STANDARD ADTS Lecture 17 CS2110 – Fall 2013 Textbook reference 2 Stacks: Chapters 5,6 Queues: Chapters 10,11 Self-test problem: Suppose that you are given a list of Integers. Using a foreach loop you run down the list, pushing each element onto a stack. Now, you create a new List<Integer> and item by item, pop items from the stack and add them to the end of your new list. What will the list contain when you are done? Abstract Data Types (ADTs) 3 A method for achieving abstraction for data structures and algorithms ADT = model + operations Describes what each operation does, but not how it does it An ADT is independent of its implementation In Java, an interface corresponds well to an ADT The interface describes the operations, but says nothing at all about how they are implemented Example: Stack interface/ADT public interface Stack { public void push(Object x); public Object pop(); public Object peek(); public boolean isEmpty(); public void clear(); } Queues & Priority Queues 4 ADT Queue Operations: ADT PriorityQueue Operations: void add(Object x); Object poll(); Object peek(); boolean isEmpty(); void insert(Object x); Object getMax(); Object peekAtMax(); boolean isEmpty(); void clear(); void clear(); Where used: Where used: Simple Wide job scheduler (e.g., print queue) use within other algorithms Job scheduler for OS Event-driven simulation Can be used for sorting Wide use within other algorithms A (basic) queue is “first in, first out”. A priority queue ranks objects: getMax() returns the “largest” according to the comparator interface. Sets 5 ADT Set Operations: void insert(Object element); boolean contains(Object element); void remove(Object element); boolean isEmpty(); void clear(); for(Object o: mySet) { ... } Where used: Wide use within other algorithms Note: no duplicates allowed A “set” with duplicates is sometimes called a multiset or bag A set makes no promises about ordering, but you can still iterate over it. Dictionaries 6 ADT Dictionary (aka Map) Operations: void insert(Object void update(Object Object find(Object void remove(Object boolean isEmpty(); void clear(); key, Object value); key, Object value); key); key); Think of: key = word; value = definition Where used: Symbol tables Wide use within other algorithms A HashMap is a particular implementation of the Map interface Data Structure Building Blocks 7 These are implementation “building blocks” that are often used to build more-complicated data structures Arrays Linked Lists Singly linked Doubly linked Binary Trees Graphs Adjacency matrix Adjacency list From interface to implementation 8 Given that we want to support some interface, the designer still faces a choice What will be the best way to implement this interface for my expected type of use? Choice of implementation can reflect many considerations Major factors we think about Speed for typical use case Storage space required Array Implementation of Stack 9 class ArrayStack implements Stack { max-1 private Object[] array; //Array that holds the Stack private int index = 0; //First empty slot in Stack index 4 public ArrayStack(int maxSize) 3 { array = new Object[maxSize]; } 2 public void push(Object x) { array[index++] = x; } public Object pop() { return array[--index]; } public Object peek() { return array[index-1]; } public boolean isEmpty() { return index == 0; } public void clear() { index = 0; } } 1 0 O(1) worstcase time for each operation Question: What can go wrong? …. What if maxSize is too small? Linked List Implementation of Stack 10 class ListStack implements Stack { private Node head = null; //Head of list that //holds the Stack public void push(Object x) { head = new Node(x, head); } public Object pop() { O(1) worst-case time for each operation (but constant is larger) Node temp = head; head =; return; } public Object peek() { return; } public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null; } public void clear() { head = null; } } head Note that array implementation can overflow, but the linked list version cannot Queue Implementations 11 Possible implementations head Linked List Recall: operations are add, poll, peek,… last For linked-list All operations are O(1) last For array with head at A[0] Array with head always at A[0] (poll( ) becomes expensive) (can overflow) head last poll takes time O(n) Other ops are O(1) Can overflow For array with wraparound All operations are O(1) Can overflow Array with wraparound (can overflow) A Queue From 2 Stacks 12 Add pushes onto stack A Poll pops from stack B If B is empty, move all elements from stack A to stack B Some individual operations are costly, but still O(1) time per operations over the long run Dealing with Overflow 13 For array implementations of stacks and queues, use table doubling Check for overflow with each insert op If table will overflow, Allocate a new table twice the size Copy everything over The operations that cause overflow are expensive, but still constant time per operation over the long run (proof later) Goal: Design a Dictionary (aka Map) 14 Operations Array implementation: Using an array of (key,value) pairs Unsorted O(1) void update(key, value) insert update O(n) Object find(key) void remove(key) find O(n) boolean isEmpty() remove O(n) void clear() void insert(key, value) Sorted O(n) O(log n) O(log n) O(n) n is the number of items currently held in the dictionary Hashing 15 Idea: compute an array index via a hash function h U is the universe of keys h: U → [0,…,m-1] where m = hash table size Usually |U| is much bigger than m, so collisions are possible (two elements with the same hash code) h should be easy to compute avoid collisions have roughly equal probability for each table position Typical situation: U = all legal identifiers Typical hash function: h converts each letter to a number, then compute a function of these numbers Best hash functions are highly random This is connected to cryptography We’ll return to this in a few minutes A Hashing Example 16 Suppose each word below has the following hashCode jan 7 feb 0 mar 5 apr 2 may 4 jun 7 jul aug 7 sep 2 oct 5 3 How do we resolve collisions? use chaining: each table position is the head of a list for any particular problem, this might work terribly In practice, using a good hash function, we can assume each position is equally likely Analysis for Hashing with Chaining 17 Analyzed in terms of load factor λ = n/m = (items in table)/(table size) We count the expected number of probes (key comparisons) Expected number of probes for an unsuccessful search = average number of items per table position = n/m = λ Expected number of probes for a successful search = 1 + λ = O(λ) Goal: Determine expected number of probes for an unsuccessful search Worst case is O(n) Table Doubling 18 • • We know each operation takes time O(λ) where λ λ =n/m So it gets worse as n gets large relative to m Table Doubling: Set a bound for λ (call it λ0) Whenever λ reaches this bound: • • • Create a new table twice as big Then rehash all the data As before, operations usually take time O(1) • But sometimes we copy the whole table Analysis of Table Doubling 19 Suppose we reach a state with n items in a table of size m and that we have just completed a table doubling Analysis of Table Doubling, Cont’d 20 Total number of insert operations needed to reach current table = copying work + initial insertions of items Disadvantages of table = 2n + n = 3n inserts doubling: Each insert takes expected time Worst-case insertion time of O(n) O(λ 0) or O(1), so total is definitely achieved (but rarely) expected time to build entire table is O(n) Thus, expected time per operation is O(1) Thus, not appropriate for time critical operations Concept: “hash” codes 21 Definition: a hash code is the output of a function that takes some input and maps it to a pseudorandom number (a hash) Input could be a big object like a string or an Animal or some other complex thing Same input always gives same out Idea is that hashCode for distinct objects will have a very low likelihood of collisions Used to create index data structures for finding an object given its hash code Java Hash Functions 22 Most Java classes implement the hashCode() method hashCode() returns an int Java’s HashMap class uses h(X) = X.hashCode() mod m What hashCode() returns: Integer: uses the int value Float: converts to a bit representation and treats it as an int Short Strings: 37*previous + value of next character Long Strings: h(X) in detail: int hash = X.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % m; sample of 8 characters; 39*previous + next value hashCode() Requirements 23 Contract for hashCode() method: Whenever it is invoked in the same object, it must return the same result Two objects that are equal (in the sense of .equals(...)) must have the same hash code Two objects that are not equal should return different hash codes, but are not required to do so (i.e., collisions are allowed) Hashtables in Java 24 java.util.HashMap java.util.HashSet A node in each chain looks like java.util.Hashtable this: Use chaining Initial (default) size = 101 Load factor = 0 = 0.75 Uses table doubling (2*previous+1) hashCode key value next original hashCode (before mod m) Allows faster rehashing and (possibly) faster key comparison Linear & Quadratic Probing 25 These are techniques in which all data is stored directly within the hash table array Linear Probing Probe h(X) + 1 h(X) + 2 … h(X) + i Leads at h(X), then at to primary clustering Long sequences of filled cells Quadratic Probing Similar to Linear Probing in that data is stored within the table Probe at h(X), then at h(X)+1 h(X)+4 h(X)+9 … h(X)+ i2 Works well when < 0.5 Table size is prime Universal Hashing 26 In in doubt, choose a hash function at random from a large parameterized family of hash functions (e.g., h(x) = ax + b, where a and b are chosen at random) With high probability, it will be just as good as any custom-designed hash function you dream up Dictionary Implementations 27 Ordered Array Better than unordered array because Binary Search can be used Unordered Linked List Ordering doesn’t help Hashtables O(1) expected time for Dictionary operations Aside: Comparators 28 When implementing a comparator interface you normally must Override compareTo() method Override hashCode() Override equals() Easy to forget and if you make that mistake your code will be very buggy hashCode() and equals() 29 We mentioned that the hash codes of two equal objects must be equal — this is necessary for hashtable-based data structures such as HashMap and HashSet to work correctly In Java, this means if you override Object.equals(), you had better also override Object.hashCode() But how??? hashCode() and equals() 30 class Identifier { String name; String type; public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; Identifier id; try { id = (Identifier)obj; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { return false; } return name.equals( && type.equals(id.type); } } hashCode() and equals() 31 class Identifier { String name; String type; public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; Identifier id; try { id = (Identifier)obj; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { return false; } return name.equals( && type.equals(id.type); } public int hashCode() { return 37 * name.hashCode() + 113 * type.hashCode() + 42; } } hashCode() and equals() 32 class TreeNode { TreeNode left, right; String datum; public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof TreeNode)) return false; TreeNode t = (TreeNode)obj; boolean lEq = (left != null)? left.equals(t.left) : t.left == null; boolean rEq = (right != null)? right.equals(t.right) : t.right == null; return datum.equals(t.datum) && lEq && rEq; } } hashCode() and equals() 33 class TreeNode { TreeNode left, right; String datum; public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof TreeNode)) return false; TreeNode t = (TreeNode)obj; boolean lEq = (left != null)? left.equals(t.left) : t.left == null; boolean rEq = (right != null)? right.equals(t.right) : t.right == null; return datum.equals(t.datum) && lEq && rEq; } public int hashCode() { int lHC = (left != null)? left.hashCode() : 298; int rHC = (right != null)? right.hashCode() : 377; return 37 * datum.hashCode() + 611 * lHC - 43 * rHC; } } Professional quality hash codes? 34 For large objects we often compute an MD5 hash MD5 is the fifth of a series of standard “message digest” functions They are fast to compute (like an XOR over the bytes of the object) But they also use a cryptographic key: without the key you can’t guess what the MD5 hashcode will be For example key could be a random number you pick when your program is launched Or it could be a password With a password key, an MD5 hash is a “proof of authenticity” If object is tampered with, the hashcode will reveal it!