Morgan Community College CP 3-55 PROCEDURE: EVALUATION OF REGULAR AND LIMITED FACULTY Policy All contractual faculty of Morgan Community College shall be evaluated annually for purposes of improvement of instruction, encouragement of professional growth and development, and for retention. (CP 3-25) Faculty shall be evaluated according to their documented responsibilities, job description, performance, and progress on furthering Board priorities and college goals. Faculty performance plans should link individual goals to organization goals. Additionally, faculty members shall be evaluated according to four principle factors; teaching effectiveness, professional development, service to the college, and service to the community. Each faculty member shall prepare a narrative summary of his/her goals and progress towards these four factors. The faculty member shall be evaluated by his/her Division Chair, who shall write a summary of the evaluation. The faculty member shall have the opportunity to respond in writing to the formal evaluation report. This evaluation plan has been developed following the criteria from the Board Policy on Evaluation of Faculty Job Performance, BP 3-31, approved by the Colorado Community College System. Procedure The Faculty Member shall develop an Annual Work Plan, specifying goals to be implemented during the school year. The plan shall be submitted to the Division Chair for review and a meeting shall be set for discussion of the plan by the end of September. There shall be four principle factors within the Annual Work Plan. These factors shall have the following weights in the evaluation of the Faculty Member: teaching effectiveness, 65 percent; professional development, 10 percent; service to the college, 20 percent; service to the community, 5 percent. Compliance with State Board policies and State System procedures is a requirement of all State System employees; noncompliance shall be an overall negative factor in a Faculty Member’s evaluation. Each of the principle factors contains a number of components (defined in Appendix A). Exceptional completion of components can improve the Faculty Member’s overall evaluation. The Faculty Member may develop additional goals that do not expressly address the components of the principle factors. These goals should reflect Morgan Community College goals for the year, as established by the Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Communication (SPAC) team. If the goal refers to more than one principle factor, it may be listed under each principle factor. Revised 3/31/09 1 Morgan Community College CP 3-55 An Annual Evaluation meeting shall take place between the Division Chair and the Faculty Member at the end of the spring semester. The evaluation shall include a narrative report by the Faculty Member on the details of the goals established during the Annual Work Plan meeting with the Division Chair in the fall. The narrative summary shall describe the Faculty Member’s activities for the year and the impact of those activities on their own development, their students, the division, and the college. Supervisor evaluation, student evaluation, and other documentation may be included in the evaluation. There shall be four performance ratings: Outstanding; Exceeds Expectations; Meets Expectations; and Fails to Meet Expectations. Performance evaluations and ratings shall be in narrative - not numerical - form. Only faculty members whose overall performance rating is “Meets Expectations” or above are eligible for salary increases. The Division Chair shall determine an overall evaluation rating for the Faculty Member. The Division Chair shall include a brief written justification of his/her overall rating of the Faculty Member. If there are any areas that “Fail to Meet Expectations” of the college, the Division Chair shall offer opportunities for remediation of the deficits. The Faculty Member shall have the opportunity to respond to the formal evaluation. The Faculty Member shall receive a copy of the formal evaluation. The college president shall review an appeal by a Faculty Member of the formal evaluation. Appendix A: Glossary of Principle Factor Components A. Teaching Effectiveness Mandatory component Definition Class structure and organization Demonstrate evidence of appropriate planning and administration of the course (i.e. syllabus, meeting times, adherence to academic deadlines). Chooses appropriate textbooks and supplemental materials. Demonstrate a knowledge/mastery of the subject matter appropriate to the course. Demonstrate use of appropriate technology within course content and presentation (i.e. presentation software, email, centralized distribution system, SMART Boards, computers). Publish and maintain office hours for student contact throughout the semester. Correlate measurement of student performance with state and local objectives and/or mandates. Use appropriate strategies in retaining and supporting students. Be able to appropriately present the material to the students. Use appropriate strategies to communicate effectively Course materials Command of subject matter Integration of technology into course work Availability to students during office hours Student achievement Student retention Presentation skill Instructor-student rapport Revised 3/31/09 2 Morgan Community College CP 3-55 with students. B. Professional Development Mandatory component Definition Currency in subject matter area Maintain current knowledge and/or skill appropriate to the subject matter of the course or program. Be active in departmental or college-wide workshops or in-service activities (i.e. division meetings, in-service sessions) Planning of, presenting at, or participating in departmental or college-wide workshops or inservice activities Pursuit of additional, credited course work at accredited institutions Attendance at workshops and conferences in faculty member’s field or in education techniques Presentations at professional conferences/workshops Publication of articles, books, and resources in subject matter area Pursue additional coursework, degrees, or certificates at MCC or other accredited institution. Participate in local, regional, and/or national workshops or conferences. Present at local, regional, and/or national workshops or conferences. Examples may include newsletters, CD-ROMs, handbooks, lab manuals, conference presentation materials, or other items for distribution in the classroom or among colleagues. Appendix A (cont’d): Glossary of Principle Factor Components C. Service to the College Mandatory component Definition Curriculum coordination and development Committee and project team work Attendance at college and student activities and events Advising and outreach Administrative assignments Sponsoring student organizations and/or activities Revised 3/31/09 Coordinating working course syllabi with MCC master syllabi. Distributing current support materials to adjunct faculty within faculty member’s discipline. Identify, when appropriate, new program areas and develop relevant materials (i.e. new course, updated course materials, program plans). Serve on college teams or committees. Involvement in the college’s quality improvement efforts. Actively participate in a number of collegesponsored activities and events (i.e. college graduation, program committees, student awards ceremony). Provide assistance to colleagues and students with general and/or program information across the MCC service area. Perform other duties (i.e. search committees, coordination of assessment plans). Work with students outside the classroom environment. 3 Morgan Community College CP 3-55 D. Service to the Community You must be officially representing Morgan Community College while participating in these activities, organizations, or events. This list of activities is approved by the President and may be updated as needed. Other activities, not listed, may be approved by the President. Approved Activities Definition/Examples College representative on a local board or commission Community presentations EMS council, Tourism board, Education councils, Community activities Liaison with local K-12 schools On-campus reception of community visitors Belong to service organizations. Radio and Newspaper presentations, presentation at a community service organization. Official participation at county fairs, Festival in the Park, Oktoberfest, Brush Rodeo, etc. Science Fair judging, School advisory committees, Participating in school programs. Open house, college tours, student exchange tours. Optimists, Rotary International, Lions, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, etc. Annual Work Plan A. Teaching Effectiveness Description: The evaluation of teaching effectiveness shall include consideration of student evaluations and direct observation by supervisors. Components include class structure and organization; course materials; command of subject matter; integration of technology into course work; availability to students during office hours; student achievement; student retention rates; presentation skill; and instructor-student rapport. Specific Goal: Faculty Member narrative summary of activities: Division Chair’s narrative and rating of “Teaching Effectiveness” is ____________________________ Revised 3/31/09 4 Morgan Community College CP 3-55 B. Professional Development Description: The evaluation of professional development shall include development of the Faculty Member’s skills and personal resources within his/her subject area, assistance in the development of other Faculty Members, and fostering teamwork within the college. Components include currency in subject matter area and planning of, presentation at, or participating in departmental, divisional, or college-wide workshops or in-service activities; pursuit of additional, credited course work at accredited institutions; attendance at workshops/conferences in Faculty Member’s field or in education techniques; presentations at professional conferences/workshops; and publication of articles, books, and resources in subject matter area. Specific Goal: Faculty Member narrative summary of activities: Division Chair’s narrative and rating of “Professional Development” is ____________________________ C. Service to the College Description: The evaluation of service to the college shall include departmental, divisional, college-wide activities and responsibilities. Components include curriculum coordination and development; participation in committees and/or project teams; attendance at certain college and student activities and events; advising and outreach; administrative assignments; and sponsoring student organizations and/or activities. Specific Goal: Faculty Member narrative summary of activities: Division Chair’s narrative and rating of “Service to the College” is ____________________________ Revised 3/31/09 5 Morgan Community College CP 3-55 D. Service to the Community Description: The evaluation of service to the community shall involve performing at least one activity from either the list of activities previously approved by the college President, or an activity that is newly approved by the President (see Appendix A). This activity must benefit a community within the MCC service area. Specific Goal: Faculty Member narrative summary of activities: Division Chair’s narrative and rating of “Service to the Community” is ____________________________ Revised 3/31/09 6 Morgan Community College CP 3-55 Overall Evaluation Rating Please check ( ) one box: □ Fails to Meet □ Meets Expectations □ Exceeds Expectations □ Outstanding Expectations Division Chair’s Narrative for the Rating (required) The Division Chair shall provide a summary of the Faculty Member’s performance over the school year in the four principle factor areas. Please include Faculty Member’s strengths and any remediation for areas for improvement. See attached letter Faculty Member’s Response (optional) The Faculty Member has the opportunity to respond to the formal evaluation report for the record. I __ agree, __ disagree with the overall performance evaluation/rating and have received a copy. (Employee must explain his/her disagreement in writing and may attach additional comments to this form.) Faculty Member Date Division Chair Date Revised 3/31/09 7