.ps 16 .vs 18 .ce \fBSolar Wind Propagation Code\fR

.ps 16
.vs 18
\fBSolar Wind Propagation Code\fR
.sp 2
.ps 12
.vs 14
.ti +3m
The simple, momentum and particle conserving propagation code is written
entirely in IDL and is currently located in the ~asz/idl directory.
The general algorithm and physics of the model is explained on the
following pages. Also, the code has some inline documentation.
.ti +3m
Currently the code is set up to accept Ulysses data as it is
stored in the file /plasma/h1/jts/proj/voy/ulysses/ulysses.6hrave.dat.
To change it, look at the code. It is important to keep
the units of the various physical parameters consistent.
As the data is read in, all of the previously read data is propagated
forward. That is the time step size is determined by the resolution
of the input data file. Once all of the data is read, the time step size
is determined by the content of the variable DTIME. The solar wind
will merge if their center gets closer to each other then DMIN AUs.
Parcels are broken in half if they grow beyond DMAX AU size.
Density dissipation will take into effect if the ratio of density
between any two parcels exceeds MAXDDEN. You can also subtract a fixed
speed at the input time from all parcels. This artificial slow down
value is stored in SWSLOW.
.ti +3m
The recording position (39 AU for Voyager 2) is stored in RECPOS.
The recorded data is stored in the file recout.data. The screen will
also show an animation of the propagation. Parcels are propagated only
to the maximum distance of MAXDIST AUs.