Prior to submission to the University Academic Program Committee, the proposal must be approved by the relevant school/faculty committee(s). Please consult with your academic director, faculty manager or head of school as to the approval processes within each faculty.
Appropriate Sign-offs must be obtained before submitting an electronic copy (word document) and an electronic scanned copy with acquired signatures (pdf), to the University Academic Program Committee by emailing it to
. The school should TRIM the original hard copy of the form which contains the appropriate signatures.
Only New Unit Forms with a scanned signature section will be considered by UAPC.
Key Deadlines for 2017 submissions are:
All NEW Units and Courses for 2017 are to be submitted to UAPC by 31 March 2016.
The following Sections of this form will appear on the Course and Unit Catalogue: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
20, 21, 22, 27. This should be the same information as that which is displayed through the LMS and included in teaching materials.
New Unit Information
1 School
Enter owner of the unit eg school Enter one of the following:
Behavioural, Cognitive and Social Sciences
Environmental and Rural Science
Rural Medicine
Science and Technology
UNE Business School
1 of 17
New Unit Information
2 Discipline
Enter a proposed discipline for the unit or indicate a new proposed discipline, after consultation with Corporate
Intelligence Unit.
Disciplines have been grouped by
School ownership.
Enter one of the following disciplines:
School of Arts
English, Communication and Media
Theatre Studies
School of Behavioral, Cognitive and Social Science
Behavioral, Cognitive and Social Science
Geography and Planning
Sociology and Criminology
School of Education
Contextual Studies
Early Childhood
Humanities Education
Learning and Teaching
School Experience Practicum
Science Education
School of Environmental and Rural Science
Agronomy and Soil Science
Animal Science
Earth Sciences
Ecosystem Management
Environmental Engineering
Environmental and Rural Science
2 of 17
New Unit Information
School of Health
Complementary and Allied Health
Health Management and Gerontology
Social Work
School of Humanities
Archaeology and Palaeoanthroplogy
Classics and Ancient History
Indigenous Studies
Peace Studies
Philosophy and Religion
Political and International Studies
School of Law
School of Rural Medicine
School of Science and Technology
Physics and Electronics
Computer Science
Science and Technology
Exercise and Sports Science
UNE Business School
Accounting and Finance
UNE Business School
3 of 17
New Unit Information
Staff can look up unit discipline codes or course fields of education (both the same coding system) on the planning web site at:
You can look up either the meaning of an existing numeric code or search by word for appropriate codes.
It also shows the current government and UNE HECS bands, funding clusters and
RTS cost.
Please confirm you have made the correct choice by contacting:
, pp/forms/ask_bi/
3 Unit Code and Number
Enter proposed unit code. Please check Callista to ensure code has not previously been used.
Run a query in Callista using CRSF2210 form. If you do not have access please contact
Unit codes are normally 4 alpha and 3 numeric.
4 Unit Title - This is not to exceed 50 characters including spaces between words
Enter proposed unit title Conjunction words (to, the, and etc.) not to be capitalised.
5 Combined Unit (list codes)
Enter unit code/s this unit is combined with
If the combined unit listed here is a ‘new’ unit then a New Unit Form will have to be submitted to UAPC for this combined unit.
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New Unit Information
6 Credit Point value
Enter proposed credit point value Normally units are 6cps or multiples of 6.
7 Grading System
Enter relevant grading system:
Standard, Honours or JMP
Standard (Joint Medical
Standard Grading System includes the following grades:
N-HD and US-SR
8 Unit Outline
This is the official statement used to describe what the unit is about. Not to exceed 750 characters including spaces.
Unit outlines should not include references to Intensive Schools, unit codes or assessment. eg unit outline for LING371:
Sociolinguistics is the study of how people use language to achieve social purposes, such as claiming or maintaining identity and group solidarity. This unit provides a broad introduction to this core area of linguistics and will cover such topics as multilingualism, code-choice, language variation, dialectology, interactional studies, gender, language contact, language and inequality, and language and power. We also cover some important applications of sociolinguistics (vernacular education and language policy and planning) and current debates in areas like creolisation, language diversity and language endangerment. In addition to its appeal to students majoring in
Linguistics, the unit will also be useful and relevant in particular to students of Education, Sociology, Psychology and Economics.
If the unit involves practical experience the outline should include the total number of days or hours.
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New Unit Information eg HSSW310
This is the first of two fieldwork units comprising 450 hours in a social work related practicum. Practical fieldwork is an integral part of social work education and required by the Australian Association of Social Workers for eligibility. Fieldwork placements provide students with the challenge of working with clients in a supervised setting. Placements can be undertaken in a range of social work settings including hospitals, community health centres, community organisations, social service organisations and government bodies. Students are supervised by an experienced social worker during their practicum where they will be expected to undertake the duties of a beginning social work student. eg EDEC324
9 (a) Academic Rationale for introduction of
New unit
Provide a statement that details reasons for
Within this unit, features of everyday early education management roles are investigated within an organisational climate and workplace framework.
Leadership theories and practices are explored across early childhood settings.
Students research and document meanings and examples of being a leader in a changing world and styles of leadership in terms of ethical and legal principles. From interviewing, observing and shadowing an early childhood leader, a professional leadership profile is created. The unit includes five days of early childhood professional experience outside the student's current workplace. eg LING371
Example of Academic Rationale:
6 of 17
the proposed new unit. This must be completed. This may include: a new unit in a new course; required for accreditation; rationalisation/restructuring of the discipline/major/unit content.
(b) Financial Rationale for introduction of
New unit – only to be completed where the new unit is NOT part of a new course
Where the new unit is not being introduced as part of a new course please outline: predicted enrolment; where enrolment will come from in terms of courses; will it require new staff; is there workload capacity within the School to teach the new unit.
New Unit Information
(a) Our current Linguistics program is so lean that students are struggling to find enough units to fill a
Linguistics major. This unit is a response to increased demand from students for more options at 300 level, and its sociolinguistics focus fills a gap in the range of our offerings.
Examples of Financial Rationale:
(b) Predicted enrolment for this unit is
170 students enrolled in the
Bachelor of Nursing and Master of
Nursing Practice. This unit will replace HHSC147, which is currently a core unit in the above courses and will require no new staff
(c) The predicted enrolment in between
70 and 90 students. Students will come from the Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science and the
Bachelor of Clinical Exercise
New Staff: No
Workload Capacity: Yes
10 Courses offered in:
Indicate courses the unit is offered in and whether it is a
Core Unit, Prescribed, Listed or
Elective Unit, Major/Area of study/Specialisation - eg
Core Unit: Bachelor of Education
Elective Unit: Bachelor of Arts
NB: New or Amended Course Forms must be completed for this unit to be included in the
Course Rules.
List courses:
Core unit:
Bachelor of Education(Primary)
Prescribed Unit:
Bachelor of Science (Physics Major)
Listed Unit:
Bachelor of Arts
Has consultation taken place with relevant course coordinator/s for inclusion of this unit? List the
7 of 17
Core units:
Compulsory units that all students must do in a course
Core units count towards the
Course but not the Major
Core units are those that would not normally be substituted for any other unit
There is usually no choice in
Core units but may be justified under certain circumstances eg a choice of
MATH120 or STAT100
Please note that Core units must be offered every year
New Unit Information course coordinator names below:
Tick the box if consultation has taken place and list the relevant course coordinators.
Units may be included as an elective unit in other courses subject to course rules.
Indicate by ticking the box if unit can be taken in other courses as an elective.
Prescribed units:
Compulsory units that students must do towards a
Prescribed units are those that would not normally be substituted for any other unit
There is usually no choice in
Prescribed units but may be justified under certain circumstances
Please note that where there is no choice or a restricted choice Prescribed units must be offered every year
Listed units:
A choice of units that students choose which contribute to a Major, or where a Course does not have
Majors, contributes to the
Course and support the Core units.
Where approved, a Listed unit could be substituted for
8 of 17
another unit
Elective units are those chosen from anywhere in the
University subject to prerequisites being met.
Elective units count towards the Course and not the Major.
New Unit Information
11 Cross School consultation, implication and collaborations
(a) (a) Does this New Unit have cross-school implications?
If YES complete (i) and (ii) below.
(i) Have consultations with other Schools occurred?
Yes or No. If Yes, specify with whom the consultation was made and the outcomes.
Are all Schools concerned in agreement? If YES, provide evidence, eg attach email/s.
Does the content of this New
Unit duplicate the content of any other unit offered elsewhere within the
University? If so, please justify the necessity to introduce this unit.
12 Special technical requirements
Enter special technical requirements if required – include information about software applications, tools or technologies required by students to complete the unit
(including free downloadable software). This
does not display on the web.
13 Field of Education (FOE) Code - approved by Corporate Intelligence Unit.
Off-campus students must have access to the statistical package R
This information does not display on the web. It is used by Information Technology to check if they are required to purchase/support any new software.
Codes are to be obtained by logging a request with AskUNE at:
9 of 17
New Unit Information bi/
14 Prerequisites
Enter Prerequisites required for new unit including, if applicable, specify courses (use official abbreviation) unit is only offered in eg
MEDI1014 and candidature in BMed eg
PHAR340: 96cps including PHAR222 and candidature in the BPharm
HSNS312: candidature in BNurs
LING364: LING102 or 6cp PSYC unit
12 cp or candidature in a postgraduate award
CHEM220 and (CHEM210 or CHEM203 or
CHEM204) or candidature in a postgraduate award in the School of
Environmental and Rural Science or
School of Science and Technology permission of head of school
Please note that permission of head of school includes permission granted by course co-ordinator or unit co-ordinator.
Permission of head of school also overrides any other rule so is normally only used for project, reading or honours units.
15 Corequisites
Enter Corequisites required to be enrolled in
or be completed, when enrolling in new unit. eg
HSSW100 and HSSW101
16 Restrictions
Enter Restrictions for new unit including combined units and all units this unit is
equivalent to.
AMC411 or EDST411 or IDIG511 or
PDSP411 eg
Restricted units may be previously coded units, combined units or units which overlap in content.
10 of 17
New Unit Information
17 Unit Notes
Enter information that may be required for the unit that does not fit into any other category eg:
Offered off-campus in odd numbered years
Native speakers of Japanese pursuing postgraduate study, who wish to learn to express their understanding of their own culture and improve their academic writing skills in English will find this unit helpful.
Students contemplating enrolment in
MATH120 should contact staff in the
School of Science and Technology at before enrolling.
A working knowledge and practical application of the rudiments of music and music notation is required
Access to children, teachers, parents and community members in both early childhood education settings and the wider community is required for purposes of assessment.
200- and 300-level COMP units (excluding
COMP286, COMP292, COMP303, COMP313 and COMP393) require a knowledge of, and programming experience with, the
C++ or Java language.
Off-campus students must have access to the statistical package R
11 of 17
New Unit Information
18 Location(s), mode(s) of delivery and teaching period offerings (include partnerships)
ON – Unit is offered on campus with face-to-face, on-line components and may include intensive schools
OF – Unit is offered off campus with on-line components and may include intensive schools
OL – Unit is offered fully on-line with no UNE supervised examination or intensive school eg Armidale: On campus: Trimester 1:
Armidale: Online: Trimester 1:
Armidale: Off campus: Year Long 1:
Explanation of Year Long offerings
Year Long 1 – spanning Trimester 1 and Trimester 2
Year Long 2
– spanning Trimester 2 and Trimester 3
Year Long 3 – spanning Trimester 3 and Trimester 1 following year
Year Long H1 – 39 week honours year commencing Trimester 1
Year Long H2 – 39 week honours year commencing Trimester 2
Year Long H3 – 39 week honours year commencing Trimester 3
A unit can have different modes of delivery for different offerings as per the example below.
However an On Line unit would not also be offered Off Campus and vice versa.
Enter all offerings for the new unit including online level next to each offering eg
Armidale; On Campus; Tri 1
Armidale; On Line; Tri 1
Please note that OL does not permit on campus lectures or intensive schools or
UNE Supervised Examinations.
19 Intensive School - Intensive schools are either Mandatory or Non-Mandatory. Intensive School Policy is located at
Indicate type of intensive school e.g. - Mandatory, Intensive
School - Non-Mandatory or None if there is no Intensive School.
Enter number of days – please note Intensive schools of more than 4 days must have Head of
School approval.
Enter one of the following:
Intensive School – Mandatory
Intensive School – Non-Mandatory
Note: an Armidale intensive school cannot be less than 2 days
Intensive School specific Note:
Enter any relevant note to be published against the intensive school information
Learning Outcomes –
Enter 3 to 6 statements. These statements are to set out what the student will be able to do. If the unit is offered at more than one level, it is expected that the
Learning Outcome statements will clearly differentiate between the expectations for each level.
Learning Outcomes should be
Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
Ensure statements fit with above stem, use lower case for beginning of each outcome and a semi-colon after each
. eg
Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
12 of 17
linked to assessments in item
New Unit Information
improvise at a rudimentary standard;
perform a short program of written or improvised works at an appropriately high standard on their principal instrument/voice;
identify improvisation practices in a variety of musical traditions;
direct an instrumental ensemble; and
perform repertoire with an ensemble relevant to their musical background and residential location. eg
Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
identify and analyse the relationship of current leadership theories linked with human resource management to early childhood education;
develop democratic policies and procedures for human resource leadership and management in children's services;
demonstrate a variety of highly effective communication strategies;
identify and express sensitive selfawareness as an ethical professional; and
demonstrate responsibility and professional standards of communication and literacy.
13 of 17
New Unit Information
21 Assessment tasks – see Assessment Rule and Procedures at and
Assessment tasks must be linked to Learning Outcomes to which the assessment relates.
Specify whether each assessment item must be completed (left hand column).
If it is mandatory to pass the assessment task in order to pass the unit then add an Assessment Note.
If you have a UNE Supervised Examination it must be at least 30% and not more than 60%.
Except for special topics and thesis units, no one assessment task should account for more than 60% of the aggregate mark; constructed response questions should comprise a minimum of 30% of the aggregate mark
Except for special topics and thesis units, all units must have more than one assessable task and generally more than one assessment method.
Where appropriate include word counts for each assessment, including quizzes (not required for discipline-based formats (eg character-based languages, language proficiency units, musical notation tasks, mathematical problems involving formulas and calculations).
Online and/or class participation: if assessed shall not be worth more than 15% and the criteria by which participation is to be judged must be explicit.
Attendance and Participation: attendance and participation may be specified but no marks are to be allocated for attendance; attendance at structured learning activities may be mandatory provided the achievement of unit and course learning outcomes is substantially dependent on attendance.
Please note that the ‘Test’ Assessment Description is no longer used and has been replaced with
If you have a UNE Supervised Examination select UNE Supervised Examination at item 22.
Must Assessment Weighting Word Learning
LO: 1-4
Assignment 1
Assessment Notes: Written assignment which may include diagrams/drawings
Assignment 2
Assessment Notes: Essay
Unit Quiz
Assessment Notes: 2 online quizzes worth 5% each
Final Examination
LO: 1, 3, 5
LO: 1-5
LO: 1-5
Outcomes entered against assessments match the information in the learning outcome sections.
22 UNE Examination required – item 21 Assessment Rules and Procedures
Indicate whether there is a UNE supervised examination. e.g.
None or UNE Supervised examination. Please note that
Enter one of the following:
UNE Supervised Examination
Where there is a supervised examination,
14 of 17
examinations of more than 2 hours 15 minutes are charged to the school.
Enter length: eg 2 hrs 15 mins
New Unit Information indicate the length of the examination
(normally 2 hours 15minutes)
23 Unit Coordinator
If only one, enter name against
‘Unit Coordinator’. Where more than one unit coordinator enter each coordinator against relevant unit offering
Unit Coordinator:
Trimester 1 Coordinator:
Trimester 2 Coordinator:
Trimester 3 Coordinator:
24 Proposed date of implementation
If other indicate proposed implementation date.
1 January 2017
Other (please specify):
E.g. 2018
25 Prescribed Text(s)/Recommended Readings/Reserve Collection – only complete if new unit is to be offered in 2017.
Prescribed Text 1
Month Required
Estimated Cost
Must be purchased new
Does the Library have at least one copy of the appropriate edition of each?
Prescribed Text 2
Month Required
Estimated Cost
Must be purchased new
15 of 17
Does the Library have at least one copy of the appropriate edition of each?
Prescribed Text 3
Month Required
Estimated Cost
Must be purchased new
Does the Library have at least one copy of the appropriate edition of each?
Prescribed Text 4
Month Required
Estimated Cost
Must be purchased new
Does the Library have at least one copy of the appropriate edition of each?
26.1 Director of Information Technology or nominee – only required if Section 12 Special technical requirements has been completed
Print Name:
16 of 17
26.2 University Librarian or nominee
26.3 Unit Coordinator
26.4 Head of School
Print Name:
Print Name:
Print Name:
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