Candidate’s Name: ____________________ Enrolment Date __________ Confirmation Panel date: __________ University of New England Confirmation of Candidature Proforma for Higher Degree Research Awards There are 3 parts to this form. Part 1 is to be completed by the Candidate, Part 2 by the Principal Supervisor and Part 3 by the Chair of the Confirmation Panel. The form is to be completed within 6 months of the student commencing full-time candidature and within 12 months for part-time candidature for students in 3 year programs, after work on their thesis or portfolio has begun. Confirmation of Candidature Guidelines and Procedures can be found online at: Part 1. To be completed by the candidate 1. Candidate’s details Name: Student number: Award Study mode PhD: PDIP: EdD: Masters: Internal: External: Full-time: Part-time: School: Enrolment date: Date of panel review: 2. Provisional title of thesis1 3. Supervisors Principal supervisor: Co-supervisor/s: “Thesis” refers to various types of examinable outputs including a standard dissertation, an exegesis, an Innovation Project Portfolio or a Non-traditional Research Output (NTRO). NTRO types may include the following creative works: Original Creative Works; Live Performance of Creative Works; Recorded / Rendered Creative Works; or, Curated or Produced Substantial Public Exhibitions and Events. 1 Part 2. To be completed by the principal supervisor 5. Quality of the research proposal Is the overall research proposal feasible? Are the aims of the overall research proposal achievable and appropriate? Is the overall research proposal indicative of significant research? Is the overall research proposal original work? Is the scope of the research appropriate for the degree? Are the research design and methods appropriate to the project? Does the candidate demonstrate a sound knowledge of the field of research? Is the draft thesis outline appropriate, given the stage of research? Are draft timelines appropriate and achievable? If relevant, has statistical advice been sought and the approach planned? Have IP issues been identified and addressed? Have ethical issues associated with the research been considered? Overall research proposal accepted? If relevant, please indicate below what conditions have been applied. Comments: Yes: No: 6. Critical review of recent work in the field Yes: No: Has the candidate employed robust strategies in the sourcing and identification of relevant literature? Does the candidate’s literature review demonstrate an adequate understanding of the research area? Is the preliminary literature review or annotated bibliography complete or well developed? Has the candidate demonstrated a gap in the literature or area of neglect that indicates the need for the study? Comments: 7. Presentation of proposed research Has an oral presentation such as a seminar or conference presentation been given? Comments: Yes: No: 8. Ethics, safety and general requirements Has the Research Degree Supervision Agreement form been completed and submitted to Research Services Has an induction been completed? Have all safety courses and site inductions been undertaken? Please indicate the status of the Ethics application: a) human ethics application has been approved b) animal ethics application has been approved c) ethics application is awaiting C. of C. feedback Has the candidate received the appropriate training in lab & field equipment? If ‘No’ on any of the above, is the student aware of the required processes and timeframes for gaining approval? Comments: Yes: No: N/A: Part 3. To be completed by the chair of the confirmation panel (or delegate) 9. Are the responses to questions from the Confirmation Panel satisfactory? Yes: No: Comments: 10. Resource implications Laboratory access is appropriate Adequate infrastructure and funding is available If relevant, has a provisional budget been submitted? Adequate technical support is available Other resources are needed: (If ‘Yes’ please provide details below) Further training or assistance required: (If ‘Yes’ please provide details below) Comments: Yes: No: N/A: 11. Data retention and management Yes: No: Please confirm that data storage provisions meet the guidelines as outlined in the UNE Code of Conduct for Research, Section 2.1: and under ‘Management of Research Data and Primary Materials’ in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007): If ‘no’, please comment: 12. Outcome Result: Confirmed (without conditions): Confirmed with conditions and a timeline: (Please nominate due date for each condition and Final Due Date) Candidature is asked to redo confirmation: (Please nominate date for reconvening of Panel within two months) Candidature Not Confirmed and candidature is terminated: Research Services Only* Letter received from Panel advising that Conditions have been met Comments: (If the candidate has been asked to meet additional requirements please specify each requirement the due dates) 13. Names and signatures of panel members By signing this form, all parties acknowledge that they are bound by confidentiality, and agree to maintain the confidentiality of the Confirmation of Candidature meeting Name of confirmation panel chair: Position (e.g. HDR coordinator): Signature: Date: Name of principal supervisor: Signature: Date: Name of panel member no. 3: Signature: Date: Name of panel member no. 4: Signature: Date: Name of representative from candidate’s disciplinary area: Signature: Date: (Optional) Name of representative present at the invitation of the candidate: Signature: Date: 14. Indication of receipt by the candidate: Candidate’s Signature: Date: The candidate and School should attach to this form a copy of the research proposal, research plan and timetable and retain a full copy for their records. This completed proforma and attachments must be forwarded to Research Services for inclusion in the candidate’s student record.