NUCLEAR RADIATION; EFFECTS OF ECOLOGICAL EXPOSURE AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES When a nuclear power plant operates ideally, virtually zero contaminants are released into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the mishandling of nuclear energy has devastating effects to people and the environment. The act of uranium mining is also quite damaging to the earth, in that large amounts of water are consumed in the process. When a nuclear explosion occurs, dispersed into the air can be fatal. Effects can be seen days or even years after an explosion. These high levels of radiation harm and/or destroy cells in the body. to not only humans, but also the environment, alternatives to nuclear may desperately need to be implored. There are several safer and cleaner alternatives to the use of nuclear energy. For more information, please visit concentration of radioactivity of any material on the planet earth, -many hundreds of thousands of times the concentration in granite or even in uranium mill tailings (waste).” On April 26th, 1986, four reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, lethal levels of radiation are With what we now know about the dangers of nuclear radiation exposure One major concern regarding the use of nuclear energy is that its process requires the disposal of ‘spent’ fuel rods. These fuel rods contain “the highest resulting in large scale radioactive pollution. The following 10 days of the disaster radioactive material was found dispersed in every country in the Northern Hemisphere. The contamination was monumental. ALTERNATIVES Solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, and geothermal power generation are four of the most well known alternatives. All of these methods of creating energy, naturally produce minimal waste. By Christina Hunt The recent 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan prompted a monumental tsunami which caused major damage to one of their nuclear reactors. The earthquake caused power to be lost to the plants cooling systems, resulting in a surge 1,000 times above its normal level. Several explosions and fires at the Fukushima plant have caused radiation to leak.