CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT (CI) SYSTEM Framing Document for CI Projects 1.

Framing Document for CI Projects
Project Title: Aligning Data Resources with Operational Processes
Project # 31
Purpose and Scope of Project (Limit to 100 words or less.)
The ultimate goal of this project is to improve decision making at all levels
throughout the college. Operating on the assumption that every operational
decision requires current and accurate data, we set out to discover exactly what
our institutional data needs are and how they are being met. The immediate
goal is to take an inventory of data needs relative to existing operational
processes. Alignment between data and processes can then be analyzed and
recommendations for action to correct misalignment can follow.
What is the primary AQIP category under which this project would be
Category 7: Measuring Effectiveness
What is the primary strategic commitment under which this project would
be categorized?
#5 Operational Excellence
Project Background
Feedback on our 2011 Systems Portfolio indicates a need to improve the
use of data in decision making.
MCC has resolved to become a more data-driven institution.
In our current state there is under-management of data resources.
In our current state there could be misalignment between data resources
and operational processes; there could also be duplication and/or lack of
data or processes.
People Involved
Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Division Chairs
Ultimately, every employee of the college.
Processes Impacted
The two processes most affected will be Data collection and distribution and
Institutional decision making.
In terms of the Systems Portfolio, the processes most impacted will be 7P3, 7P5
and 7P6:
o 7P3 - Determining Needs (How do you determine the needs of your
department and units related to the collection, storage, and accessibility of
data performance information?)
o 7P5 - Determining Data Needs and Priorities (How do you determine the
needs and priorities for comparative data and information? What are your
criteria and methods for selecting sources of comparative data and
information within and outside the higher education community?)
o 7P6 - Ensuring Alignment of Departments and Units (How do you ensure
department and unit analysis of data and information aligns with your
organizational goals for instructional and non-instructional program and
services? How is this analysis shared?)
Project Steps and Timeline
o Fall, 2012 – Devise an instrument for taking an inventory of data needs
across the college.
o Spring, 2013  administer the instrument (take the inventory)
 analyze
Tracking Progress/Reporting Out
Progress will be measured by following the set timeline.
Outcome Measures
o Inventory instrument completed.
o Inventory administered.
o Analysis completed.
Project Resources
No monetary resources required.
Signature of Action Project Initiator
Signature of Action Project Initiator’s Supervisor
When completed, please submit to the Strategic Planning Team Secretary.