CS 430 / INFO 430 Information Retrieval Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness 2



CS 430 / INFO 430

Information Retrieval

Lecture 11

Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness 2


Course administration

Assignment 2

A minor revision of wording was made on Wednesday.

For this assignment, submit a single program.


CS 430 / INFO 430

Information Retrieval

Completion of Lecture 10


Precision-recall graph






The red system appears better than the black is the difference

, but statistically significant?







Statistical tests

Suppose that a search is carried out on systems i and j

System i is superior to system j if, for all test cases, recall( i ) >= recall( j ) precisions( i ) >= precision( j )

In practice, we have data from a limited number of test cases.

What conclusions can we draw?


Statistical tests

• The t-test is the standard statistical test for comparing two table of numbers, but depends on statistical assumptions of independence and normal distributions that do not apply to this data.

• The sign test makes no assumptions of normality and uses only the sign (not the magnitude) of the the differences in the sample values, but assumes independent samples.

• The

Wilcoxon signed rank uses the ranks of the differences, not their magnitudes, and makes no assumption of normality but but assumes independent samples.


CS 430 / INFO 430

Information Retrieval

Lecture 11

Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness 2

Text Retrieval Conferences (TREC)


• Led by Donna Harman and Ellen Voorhees (NIST), with DARPA support, since 1992

• Separate tracks that evaluate different aspects of information retrieval

• Researchers attempt a standard set of tasks, e.g.,

-> search the corpus for topics provided by surrogate users

-> match a stream of incoming documents against standard queries

• Participants include large commercial companies, small information retrieval vendors, and university research groups.


Ad Hoc Track: Characteristics of

Evaluation Experiments


Standard sets of documents that can be used for repeated experiments.

Topic statements:

Formal statement of user information need, not related to any query language or approach to searching.

Results set for each topic statement:

Identify all relevant documents (or a well-defined procedure for estimating all relevant documents)

Publication of results:

Description of testing methodology, metrics, and results.

TREC Ad Hoc Track


NIST provides text corpus on CD-ROM

Participant builds index using own technology


NIST provides 50 natural language topic statements

Participant converts to queries (automatically or manually)



Participant run search (possibly using relevance feedback and other iterations), returns up to 1,000 hits to NIST


NIST uses pooled results to estimate set of relevant documents


NIST analyzes for recall and precision (all TREC participants use rank based methods of searching)


NIST publishes methodology and results

The TREC Corpus



Wall Street Journal, 87-89

Associated Press newswire, 89

Computer Selects articles

Federal Register, 89 abstracts of DOE publications

Wall Street Journal, 90-92

Associated Press newswire, 88

Computer Selects articles

Federal Register, 88

Size # Docs Median

(Mbytes) words/doc

267 98,732

254 84,678

242 75,180

260 25,960

184 226,087






242 74,520

237 79,919

175 56,920

209 19,860





The TREC Corpus (continued)



San Jose Mercury News 91

Associated Press newswire, 90

Computer Selects articles

U.S. patents, 93

Financial Times, 91-94

Federal Register, 94

Congressional Record, 93

Foreign Broadcast Information

LA Times

Size # Docs Median

(Mbytes) words/doc

287 90,257

237 78,321

345 161,021

243 6,711





564 210,158

395 55,630

235 27,922

470 130,471

475 131,896






Notes on the TREC Corpus


The TREC corpus consists mainly of general articles . The Cranfield data was in a specialized engineering domain.

The TREC data is raw data :

-> No stop words are removed; no stemming

-> Words are alphanumeric strings

-> No attempt made to correct spelling, sentence fragments, etc.

TREC Topic Statement


<num> Number: 409

<title> legal, Pan Am, 103

<desc> Description:

What legal actions have resulted from the destruction of Pan Am

Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, on December 21, 1988?

<narr> Narrative:

Documents describing any charges, claims, or fines presented to or imposed by any court or tribunal are relevant, but documents that discuss charges made in diplomatic jousting are not relevant.

A sample TREC topic statement

Relevance Assessment: TREC


Problem: Too many documents to inspect each one for relevance.

Solution: For each topic statement, a pool of potentially relevant documents is assembled, using the top 100 ranked documents from each participant

The human expert who set the query looks at every document in the pool and determines whether it is relevant.

Documents outside the pool are not examined.

In a TREC-8 example, with 71 participants:

7,100 documents in the pool

1,736 unique documents (eliminating duplicates)

94 judged relevant

Some other TREC tracks (not all tracks offered every year)


Cross-Language Track

Retrieve documents written in different languages using topics that are in one language.

Filtering Track

In a stream of incoming documents, retrieve those documents that match the user's interest as represented by a query. Adaptive filtering modifies the query based on relevance feed-back.

Genome Track

Study the retrieval of genomic data: gene sequences and supporting documentation, e.g., research papers, lab reports, etc.

Some Other TREC Tracks (continued)


HARD Track

High accuracy retrieval, leveraging additional information about the searcher and/or the search context.

Question Answering Track

Systems that answer questions, rather than return documents.

Video Track

Content-based retrieval of digital video.

Web Track

Search techniques and repeatable experiments on Web documents.

A Cornell Footnote


The TREC analysis uses a program developed by Chris Buckley, who spent 17 years at Cornell before completing his Ph.D. in


Buckley has continued to maintain the SMART software and has been a participant at every TREC conference. SMART has been used as the basis against which other systems are compared.

During the early TREC conferences, the tuning of SMART with the TREC corpus led to steady improvements in retrieval efficiency, but after about TREC-5 a plateau was reached.

TREC-8, in 1999, was the final year for the ad hoc experiment.



Ellen M. Voorhees and Donna Harman, TREC

Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval .

MIT Press, 2005.


Searching and Browsing: The Human in the Loop

Return objects

Browse repository

Search index

Return hits


Information Discovery: Examples and

Measures of Success

People have many reasons to look for information:

• Known item

Where will I find the wording of the US Copyright Act?

Success: A document from a reliable source that has the current wording of the act.

• Fact

What is the capital of Barbados?

Success: The name of the capital from an up to date reliable source.


Information Discovery: Examples and

Measures of Success (continued)

People have many reasons to look for information:

• Introduction or overview

How do diesel engines work?

Success: A document that is technically correct, of the appropriate length and technical depth for the audience.

• Related information (annotation)

Is there a review of this item?

Success: A review, if one exists, written by a competent author.


Information Discovery: Examples and

Measures of Success (continued)

People have many reasons to look for information:

• Comprehensive search

What is known of the effects of global warming on hurricanes?

Success: A list of all research papers on this topic.

Historically, comprehensive search was the application that motivated information retrieval. It is important in such areas as medicine, law, and academic research. The standard methods for evaluating search services are appropriate only for comprehensive search.

Evaluation: User criteria


System-centered and user-centered evaluation

-> Is user satisfied?

-> Is user successful?

System efficiency

-> What efforts are involved in carrying out the search?

Suggested criteria (none very satisfactory)

• recall and precision

• response time

• user effort

• form of presentation

• content coverage

The TREC Interactive Track


The TREC Interactive Track has tried several experimental approaches:

• Manual query construction with interactive feedback and query modification with routing (TREC-1, 2, and 3) and ad hoc (TREC-4).

• Aspectual recall with inter-system comparison (TREC-

5, and 6)

• Aspectual recall without inter-system comparison

(TREC-7, and 8)

• Fact-finding without inter-system comparison (TREC-9 and later)


TREC-6 Interactive Track

Aspectual recall: Retrieve as many relevant documents as possible in 20 minutes, so that taken together they cover as many different aspects of the task as possible.

Topics: Six topics from the ad hoc track.

Assessment: Documents from all participants pooled and aspects matrix of participant success created by NIST staff.

Experimental design: Order of searching and system used followed standard Latin square block design.

Control system: A baseline system, ZPRISE, used by all participants.


TREC-6 Interactive Track

Analysis: Use of a standard statistical experimental design allowed analysis of results using analysis of variance. Topic and researcher are considered random effects and the system as a fixed effect.

Results: Significant effects of topic, searcher, and system within site. Results between sites were not significant.

Observations on methodology: Even a small study (six topics) was a major commitment, including training of subjects, questionnaires, etc.

D-Lib Working Group on Metrics


DARPA-funded attempt to develop a TREC-like approach to digital libraries (1997) with a human in the loop.

"This Working Group is aimed at developing a consensus on an appropriate set of metrics to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of digital libraries and component technologies in a distributed environment. Initial emphasis will be on (a) information discovery with a human in the loop, and (b) retrieval in a heterogeneous world. "

Very little progress made.

See: http://www.dlib.org/metrics/public/index.html



Evaluation Frameworks for Interactive M ultimedia

I nformation R etrieval A pplications

European study 1996-99

Chair Keith Van Rijsbergen, Glasgow University


Multi Media Information Retrieval

Information Retrieval

Human Computer Interaction

Case Based Reasoning

Natural Language Processing


Some MIRA Aims

• Bring the user back into the evaluation process.

• Understand the changing nature of Information Retrieval tasks and their evaluation.

• Evaluate traditional evaluation methodologies.

• Understand how interaction affects evaluation.

• Understand how new media affects evaluation.

• Make evaluation methods more practical for smaller groups.


Market Evaluation

System that are successful in the market place must be satisfying some group of users.


Example Documents Approach

Library of catalog catalogs Congress fielded data recordsBoolean search

Scientific Medline information

Web search Google index records thesaurus

+ abstracts web pages ranked search similarity + document rank


Market Research Methods of


• Expert opinion (e.g. consultant)

• Competitive analysis

• Focus groups

• Observing users (user protocols)

• Measurements effectiveness in carrying out tasks speed

• Usage logs


Market Research Methods

Expert opinions

Initial Mock-up Prototype Production

Competitive analysis

 

Focus groups

Observing users


 

 

Usage logs


The Search Explorer Application:

Reconstruct a User Sessions
