Method of Optimization of Three Dimensional Stress Concentration Features in a Rotor Using Two Dimensional Plate Models for Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue by Nicholas D. Aiello A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Prof. Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Thesis Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York April, 2012 © Copyright 2012 by Nicholas D. Aiello All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... ivv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... v LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... viii iii LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Load, Lock, and Shield Slot Configuration ....................................................... 3 Figure 2: NX CAD Model of 3D Sector ............................................................................ 4 Figure 3: Meshed 3D Sector Model................................................................................... 5 Figure 4: Element Types in 3D Model .............................................................................. 5 Figure 5: Node Files for Boundary Condition Mapping ................................................... 6 Figure 6: 3D Detail of Blade-Disk Interface Area............................................................. 8 Figure 7: 2D Slot Configuration in Strip Model .............................................................. 10 Figure 8: 4 identical 2D Strip Models, 1 for Each Mission Point ................................... 10 Figure 9: Sections Cut into 2D Strip Model .................................................................... 11 Figure 10: DOE Input Variables on Forward Rail........................................................... 12 Figure 11: DOE Input Variables on Aft Rail ................................................................... 13 Figure 12: Schematic View of iSight DOE Loop ............................................................ 14 v LIST OF SYMBOLS R = radial coordinate of cylindrical system, goes from rotor centerline outward in 3D finite element model θ = circumferential coordinate of cylindrical system, follows “right hand rule” with Z axis in 3D finite element model Z = axial coordinate of cylindrical system, goes from forward to aft of rotor in 3D finite element model vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT Type the text of your acknowledgment here. vii ABSTRACT Thermo-mechanical fatigue has become a significant concern with respect to rotor life in turbine engines as maximum metal temperatures have increased in newer designs. Stress concentration features, such as those present in a tangentially bladed rotor, tend to be the primary areas of concern for this type of fatigue. This paper will explore a method of optimizing of a set of three dimensional stress concentration features using two dimensional plate models that are correlated to three dimensional finite element analysis by adjusting the plate thickness, and are subject to the realistic design constraints of a functional tangentially bladed rotor viii in a turbine engine. 1. Introduction Thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) is a mechanism that causes damage to parts subjected to transient thermal loading in their within the operational envelope. This failure mechanism is of concern in several industries including both automotive and aerospace (3). In the aerospace industry, parts subjected to this type of fatigue include blades/airfoils and disks/rotors (henceforth used interchangeably) in the high temperature sections of gas turbine engines. This becomes even more of a concern as new products push temperatures even higher to help meet industry demands for higher efficiency propulsion systems. Focusing on gas turbine engine rotors, the means by which thermo-mechanical fatigue is introduced deals mainly with the mission profile of the engine. In commercial aircraft engines, for example, a typical mission includes take-off, climb, cruise, descent, and landing. The points of the mission in which thermal large thermal transients exist are at the beginning of the mission (take-off/climb) and the end of the mission (descent/landing). These are the primary points of interest in the analysis of rotor parts for thermo-mechanical fatigue. During the take-off portion of a commercial turbine engine mission, the gas path of the engine heats up, while the portions of the engine inside the gas path annulus remain cool. Since a typical rotor consists of a radially outboard and fairly thin rim directly exposed to the gas path, a massive bore at the most radially inboard point, and thin web connecting them, this sudden heating up of the gas path heats the rim of the disk rapidly, but the disk’s massive bore takes much longer to heat up. This causes a thermal fight in the disk as the rim wants to thermally expand, while the bore holds it back. What results is a compressive hoop stress field in the rim of the disk that increases to a maximum during the portion of take-off with largest transient thermals, and then dissipates as the bore of the disk begins to respond to the increase in flow path temperatures. During the descent portion of this typical mission, the opposite of this phenomenon is in effect. Going from a cruise condition, where the entire engine is essentially at a thermal equilibrium, to descent, the engine’s gas path suddenly takes on cooler air. This cools the rim of the disk rapidly, while the bore remains hot. This time 1 the thermal fight in the rotor occurs in the opposite direction. The disk rim wants to contract due to the decrease in gas path temperature, while the hot bore will not let it. This results in a tensile hoop stress field at the rim of the disk that behaves in the opposite manner as compared to the takeoff cycle, meaning the thermally induced hoop stresses decrease as the bore cools after reaching a maximum transient point during the descent. The thermo-mechanical stresses introduced on the rim of a rotor throughout a mission become particularly problematic when the rotor has some sort of stress concentrating feature, such as a slot, in the rim of the disk. In the case of a tangentially bladed rotor, stress concentrating feature generally consist of locking and loading slots. Loading slots serve as a means of installing blades into a tangential disk. Locking slots accept locks that are loaded intermittently between blades. These locks serve as a means of transmitting load between the blades and disk at low power (until friction takes over) such that the blades don’t freewheel in the disk as well as a means of ensuring the blades cannot escape through the loading slot. The shape and orientation of these stress concentrating features to one another is dictated by several design considerations, but also can have an impact on how large of a stress concentration (or Kt) each feature actually imposes upon the disk rim. This paper will focus on optimizing the shape and location of these stress concentrating features, subject to constraints of design considerations, in order to maximize TMF life for the rotor part. 2 2. Methodology The objective of this thesis project is to create a method of optimizing three dimensional features, in this particular case a load, lock, and shielding slot configuration (See Figure 1) for a tangentially bladed rotor, such as that of a turbine engine. The optimization routine explores the design space of the problem, given a set of inputs, and chooses an optimal solution based on output parameters/targets. Inputs to the optimization routine account for the shape of the whole rotor, the thermal profile for the rotor (considered a constant during the optimization), the underlying mission that the part is subjected to (which is typical commercial turbofan engine mission, considered a “given” in for the purposes of this project and will not be discussed in detail), a parameterized shape of each slot, and the shape of the blade root that must fit in the loading slot; and output parameters are stresses in each feature and in corresponding farfield locations of the rotor at several mission points, the corresponding temperatures at which these stresses occur, and a calculated TMF life using these outputs. The optimal solution maximizes TMF life by adjusting the stress concentrations in these features within pre-set boundaries by balancing their lives with one another while still allowing for installation of a tangential blade into the rotor. Figure 1: Load, Lock, and Shield Slot Configuration 3 The project can be thought of as three distinct parts. The purpose of the first part of the project is to establish a baseline for comparison with the results of optimization. This is done by first creating a 3D model, in this particular case the load, lock, and shielding slot configuration in the tangentially bladed rotor mentioned above, is created in a CAD system (NX Unigraphics). This 3D CAD model is then imported into a finite element program where it is meshed, boundary conditions are applied, and the model is solved. The output from this step is the peak stresses in each three dimensional feature at the prescribed mission points. The second part of the project is the optimization step. A model is again created, but this time in two dimensions, and it represents the three dimensional features in relation to one another in a hoop stress field (i.e. a plate model with the stress concentrating features that is pulled on the ends). This model is then brought into a FEA program where it is meshed, boundary conditions are applied, and the model is solved, but this time the through thicknesses of different sections of the plate model are adjusted to match the stress concentration factors (Kt’s for the purposes of this paper) calculated using the peak stresses calculated in the first step and the nominal disk stresses (calculated previously, details are not discussed in this paper). Once plate models have been created that match the Kt’s calculated using the information from part 1 of the project, the model is run through a design of experiments (DOE) routine to map the response surfaces created by the effect that changing various dimensions has on the fatigue life (in this case TMF life) . The output of this step is a more optimal dimensioning scheme and a set of stress concentration factors for each slot as predicted by the 2D model. The third and final part of this project is the verification step. This step mirrors the first step, but uses the geometry chosen as optimal by the 2D analysis instead of the baseline geometry. This step is considered successful if the peak stress predicted by this set of 3D analysis is similar to the predicted stress concentration in the 2D analysis multiplied by the nominal disk stresses. 4 Part 1: Establish a Three-Dimensional Baseline The first step in this project is to evaluate a baseline design for the rotor. The analysis is conducted on a three dimensional (3D) sector model of a bladed disk and is run for a complete mission (using ANSYS as a finite element solver). More specifically, the model is of the area surrounding the tangential groove of disk, from the upper web to the disk rim (see Figure 2). This was made by first creating a CAD (computer aided design, NX Unigraphics used) model of the geometry to be analyzed in 3D, then creating a finite element mesh representation of that model (meshed using ANSYS, see Figure 3). The mesh consists primarily of 3 types of elements: 10 node tetrahedron elements for the complex geometry of the area surrounding the 3D slot features, 8 node brick elements for the axi-symmetric portions of the disk to help keep the element count down and increase run speed, and 20 node brick elements that collapse to form the pyramid shaped elements that connect the other 2 element types (see Figure 4). The blades in the model are represented as a finite element mesh of the portion of the blade root below the neck (also called the blade stump) with a mass point at the center-of-gravity of the upper portion of the blade connected to the blade stump by high stiffness spring elements. Figure 2: NX CAD Model of 3D Sector 5 Figure 3: Meshed 3D Sector Model Figure 4: Element Types in 3D Model 6 The effect of the rest of the disk is simulated by mapping deflections from a previously created two dimensional (2D) model onto the corresponding cut boundaries of the 3D model for each mission point analyzed with that model. This was done by first exporting the nodes of the 3D finite element model into a separate file. These nodes, representing the shape of the 3D model, were then all rotated to the mid-plane of the model (i.e. θ=0), after ensuring their nodal coordinate systems were set to the cylindrical system being used in the rest of the model. The completed model, containing all of the nodes of the 3D model compressed into a 2D format (see Figure 5), was saved as another separate file for use in mapping the thermal response of the rotor. Continuing work on the node file for mapping of deflection boundary conditions, compressed nodes now in 2D that are not located on the model’s cut boundaries were deleted, leaving only the nodes residing directly on the boundaries (see Figure 5). The deflections from the 2D model were then mapped onto these nodes for each mission point that the 3D model will analyze, ensuring that compensation was made for any differences in coordinate assignments, and degree-of-freedom boundary conditions files were created for each point. Similarly, the node file containing all of the 3D model nodes compressed into a 2D format is used to map temperatures on each node for each 3D mission point and creating thermal boundary condition files for each point. These boundary condition files are later loaded into the 3D finite element model when the analysis is run. Figure 5: Node Files for Boundary Condition Mapping 7 Before the model can be run, though, there are a few more boundaries in the 3D finite element model that need to be resolve, those being the free sides of the disk sector and the interface of the blade stumps to the disk. The free sides of the disk sector were given the boundary condition of not allowing movement in the circumferential (θ) direction. This still allows the disk model to move radially and axially at the boundaries, but the lack of circumferential motion simulates the existence of the rest of the axisymmetric portion of the rotor. Doing this does not allow for any three dimensional effects to transfer through the end of the 3D rotor section, so it is important that model sector is chosen such that the behavior near the sector edges is indicative of the axisymmetric behavior of the rotor. That resolved, the last issue is the interface of blade stumps to the disk’s bearing surface in the tangential groove (see Figure 6). This interface was resolved using contact elements between the corresponding sets of faces. The contact elements used were set to frictionless contact with no separation of face, which allows the blade to slide along the disk’s bearing surface but not separate from it. This contact behavior was chosen as an approximation of the actual blade/disk interface behavior because it helps simplify the model in a way that increases run speed and decreases likelihood of non-convergence of the finite element solution. The final step in completing boundary resolution of the 3D model was to constrain the airfoils so that they, too, could not move in the circumferential direction. This resolves the circumferential movement still possible with no-separation contacts, and is a fairly accurate approximation of blade behavior in a tangential disk as the friction force on the blade bearing surface due to radial blade pull generally keeps a blade in place circumferentially at most engine operational speeds. 8 Figure 6: 3D Detail of Blade-Disk Interface Area With the boundary conditions of the 3D model now resolved, the model is ready to run. A run file was created that loads the various inputs (finite element model with internal boundary conditions, deflection cut boundary conditions, and thermal conditions), and applies the correct set of inputs and rotational speeds for each mission point in the set. Upon successful completion of the run, the peak stress at each slot for each mission point is extracted and saved for the second part of the project. Part 2: Two-Dimensional Optimization The second part of this project begins with the creation of a two dimensional plate models. These start as CAD models of long thin rectangles and then have the three dimensional features, analyzed in part 1, cut out of them in the proper orientation relative to one another to preserve the effect of inter-relation of the stress fields surrounding them (see figure 7). The limits of the strip model extend far beyond the area of the slots in order to allow any stress field created by the slots to completely die out well before the ends of the model. This is important, since the stress concentration factor 9 (Kt) will be calculated using the peak stress prediction at each slot in the strip model divided by the nominal, or far-field, stress. The height of each strip is determined by the minimum through-thickness of each 3D rail in the area of each set of slots, or an average thereof in the case of multiple slots with varying through-thicknesses. The 2 strip models created, one for each rail, are then copied 3 times, as there were 4 mission points run in the 3D analysis in part 1 of the project, with the slot geometries all directly linked to the first set of strip models via parametric modeling in NX (see figure 8). This model will be used to calculate all 4 mission point sets of slot Kt’s simultaneously. Figure 7: 2D Slot Configuration in Strip Model Figure 8: 4 identical 2D Strip Models, 1 for Each Mission Point 10 The next step in this part of the project is to match the results determined by this 2D model with the 2D-to-3D stress concentration factors (Kt’s) calculated using the peak stresses at each slot location for each mission point calculated in the 3D model from part 1 of this project divided by the nominal disk stress mentioned in the beginning of the Methodology section (again, these are considered inputs for the purposes of this paper). The first step in doing this is creating an FE model of the 2D plate models described in the previous paragraph and assigning thickness parameters to each section of the plate. There is a section of the plate model created for each slot as well as a nonslot, or nominal section (see figure 9). The means by which the 2D models are manipulated to match these Kt’s is by varying the through thickness parameter assigned to each slot section of the plate model until the desired set of 2D Kt’s is achieved. The 2D Kt’s are calculated by dividing the peak stress at each slot determined by the FE analysis by the far-field stress taken at a partition in the nominal section of the 2D plate model. Since this analysis is conducted with elastic properties and compressive and tensile loading was shown to produce the same Kt’s for a given geometry, the loading applied to each plate model was and arbitrary tensile displacement (the same for each plate). The determination of the various plate thickness combinations is done via manually running an FE model for a given set of through thicknesses, then adjusting these through thicknesses based on the results. After doing this a few times, the data was plotted and trend lines were created to more quickly converge on the desired plate thickness for each slot. Figure 9: Sections Cut into 2D Strip Model 11 Once the plate thicknesses are adjusted in the 2D FE model such that the 2D Kt’s match the 2D-to-3D Kt’s determined in the beginning of this step, the automated exploration of the design space can begin. This exploration is conducted using iSight Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Software. This software automates adjustment of variables based on user defined limits and feeding of initial and consequent inputs (i.e. outputs of one program/step that become inputs to the next) to various programs in series or parallel steps set up by the user. The software also has built in routines to conduct various optimizations, DOE’s, etc. based on the inputs and outputs on the system set up by the user. In this case, a DOE is set up with CAD software (UG) as the first process, with input variables set to be the various slot dimensions that are to be changed during the run (see figures 10 and 11). Figures 10 and 11 also show the means by which the depth of the aft load slot is adjusted, that being a simulated “blade stub” that must fit into the pair of load slots. This simulated blade stub serves to couple the forward and aft load slots (and therefore reduce the amount of variables in the DOE) in a way that is a functional restriction on the geometry of the slots, being that they must accept a blade at installation. Figure 10: DOE Input Variables on Forward Rail 12 Figure 11: DOE Input Variables on Aft Rail Once the input variables and therefore the initial step in the DOE are defined in iSight, a FEA step is inserted into the loop. This FEA step uses ANSYS to apply loads and boundary conditions to the geometry created previously in the CAD step. The geometry is constrained in what would equate to the circumferential direction on an actual rotor on the left side of each plate model and an arbitrary displacement (the same for each iteration) is applied on the right side. As this analysis is conducted using only elastic properties, the magnitude of the displacement is unimportant. The model is also constrained in the 3D-equivalent axial direction along the non-slot side of each plate. This prevents bending of the plate about its thinner sections at slot locations, which does not occur to any significant degree in an actual rotor. Once the boundary conditions and loads are applied to the plate geometry, the FE model is solved. The ANSYS control file (see appendix 1) is set up to then automatically calculate the 2D Kt’s of each slot by searching for the max stress along each slot, then dividing it by the corresponding nominal (or far field) stress taken at the non-slot section of the plate model (see figure 9). These 2D Kt’s are the output variables of the FEA step in the DOE. The 2D Kt output obtained in the FEA step is then fed into the next step in the DOE loop, that being the lifing section. In the lifing section, these 2D Kt’s are applied as multipliers to the axi-symmetric stresses (calculated outside of this project, treated as a given input) at each of the four mission points modeled in the previous steps. This creates a concentrated stress value each of these mission points that equate to the stress 13 state of the slot itself (as opposed to the non-slot or axi-symmetric stress at that location on the rotor). The concentrated stress is then interpolated for the rest of the mission by averaging the concentrated stresses in the two points ahead of and behind each mission point that is not calculated directly (the beginning and end mission points are assumed to have a 2D Kt of one). The calculated mission concentrated stresses, as well as the temperatures which are assumed to not change for the types pf relatively small geometric variations studied in this project, are then run through a TMF lifing system and a mision TMF life is calculated for each slot. This TMF life is the approximation of what the 3D model of each set of slot geometry would give, but using Kt’s from the 2D-to-3D correlated model described previously. This process is performed for multiple iterations automatically (see figure 12 for an iteration schematic), with iSight driving the variations in geometry based on the number of DOE points it is allowed to run and the range of variability for each parameter allowed (both are set by the user). The output from this, the second part of this project, is a set of geometries and the life at each slot corresponding to each geometry, from which the highest life set of slots (that with the highest minimum slot life) is chosen to be analyzed in 3D to verify the Kt’s and ultimately life predicted by the 2D geometry. Figure 12: Schematic View of iSight DOE Loop 14 Part 3: Verify Optimization in Three-Dimensions The objective of the third and final part of this project is to verify the results of the two-dimensional optimization part of the project. This boils down to getting peak stresses in each slot that match the concentrated stress calculated using 2D plate model for each mission point in the previous step. This is conducted in the same fashion as the first part of this project with a few changes incorporated to save time. Similar to part 1, the new slot geometry is modeled using NX Unigraphics, but instead of bringing the whole model into ANSYS, only the sections of the model that contain parts of the slots are brought in. The elements (as well as nodes, areas, lines and volumes) that make up the baseline geometry are deleted (the tetrahedron and pyramid elements, shown in purple and red in figures 3 and 4), and the new volumes are used to create and FE mesh that is combined with the remaining baseline mesh (the axisymmetric portion of the rotor and the blade stumps). As this creates new elements and areas, with different numbers assigned to them, the contact elements must be recreated between the blade stumps that touch parts of the slot volumes and the new areas they interface. This is done using the same method described in part 1. Similarly, the new node numbers in the slot volumes require the 3D nodes to be compressed to 2D again for the mapping of thermals. The boundary nodes do not need to be recreated as none of those nodes reside in/on the slot volumes. Excluding these minor changes, part 1 of the project is essentially redone for using the new slot geometry, the model is run, and the peak stress at each slot for each mission point is extracted and saved for comparison to the 2D optimization results. 15 3. References 1. Determination of stress concentration factors of a steam turbine rotor using FEA Nagendra Babu, R.; Ramana, K.V.; Rao, K. Mallikarjuna Source: Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology, EMESEG '09, p 56-59, 2009, Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology, EMESEG '09 2. Overview of High Temperature and Thermo-mechanical Fatigue (TMF) Sehitoglu, H. Source: University of Illinois Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 3. Simulation of complex thermomechanical fatigue Bardenheier, R.; Rogers, G. Source: Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), v 17, n 4, p 400-406, August 2004 4. Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Life Prediction: A critical Review Zhuang, W.Z.; Swansson, N.S. Source: DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory, January 1998 5. Turbine blade fir-tree root design optimisation using intelligent CAD and finite element analysis Song, Wenbin; Keane, Andy; Rees, Janet; Bhaskar, Atul; Bagnall, Steven Source: Computers and Structures, v 80, n 24, p 1853-1867, September 2002 16 4. Appendices Appendix 1: 2D ANSYS Control File pwautom !!Runs automatic mesher/label creator based on parameters coded into UG model !!This section applies arbitrary displacements to the ends of each plate model (all names p\"pull_1") /solu cmsel,s,pull_1 nsll,s,1 d,all,uy,0.005 allsel ! solve !!solves model with applied boundary conditions !!This section post processes maximum stress at each slot for each timepoint, then divides it by the nominal stress to calculate a 2D Kt allsel,all /post1 set,first *cfopen,results,out !!Calculate max stress at forward load slot for first timepoint allsel cmsel,s,F_Load_1 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,fls1,sort,0,max ! !!Calculate max stress at lock slot for first timepoint cmsel,s,Lock_1 nsll,s,1 esln 17 nsort,s,1 *get,ls1,sort,0,max ! !!Calculate max stress at shield slot for first timepoint cmsel,s,Shield_1 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,ss1,sort,0,max ! !!Calculate max stress at aft/rear load slot for first timepoint cmsel,s,R_Load_1 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,rls1,sort,0,max ! !!Calculate nominal stress at foward nominal section for first timepoint cmsel,s,fnom_1 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,fnoms1,sort,0,max ! !!Calculate nominal stress at aft/rear nominal section for first timepoint cmsel,s,rnom_1 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,rnoms1,sort,0,max ! 18 !!Calculates 2D Kt's for each slot for first timepoint flkt1=fls1/fnoms1 lkt1=ls1/fnoms1 skt1=ss1/fnoms1 rlkt1=rls1/rnoms1 ! !!Repeats calculations for second through fourth timepoints cmsel,s,F_Load_2 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,fls2,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,Lock_2 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,ls2,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,Shield_2 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,ss2,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,R_Load_2 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,rls2,sort,0,max ! 19 cmsel,s,fnom_2 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,fnoms2,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,rnom_2 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,rnoms2,sort,0,max ! flkt2=fls2/fnoms2 lkt2=ls2/fnoms2 skt2=ss2/fnoms2 rlkt2=rls2/rnoms2 ! cmsel,s,F_Load_3 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,fls3,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,Lock_3 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,ls3,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,Shield_3 nsll,s,1 20 esln nsort,s,1 *get,ss3,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,R_Load_3 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,rls3,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,fnom_3 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,fnoms3,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,rnom_3 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,rnoms3,sort,0,max ! flkt3=fls3/fnoms3 lkt3=ls3/fnoms3 skt3=ss3/fnoms3 rlkt3=rls3/rnoms3 ! cmsel,s,F_Load_4 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 21 *get,fls4,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,Lock_4 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,ls4,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,Shield_4 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,ss4,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,R_Load_4 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,rls4,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,fnom_4 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,fnoms4,sort,0,max ! cmsel,s,rnom_4 nsll,s,1 esln nsort,s,1 *get,rnoms4,sort,0,max 22 ! flkt4=fls4/fnoms4 lkt4=ls4/fnoms4 skt4=ss4/fnoms4 rlkt4=rls4/rnoms4 ! !!Writes calculated Kt's above to a text file that can be read in the iSight DOE *vlen,1,1 *vwrite,'fload1','=',flkt1 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'lock1','=',lkt1 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'shield1','=',skt1 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'rload1','=',rlkt1 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vlen,1,1 *vwrite,'fload2','=',flkt2 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'lock2','=',lkt2 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'shield2','=',skt2 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'rload2','=',rlkt2 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vlen,1,1 *vwrite,'fload3','=',flkt3 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'lock3','=',lkt3 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'shield3','=',skt3 23 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'rload3','=',rlkt3 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vlen,1,1 *vwrite,'fload4','=',flkt4 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'lock4','=',lkt4 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'shield4','=',skt4 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *vwrite,'rload4','=',rlkt4 (a12,a5,f7.3,) *cfclose fini /exit,nosa 24