Modal Analysis of Rectangular Simply-Supported Functionally Graded Plates by Wesley L Saunders An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: ______________________________________________________ Professor Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Engineering Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, CT December, 2011 i © Copyright 2011 by Wesley L Saunders All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................iv LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................v ACKNOWLEDGMENT..................................................................................................vii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................viii 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..1 1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………...1 1.1.1 Functionally Graded Materials…………………………………...1 1.1.2 Modal Analysis…………………………………………………...1 1.2 Problem Description………………………………………………………….2 2. Methodology……………………………………………………………………….…4 2.1 Finite Element Modeling……………………………………………………..4 2.2 Modal Analysis……………………………………………………………….4 2.3 Mori-Tanaka Estimation of FGM Material Properties……………………….5 3. Results and Discussions.....……………………………………………………….…..8 3.1 Isotropic (Case A)…………………………………………………………….8 3.2 Linear (Case B)……………………………………………………………...13 3.3 Power Law n=2 (Case C)……………………………………………………15 3.4 Power Law n=10 (Case D)………………………………………………….18 3.5 Comparison to Efraim [2]…………………………………………………...22 4. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………….…....24 5. References…………………………………………………………………………...26 6. Appendices………………………………………………………………………….27 6.1 Appendix A – Mesh Selection………………………………………………27 6.2 Appendix B – Mesh Extension Procedure…………………………………..29 6.3 Appendix C – Mori-Tanaka FEA Inputs……………………………………33 6.4 Appendix D – MATLAB Files……………………………………………...43 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Case Descriptions..………………...................................................................... 2 Table 2: Material Properties………………...................................................................... 3 Table 3: Vc Equations for Different FGM.. ...................................................................... 6 Table 4: Isotropic Frequency Results.................................................................................9 Table 5: Linear FGM Frequency Results.........................................................................13 Table 6: Power Law n=2, FGM Frequency Results…………………………………….15 Table 7: Power Law n=10, FGM Frequency Results…………………………………...18 Table 8: FEA and Efraim [2] Comparison………………...……………………………23 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Simply-Supported Boundary Conditions…....................................................... 4 Figure 2: Graphical Representation of Vc of Different FGM Through Thickness of Specimen.............................................................................................................................6 Figure 3: Isotropic Steel and Aluminum Mode Shape Results.........................................10 Figure 4: Isotropic Alumina Mode Shape Results............................................................11 Figure 5: Isotropic Zirconia Mode Shape Results............................................................11 Figure 6: Linear FGM Mode Shape Results, Aluminum-Zirconia h=0.025m and h=0.05m............................................................................................................................14 Figure 7: Power Law n=2, Mode Shape Results, Steel-Alumina, h=0.05m.....................16 Figure 8: Power Law n=2, Mode Shape Results, Steel-Alumina, h=0.025m and Aluminum Zirconia, h=0.025m and h=0.05m…………………………………..…...….17 Figure 9: Power Law n=10, Mode Shape Results, Steel-Alumina, h=0.05m...................19 Figure 10: Power Law n=10, Mode Shape Results, Aluminum-Zirconia, h=0.05m……19 Figure 11: Power Law n=10, Mode Shape Results, Steel-Alumina and AluminumZirconia, h=0.025m……………………………………………………………………..20 Figure 12: Physics-Controlled Mesh for Isotropic Cases……………………………….27 Figure 13: User-Generated Mesh for FGM Cases………………………………………28 Figure 14: Isotropic Mesh Extension……………………………………………………30 Figure 15: FGM Mesh Extension…………………………………………………....….31 Figure 16: Plot of MT Young’s Modulus for Steel-Alumina, n=2 Power Law, h=0.05m…………………………………………………………………………………33 Figure 17: Plot of MT Poisson Ratio for Steel-Alumina, n=2 Power Law, h=0.05m…………………………………………………………………………………34 v NOMENCLATURE ρ Density (kg/m3) E Modulus of Elasticity (Pa) υ Poisson’s Ratio (dimensionless) D Flexural Rigidity (Pa·m3) h Thickness (m) a Plate Length (m) b Plate Width (m) f Frequency (Hz) VC Volume Fraction, material 1, ceramic (dimensionless) VM Volume Fraction, material 2, metal (dimensionless) VB Volume Fraction of material 1 at bottom of plate (dimensionless) VT Volume Fraction of material 1 at top of plate (dimensionless) K Shear Modulus (Pa) µ Bulk Modulus (Pa) n Power (dimensionless) z thickness direction (m) λ Lamé’s first parameter (dimensionless) vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank my family for continued support and inspiration during my education. I would also like to thank the faculty at RPI Hartford, especially Professor Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, for their guidance. vii ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to perform a modal analysis to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of functionally graded materials (FGM) using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). FGM are defined as an anisotropic material whose physical properties vary continuously throughout the volume, either randomly or strategically, to achieve desired characteristics or functionality [1]. A modal analysis will be performed on isotropic cases with FEA and compared its known theoretical solution. FGM are then chosen in increasing complexity and a modal analysis is performed on each case. The FGM are modeled using the Mori-Tanaka (MT) estimation scheme. The analysis performed is compared to the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the constituent materials computed in the isotropic cases. The natural frequencies of select FGM are compared with known solutions in literature, if they exist or compared to analytic models for computing FGM [2]. In all cases of modal analysis, the FEA are validated by mesh extension trials and convergence tests. The frequencies of the FGM materials were found to be bounded by the frequencies of the constituent materials. Also, it was observed that certain constituent materials have greater effects on either the frequency or mode shape. viii 1. Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Functional Graded Materials FGM are composite materials consisting of a matrix and a particulate. The matrix phase is the continuous portion and the particulate phase is the dispersed portion. FGM are typically designed for a specific function or application. Many times they are manufactured to achieve good strength to weight ratios, good thermal or electrical conductivity, or various other material advantages. FGM differ from traditional composites in that their material properties vary continuously, where the composite changes at each laminate interface [1]. FGM accomplish this by gradually changing the volume fraction of the materials which make up the FGM [1]. As discussed in Vel et al [1], FGM can be modeled by using the Mori-Tanaka (MT) method of estimation of material properties. This estimation scheme is further discussed in section 2.2. 1.1.2 Modal Analysis Many times when using FGM, or any material, in a structural or mechanical application, it often required to know the acoustic properties of the material. This project aims to calculate the natural frequencies and accompanying mode shapes of the FGM, which are the key parameters when considering acoustic performance. To determine these parameters, modal analysis will be used. Modal analysis is a method of determining the natural acoustic characteristics, or dynamic response, of materials. The analysis involves imposing an excitation into the structure and finding the frequencies at which the structure resonates, (i.e. when the excitation and the vibration response match). A typical modal analysis will return multiple frequencies, each with an accompanying displacement field which the structure experiencing at that frequency. Each frequency is known as a “mode” and the displacement field is known as the “mode shape”. 1 1.2 Problem Description This project aims to discover the natural frequencies and accompanying mode shapes of the FGM, which are the key parameters when considering acoustic performance, then explore and discuss the difference between the cases. This project performs modal analysis on simply-supported plates and for the following cases: Table 1: Case Descriptions Case Functionality Materials Steel A Isotropic Aluminum Alumina Zirconia B Linear Aluminum-Zirconia C Power Law n=2 Steel-Alumina Aluminum-Zirconia D Power Law n=10 Steel-Alumina Aluminum-Zirconia All cases consider 1m x 1m plates, with thicknesses of 0.025m and 0.05m, and simplysupported boundary conditions imposed. For each case, four frequencies and mode shapes are extracted from the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The frequencies from Case A are compared to the exact solution5 of an isotropic plate given by Timoshenko [3]. For Cases B-D, each material is assumed to be 100% and 0% at each face of the plate. Each case will be compared its constituent isotropic case to determine the contribution of each material to the frequency and mode shape. Select results of the FGM are compared to equation 9 of Efraim [2]. Cases A-D were chosen so a variety of material conditions could be investigated. For instance, the n=10 power law case represents a material that is made up of one material for the large majority of the material, then has a thin layer of another material on the top. This case simulates a metal with a thin ceramic coating. 2 For each material above, Table 1 contains there material properties of interest. Table 2: Material Properties Material E [Pa] ν ρ [kg/m3] Steel 1e11 .3 7800 Aluminum 7.5e9 .33 2700 Alumina 3e11 .27 3690 Zirconia 2e11 .3 5700 3 2. Methodology 2.1 Finite Element Modeling COMSOL software was used in the modeling of the isotropic and FGM plates. Appendix A has details on the specific mesh selection that went into each model. Different elements and mesh densities were used for isotropic and FGM plates. To simulate the simply-supported boundary conditions, specified displacements were placed on the bottom edges and at one bottom corner. Edges 1-4 were constrained in the z-direction, and corner 5 was constrained in the x, y, and z-directions. Figure 1: Simply-Supported Boundary Conditions 2.2 Modal Analysis The modal analysis is performed by using the eigenfrequency module, in the Solid Mechanics physics section of COMSOL. For each case, four frequencies and four mode shapes are computed. The mode shapes are plotted for each frequency over the geometry. The exact solution for the isotropic case is taken from Timoshenko [3] and given as: 4 (1) (1a) 2.3 Mori-Tanaka Estimation of FGM Properties To capture the effective material properties of the FGM at a point in the thickness, the Mori-Tanaka (MT) estimation is used. MT is dependent on the volume fractions of each constituent materials making up the FGM at a certain point. For a given FGM, the MT estimation, as derived in Reference [4], gives three material properties of interest in the modal analysis. The first and simplest is the density of the FGM, which follows the general mixture rule form [1] (Note M-metal, C-ceramic): (2) The last two items are the shear and bulk moduli, given by the following: (3) (4) (4a) Using elasticity, the Poisson ratio and Young’s modulus of the FGM can be determined by inserting equations (3) thru (4a) into equations (5), (5a), and (6). (5) (5a) 5 (6) For Cases B-D, the VC is a function of thickness of the plate (z). It is assumed that the VC and the VM combine to unity and each material is at 100% at its respective plate face. Thus, VT = 1 and VB = 0. Expressions for VC obtained for the three cases investigated are shown in Table 2 and graphical representations appear in Figure 2. Table 3: VC Equations for Different FGM Case Vc Equation Linear (7) Power Law, n=2 (8) Power Law, n=10 (9) Average (All Cases) (10) Figure 2: Graphical Representation of VC of Different FGM Through Thickness of Specimen 6 With these relations of VC known, the Mori-Tanaka estimation can used to predict material properties in Cases B-D. 7 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Isotropic (Case A) The isotropic case is performed for three reasons: 1) To have a reliable check/validation of the modal analysis procedure carried out in COMSOL, 2) To have known isotropic results to use in comparison to the results for when given materials are used as constituents in FGM, and 3) To find a suitable thickness of a FGM plate so that error between theoretical values and FEA values is not too large (approx. <5%). Both the 0.025m and the 0.05m isotropic plates showed good agreement with their respective theoretical values. This validates the FEA approach used in COMSOL for further use on the FGM. The 0.05m thick plate was found to be the thickest plate without the error of the isotropic frequencies exceeding approximately 5% of the theoretical value. This is significant because the FGM should be as thick as possible so that the functional dependency of the material properties through the thickness can be adequately captured. Also, the isotropic values are used for comparison to validate the results for the modal analysis of the FGM, so error should be kept as low as possible. Lastly, it is noted that frequency is shown to be directly proportional to thickness. By comparing the h=0.05m and h=0.025m columns, the frequency doubles from one case to another. Inspection of equations (1) and (1a) show this relationship to be true. Another relationship of note is that faluminum/fsteel ≈ 1.5 and falumina/fzirconia ≈ 1.5. 8 Table 4: Isotropic Frequency Results h=0.025m Material Mode Frequency Frequency [Hz] 1 (1,1) 85.10 84.55 2a (1,2) 212.75 2b (2,1) Percent [Hz] [Hz] 0.65 170.20 166.14 2.39 211.79 0.45 425.50 413.73 2.77 212.75 211.84 0.43 425.50 413.95 2.71 3 (2,2) 340.40 338.07 0.68 680.80 651.36 4.32 1 (1,1) 126.59 125.82 0.60 80.06 77.67 2.99 Aluminum 2a (1,2) 316.46 315.1 0.43 200.15 192.90 3.62 2b (2,1) 316.46 315.18 0.41 200.15 192.98 3.62 3 (2,2) 506.34 503.04 0.65 320.14 301.98 5.70 1 (1,1) 212.32 210.88 0.68 424.6 412.41 2.87 2a (1,2) 530.79 528.32 0.47 1061.6 1027.44 3.22 2b (2,1) 530.79 528.44 0.44 1061.6 1027.66 3.20 3 (2,2) 849.26 843.23 0.71 1698.5 1612.9 5.04 1 (1,1) 140.78 139.88 0.64 281.60 273.68 2.81 2a (1,2) 351.96 350.37 0.45 703.90 681.45 3.19 2b (2,1) 351.96 350.46 0.43 703.90 681.56 3.17 3 (2,2) 563.14 559.28 0.69 1126.30 1069.87 5.01 Zirconia [Hz] Frequency Frequency (FEA) Alumina (FEA) Percent Ref [3] Steel Ref [3] h=0.05m (m,n) 9 Error Error Figure 3: Isotropic Steel and Aluminum Mode Shape Results The mode shapes shown in Figure 3 are obtained from the FEA modal analysis for isotropic plates of steel and aluminum. For each, the mode shape is the same, but the scale of deformation varies for each material. For the purpose of this project, only the shape shall be considered. The results match the typical simply-supported rectangular isotropic plate shown in Ferreira, et al [5]. This result acts as a baseline for comparison when FGM mode shapes are computed. 10 Figure 4: Isotropic Alumina Mode Shape Results Figure 5: Isotropic Zirconia Mode Shape Results The two ceramic materials shown in Figured 4 and 5 have modes 1 and 3 which match nicely with the isotropic metals (steel and aluminum) as well as the results in Ferreira, et 11 al [5]. However, in both ceramics the axis of symmetry for both modes 2a and 2b moved from its typical location on the diagonals. For alumina mode 2a, it has shifted slightly downward, and for mode 2b the axis of symmetry is the horizontal neutral axis of the plate. For zirconia, mode 3 expierences some shifting of its diagonal axis of symmetry away and mode 2a has approximately the vertical neutral axis as its line of symmetry. Again these mode shapes are used for comparison to the FGM cases. 12 3.2 Linear (Case B) The comparison of the FGM frequency solutions in Table 5 to the isotropic solutions found in section 3.1, shows that the general dependency on thickness found in the isotropic case still exist. Comparing each case to its individual isotropic, the h=0.05m case is bounded by the isotropic frequencies of aluminum and zirconia. For example, taking values from Table 4, 170.20 Hz is the upper bound and 80.06 Hz is the lower bound, while the first mode frequency for the FGM is 116.01 Hz. However, the h=0.025m case did not have the same relation to its isotropic frequency, in fact it was well below the lower bound. The ability to accurately calculate the FGM on a the thinner 0.025m plate is low because there is limited amount of elements that are able to be modeled through the thickness of the plate (See Appendix B). The fewer elements, the less information is able to be determined between the two faces of the plate. Table 5: Linear FGM Frequency Results h=0.025m h=0.05m Frequency Frequency (FEA) (FEA) [Hz] [Hz] 1 (1,1) 59.67 116.01 Bottom Material: Aluminum 2a (1,2) 150.29 287.45 Top Material: Zirconia 2b (2,1) 150.31 287.48 3 (2,2) 238.52 447.64 FGM Mode (m,n) 13 Figure 6: Linear FGM Mode Shape Results, Aluminum-Zirconia, h=0.025m and h=0.05m Figure 6 shows the mode shapes for the Aluminum-Zirconia linear FGM plate. The general mode shape pattern did not change for either 0.025m or 0.05m plate, only the scale of deflection. The mode shapes correspond very well to the isotropic case of aluminum in Figure 3, with one exception. The mode shapes for modes 2a and 2b have swapped from where they were in the isotropic cases. In Efraim [2] this phenomena of “interchanging vibrational modes” is attributed to variation in the Poisson ratio of the constituent materials, which in turns affects the FGM. 14 3.3 Power Law n=2 (Case C) Reviewing the results for the first n=2 power law FGM, all the frequencies are bounded by their isotropic constituents. The relationship between frequency and plate thickness is consistent with what was seen in the linear and isotropic cases. Also, since the n=2 power law dictates that on average nearly 67% (see equation 10) of the plate is the bottom (metal) material, the FGM frequency should be closer to the bottom isotropic material. This is indeed the case, as all of the n=2 frequencies are close their metal constituent’s frequency, and are slightly raised due to the presence of the ceramic material. The ratio of the two FGM is fS-A/fA-Z ≈ 2.1. This result shows that a Steel-Alumina FGM, with its steel constituent having a 1:1.5 frequency ratio with aluminum and its alumina constituent having a 1.5:1 frequency ratio to zirconia, can be combined to have a 2:1 frequency ratio to the other constituent materials, Aluminum-Zirconia. Table 6: Power Law n=2, FGM Frequency Results h=0.025m h=0.05m Frequency Frequency (FEA) (FEA) [Hz] [Hz] 1 (1,1) 113.71 222.23 Bottom Material: Steel 2a (2,1) 284.47 551.71 Top Material: Alumina 2b (1,2) 284.50 551.71 3 (2,2) 451.85 861.17 1 (1,1) 54.88 107.11 Bottom Material: Aluminum 2a (2,1) 137.2 265.16 Top Material: Zirconia 2b (1,2) 137.21 265.2 3 (2,2) 217.72 412.47 FGM Mode (m,n) 15 Figure 7: Power Law n=2, Mode Shape Results, Steel-Alumina, h=0.05m It is worth noting that even though the frequency favors the metal material for power law, n=2; the mode shape is greatly influenced by the prescence of ceramic in the material. Modes 2a and 2b almost resemble indentically what modes 2a and 2b of the istropic zirconia in Figure 5 look like. This interesting because there is no zirconia present in this FGM. The istropic steel mode 2a, once symetrical on the diagonal has now become symetric on the vertical neutral axis line of the plate. Mode 2b has experienced the shifting of the symmetry line away from the corners, as has been shown for all ceramic plates, similar to the alumina isotropic plate in Figure 4. 16 Figure 8: Power Law n=2, Mode Shape Results, Steel Alumina, h=0.025m, and Aluminum Zirconia, h=0.025m and h=0.05m Figure 8 shows each of the three remaining cases computed for the power law, n=2 case. Each case (h=0.025m Aluminum-Zirconia, h=0.05m Aluminum-Zirconia, and 0.025 Steel-Aluminum), are similar to the linear FGM in Figure 6 and had the same changes from the isotropic mode shapes. 17 3.4 Power Law n=10 (Case D) The frequencies for the power law n=10 case were as expected in all cases. Both h=0.05m cases and the h=0.025m Steel-Alumina case have frequencies just above what would be an all metal plate (Equation 10 shows VC=9.1%). Since the ceramics inherently have higher natural frequencies, it was expected that the FGM frequencies would be altered slightly due to the presence of the ceramic. The standard checks of the frequencies performed for other cases still hold for the power law n=10 case. The frequency-thickness relationship holds and each frequency is bounded by its isotropic constituents. The frequency ratio of this case drops slightly to fS-A/fA-Z ≈ 1.95. This result again shows that a Steel-Alumina FGM, with its steel constituent having a 1:1.5 frequency ratio with aluminum and its alumina constituent having a 1.5:1 frequency ratio to zirconia, can be combined to have a 2:1 frequency ratio to the other constituent materials, Aluminum-Zirconia. This result is apparent even when the FGM is all metal with a thin ceramic coating. Table 7: Power Law n=10, FGM Frequency Results h=0.025m h=0.05m Frequency Frequency (FEA) (FEA) [Hz] [Hz] 1 (1,1) 96.44 188.41 Bottom Material: Steel 2a (2,1) 241.25 467.67 Top Material: Alumina 2b (1,2) 241.27 467.67 3 (2,2) 383.07 729.74 1 (1,1) 49.51 96.34 Bottom Material: Aluminum 2a (2,1) 123.76 238.65 Top Material: Zirconia 2b (1,2) 123.76 238.65 3 (2,2) 196.17 370.62 FGM Mode (m,n) 18 Figure 9: Power Law n=10, Mode Shape Results, Steel-Alumina, h=0.05m Figure 10: Power Law n=10, Mode Shape Results, Aluminum-Zirconia, h=0.05m 19 The case showed in Figure 9 follows closely on what was discussed for the same two materials in the n=2 power law in Figure 7. The presence of some ceramic, even though it is n=10 power and can be considered a thin coating on the top of the plate, has a significant effect on the mode shape. Mode 2a has been converted almost entirely into an alumina isotropic mode 2b, further illustrating the dominate presence the ceramic has on the mode shape and another example of the “interchanging vibrational modes” pointed out by Efraim [2]. Figure 10 likewise shows the ceramic coating having a greater effect on the mode shape and starting to resemble the isotropic mode shape of the zirconia plate. Figure 11: Power Law n=10, Mode Shape Results, Steel-Alumina and AluminumZirconia, h=0.025m This is another case where the thinner plate did not behave the same as the thicker plate. There are two possible explanations for this, first being one that has been discussed that exploring thinner plates was difficult because of the how many elements could be distributed through the thickness of the plate. There does not seem to be enough to capture the effect of the ceramic on the metal. The second explanation is that even if 20 there were enough elements, the ceramic thickness is dependent on the overall thickness of the plate, so it may be extraordinarily difficult to get a accurate view of what is happening on this plate. 21 3.5 Comparison to Efraim [2] Efraim [2] introduced a method where a frequency could be determined for a FGM if the natural frequencies of isotropic case for the constituents in a corresponding isotropic case, (i.e. same boundary conditions, size, and thickness) were known. This method was very relevant to the project at hand. The main result is given by equation (11) (Equation [9] in [2]). (11) where: (11a) (11b) (11c) (11d) [Note: Some subscripts have been changed to match nomenclature of this paper. Also, 11c and 11d were dimensionless in Efraim [2], however to match COMSOL results they were made to have dimensions] Using MATLAB, select cases of the Mori-Tanaka based FEA results were compared to the Efraim [2] formula results. The results are not as close as one would like (typically around <5%). The Efraim [2] formula consistently produced results that were between 6-11% lower that what was produced with COMSOL. The reason for this discrepancy could be contributed to a few factors. First, the Efraim values were calculated using the isotropic frequencies from Timoshenko [3] and equation (1). There was already said to be a measure of error between the FEA and the Timoshenko [3] values in section 3.1, Table 4. More likely 22 though is the comparison between two fundamentally different approaches of dissecting FGM material properties. The only facet that MT (used in the FEA) and Efraim have in common is that they both consider density to be a rule of mixtures, which is logical because density is an intrinsic property of a material. The remaining two key material properties are handled very differently. First, the Poisson ratio is neglected in the Efraim discussion. For Mori-Tanaka, as seen in Vel et al [1], the Poisson ratio is an extremely detailed and probabilistic approach, using “random distribution of isotropic particles in an isotropic matrix” [1] to determine the physical properties of the material. The same probabilistic method developed by Mori-Tanaka [4] and implemented by Vel et al [1] is used to determine the value of Young’s modulus. Efraim uses two “dimensionless frequency parameters” which are singularly dependent on one of the materials Young’s modulus and a rule of mixtures Young’s modulus (see equation 11a). Table 8: FEA and Efraim [2] Comparison h=0.05m FGM Mode (m,n) Frequency Efraim [2] (FEA) Frequency [Hz] [Hz] Percent Error 1 (1,1) 188.41 171.17 9.2% Bottom Material: Steel 2a (2,1) 467.67 427.93 8.5% Top Material: Alumina 2b (1,2) 467.67 427.93 8.5% Power Law n=10 3 (2,2) 729.74 684.68 6.2% 1 (1,1) 107.11 94.77 11.5% Bottom Material: Aluminum 2a (2,1) 265.16 236.93 10.6% Top Material: Zirconia 2b (1,2) 265.2 236.93 10.7% Power Law n=2 3 (2,2) 412.47 379.09 8.1% 23 4. Conclusions This project explored the modes of vibration of simply-supported FGM plates. The end results were found to match the expectations at the onset of the project. Much of the work in Case A and Appendix C was to set a level of confidence in the values obtained going forward. Case A solidified that the plate modeling and the COMSOL FEA software would give acceptable answers going forward. With confidence in the models and software, all that would need to be done is to insert the correct physical parameters for the applicable FGM. Appendix C, specifically the graphing portion, confirmed that the correct physical parameters were being entered into the COMSOL FEA software. With those two checks in place, a great level of confidence was achieved in the results of the project. Any lingering doubts or discrepancies can be attributed inherent error in the calculations, technological limitations by either the software or operating system, or a difference in approach as discussed in section 3.5. The FGM were arbitrarily selected for study, but useful conclusion can be drawn from the results. As shown and discussed in section 3.3, Table 5 and section 3.4, Table 6 the Steel Alumina frequencies are approximately double what Aluminum-Zirconia are. Structurally, this would result is Steel-Alumina members being more rigid and resonating at double the frequency as Aluminum-Zirconia members. The FEA results were found to be within 6-11% of the computed values from Efraim [2]. While the discrepancy between the FEA and Efraim [2] is a bit high, the Efraim [2] formula is a direct method of calculating FGM frequencies and can be used as a starting point reference or sanity check on more complex FGM FEA models. The takeaways from this project are as follows: When considering a FGM constructed of a metal and a ceramic, the frequency seems to follow the metal while the mode shape seems to the follow the ceramic A FGM should be thick enough so that enough data is able to be extracted from the cross-section of the plate. Many times in this project, the 0.025m plate was 24 simply too thin to fully capture was occur as the frequencies and modes were calculated through the plate’s thickness. The Mori-Tanaka estimate is heavy computationally, as demonstrated in Appendix C. For future use, the use of µ and K should stand to simplify the calculations. 25 5. References [1] Senthil S. Vel, R.C. Batra, Three-dimensional exact solution for the vibration of functionally graded rectangular plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration 272 (2004), pages 703-730 [2] Elia Efraim, Accurate formula for determination of natural frequencies of FGM plates basing on frequencies of isotropic plates, Engineering Procedia 10 (2011), pages 242-247 [3] S. Timoshenko, D.H. Young, W. Weaver Jr., Vibration Problems in Engineering. Forth Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 1974, pages 481-502 [4] T. Mori, K. Tanaka, Average stress in matrix and average elastic energy of materials with misfitting inclusions, Acta Metallurgica 21 (1973), pages 571-574 [5]A.J.M. Ferreira, C.M.C. Roque, E. Carrera, M. Cinefra, Analysis of thick isotropic and cross-ply laminated plates by radial basis functions and a Unified formulation, Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (2011), pages 771-787 26 6. Appendices 6.1 Appendix A – Mesh Selection Isotropic Cases The isotropic cases used the default, or “physics-controlled” mesh given by COMSOL, which are the 3-D tetrahedral elements. The mesh was sized in accordance with Appendix B. The final mesh size settled on for the isotropic case was “Normal”. The general mesh depiction is shown below: Figure 12: Physics-Controlled Mesh for Isotropic Cases 27 FGM Cases All other cases, for the linear, n=2 and n=10 power law, a different mesh was required to adequately capture the changing material properties through the thickness of the plate. The mesh selected was 3-D quad elements using the “Mapped” function, which were distributed on the face of the plate then swept downward through the thickness of the plate using the “Swept” function. Again, the mesh size was determined in accordance with Appendix B for each case. A depiction of the mesh is shown below: Figure 13: User-Generated Mesh for FGM Cases 28 6.2 Appendix B – Mesh Extension Procedure Isotropic Cases For each isotropic case, using the physics-controlled mesh as introduced in Appendix A, a mesh extension was run on each model. The physic-controlled mesh function has mesh sizes ranging from “extremely coarse” to “extremely fine”, with default mesh size parameters built into to each setting. The extension is accomplished by running the model at each setting until either the model has suitable convergence, or a setting creates too many elements and the computer cannot process it. Since the models for the isotropic cases were all the same, with the only the material properties changing, the mesh extensions all had identical results. Thus, all the isotropic cases ended up being assigned the same mesh size. Figure 14 shows the extension done for the isotropic aluminum plate, with thickness of 0.05m, considering first mode frequencies only. 29 Extremely Coarse, f=107.05 Hz Coarse, f=84.88 Hz Normal, f=84.55 Hz Extra Fine, f=84.22 Hz Figure 14: Isotropic Mesh Extension The change from “Normal” to “Extra Fine” was only 0.4% in frequency value but it required a significant amount of additional elements. Thus, the “Normal” setting was used. 30 FGM Cases The FGM cases were more difficult because there are two mesh parameters to vary. However, if both parameters are varied simultaneously a result can be found. Below is the procedure, where m is the mapped size in meters and s is the swept size in meters. The extension is shown for the linear 0.05m thick steel aluminum plate. m=0.5 s=0.05, f=124.34 Hz m=0.1 s=0.025, f=116.62 Hz m=0.07 s=0.01, f=116.26 Hz m=0.07 s=0.009, f=116.26 Hz Figure 15: FGM Mesh Extension 31 As shown, the transition from m=0.07 s=0.01 to m=0.07 s=0.009 gives no appreciable change to the frequency. The m=0.07 s=0.01 setting is right at the limit for what computer can handle without running out of memory and crashing. For example, a run with m=0.06 s=0.009 will crash. Thus, m=0.07 and s=0.01 setting was used. As was the case with the isotropic cases, the linear, n=2 power law, and n=10 power law did not change other than the material property inputs, so the mesh was the same for all cases for thickness of 0.05m. For thickness of 0.025m, an analogous procedure was done and it was found that m=0.125 s=0.008 was the limit for those cases. 32 6.3 Appendix C – Mori-Tanaka FEA Inputs For each FGM case, a MT estimation of density, Young’s Modulus, and Poisson ratio was completed. The equations for Young’s Modulus and Poisson ratio were checked for accuracy by graphing them in Maple. (As shown in equation (2), the density equation is not as involved and can be verified by inspection). The assumption that at each face of the plate, the material was 100% of one and 0% of the other must hold true in the computation of the MT estimates. Each graph (or equation) verified that assumption. A typical graph would look similar to the ones provided for Steel-Alumina plate, with thickness 0.05m, and power law n=2. Figure 16: Plot of MT Young’s Modulus for Steel-Alumina, n=2 Power Law, h=0.05m 33 Figure 17: Plot of MT Poisson Ratio for Steel-Alumina, n=2 Power Law, h=0.05m With each equation verified, the following inputs from Maple, in “string” format, can be directly entered into the COMSOL Global Definitions module and the FGM can be constructed. h=0.025, Linear, Aluminum-Zirconia ρ 4200+120000.0000*z E -2.880000000*(973375111.0+.4148473450e11*z+.1885180924e13*z^2)*(.3492951908e19+.53897180 73e20*z)/(-288525779.+.1498103751e11*z+.3403896768e12*z^2)/(1633665009.0+.1146932007e12*z) υ .1000000000e-1*(-.4293019142e27+.2500717343e29*z+.2854199148e30*z^2)/(.1442628895e26+.7490518756e27*z+.1701948384e29*z^2) 34 h= 0.05, Linear, Aluminum-Zirconia ρ 4200+60000.00000*z E -.9600000000*(2920125333.0+.6222710170e11*z+.1413885693e13*z^2)*(.3492951908e19+.2694859 036e20*z)/(-288525779.+7490518756.0*z+.8509741918e11*z^2)/(1633665009.+.5734660036e11*z) υ .1000000000e-1*(-.4293019142e27+.1250358672e29*z+.7135497869e29*z^2)/(.1442628895e26+.3745259378e27*z+.4254870959e28*z^2) h=0.025, Power Law n=2, Aluminum-Zirconia ρ 2700+3000*((1/2)+40.00000000*z)^2 E -48.0*(695408893.0+.1075198378e11*z+.1561187906e13*z^2+.9048868431e14*z^3+.180977 3685e16*z^4)*(.6312189057e19+.1077943615e21*z+.4311774458e22*z^2)/(3688607917.0+.1072616656e12*z+.7694363390e13*z^2+.2723117414e15*z^3+.54462 34825e16*z^4)/(-4700995027.+.2293864014e12*z+.9175456058e13*z^2) υ .1000000000e-1*(.2297790131e28+.8575769800e29*z+.4571987579e31*z^2+.9133437273e32*z^3+.182 6687455e34*z^4)/(.7377215834e26+.2145233311e28*z+.1538872678e30*z^2+.5446234827e31*z^3+.108 9246965e33*z^4) 35 h=0.05, Power Law n=2, Aluminum-Zirconia ρ 2700+3000*((1/2)+20.00000000*z)^2 E -48.0*(695408893.0+5375991875.0*z+.3902969760e12*z^2+.1131108554e14*z^3+.11311085 54e15*z^4)*(.6312189057e19+.5389718073e20*z+.1077943615e22*z^2)/(3688607917.+.5363083275e11*z+.1923590847e13*z^2+.3403896767e14*z^3+.340389 6767e15*z^4)/(-4700995027.+.1146932007e12*z+.2293864014e13*z^2) υ .1000000000e-1*(.2297790131e28+.4287884900e29*z+.1142996895e31*z^2+.1141679659e32*z^3+.114 1679659e33*z^4)/(.7377215834e26+.1072616655e28*z+.3847181694e29*z^2+.6807793534e30*z^3+.680 7793534e31*z^4) h=0.025, Power Law n=10, Aluminum-Zirconia ρ 2700+3000*((1/2)+40.00000000*z)^10 E -4.800000000*(-852900672.0*z-.3013886990e12*z^2-.6143078050e14*z^3.7568738280e16*z^4.4460115620e18*z^5+.3012452220e20*z^6+.1163859987e23*z^7+.1785765035e25*z^ 8+.1977548586e27*z^9+.1751879962e29*z^109417613335.+.1274940860e31*z^11+.7649645163e32*z^12+.3765979158e34*z^13+.1 506391663e36*z^14+.4820453323e37*z^15+.1205113330e39*z^16+.2268448622e40* z^17+.3024598162e41*z^18+.2547030031e42*z^19+.1018812012e43*z^20)*(.144412 3135e22+.5389718073e21*z+.1940298506e24*z^2+.4139303480e26*z^3+.579502487 2e28*z^4+.5563223877e30*z^5+.3708815918e32*z^6+.1695458705e34*z^7+.5086376 36 116e35*z^8+.9042446429e36*z^9+.7233957143e37*z^10)/(1660906543.*z+.59962830 40e12*z^2+.1287830254e15*z^3+.1834005894e17*z^4+.1845084083e19*z^5+.141019 1361e21*z^6+.9534622900e22*z^7+.7183634218e24*z^8+.6272843019e26*z^9+.5297 749833e28*z^10+.3836737913e30*z^11+.2302042748e32*z^12+.1133313353e34*z^1 3+.4533253411e35*z^14+.1450641092e37*z^15+.3626602729e38*z^16+.6826546313 e39*z^17+.9102061751e40*z^18+.7664894106e41*z^19+.3065957642e42*z^205537066745.)/(.1569039304e13+.1146932007e13*z+.4128955226e15*z^2+.8808437815e17*z^3+.123 3181294e20*z^4+.1183854042e22*z^5+.7892360283e23*z^6+.3607936129e25*z^7+.1 082380839e27*z^8+.1924232602e28*z^9+.1539386082e29*z^10) υ .1000000000e1*(.9157433387e32*z+.3299530219e35*z^2+.7053459075e37*z^3+.9926903298e39*z ^4+.9671431977e41*z^5+.6749711583e43*z^6+.3603451463e45*z^7+.1806052074e4 7*z^8+.1158872924e49*z^9+.8969949541e50*z^10+.6434280961e52*z^11+.3860568 577e54*z^12+.1900587607e56*z^13+.7602350428e57*z^14+.2432752137e59*z^15+.6 081880343e60*z^16+.1144824535e62*z^17+.1526432713e63*z^18+.1285417022e64* z^19+.5141668087e64*z^20.1826772039e33)/(.1660906543e31*z+.5996283040e33*z^2+.1287830254e36*z^3+.18 34005894e38*z^4+.1845084083e40*z^5+.1410191361e42*z^6+.9534622900e43*z^7+. 7183634218e45*z^8+.6272843019e47*z^9+.5297749833e49*z^10+.3836737913e51*z ^11+.2302042748e53*z^12+.1133313353e55*z^13+.4533253411e56*z^14+.14506410 92e58*z^15+.3626602729e59*z^16+.6826546313e60*z^17+.9102061751e61*z^18+.76 64894106e62*z^19+.3065957642e63*z^20-.5537066745e31) h=0.05, Power Law n=10, Aluminum-Zirconia ρ 2700+3000*((1/2)+20.00000000*z)^10 E -24.0*(-852900671.0*z-.1506943492e12*z^2-.1535769518e14*z^3.9460922920e15*z^4- 37 .2787572280e17*z^5+.9413913200e18*z^6+.1818531231e21*z^7+.1395128934e23*z^ 8+.7724799160e24*z^9+.3421640551e26*z^10+.1245059434e28*z^11+.3735178302e 29*z^12+.9194285048e30*z^13+.1838857010e32*z^14+.2942171216e33*z^15+.3677 714020e34*z^16+.3461377902e35*z^17+.2307585267e36*z^18+.9716148492e36*z^1 9+.1943229699e37*z^20.1883522667e11)*(.1444123135e22+.2694859036e21*z+.4850746265e23*z^2+.51741 29350e25*z^3+.3621890545e27*z^4+.1738507462e29*z^5+.5795024872e30*z^6+.132 4577114e32*z^7+.1986865670e33*z^8+.1766102818e34*z^9+.7064411272e34*z^10)/ (8304532717.0*z+.1499070760e13*z^2+.1609787817e15*z^3+.1146253683e17*z^4+. 5765887758e18*z^5+.2203424002e20*z^6+.7448924141e21*z^7+.2806107116e23*z^ 8+.1225164652e25*z^9+.5173583821e26*z^10+.1873407184e28*z^11+.5620221552e 29*z^12+.1383439151e31*z^13+.2766878303e32*z^14+.4427005284e33*z^15+.5533 756605e34*z^16+.5208241511e35*z^17+.3472161007e36*z^18+.1461962529e37*z^1 9+.2923925059e37*z^20-.5537066745e11)/(.1569039304e13+.5734660036e12*z+.1032238806e15*z^2+.1101054727e17*z^3+.770 7383088e18*z^4+.3699543882e20*z^5+.1233181294e22*z^6+.2818700101e23*z^7+.4 228050151e24*z^8+.3758266801e25*z^9+.1503306720e26*z^10) υ .1000000000e1*(.4578716694e32*z+.8248825546e34*z^2+.8816823844e36*z^3+.6204314561e38*z ^4+.3022322493e40*z^5+.1054642435e42*z^6+.2815196455e43*z^7+.7054890912e4 4*z^8+.2263423680e46*z^9+.8759716349e47*z^10+.3141738751e49*z^11+.9425216 252e50*z^12+.2320053231e52*z^13+.4640106463e53*z^14+.7424170340e54*z^15+.9 280212925e55*z^16+.8734318047e56*z^17+.5822878698e57*z^18+.2451738399e58* z^19+.4903476798e58*z^20.1826772039e33)/(.8304532717e30*z+.1499070760e33*z^2+.1609787817e35*z^3+.11 46253683e37*z^4+.5765887758e38*z^5+.2203424002e40*z^6+.7448924141e41*z^7+. 2806107116e43*z^8+.1225164652e45*z^9+.5173583821e46*z^10+.1873407184e48*z ^11+.5620221552e49*z^12+.1383439151e51*z^13+.2766878303e52*z^14+.44270052 84e53*z^15+.5533756605e54*z^16+.5208241511e55*z^17+.3472161007e56*z^18+.14 61962529e57*z^19+.2923925059e57*z^20-.5537066745e31) 38 h=0.025, Power Law n=2, Steel-Alumina ρ 7800-4110*((1/2)+40.00000000*z)^2 E -30.0*(2426636917.0+8690198960.0*z+.1411236495e13*z^2+.8509028296e14*z^3+.1701805 659e16*z^4)*(.7163561075e21+.8171152517e22*z+.3268461007e24*z^2)/(5793557129.+.5906561246e11*z+.4006414055e13*z^2+.1315031645e15*z^3+.263006 3290e16*z^4)/(-.6987577639e11+.1593374741e13*z+.6373498965e14*z^2) υ .1000000000*(.1683460106e32+.2518770675e33*z+.1297588780e35*z^2+.2320644077e36*z^3+.464 1288155e37*z^4)/(.5793557129e31+.5906561246e32*z+.4006414055e34*z^2+.1315031645e36*z^3+.263 0063290e37*z^4) h=0.05, Power Law n=2, Steel-Alumina ρ 7800-4110*(1/2+20.00000000*z)^2 E -30.0*(2426636917.0+4345099490.*z+.3528091242e12*z^2+.1063628537e14*z^3+.10636285 37e15*z^4)*(.7163561075e21+.4085576258e22*z+.8171152517e23*z^2)/(5793557129.+.2953280623e11*z+.1001603514e13*z^2+.1643789556e14*z^3+.164378 9556e15*z^4)/(-.6987577639e11+.7966873706e12*z+.1593374741e14*z^2) υ .1000000000*(.1683460106e32+.1259385337e33*z+.3243971949e34*z^2+.2900805097e35*z^3+.290 0805097e36*z^4)/(- 39 .5793557129e31+.2953280623e32*z+.1001603514e34*z^2+.1643789556e35*z^3+.164 3789556e36*z^4) h=0.025, Power Law n=10, Steel-Alumina ρ 7800-4110*((1/2)+40.00000000*z)^10 E -12.0*(-145703128.0*z-.5178835835e11*z^2-.1071136740e14*z^3.1378337782e16*z^4.9933943325e17*z^5+.4133164250e18*z^6+.1225056518e22*z^7+.2056143831e24*z^ 8+.2316838850e26*z^9+.2058597188e28*z^103996900505.0+.1498600065e30*z^11+.8991600391e31*z^12+.4426634039e33*z^13+. 1770653616e35*z^14+.5666091568e36*z^15+.1416522892e38*z^16+.2666396034e39 *z^17+.3555194711e40*z^18+.2993848176e41*z^19+.1197539271e42*z^20)*(.17036 43892e24+.4085576258e23*z+.1470807453e26*z^2+.3137722566e28*z^3+.43928115 93e30*z^4+.4217099129e32*z^5+.2811399419e34*z^6+.1285211163e36*z^7+.385563 3490e37*z^8+.6854459537e38*z^9+.5483567630e39*z^10)/(494060879.*z+.17827286 38e12*z^2+.3823975762e14*z^3+.5428522871e16*z^4+.5415264463e18*z^5+.404512 5655e20*z^6+.2594827751e22*z^7+.1822326757e24*z^8+.1530228723e26*z^9+.1280 427438e28*z^10+.9264073125e29*z^11+.5558443875e31*z^12+.2736464677e33*z^1 3+.1094585871e35*z^14+.3502674786e36*z^15+.8756686966e37*z^16+.1648317547 e39*z^17+.2197756729e40*z^18+.1850742508e41*z^19+.7402970034e41*z^203996100402.)/(.2042763975e14+.7966873706e13*z+.2868074534e16*z^2+.6118559007e18*z^3+.856 5982609e20*z^4+.8223343305e22*z^5+.5482228870e24*z^6+.2506161769e26*z^7+.7 518485307e27*z^8+.1336619610e29*z^9+.1069295688e30*z^10) υ .1000000000*(.2761710651e36*z+.9949410357e38*z^2+.2126215229e41*z^3+.29899 28992e43*z^4+.2906311098e45*z^5+.2014296499e47*z^6+.1052402572e49*z^7+.499 9346123e50*z^8+.3017465915e52*z^9+.2284942813e54*z^10+.1634836432e56*z^11 +.9809018593e57*z^12+.4829055307e59*z^13+.1931622123e61*z^14+.6181190793e 40 62*z^15+.1545297698e64*z^16+.2908795668e65*z^17+.3878394223e66*z^18+.3266 016188e67*z^19+.1306406475e68*z^20.1198670100e37)/(.4940608790e35*z+.1782728638e38*z^2+.3823975762e40*z^3+.54 28522871e42*z^4+.5415264463e44*z^5+.4045125655e46*z^6+.2594827751e48*z^7+. 1822326757e50*z^8+.1530228723e52*z^9+.1280427438e54*z^10+.9264073125e55*z ^11+.5558443875e57*z^12+.2736464677e59*z^13+.1094585871e61*z^14+.35026747 86e62*z^15+.8756686966e63*z^16+.1648317547e65*z^17+.2197756729e66*z^18+.18 50742508e67*z^19+.7402970034e67*z^20-.3996100402e36) h=0.05, Power Law n=10, Steel-Alumina ρ 7800-4110*(1/2+20.00000000*z)^10 E -6.0*(-291406257.0*z-.5178835830e11*z^2+.8041395268e25*z^10.5355683710e13*z^3-.3445844450e15*z^4.1241742916e17*z^5+.2583227600e17*z^6+.3828301618e20*z^7+.3212724738e22*z^ 8+.1810030351e24*z^9.1598760202e11+.2926953253e27*z^11+.8780859760e28*z^12+.2161442402e30*z^1 3+.4322884803e31*z^14+.6916615682e32*z^15+.8645769606e33*z^16+.8137194928 e34*z^17+.5424796616e35*z^18+.2284124891e36*z^19+.4568249782e36*z^20)*(.17 03643892e24+.2042788129e23*z+.3677018632e25*z^2+.3922153208e27*z^3+.27455 07246e29*z^4+.1317843478e31*z^5+.4392811593e32*z^6+.1004071221e34*z^7+.150 6106832e35*z^8+.1338761628e36*z^9+.5355046513e36*z^10)/(494060879.*z+.89136 43190e11*z^2+.2500834840e25*z^10+.9559939406e13*z^3+.6785653590e15*z^4+.33 84540290e17*z^5+.1264101767e19*z^6+.4054418360e20*z^7+.1423692779e22*z^8+. 5977455948e23*z^9+.9046946412e26*z^11+.2714083924e28*z^12+.6680821966e29* z^13+.1336164393e31*z^14+.2137863028e32*z^15+.2672328786e33*z^16+.2515132 976e34*z^17+.1676755317e35*z^18+.7060022386e35*z^19+.1412004477e36*z^207992200804.)/(.2042763975e14+.3983436853e13*z+.7170186336e15*z^2+.7648198758e17*z^3+.535 41 3739131e19*z^4+.2569794783e21*z^5+.8565982609e22*z^6+.1957938882e24*z^7+.2 936908323e25*z^8+.2610585176e26*z^9+.1044234070e27*z^10) υ .1000000000*(.1380855326e36*z+.2487352589e38*z^2+.2231389466e51*z^10+.2657 769037e40*z^3+.1868705620e42*z^4+.9082222183e43*z^5+.3147338280e45*z^6+.82 21895091e46*z^7+.1952869579e48*z^8+.5893488115e49*z^9+.7982599767e52*z^11 +.2394779930e54*z^12+.5894842905e55*z^13+.1178968581e57*z^14+.1886349729e 58*z^15+.2357937162e59*z^16+.2219234976e60*z^17+.1479489984e61*z^18+.6229 431511e61*z^19+.1245886302e62*z^20.1198670100e37)/(.2470304395e35*z+.4456821595e37*z^2+.1250417420e51*z^10+.4 779969703e39*z^3+.3392826795e41*z^4+.1692270145e43*z^5+.6320508836e44*z^6 +.2027209180e46*z^7+.7118463896e47*z^8+.2988727974e49*z^9+.4523473206e52* z^11+.1357041962e54*z^12+.3340410983e55*z^13+.6680821965e56*z^14+.1068931 514e58*z^15+.1336164393e59*z^16+.1257566488e60*z^17+.8383776584e60*z^18+.3 530011193e61*z^19+.7060022386e61*z^20-.3996100402e36) 42 6.4 Appendix D – MATLAB Files 43