Office of the Vice Provost for Research Research Grant Application Fall 2014 I. Faculty Information abcdefg- First name: Last name: School: Department: Year joined AUC: Current rank at AUC: Phone number: h- Email: II. Is this a retroactive application? ☐ Yes ☐ No (If yes, please note that the system doesn’t accept retroactive applications) III. Title of Research IV. Please indicate the project time span ☐ One-year project Start date: End date: ☐ Two-year project Start date: End date: ☐ Three-year project Start date: End date: V. Abstract State the proposal’s long-term objectives and specific aims. Describe concisely the research design and methods for achieving these objectives. Avoid summaries of past accomplishments and the use of the first person. The abstract is meant to serve as a succinct and accurate description of the proposed work when separated from the application and used in other publications to promote research at AUC. Do not include proprietary/confidential information. Keep he abstract to 1200 characters with spaces. VI. Introduction Review relevant prior work and identify the gaps that the project is intended to fill. Describe the rationale for the proposed study and state the overall objective. Clearly state the importance and relevance of the proposed work (e.g., to test the stated hypothesis, create a novel design, solve a specific problem, challenge an existing paradigm, address a critical barrier to progress in the field or develop a new technology). Discuss any novel ideas or contributions that the project offers. Keep the abstract to one page. VII. Specific Aims List the specific aims for the proposed project and relate them to the broad, long-term goals of the project. VIII. Preliminary Data Describe any preliminary results that support the proposed project. IX. Design and Methods Describe the research design, conceptual framework, and procedures that will be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Describe the approach to be used for data analyses and interpretation. Required sections are: a. Research Design and Methodology b. Expected Outcomes (This section should include (but not limited to) a list of external agencies to which you anticipate submitting proposals at the completion of the project as well as your plans for publishing the results of this work.) X. Work plan An excel sheet template with sample can be found here: Please specify the duration and action plan for implementing the action. (max.1 page) XI. Future Funding/Sustainability Provide a detailed explanation of how this project (and future projects based on it) can be sustained through external funding sources. This must include a timetable for submission and the identification of the specific funding opportunity and agency. XII. Undergraduate and Graduate Assistant Do you plan to have undergraduate or graduate research assistants in the project? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, please specify their names and roles 1- Name: role: 2- Name: role: 3- Name: role XIII. Budget An Excel budget template with sample can be found here: Please download, fill out and upload/attach it. XIV. References Please use the (reference style do we use in the e-repertoire) reference style. The references do not count toward the 5 page limit for the research plan. XV. Compliance Applicants are reminded that all projects involving human subjects require approval by AUC’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) before funds are awarded and the research can begin. Please view the Institutional Review Board page. You will be required to provide a copy of your approval notification or protocol number for approved projects. Research with human participants? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, has the protocol been submitted to IRB? ☐ Yes ☐ No If the protocol has been approved or exempt, list the protocol number: XVI. CV: attach/ store file in a PDF format (max. 4 pages) XVII. Comments 12345-