CS 5150 Software Engineering Reliability 3 Lecture 21

CS 5150
Software Engineering
Lecture 21
Reliability 3
CS 5150
Final presentations
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CS 5150
Failures and Faults
Failure: Software does not deliver the service expected by
the user (e.g., mistake in requirements, confusing user
Fault (BUG): Programming or design error whereby the
delivered system does not conform to specification (e.g.,
coding error, interface error)
CS 5150
Fault avoidance
Build systems with the objective of creating faultfree (bug-free) software
Fault tolerance
Build systems that continue to operate when faults
(bugs) occur
Fault detection (testing and validation)
Detect faults (bugs) before the system is put into
CS 5150
Faults and Failures
Actual examples
(a) An application crashes with an emulator, even though the
emulator is bug free. (Compensating bug problem.)
(b) After an entire network is hit by lightning, the restart crashes
because of overload. (Problem of incremental growth.)
(c) The head of an organization is not paid his salary because it is
greater than the maximum allowed by the program.
(Requirements problem.)
(d) An operating system fails because of a page-boundary error in
the firmware. (Different operating system problem.)
CS 5150
Defensive Programming
Murphy's Law:
If anything can go wrong, it will.
Defensive Programming:
• Redundant code is incorporated to check system state
after modifications.
• Implicit assumptions are tested explicitly.
• Risky programming constructs are avoided.
CS 5150
Fault Tolerance
Aim: A system that continues to operate when problems occur.
• Invalid input data (e.g., in a data processing application)
• Overload (e.g., in a networked system)
• Hardware failure (e.g., in a control system)
General Approach:
Failure detection
Damage assessment
Fault recovery
Fault repair
CS 5150
Fault Tolerance
Backward Recovery:
Record system state at specific events (checkpoints). After
failure, recreate state at last checkpoint.
Combine checkpoints with system log (audit trail of
transactions) that allows transactions from last checkpoint to
be repeated automatically.
Test the restore software!
CS 5150
Fixing Bugs
Isolate the bug
Intermittent --> repeatable
Complex example --> simple example
Understand the bug
Root cause
Structural interactions
Fix the bug
Design changes
Documentation changes
Code changes
CS 5150
Moving the Bugs Around
Fixing bugs is an error-prone process!
• When you fix a bug, fix its environment
• Bug fixes need static and dynamic testing
• Repeat all tests that have the slightest relevance
(regression testing)
Bugs have a habit of returning!
• When a bug is fixed, add the failure case to the
test suite for future regression testing.
CS 5150
The Heisenbug
CS 5150
Some Notable Bugs
Even commercial systems may have serious bugs
1960s: Built-in function in Fortran compiler (e0 = 0)
1970s: The microfilm plotter with the missing byte (1:1023)
1980s: Japanese microcode for Honeywell DPS virtual memory
1990s: The Sun page fault that IBM paid to fix
2000s: The preload system with the memory leak
Good people work around problems.
The best people track them down and fix them!
CS 5150
Validation and Verification
Validation: Are we building the right product?
Verification: Are we building the product right?
In practice, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between
the two.
That's not a bug. That's a feature!
CS 5150
Reliability: Adapting Small Teams to Large Projects
Small teams and small projects have many advantages:
• Small group communication cuts need for intermediate
documentation, yet reduces misunderstanding.
• Small projects are easier to test and make reliable.
• Small projects have shorter development cycles, so that
mistakes in requirements are less likely and less expensive
to fix.
• When one project is completed it is easier to plan for the
CS 5150
Reliability: Adapting Small Teams to Large Projects
Many modern software methodologies aim to apply the
advantages of small teams to large projects.
Often called Rapid Application Development or Agile
Software Development.
Works well with interactive systems, such as web systems,
where the overall structure is well established and there is a
prototype or operational system.
CS 5150
Developing Large Systems: Incremental Development
• Divide a large project into units of work, typically the work
that can be done by a team of 5-10 people in four weeks.
• The team carries out the complete development cycle up to
having a releasable product.
• If the work cannot be completed in the allowed time, reduce
the scope, not the quality.
• Because the team is small, they can reply on face to face
communication and need little intermediate documentation.
Often combined with pair design and pair programming,
and with incremental testing.
CS 5150
Reliability: Incremental Development
CS 5150
Requires strong overall leadership to ensure that
the individual units fit within the overall system
goals and architecture.
Requires systematic integration testing.
An Old Question:
Safety Critical Software
A software system fails and several lives are lost. An inquiry
discovers that the test plan did not consider the case that caused
the failure. Who is responsible?
(a) The testers for not noticing the missing cases?
(b) The test planners for not writing the complete test plan?
(c) The managers for not having checked the test plan?
(d) The client for not having done a thorough acceptance test?
CS 5150
Software Developers and Testers: Responsibilities
• Carrying out assigned tasks thoroughly and in a
professional manner
• Being committed to the entire project -- not just tasks that
have been assigned
• Resisting pressures to cut corners on vital tasks
• Alerting colleagues and management to potential problems
CS 5150
Computing Management Responsibility
• Organization culture that expects quality
• Appointment of suitably qualified people to vital tasks
(e.g., testing safety-critical software)
• Establishing and overseeing the software development
• Providing time and incentives that encourage quality
• Working closely with the client
Accepting responsibility for work of team
CS 5150
Client Responsibility
• Organization culture that expects quality
• Appointment of suitably qualified people to vital tasks
(e.g., technical team that will build a critical system)
• Reviewing requirements and design carefully
• Establishing and overseeing the acceptance process
• Providing time and incentives that encourage quality
• Working closely with the software team
Accepting responsibility for the resulting product
CS 5150