Art Metals II/ Room S24 Fall 2012 / UWO

Art Metals II/ Room S24
Fall 2012 / UWO
Asst. Prof. Jessica Calderwood /
Office: 508 / Hours: Tue/Thur 9:00-10:00am or by appt.
Course Description:
This course will further advance your skills in jewelry and metalworking. Your base of knowledge
will become broader as you experiment with new and old materials, processes, and forms.
Emphasis will be placed on using new metals processes as a mode for personal expression.
Required Text: The Complete Metalsmith: the Professional Edition by Tim McCreight
Course Requirements:
Class Projects: There will be 3 main projects pertaining to demonstrations and lectures
given during class.
Late work will be significantly down-graded. Projects will not be accepted after 1 week
past the due date.
Samples: Certain complicated processes require that you make a small sample. This will
demonstrate your technical capabilities before you approach a more elaborate project.
Participation: Come to class prepared to work. Bring all materials and supplies you will
need that day. Speak up at critiques and presentations. Spend time working outside of
Attendance: This class has everything to do with participation, practice, and discipline.
-More than 3 absences will lower you final grade by one letter. Your grade will
then be lowered by a partial letter grade for every absence thereafter.
-3 incidences of coming to class late, leaving early, not being prepared with
materials, or not working during class time will equal one absence.
-Official excused absences require a note from your doctor for illness
-6 unexcused absences may result in you being asked to drop the class or
receive a failing grade.
- Students needing to use resources outside of the studio (for research purposes)
Must make arrangements with the instructor BEFORE leaving. Otherwise, it will
be considered an absence.
Lab Hours:
You will be given key access to the studio in exchange for supervising 3 open shop hours per
week. Arrange a time that is convenient for Metal I students (and you) and fill out the open shop
schedule. If you do not attend your shop hours the result will be a grade reduction. You
are to monitor the lab and work on your projects.
Make sure the shop is clean, tools put away and gas lines are appropriately shut down at the end
of your hours. Never invite friends into this lab and never lend out tools! It is your responsibility
to make an effort to find a sub if you can’t make your hours. Contacting the prof. is the last
option. A demo and test on proper torch operation will be administered during the first week of
classes. If a student cannot pass or repeatedly makes mistakes, an alternative will be arranged.
Grading Policy: 100 pt scale
Project 1 ………………………20 ______
Project 2……………………….20 ______
Project 3……………………….20 ______
Sample 1……….…………..….10 ______
Sample 2………………….…...10 ______
Sample 3………………….……10 ______
Participation……. ………....10 ______
A: given to projects that excel in concept, resolve technical and design problems and
show mastery of technique
B: given to projects that excel in either concept or technique but fall short in the other
C: means that the project is average in both concept and technique
D: given to completed projects that show minimal investment of time, thought and
F: given to incomplete projects that show minimal effort
Grading Scale:
A = 94-100 pts
A- = 90-93
B+= 87-89
B = 84-86
B- = 80-83
C+= 77-79
C = 74-76
C- = 70-73
D+= 67-69
D = 64-66
D- = 60-63
F = 0-59
No open-toed shoes in the studio
Safety glasses must be worn when working with power tools and machinery
Keep long hair tied back at all times, avoid excessive hairspray
Absolutely no headphones allowed while using power tools or torches!!!!
Do not use a tool or machine until you have been instructed on its use and safety
All gas lines and acid baths must be turned off at the end of class - Soldering stations
cleaned and organized
The Classroom
The Art Department is not responsible for any lost or stolen items that are left in classrooms during
and outside of class times.
Students will be expected to:
 Turn off cell phones and pagers before entering classroom.
 Be in class and be on time
 Dress appropriately for class activities
 Maintain knowledge of their grade status
Contact instructor right away about concerns or situations that interfere with their
success in class
Email Etiquette:
 In order to maintain a level of professionalism, please use a respectful letter format when
contacting your professors via email.
Lab Fee:
A non-refundable fee is added to your tuition to cover the cost of expendables.
Materials List: (* =should be brought to the 2nd class)
*Tools from Metals I
*Sharpie marker (fine point)
*Ruler (w/ inches and centimeters)
Dust mask or respirator
*Sketchbook or journal
Masking tape
*Rag or old shirt
6 plastic bags (for turning in your samples and projects)
Wire cutters
Round nose pliers
Flat nose pliers
Casting grain (bronze or silver)
Silver Solder: easy, medium, and hard (buy only at the bookstore!!!)
Recommended Books:
Jewelry Concepts and Technology, by: Oppi Untract
Metal Techniques for the Craftsman, by: Oppi Untract
The Penland Book of Jewelry, Editor: Marthe Le Van
The Metalsmith’s Book of Boxes & Lockets, by: Tim McCreight
Jewelry: Fundamentals of Metalsmithing, by: Tim McCreight
Hydraulic Die-Forming for Jewelers & Metasmiths, by: Susan Kingsley
500 Series Books on Jewelry, by Lark books, 1000 Rings, 500 Bracelets, 500 Brooches, 500 Necklaces, 500 Earrings
Silver-smithing, by: Rupert Finegold and William Seitz
The Theory and Practice of Goldsmithing, by: Erhard Brepohl, Tim McCreight, and Charles Lewton-Brain
The Art of Jewelry Design: From Idea to Reality, by: Elizabeth Oliver
Jewelry: From Antiquity to the Present, by Clare Phillips
Course Outline and Reading from The Complete Metalsmith
I Die Forming – (pp 64 – 67)
II Lost Wax Casting (pp 164- 176)
III Etching (pp 88-89)