CS/INFO 430 Information Retrieval Lecture 16 Metadata 3 1 Course Administration Assignment 2 and Midterm Examinations Grades were sent out by email yesterday. Assignment 3 Will be posted tomorrow. 2 Theoretical Problems in Metadata: What to Catalog The IFLA Model Work A work is the underlying abstraction, e.g., • • • • • The Iliad The Computer Science departmental web site Beethoven's Fifth Symphony Unix operating system The 1996 U.S. census This is roughly equivalent to the concept of "literary work" used in copyright law. 3 IFLA Model Expression. A work is realized through an expression, e.g., • The Illiad has oral expressions and written expressions • A musical work has score and performance(s). • Software has source code and machine code Many works have only a single expression, e.g. a Web page, or a book. 4 IFLA Model Manifestation. A expression is given form in one or more manifestations, e.g., • The text of The Iliad has been manifest in numerous manuscripts and printed books. • A musical performance can be distributed on CD, or broadcast on television. • Software is manifest as files, which may be stored or transmitted in any digital medium. 5 IFLA Model Item. When many copies are made of a manifestation, each is a separate item, e.g., • a specific copy of a book • computer file [Works, expressions, manifestations and items are explored in CS 431, Architecture of Web Information Systems.] 6 Theoretical Problems in Metadata: : Events Version 1 Version 2 New material Should Version 2 have its own record or should extra information be added to the Version 2 record? How are these represented in Dublin Core or MARC? 7 Theoretical Problems in Metadata: : Complex Objects Complex objects Metadata records Complete object Sub-objects • • • • 8 Article within a journal Page within a Web site A thumbnail of another image The March 28 final edition of a newspaper Theoretical Problems in Metadata: Packaging Rules When an object consists of various parts, how should their interaction be described? Example: An object on the Web may consist of several html pages with images, applets, etc. Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/ MPEG 21 http://www.chiariglione.org/mpeg/standards/mpeg-21/mpeg-21.htm 9 MPEG 21 10 Theoretical Problems in Metadata: Flat v. linked records Flat record All information about an item is held in a single record (e.g., a Dublin Core record), including information about related items convenient for access and preservation information is repeated -- maintenance problem Linked record Related information is held in separate records with a link from the item record less convenient for access and preservation information is stored once Compare with normal forms in relational databases 11 12 Representations of Dublin Core: XML (with qualifiers) <title>Digital Libraries and the Problem of Purpose</title> <creator>David M. Levy</creator> <publisher>Corporation for National Research Initiatives</publisher> <date date-type = "publication">January 2000</date> <type resource-type = "work">article</type> <identifier uri-type = "DOI">10.1045/january2000-levy</identifier> <identifier uri-type = "URL">http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january00/01levy.html</identifier> <language>English</language> <rights>Copyright (c) David M. Levy</rights> to be continued 13 Dublin Core with flat record extension Continuation of D-Lib Magazine record <relation rel-type = "InSerial"> <serial-name>D-Lib Magazine</serial-name> <issn>1082-9873</issn> <volume>6</volume> <issue>1</issue> </relation> 14 Theoretical Problems in Metadata: Many Languages See: Thomas Baker, Languages for Dublin Core, D-Lib Magazine December 1998, http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december98/12baker.html 15 Automatic extraction of catalog data Strategies 16 • Manual by trained cataloguers - high quality records, but expensive and time consuming • Entirely automatic - fast, almost zero cost, but poor quality • Automatic followed by human editing - cost and quality depend on the amount of editing • Manual collection level record, automatic item level record - moderate quality, moderate cost DC-dot DC-dot is a Dublin Core metadata editor for Web pages, created by Andy Powell at UKOLN http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dcdot/ DC-dot has two parts: (a) A skeleton Dublin Core record is created automatically from clues in the web page (b) A user interface is provided for cataloguers to edit the record 17 18 Automatic record for CS 430 home page DC-dot applied to http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs430/2001sp/ <link rel="schema.DC" href="http://purl.org/dc"> <meta name="DC.Title" content="CS 430: Information Discovery"> <meta name="DC.Subject" content="wya@cs.cornell.edu; Course Structure; Readings and references; Slides; Basic Information; William Y. Arms; Information Retrieval Data Structures and Algorithms; cs430@cs.cornell.edu; Assignments; Syllabus; Text Book; Laptop computers; Assumed Background; Nomadic Computing Experiment; Notices; Course Description; Code of practice; Assignments and Grading; Last changed: February 6, 2001"> continued on next slide 19 Automatic record for CS 430 home page (continued) DC-dot applied to http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs430/2001sp/ <meta name="DC.Publisher" content="Cornell University"> <meta name="DC.Date" scheme="W3CDTF" content="2001-02-07"> <meta name="DC.Type" scheme="DCMIType" content="Text"> <meta name="DC.Format" content="text/html"> <meta name="DC.Format" content="5781 bytes"> <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs430/2001sp/"> 20 Observations on DC-dot applied to CS430 home page DC.Title is a copy of the html <title> field DC.Publisher is the owner of the IP address where the page was stored DC.Subject is a list of headings and noun phrases presented for editing DC.Date is taken from the Last-Modified field in the http header DC.Type and DC.Format are taken from the MIME type of the http response DC.Identifier was supplied by the user as input 21 22 Observations on DC-dot applied to George W. Bush home page The home page has several meta tags: <META NAME="TITLE" CONTENT="George W. Bush for President"> [The page has no html <title>] <META NAME="CONTACT" CONTENT="George W Bush Campaign, P. O. Box 1902, Austin, TX 78767, Phone: (512) 6372000"> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="George W. Bush is running for President of the United States to keep the country prosperous."> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="George W. Bush, Bush, George Bush, President, republican, 2000 election and more 23 Automatic record for George W. Bush home page DC-dot applied to http://www.georgewbush.com/ <link rel="schema.DC" href="http://purl.org/dc"> <meta name="DC.Subject" content="George W. Bush; Bush; George Bush; President; republican; 2000 election; election; presidential election; George; B2K; Bush for President; Junior; Texas; Governor; taxes; technology; education; agriculture; health care; environment; society; social security; medicare; income tax; foreign policy; defense; government"> <meta name="DC.Description" content="George W. Bush is running for President of the United States to keep the country prosperous."> 24 continued on next slide Automatic record for George W. Bush home page (continued) DC-dot applied to http://www.georgewbush.com/ <meta name="DC.Publisher" content="Concentric Network Corporation"> <meta name="DC.Date" scheme="W3CDTF" content="2001-01-12"> <meta name="DC.Type" scheme="DCMIType" content="Text"> <meta name="DC.Format" content="text/html"> <meta name="DC.Format" content="12223 bytes"> <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="http://www.georgewbush.com/"> 25 Collection-level metadata Several of the most difficult fields to extract automatically are the same across all pages in a web site. Therefore create a collection record manually and combine it with automatic extraction of other fields at item level. See: Jenkins and Inman 26 Collection-level metadata Compare: (a) Metadata extracted automatically by DC-dot (b) Collection-level record (c) Combined item-level record (DC-dot plus collection-level) (d) Manual record 27 28 Metadata extracted automatically by DC-dot D.C. Field Qualifier Content title Digital Libraries and the Problem of Purpose subject not included in this slide publisher Corporation for National Research Initiatives date W3CDTF 2000-05-11 type DCMIType Text format text/html format 27718 bytes 29 identifier http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january00/01levy.html Collection-level record D.C. Field Qualifier Content publisher Corporation for National Research Initiatives type article type resource work relation rel-type InSerial relation serial-name D-Lib Magazine relation issn 1082-9873 language English rights Permission is hereby given for the material in D-Lib Magazine to be used for ... 30 Combined item-level record (DC-dot plus collection-level) D.C. Field Qualifier Content title publisher date type Digital Libraries and the Problem of Purpose (*) Corporation for National Research Initiatives W3CDTF 2000-05-11 (*) article type type format resource (*) work DCMIType Text text/html format 27718 bytes (*) indicates collection-level metadata continued on next slide 31 Combined item-level record (DC-dot plus collection-level) D.C. Field Qualifier Content relation rel-type (*) InSerial relation serial-name (*) D-Lib Magazine relation issn (*) 1082-9873 language (*) English rights (*) Permission is hereby given for the material in D-Lib Magazine to be used for ... identifier http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january00/01levy.html (*) indicates collection-level metadata 32 Manually created record D.C. Field Qualifier title Digital Libraries and the Problem of Purpose creator (+) David M. Levy publisher date type type Content Corporation for National Research Initiatives publication resource January 2000 article work (+) entry that is not in the automatically generated records continued on next slide 33 Manually created record D.C. Field Qualifier relation relation relation relation relation identifier identifier language rights Content rel-type InSerial serial-name D-Lib Magazine issn 1082-9873 volume (+) 6 issue (+) 1 DOI (+) 10.1045/january2000-levy URL http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january00/01levy.html English (+) Copyright (c) David M. Levy (+) entry that is not in the automatically generated records 34 Search Engine Spam D-Lib Magazine Web pages created for user, with good quality control and no attempt to impress search engines. (The editor originally trained as a librarian.) The site lends itself to automatic indexing. Political Web Sites (Bush and Gore) Web pages created for marketing, with little consistency, designed to impress search engines. (The editors are specialists in public relations.) The sites are difficult to index automatically. 35 Metatest Metatest is a research project led by Liz Liddy at Syracuse with participation from the Human Computer Interaction group at Cornell. The aim is to compare the effectiveness as perceived by the user of indexing based on: (a) Manually created Dublin Core (b) Automatically created Dublin Core (higher quality than DC-dot) (c) Full text indexing Preliminary results suggest remarkably little difference in effectiveness. 36 Why is Dublin Core not used to Index and Search the Web? Technology: The methods used in early Infoseek, Lycos and Altavista have been greatly enhanced. (Note that these methods provide quite good precision at the expense of low recall.) Users: The typical user who searches the Web has limited training and does not understand catalogs. Economics: The size of the Web makes human indexing of every important site impossible. The rate of change requires frequent re-indexing. 37 Why is Dublin Core not used to Index and Search the Web? For Web pages, information retrieval by automatic indexing works of full text works at least as well as metadata based methods, and is much, much cheaper. However, we will see later an effective example of automated extraction of metadata from video sequences (Informedia). 38