FACULTY SENATE MINUTES December 18, 2015 Email Vote Members Loretta Zost (Faculty Senate Chair), Kyle Ryan (Chair-elect), Paul Hinrichs (At Large Member A&S), Josh Young (A&S), Mike Barger (Rotating - A&S), Judith Ruskamp (Rotating-Educ), Lisa Parriott (Rotating-PS), Ryan Christensen (Student Senate), Tim Borchers (VPAA-Ex Officio) Faculty Senate voted through email on the following two proposals: Rank, Promotion and Tenure The following policy was proposed for the 2015-2016 academic year: The VPAA will contact peer reviewers for faculty going up for promotion to provide them with access to the faculty materials and give them the charge and format for the review. These materials will be forwarded to the Rank, Promotion and Tenure Committee per procedures. This will clarify how the peer review process is managed. Members voted unanimously to approve the proposal. The following policy was proposed for the 2015-2016 academic year: The VPAA asked Senate’s position on formally rescinding the “Faculty Member Profile Supportive of Tenure and Promotion” from 2013. Based on the VPAA’s meetings with faculty in each of the Schools, it appears that there are questions about how this document is used in the review process. Members voted to table the proposal until the next Faculty Senate meeting. .