Fracture Mechanics Prof. Bal Annigeri Script Mon 8/18 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM The beginnings of fracture mechanics – Griffith 1920’s Types of Fracture Brittle Fracture Breakage without prior plastic deformation and very fast crack propagation no shear lips present Ductile Fracture General comments about Failure of Materials Fatigue : Breakage following cyclic loading Yielding : Breakage following plastic deformation Buckling: Failure due to Elastic instability Excessive Deflection Corrosion Creep/Creep Rupture Wear Ref. p. 4 text for examples of material failure Concept of Notch Toughness Testing Engineering Stress-Strain Curve Notch Toughness = Area under Stress-Strain Curve Toughness = Ability of a smooth member to absorb energy usually when loaded slowly Notch Toughness = Ability of a flaw containing member to absorb energy usually when loaded dynamically Notch Toughness Testing Charpy V-Notch Dynamic Tear KIc (fracture toughness) Kid (dynamic fracture toughness) CTOD Jc Integral Materials Issues: Cracks, Corrosion Pits, Flaws … Environment Issues: Loading, Temperature, Load rate, Constraints (strain/load), Environment Constitutive Laws of Material behavior Linear Elastic solid (Hooke’s Law): Stress proportional to strain Elastic-Plastic solid : Increment in stress proportional to strain Plot: Energy Absorbed vs Temperature at different rates of loading Concept of Nil-Ductility Temperature (NDT): Below NDT -> Material is Brittle Primary Factors that Control Brittle Fracture) Material Toughness (Fracture Toughness) K Stress Intensity Factor (Prof. Kies) Kc - Critical Stress Intensity Factor (Plane Stress) KIc - Critical Stress Intensity Factor (Plane Strain) KID - Critical Stress Intensity Factor (Plane Strain, Dynamic Loading) KIscc - Critical Stress Intensity Factor (Plane Strain, Corrosion) CTOD - Critical Crack Tip Opening Displacement J Integral J-R Curves (J-Resistance) K-R Curves (K Resistance) Fatigue Loading – Importance in Practice Converting a Complex Loading History into a Constant Amplitude Loading Rain-Flow Cycle Pairing Plot Flaw Size vs Number of Load Cycles -> Three regions Region I – Micro-mechanics (Fracture Initiation) Region 2 – Meso-mechanics Region 3 – Macro-mechanics (Fracture Propagation) Inglis-Kolosov – Stresses in an Elliptical Hole in a large plate Fracture Modes Mode I - Opening Mode II – In plane Shear Mode III – Out of Plane Shear Stresses at the Crack Tip Mon 8/18, 4:30-4:45 PM Break Mon 8/18, 4:45-6:10 PM Stress Intensity Factors Examples Center through thickness crack, size 2a in a large plate uniaxial tension KI = sigma sqrt(Pi a) Plate with Semi-Elliptical Surface Crack (Not through Thickness; Depth a , Size 2c) KI = 1.12 sigma sqrt(Pi a/q) ; q=shape factor (Sneddon) , p. 39 text Important: Crack Growth Occurs WHEN K -> Kc Note: Kc is a material Property and K is a measure the strength of the stress singularity Compare with applied stress -> Yield Stress as criterion for yield failure Plot of sigma vs flaw size for constant Kc Comparison with Euler Buckling Curve Fracture Instability Stress Tensor Components in a small Square 2D region under a General State of Stress Conservation of Linear Momentum – Equilibrium Equations Review of Solution of Stress Analysis Problems Equations of Equilibrium Compatibility Stress-Strain Law Boundary Conditions Components of Stress Tensor and Tractions acting on an Inclined Plane (Coordinate Axes Rotation) Mohr Circle for Stress (2D) Example: p. 25 Dieter Comments on paper by Annigeri 2007 on Kinematics Mon 8/18, 6:10-6:25 PM Break Mon 8/18, 6:25- PM Exercise: Identify five examples of catastrophic fracture failures. Make a brief description of the situation in each case and list the factors involved. Silver Bridge (St Mary’s) Collapse – Baek Nakgon Helikopter Service Flight 451 – TaeHwan DeHavilland Comet Failures – Yong UA811 Cargo Door Failure – Jae Chul Sikorsky-S76C Failure – Jung Geun Other Examples: Boston Molasses Disaster UA Flight 232 – Sioux City Crash Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse I-35W Mississippi River Bridge Collapse Markham Colliery Mine Disaster Sinking of the Titanic WTC Buildings Collapse Liberty Ship Fatigue Failures Sea Gen Oil Off-shore Drilling Rig Collapse Tues 8/19 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Strain: From 1D to 2D to 3D (See Paper 1, Eqn 2) Solution of Boundary Value Problems Equilibrium Compatibility Constitutive Law Boundary Conditions Principle of Linear Superposition – Widely Used in LEFM Equivalence of the cracked body in Tension with the sum of a uncracked body in Tension plus the stress in a body containing a crack stressed enough to give the zero stress at the crack surfaces in the cracked body Through this the focus shifts entirely on the crack tip The Williams eigensolution for Fracture Cracks in Modes I, II, II Singular solutions : stress ~ 1/sqrt(r) (i.e. stress -> infinity at crack tip) Survey of some Simple Solutions Crack of length 2a in an infinite domain Plate of Finite Width under Uniaxial Tension with Crack of length 2a Plate of Finite Width under uniaxial tension with Double Edge Notch Example: Finite Plate, b = 1, sigma = 50 ksi, KIc = 100 ksi sqrt(in) Find critical a Ans: ac = 0.7 Elliptical Crack (Sneddon) Compact Tension Specimen Crack Mouth Opening (Proportional or not with the Load) Tues 8/19 3:30 PM – 3:45 PM Break Tues 8/18 3:45 PM – 5:20 PM Stresses at a Crack Tip (Plane Stress) Recall sigma_yy infinity as x 0. However there is the yield stress sigma_ys For an elastic-perfectly plastic material a Plastic Zone of radius r_Y develops For Plane Strain, the yield stress is bigger because of the constraint (Irwin) Improved estimate of the plastic zone radius by extension of zone r_p = 2 r_Y Actual Shape of the Plastic Zone Plane Strain – Bean – Smaller Plane Stress – Circle – Larger Zone However: The Plastic Zone Size is Much smaller than the Crack Size Note: ~ 70% of Fracture problems can be handled by LEFM Griffith’s Observations on Fracture of GLASS Fibers (Size and Surface Finish Effects) Recall: At the Crack Tip the Stress goes to Infinity, REGARDLESS of the size of the load Griffith Theory – When a crack forms, surfaces and surface energy appear whilst elastic energy decreases Uo - Elastic energy of the Uncracked Body Ua – Decrease in Elastic Energy of the Body when introducing the Crack = Pi s^2 a^2/E U_gamma - Increase in Surface Energy when introducing the Crack = 4 a gamma Energy Balance: U = Uo – Ua + U_gamma Energy is Minimum when dU/da = 0 sigma sqrt(Pia) = sqrt(2 E gamma) Energy Release Rate : G = Pi s^2 a/E = KI^2/E = 2 gamma Conclusion: Crack is Unstable when sigma sqrt(Pia) > sqrt(2 E gamma) Orowan: Addition of Energy of Plastic Deformation Energy Release Rate : G = Pi s^2 a/E = 2 (gamma + gamma_P) Conversion Factors for SIF from SI to English 1 ksi sqrt(in) ~ 1 MN m^-3/2 Experimental Determination of Fracture Toughness (ASTM Standard) Plot Kc vs Specimen Thickness Asymptotic to KIc P. 81 Text Experimental precautions: Specimen size (Importance of B/r_Y ~ 47) Load Strategy: First Cycle the load then Increase it Monotonically (Fig. 3.20, 3.21) Tues 8/19 5:20 PM – 5:35 PM Break Tues 8/19 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Exercise – Paper 2 , p. 878 from Reading Assignment – Angle Crack How to Design Structures with Cracks: What is the maximum flaw size the structure can tolerate under the given loading conditions? a_crit = (KIc/C s)^2 Discussion of Non-Destructive-Evaluation (NDE) of materials One wants to know the biggest crack size that the inspection will miss Probability of Flaw Detection + Confidence Level Exercise: Design a Pressure Vessel Diameter = 30 in , Wall Thickness => 0.5 in for p = 5000 psi Exercise: Graph on p. 39 text Wed 8/20 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Fractured samples distributed with a magnifying glass. Students asked to describe the component, loading and fracture type. Example: p. 150 text - Pressure Vessel Problem from yesterday. Do all the calculations and reproduce the results in table on p. 157. Constitutive Relations To connect kinetic variable to kinematic variable (force to motion – stress to strain) Hooke’s Law for 3D for Isotropic Solids (Component Form and Index Notation) Normal Strains - Normal Stresses Shear Strains – Shear Stresses Concept of Strain Energy Density W Concept of Separation of the Stress Tensor into Hydrostatic and Deviatoric components The Yield Condition Von Mises Tresca Wed 8/20 3:30 PM – 3:45 PM Break Wed 8/20 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM Energetics of Cracked Bodies Energy release rate for prescribed loading Energy release rate for prescribed displacement Energy release rate for Prescribed Load P of an Edge Cracked Specimen: P=Load ; Delta = Load Point Displacement ( = P C where C = compliance) Compliance C = Delta/P ; Stiffness K = P/Delta Plot P-Delta Elastic Strain Energy U = (1/2) P Delta Work Done by Load W = P Delta Potential Energy Pi = U-W = -(1/2) P Delta Energy Release Rate G = - dPi/da = d((1/2) P Delta)/da = (1/2) (dP/da) Delta + (1/2) P d Delta/da = (1/2) P d Delta/da = (1/2) P^2 (d C/da) Plot P vs Delta for a then for a+da, for a constant load, the area under P between the lines =Gda Energy release rate for Prescribed Displacement Delta of an Edge Cracked Specimen: Imagine first sample without crack, then introduce crack (displacement does not change since it is prescribed) Elastic Strain Energy U = (1/2) P Delta Work Done by Load W = 0 Potential Energy Pi = U-W = (1/2) P Delta Energy Release Rate G = - dPi/da = -d((1/2) P Delta)/da = -(1/2) (dP/da) Delta - (1/2) P d Delta/da = -(1/2) (dP/da) Delta = = (1/2) (P/C) Delta (d C/da) = (1/2) P^2 (dC/da) Plot P vs Delta for a then for a+da, for a constant load, the area under P between the lines =Gda Energy release rate is the same for both cases J-Integral Crack containing body – Part of Boundary subjected to traction, part to displacement J = int(W dy) is a measureof the strain on the notch tip Example: infinite band of height 2h containing a semi-infinite crack JIc = KIc^2 (1 – nu^2)/E = [Pi (1-nu^2)/E] s^2 a (small crack in a large body) Dugdale-Barenblatt Yield Strip Model Crack of size 2c flanked at both sides by yield strips of size d (where the stress is sY) J-integral calculation Concept of Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) Conditions at the Crack Tip when Yielding takes place Wed 8/20 5:15 PM – 5:30 PM Break Wed 8/20 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Exercises: Problems 2f-2j Knott-Withey Thurs 8/20 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Review of J Integral Equal to Energy release rate G Comparison Linear vs Nonlinear deformation At the critical J, Jc , the crack becomes unstable Lines of maximum shear stress In Plane stress CT specimen In Plane Strain CT specimen The K-R curve (Resistance Curve) Recall: Linear superposition to show the equivalence between A crack (size 2a) containing plate under uniaxial load A plate without crack under uniaxial load (traction sigma at the location of the crack) + An unloaded crack containing plate with traction –sigma applied at the crack Dugdale Model: Addition of length 2d to 2a (to make the cracked zone 2c) to account for plastic zone at crack tip Same as above except in the plastic zones ahead of the crack tip the traction is -(sigma – sigmaY) (elastic-perfectly plastic) so that on the actual plastic zone, the stress is sigmaY Plastic Deformation leads to Crack Blunting The singularity at the crack tip is eliminated The size of the plastic zone d is found J/Jssy = (8/Pi^2)(sY/s)^2 ln(sec(Pi s/2 sY)) Exercise: Expand ln(sec(x) in Taylor series and evaluate Thurs 8/20 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM Break Thurs 8/20 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Mode III (Antiplane Loading) Must satisfy: Equilibrium, Compatibility, Stress-Strain, Boundary Conditions Laplace’s equation for u3 Cauchy-Riemann Eqns Elastic-Plastic Solution (McClintock-Irwin) Equilibrium Yield Condition Constitutive Equations (Hencky) Shear Strains, Displacement, Slip vs r, theta Thurs 8/20 5:20 PM – 5:35 PM Break Thurs 8/20 5:35 PM – 7:00 PM Fatigue Crack Growth Cyclic Loading – Pmax – Pmin , R ratio Crack Size a may increase with the number of load Cycles N Minimum detectable (initial) cracksize a_i At some size a_f the part fails For safety choose a_designLife < a_f Stress Intensity factor K and Stress Intensity factor Range Delta K Focus on the rate of growth of crack da/dN size vs Delta K Measurements show three regions: Initial, Steady State, Final Steady State Crack growth Rate - Delta K relationship (Paris Law) Example: p. 212 text – Fatigue Crack Growth Fri 8/21 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch Fri 8/21 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Example: p. 212 text – Fatigue Crack Growth – contd Exact and numerical integration Linear Cummulative Damage D (Miner) For two distinct load cycles D = (N1/Nf1) + (N2/Nf2) Use of Rainflow Cycle Counting to define Load Cycles Fri 8/21 2:15 PM – 2:30 PM Break Fri 8/21 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM NASGRO code demonstration. Explanation of the Portal Interface NASFLA program Select Crack Configuration Select Material Define Spectrum Running Examination of Results Fri 8/21 3:45 PM – 3:50 PM Break Fri 8/21 3:50 PM – 4:15 PM NASGRO Exercises: Through Crack vs Surface Crack