Special Education 790 Summer 2010 Instructors:

Summer Hybrid 790 1
Special Education 790
Summer 2010
Dr. Stacey Skoning
NE 410
Fax: 920/424-0858
Dr. Berttram Chiang
NE 508
Fax: 920/424-0858
Class Time: Tuesdays /Thursdays, [6-15, 6-17, 6-22, 6-24, 6-29, 8-5] (9:00a.m. –
Class Location: N/E 210
Course Description:
The focus of this course is upon developing student ability to critically evaluate research
within educational literature. This course will include extensive practice of critical
analysis of research reports and synthesis of bodies of research information. This
course should be taken toward the end of the student’s graduate program, just prior to
completion of the thesis or field report in special education. Prerequisites: 16-781 and
Course Objectives:
The student will demonstrate:
1. well developed written communication skills.
2. well developed oral communication skills.
3. the ability to lead a group discussion and defend a position within an adversarial
4. expert knowledge about research results related to a topic area within special
5. a working knowledge of research methodology, procedures, analysis, and
6. a generally sound knowledge of special education and the student’s area of
certification in particular.
7. a working knowledge of the style of written communication presented within the
APA Publication Manual.
8. the ability to write a thorough review of research within a selected topic area.
9. the ability to critically interpret research results and its implication within a topic
area selected by the student.
Summer Hybrid 790 2
Grading Scale:
A – 100-95%
B – 85-89.9%
C – 75-79.9%
A- – 92.5-94.9%
B- – 82.5-84.9%
C- - 72.5-74.9%
B+ – 90-92.4%
C+ – 80-82.4%
F - 72.4% or below
UWO Academic Integrity Policy:
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is committed to a standard of academic integrity
for all students. The system guidelines state: “Students are responsible for the honest
completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources, and
for respect of others’ academic endeavors.” (UWS 14.01, Wisconsin Administrative
Students are subject to disciplinary action for academic misconduct, which is defined in
UWS 14.03, Wisconsin Administrative Code. Students on the UW Oshkosh campus
have been suspended from the University for Academic Misconduct.
Students are encouraged to review the procedures related to violations of academic
honesty as outlined I Chapter UWS 14, Wisconsin Administrative Code. The system
guidelines and local procedures are printed in the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Student Discipline Code 2000-01.
Specific questions regarding the provisions in Chapter UWS 14 (and institutional
procedures approved to implement Chapter UWS 14) should be directed to the Dean of
Students Office.
Professional Student Behavior
The instructional method for the class is interactive, so participation is emphasized and
desired. Individual response, partnering to complete in-class projects, small and large
group instruction are frequent expectations of the class. Student participation is also
reflected in promptness, attention to the topic being discussed, listening to fellow
students, providing and initiating appropriate discussion, giving solid effort on all
projects, submitting projects and assignments when due, showing respect and courtesy
to fellow students and the instructor, and acting in a manner reflective of an adult
student. To maintain a harmonious learning environment please respect the following
- Arriving at class on time is expected.
- Be courteous and aware of the balance in classroom conversations. One person talks
while others listen. All students should have equal opportunity to participate in class.
- Turn cell phones and similar electronic communication devices off or to non-audio alert
- Each student is responsible for cleaning up his/her own refuse.
Summer Hybrid 790 3
- Inappropriate classroom behavior will result in the student being asked to leave for the
remainder of the class period. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Cheating is not acceptable. The student/s found to be cheating by the instructor will
receive an F for the course.
UWO Class Absence Policy:
If a student will be absent from class for emergencies, medical reasons, or exceptional
personal reasons, he/she is responsible, if capable of doing so, for contacting
professors individually or through their departments. If the student, family member, or
friend is not able to contact professors or the student will be absent more than three (3)
class days, the Dean of Students Office may be asked to send notifications of the
absence as reported to staff. The Dean of Students Office does not verify this
information but often receives medical documentation for serious emergencies (2000-01
Student Handbook/Calendar, page 13).
Please be certain to attend and participate in all classes. Failure to do so will result in
both losses of course content and a grade penalty.
“The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is committed to providing reasonable
accommodations for students with disabilities. Please contact Disability Services [Dean
of Students Office 125 Dempsey Hall 424-3100 (voice) 424-1319 (TTY)] for the
University’s accommodations request form and documentation requirements.
Information related to an individual’s accommodations request form and/or
arrangements will be confidential and will be shared with relevant University personnel
or offices on a ‘need to know’ basis.”
If you require greater class structure due to individual learning needs please talk to
either instructor and we will work collaboratively to meet these needs.
Required Textbooks:
Publication Manual: American Psychological Association (APA) 5th Edition.
Required Downloads:
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Institutional Review Board Policy Statement –
Summer Hybrid 790 4
Course Requirements:
#1-4 will be submitted electronically to the corresponding D2L dropbox for
the course
1. Issue Statement: Problem description (20 points).
2. Proposal Outline: Students will create an outline for each of the three proposed
chapters (25 points each).
3. Peer Reviews: Students will provide a minimum of 3 peer reviews. Each review
will consist of documented written and oral feedback via a peer conference (10
points each).
4. Proposed Chapter 1, 2 and 3: Students will complete (a) the proposed first three
chapters for their field report or thesis research and (b) IRB based on the
attached outline. These must have final approval from the instructors and student
must have prior IRB approval as a prerequisite to Spec Ed 794/5 (200 points).
5. Oral Defense: Students will orally defend their proposed three chapters during
“Presentations” on August 5th (60 points).
6. Participation: Students are expected to attend classes and participate fully in
class discussions and activities (15 points).
Tentative Course Outline for 790 Summer 2010
Main Topics
Introduction, Action Research, Library Tour
Study APA manual and identify a research question
Critiquing research, Single Subject design,
Intro to participant protection, Writing
Print out IRB forms and study IRB process
Begin reading, analyzing, and organizing the
literature on your topic
Quantitative Research
IRB, Qualitative Research
Bring quantitative article
Determining research methodology
Chapter 2 (final and draft with
peer feedback) due to
Bring qualitative article
Assignments Due
Issue statement due
Chapter 2 outline due to
Bring single subject article
Summer Hybrid 790 5
Chapter 3 outline due to
Chapter 3 (final and draft with
peer feedback) and completed
IRB due to instructors
8-5-2010 Presentations of the proposed first three chapters
Chapter 1 (final and draft with
peer feedback) due to
Chapters 1, 2, and 3 due to
Summer Hybrid 790 6
Special Education 790
Evaluation Criteria for the Proposed First 3 Chapters
Name: ____________________________________
Chapter 1 (60 points total)
A. Written within APA (5th Ed.) guidelines (10)
B. The mechanics in writing is of high quality (10)
C. The organization in writing is of high quality (10)
D. Research problem is clearly identified (10)
E. Relevance of problem is explained (10)
F. Content gives a complete overview of the Research problem (10)
Chapter 2 (60 points total)
A. Written within APA (5th Ed.) guidelines (10)
B. The mechanics in writing is of high quality (10)
C. The organization in writing is of high quality (10)
D. Literature review is logical (10)
E. Literature review is integrated (10)
F. Literature review is thorough (10)
Chapter 3 (60 point total)
A. Written within APA (5th Ed.) guidelines (10)
B. The mechanics in writing is of high quality (10)
C. The organization in writing is of high quality (10)
D. Research methods are clearly explained and appropriate (10)
E. Data collection procedures are clearly explained and appropriate (10)
F. Data analysis procedures are clearly explained and appropriate (10)
IRB proposal
IRB proposal is properly completed (20)
TOTAL maximum points (200)
Summer Hybrid 790 7
Special Education 790
Evaluation Criteria for the Presentation
Name __________________________
I. Content (40 points subtotal)
A. focusing on relevant issues and offering valuable information (10)
B. demonstrating familiarity with topic (10)
C. providing details about research methodology (10)
D. responding to questions (oral defense) with clarity (10)
II. Delivery (20 points subtotal)
A. using visual aids effectively to capture audience attention (10)
B. presenting in a well-organized, confident, interesting, and enthusiastic style (10)
TOTAL (60 points maximum)