order to help spot the more important items How The creation of dedicated spaces will reduce the likelyhood of distraction of the user. Besides, the form of the space will reinforce the perception of the context of the interaction WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Support of perception: the ”Magic Lens” Individual enhancing and filtering of shared representation The Magic Lens concept consist in providing a personalized enhanced perception of a common representation, taking into account the specificity of the users interacting with this representation. More concretely the different users wearing this magic leans (that can be activated in the browser) will get a slightly perception of the shared space (Cybrary, Forum, Chatroom, etc.) in which they interact. Example of user experiences: in a forum, the user will see magnified the posting of the other users that are important to him. WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Support of metacognition AtGentNet will provide a set of mechanisms to develop his / her attentional meta-cognitive abilities Via: The visualisation of it previous activity related to his / her dedicated attention (where did he spent his time, what are his actions). This information will be extracted from the observed activity. A set of assessment of his current way of managing his / attention. The system may indicate an observed attentional profile. The definition of an agenda (getting focussed), and the suggestion of an attentional profile matching this agenda? A set of presentation & exercises to understand attentional concepts. (for instance stories presenting cases of bad practices; for instance on the good use of email; different categories of attention –captive / voluntary- -front of mind / back of mind-, etc.)? WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Support of metacognition an agent may suggest some new behaviour and practices. (your quote all your messages as very important. “Do you know the story of the boy who cried Wolf”. Or, I observe that you are using the email to communicate with the same group of people. Why not to create a blog? it may help you to make best use of your time.) An agent may question the relevance of the behavioural profile with the stated agenda of the user (dissonance). WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Operational support: tools Mechanisms facilitation the communication process, and time management. Advanced notification mechanisms (indicated via the metadata of the posting, use of IM, …). Home pages Advanced calendars WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK Operational support: Agent Guidance The Agent, aware of the user’s profile and of the context may proactively intervene. Example: an embodied character, only visible by the user, may intervene and indicate an item of particular importance An agent may suggest an action to a student. For instance in AtGentSchool, the agent may ask the student a specific action related to the creation of a story (write an introduction). WP2: AtGentNet; 2nd AtGentive GM 21-22 May 2006, Oxford, UK