2D Design and Color (112-003) Fall 2012 MW 1:50-4:00 PM Room: A/C S217 3 credits Instructor: Sharon Lindenfeld lindenfs@uwosh.edu Office hours: A/C 513, MW 10:45am- 12:15pm Overview In this semester, we will learn tools to help us make effective artworks. We will develop a design vocabulary and skills to utilize elements of design, composition, color, and visual illusion to communicate our ideas. We will also learn how to analyze and talk about art. Course Objectives -Learn design devices and principles -Explore color theory -Learn to mix and use color -Balance and unify compositions -Acquire a visual vocabulary -Learn studio habits -Be able to critique and analyze 2-D artworks formally -Collect a set of guidelines and questions to return to throughout college and your long artistic life Required Text Launching the Imagination: A Comprehensive Guide to Basic Design (4th edition) Mary Stewart/McGraw Hill ISBN: 978-0-07337924-1 Supplies There is a $10 lab fee for this course. This course will provide acrylic paint, miscellaneous media (eg pastels, Mod Podge), plastic trays, tracing and transfer paper and a few tools. You must also purchase: Sketchbook 8.5 x 11 1 pad of bristol paper 18 x 24 Acrylic paint – black, white, red, yellow, blue, magenta (4 oz.) for your final project Assorted brushes Metal ruler Glue sticks Assorted black markers (thick and fine) HB pencil gum eraser Attendance and Grading Policy Three unexcused absences are allowed. Final grades will be lowered by a full letter grade (eg. an A- to a B-) for each additional absence. Three late arrivals or early departures (over ten minutes) are equal to one absence. This means that after four absences (or three absences and three early departures), the highest possible grade you can earn is a B+. After four absences, a C+, and so on. Seven absences will result in an automatic failure. Written documentation (a note from a health care provider or dean of students) is required to excuse an absence. You are responsible for keeping track of how many absences you have. Attendance and work at critiques are mandatory. One missed critique (ie. no work in the critique) will result in a full letter grade reduction on that project. A late project will result in a third of a letter grade (eg. A- to a B+) deducted per calendar day that it is late. Final Grade Breakdown 60% Five Projects (10%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 20%) 5% Reading Quizzes 5% Sketchbook 20% Activities 10% Participation (prepared for class, participation in critiques) Activities We will be doing a series of activities in class and as homework. You will turn these in every other Monday (on odd numbered weeks). They will be graded based on effort, skills acquired, concepts explored, and experimentation/risk. Activities will be deducted one full letter grade (from an A- to a B-) if turned in on the following Wednesday after the Monday it was due, or deducted two letter grades (from an A- to a B-) if an entire week late. It will not be accepted after that. Projects Larger projects will be assigned and critiqued in class. Project Grade Breakdown Projects will be based on effort, skills acquired, concepts explored, level of completion, aesthetic success of the image, quality of solution to the design “problem,” craftsmanship, and presentation. Sketchbook Include all notes, thumbnails and more developed sketches. You will turn these in four times over the course of the semester. You will also paste any inspiration research (photos, magazine cut-outs, print-outs etc). Email Check your email at least once a day and read any announcements I send out; often they have important information in them. You are responsible for that information, as long as I give you 24 hours notice. The best way to reach me is through email (lindenfs@uwosh.edu). I will check my email once a day, so if you need to reach me before class, email me at least 24 hours before class. If you email me the day of class, I might have already checked it that morning and may not receive your email in time. While I try to keep to the syllabus, sometimes we fall behind or run ahead. Therefore, if you miss class, contact another student or me to find out the assignment. If you miss class, you are still responsible for keeping up with assignments. Contact information: Building Access The building opens at 7 AM and closes at 11 PM, but the doors lock at 10 PM, so you need to be inside by then. If you want to work later than that, you can request permission from me to sign a late pass that allows you to stay after hours. The fine for staying late to work without a pass is pretty high, and you are responsible for getting a pass from the Art Office on the 3rd floor. Storage You can get a locker in the basement by purchasing a combination lock, placing it on a locker, and registering this lock with the Art Office on the third floor. There is also a shelf where we can temporarily leave a few projects but not supplies. Cellular Phones and iPods Use of cellular phones is prohibited in this class. You may listen to your iPod during personal worktime. SCHEDULE This schedule is subject to change. In class I will give you all the information on assignments. WEEK 1 2 DATE W 9/5 M 9/10 W 9/12 3 M 9/17 W 9/19 4 M 9/24 W 9/26 5 M 10/1 READING ASSIGN. LTI Ch 5 Ch 1 “Line” pp 210, Ch 6 Ch 1 “Shape” pp 10-22 Ch 1 “Texture” pp 22-29 ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS Line Shape Turn in activities Ch 7 “Critical Texture Thinking” 140-148 CRITIQUE Line Shape and Texture Project Ch 1 “Value” pp Value 29-35 Turn in activities and sketchbook W 10/3 6 M 10/8 7 W 10/10 M 10/15 8 12 13 14 Expressive/Symbolic Color Turn in activities M 10/22 Ch 2 Quiz M 10/29 Ch 3 “Unity and Variety” pp 66-74 Ch 3 “Balance” pp 74-81 Ch 3 “Scale and Proportion” “Rhythm” and “Emphasis” pp 8287 M 11/5 W 11/7 11 Ch 2 “Emotion and Expression” pp 58-63 CRITIQUE Color Mixing and Schemes Project W 10/31 10 Ch 1 Quiz Color Theory W 10/7 W 10/24 9 Ch 2 “Color Physics and Defining Color” pp 38-48 Ch 2 “Harmony and Disharmony” and “Composing with Color”pp 4958 M 11/12 W 11/14 M 11/19 W 11/21 M 11/26 W 11/28 M 12/3 W 12/5 Ch 4 “Creating the Illusion of Space” pp 92-101 Ch 4 “Illusion of Motion” pp 102107 NO CLASS Ch 8 “Constructing Meaning” pp 158177 “Repetition with Variation” Turn in activities and sketchbook CRITIQUE Balance and Unity Project due Ch 3 Quiz Turn in activities CRITIQUE Space Project Due Ch 4 Quiz THANKSGIVING Turn in activities and sketchbook Discuss Final Project Discussion of Economy, Subject vs. Content 15 M 12/10 W 12/12 FINAL PORTFOLIO CRITIQUE final project, Turn in project and sketchbook