Numerical Analysis for Engineering - MEAE 4960 Term Project A Study in Ecology: Predator–Prey Relationships using the LotkaVolterra Method Author: Beth McPherson Date: April 10, 2001 Professor: Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 The Problem ............................................................................................................ 1 The Model ............................................................................................................... 2 The Solution (Numerical Approaches) ................................................................... 3 The Results (Part I: A Two Species System) .......................................................... 4 Validation (Part I: A Two Species System) ............................................................ 4 The Results (Part II: A Three Species System) ...................................................... 5 Validation (Part II: A Three Species System)......................................................... 7 Error Analysis ......................................................................................................... 7 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 8 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 8 Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System C++ Program .................................................................................................... A1 Program Output ................................................................................................ A4 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System C++ Program ..................................................................................................... B1 Program Output ................................................................................................. B5 Table of Variables a = predation rate coefficient A = beginning of research time period a12 = interaction rate between species 1 and species 2 a13 = interaction rate between species 1 and species 3 a23 = interaction rate between species 2 and species 3 B = end of research time period b = reproduction rate of predators per 1 prey eaten 1 , 2, 3 = “equivalence” numbers (i.e. i-1/j-1 represents the ration of i’s lost or gained per unit time to j’s lost or gained) d = predator mortality rate h = step size (number of years between results outputs) k1,1, k2,1, k3,1, k4,1, k1,2, k2,2, k3,2, k4,2, k1,3, k2,3, k3,3, k4,3 = Runge-Kutta calculation constants. N = number of output readings given n1 = population of species 1 n2 = population of species 2 n3 = population of species 3 ny = population of prey nd = population of predators r = intrinsic rate of prey population increase t = time Introduction Websters Dictionary defines ecology as the study of the causes and effects of the spatial distribution of population (174). Ecology has evolved with the advancement in technology throughout history as man has taken an interest in the importance of other species to our world. History suggests that, though human monitoring techniques have become more advanced and results more accurate and refined, the patterns remain the same. We see synchrony in ecological systems, which depend on neighboring systems, external disturbances, and self-reinforcing interactions (Ranta 1621). Humans have created reserves to study these interactions and to protect endangered species. This is where most of our documented research comes from. There are many downfalls to these reserves, which are discussed later in the error analysis. Two scientists in particular, Lotka and Volterra, noticed this synchrony during a study of Adriatic fish between 1905 and 1923. The populations of these fish seemed to rise and fall cyclically in synchrony with each other. The cycle was due to the fact that the small fish would multiply and feed the big fish, which would in turn grow in population until the big fish ate more small fish than were being produced. The population of small fish would then begin to drop and eventually, the big fish would start to die off due to lack of food until enough died off to allow the small fish to multiply faster than they were eaten and the cycle would start again (Montroll 61). The Problem The task is to mathematically model a predator prey system. There are an infinite number of ways to go about a problem like this. In order to fully understand the mathematics behind an ecological model such as this, I have chosen to simplify a few predator prey relationships. I have broken the analysis down into two parts. The first involves a simple two species model with no outside factors. This model can be validated both with another researchers model as well as some numbers of 1 actual interacting species in an ecosystem. The second part will expand on the first part. I will make a three species system, set some parameters, and analyze the data. The Model From their observations, Lotka and Volterra developed a model by defining the population of a predator, nd, and a prey, ny, as they interact with one another over time. The rate of change of prey and predator populations, respectively as follows: ny‘ = rny - anynd (1) nd’ = bnynd – dnd (2) where r is the rate of prey population increase in the absence of predators, a and b describe how interactions between predator and prey effect the population of each respectively, and m is the rate at which predators die. Two initial conditions, which represent initial populations of both predator and prey, must be identified (Sharov). The Lotka-Volterra equations were expanded for a more complex ecosystem of three or more species. These equations are generalized as follows: n’i = ci + -1 aijninj where ci describes how the ith species will grow or decline in population in the absence of all other species, i are Lotka-Volterra “equivalence” numbers that describe how quickly each species reproduces with respect to time, and aij describes how interactions between species i and j lead to a population change in i and an aij of zero. This generalized equation translates into the following for a three species system: n1‘ = c1 * n1 + (β1)-1 (a12 * n1 * n2 + a13 * n1 * n3) (3) n2’ = c2 * n2 + (β2)-1 (a21 * n1 * n2 + a23 * n2 * n3) (4) n3’ = c3 * n3 + (β3)-1 (a13 * n1 * n3 + a32 * n2 * n3) (5) 2 It is important to note that interaction coefficients (aij), inversely affect the ith and jth species. That is aij = -aji (Montroll 68-69). The Solution (Numerical Approaches) To keep this paper within the scope of the class (as well as under 12 pages!), I have limited my solution methods to those that are included in the textbook. The only method given for solving systems of differential equations is the RungeKutta of Order Four Method. This method involves any number of equations with initial known values on a time interval A≤t≤B. These are equations (3), (4), and (5) which were defined by Lotka and Volterra. Please note that, in order to avoid being redundant, the description of the solution method in this section involves the three species system only. In order to translate them to a two species system, you would employ equations (1) and (2) instead of (3), (4), and (5) and would omit any equations or variables with the subscript 3: n’1 = f1(t,n1,n2,n3) n’2 = f2(t,n1,n2,n3) n’3 = f3(t,n1,n2,n3) This means that the change in population of each species is a function of all other species from year A to year B. N represents the number of population “readings” to take between A and B and h represents the time period between each population “reading” and will effect how accurate the results are. The relationship between the two is: h = (B – A) / N The Runge-Kutta Method then introduces values, k1,1, k1,2, k1,3, k2,1, k2,2, k2,3, k3,1, k3,2, k3,3, k4,1, k4,2, and k4,3 that will help reduce error in the approximate solution. n1, n2,…, nj are initially set as the known initial population of each species. The general equations for j = 1, 2, …, m and starting at time a look like this: k1,j = h(f1(t, n1, n2,…, nj)) k2,j = h(f2(t + h/2, n1+ k1,1/2, n2+k1,2/2,…, nm+k1,m/2)) k3,j = h(f3(t+h/2, n1+ k2,1/2, n2+ k2,2/2,…, nm+ k2,m/2)) 3 k4,j = h(f4(t+h, n1+ k3,1, n2+ k3,2,…, nm+ k3,m)) nj = nj + (k1,j + 2 k2,j + 2 k3,j + 2 k4,j)/6 t=t+h As you can see, an approximated value, w, is obtained for a specific time t, and then that time is stepped up a designated interval, and the equations are evaluated again. So for equations (3), (4), and (5) above, the equations will look like this (only showing equations for the first species, the second and third are done in the same manner): k1,1 = h*c1*n1 + (β1)-1 (a12*n1*n2 + a13*n1*n3) k2,1 = h*c1*n1 + (β1)-1 (a12*(n1+k1,1/2)*(n2+k1,2/2) + a13*(n2+k1,2/2)*(n3+k1,3/2)) k3,1 = h*c1*n1 + (β1)-1 (a12*(n1+k1,1/2)*(n2+k1,2/2) + a13*(n2+k1,2/2)*(n3+k1,3/2)) k4,1 = h*c1*n1 + (β1)-1 (a12*(n1+k1,1/2)*(n2+k1,2/2) + a13*(n2+k1,2/2)*(n3+k1,3/2)) n1 = n1 + (k1,1 + 2 k2,1 + 2 k3,1 + 2 k4,1)/6 t=t+h (Burden 313-316). The Results (Part I: A Two Species System) Beginning with the above equations (1) and (2), and a two species system, a C++ computer program was constructed and can be located in Appendix A. The inputs to the computer program were chosen in order to compare the results to a baseline. These variables were set as follows: r = 0.100, a = 0.010, b = 0.001, and m = 0.050. The full tabular output of this computer program can also be found in Appendix A. The population change of each species is shown with respect to time in Figure 1 along with the results of the baseline comparison for this part, which is discussed below. Validation (Part I: A Two Species System) In an experiment done by Sharov, we see the output of his computer program, which can also be located in Appendix A. Sharov used Runge-Kutta of Order two 4 rather than four, but you can see in Figure 1 that the results are so close, they are not even discernible. 90 80 70 Population 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Years) Sharov Prey SharovPredator Part1Prey Part1Predator Figure 1: Population vs. Time of a 2-Species System Now that I have determined that the results of my computer program for the two species system works properly, I can expand it to incorporate three interdependent species. The Results (Part II: A Three Species System) Equations (3), (4), and (5), and the analysis below it describe the three species system. The C++ computer program for this system can be located in Appendix B. Due to the fact that it would take years of research and experimentation to accurately describe the system with any three particular interacting species, I have made some educated guesses as to what numbers to use as input for the program. Table 1 is a listing of the inputs used along with a brief description of why. 5 Table 1: Input variable for the three species system Variable Value Explanation .0005 Species 2 is species 1’s main source of food. a12 a13 a23 .0001 .0003 k1 -.1 k2 -.001 k3 .2 1 2 3 n1 n2 n3 1.5 .75 .5 15 50 75 Species 3 is species 1’s secondary source of food. Species 3 is species 2’s main source of food along with vegetation and species 3 is herbivorous. Species 1 is mainly a carnivore and would dwindle in numbers without other species to feed on. Species 2 can live off the land, but will not grow in numbers without species 3. Species 3 will survive and thrive off the land without predators. Species 1 reproduces slow over time. Species 2 reproduces a bit faster than species 1. Species 3 reproduces the fastest. Random Random Random From this input, we see the trends shown in Figure 2 with respect to time. 1200 1000 Population 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Years) Species 1 Species 2 Species 3 Figure 2: Population vs. Time for a 3-Species System 6 Validation (Part II: A Three Species System) Figure 2 above is a good representation of a small ecosystem of three species. We can see the population fluctuations and how each species depends on the others. It is also interesting to note the upward trend of the fluctuations. The graph is suggesting that the fluctuations will continue, however, the “peaks and valleys” will be at higher populations each fluctuation infinitely. We know that this cannot be true forever, but does demonstrate what may happen in a flourishing ecosystem before it becomes saturated. A saturated ecosystem will introduce overpopulation, pollution, mutation, and many other limiting factors which will effect this growing trend. Error Analysis The fact that much of our research comes from reserves created by humans to study animal ecological systems creates errors in itself. These reserves are a great tool to encapsulate certain species and exclude others. However, there are always “edge effects” involved with reserves that create what are called “population sinks.” These sinks are largely created because the populations outside the reserves are human, which is the single most important cause of adult mortality (Woodroffe 2126). This will cause species to become extinct as population fluctuations fall out of synchrony. These fluctuations will generally fall back in synchrony over time, but it may be too late for species with historically small populations (Ranta 1622). Therefore, without data that is completely pure, man can never create a 100% accurate model for any ecosystem. The model for these ecosystems always assumes that the vegetation of the land is limitless. That is, those animals and systems that depend on vegetation may theoretically grow infinitely, but in reality, we know that when a certain population is reached, the land will start to become depleted and polluted. At that point, the populations will begin to die off until the land, if it is not too late, is restored. 7 Yet another reason that these mathematical models have limits is that they do not take into account evolution. Many ecosystems that continue to have synchrony may change with the changing environment in a process called “co-evolution.” This can slightly change the cyclic patterns in their predator prey system (Dieckmann 2). Lastly, as with all mathematical modeling systems, accuracy depends heavily on the number of data points you have. In other words, if I were to take these “readings,” or approximations in monthly increments rather than yearly, the accuracy of the approximations would be better. Discussion Despite the drawbacks to the models, there is still much to be learned from them. From just a two and three species system, we can see the cyclical patterns and how each species depends on and affects each of the others. We can also see how a community, untouched, can thrive and grow. Just one slight change of any input value into the three species system, which relates to one slight change in the actual balance of the ecosystem, can cause entire species to become extinct and consequently affect the other species in the system. Just imagine a system of dozens or even hundreds of species like we live with. Polluting the rivers and land and destroying natural habitats can be that one slight change to destroy a system. Conclusion Although I have shown that there are many drawbacks and inaccuracies in mathematical modeling of the world around us, it is a very powerful tool in helping us understand it. The models and tools we have now are obviously limited, but much less so than in the past and they will continue to improve. If 8 man better understands the world around him, then he can better react and live in it without discord. We have begun to understand that we are a part of an ever-changing ecosystem and can greatly impact it in both positive and negative ways. Researchers and scientists have played a huge role in demonstrating to us the importance of preserving the world around us by putting together mathematical models such as the one in this paper. They observe and study real ecosystems, document them, and see what happens when just one piece of that ecosystem dies off. The rest of the interdependent ecosystem begins to crumble. Man can learn quite a bit through the use of mathematical models in our society and research. You can see that by just using simple principles learned in class, we can construct entire ecosystems and predict how species will effect one another and their numbers will change over time. This is just one small piece of the world of mathematical modeling that can affect us all. 9 References The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary. 1981. Burden, Richard L, and Douglas J. Faires. Numerical Analysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 2001. Dieckmann, Ulf, Paul Marrow, and Richard Law. “Evolutionary Cycling in Predator-Prey Interactions: Population Dynamics and the Red Queen.” IIASA Studies in Adaptive Dynamics 3 (1996): 1-24. Kemeny, John G, and J. Laurie Snell. Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1978. Montroll, Elliot W, and Wade W. Badger. Introduction to Quantitative Aspects of Social Phenomena. New York: Gordon and Breach Science, 1974. Ranta, Esa, Veijo Kaitala, and Per Lundberg. “The Spatial Dimension in Population Fluctuations.” Science 28 Nov 1997: 1621-1623. Sharov, Alexei. Online. Internet. 12 Jan. 1996. Available: http:// Woodroffe, Rosie, and Joshua R. Ginsberg. “Edge Effects and the Extinction of Populations Inside Protected Areas.” Science 26 June 1998: 2126-2128. http:// Online. Internet. Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System C++ Program /**************************************************** PREDATOR PREY MODEL BASED ON THE MODEL LAID OUT BY LOTKA-VOLTERRA TWO SPECIES SYSTEM ****************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> /****************Begin main program********************/ main() { double a,b,r,m,A,B,H,P,T,W1,W2,X11,X12,X21,X22,X31,X32,X41,X42; int I,N,S; FILE *OUP[1]; double predator(double, double, double, double, double); double prey(double, double, double, double, double); void INPUT(double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *, double *,int *); void OUTPUT(FILE **); INPUT(&r, &a, &b, &m, &A, &B, &H, &P, &S); /****** The Runge Kutta Method of order four for ******/ /********* systems of differential equations **********/ OUTPUT(OUP); N = (B - A) / S; T = A; W1 = H; W2 = P; fprintf(*OUP, "Rate of prey population increase: r = %5.3f", r); fprintf(*OUP, "\nPredation rate coefficient: a = %5.3f", a); fprintf(*OUP, "\nPredator reproduction rate: b = %5.3f", b); fprintf(*OUP, "\nPredator mortality rate: m = %5.3f\n", m); fprintf(*OUP, "\n t H(t) P(t)\n"); fprintf(*OUP, "%5.3f %11.8f %11.8f\n", T, W1, W2); A1 Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System for (I=1; I<=N; I++) { X11 = S * prey(T, W1, W2, r, a); X12 = S * predator(T, W1, W2, m, b); X21 = S * prey(T + S / 2.0, W1 + X11 / 2.0, W2 + X12 / 2.0, r, a); X22 = S * predator(T + S / 2.0, W1 + X11 / 2.0, W2 + X12 / 2.0, m, b); X31 = S * prey(T + S / 2.0, W1 + X21 / 2.0, W2 + X22 / 2.0, r, a); X32 = S * predator(T + S / 2.0, W1 + X21 / 2.0, W2 + X22 / 2.0, m, b); X41 = S * prey(T + S, W1 + X31, W2 + X32, r, a); X42 = S * predator(T + S, W1 + X31, W2 + X32, m, b); W1 = W1 + (X11 + 2.0 * X21 + 2.0 * X31 + X41) / 6.0; W2 = W2 + (X12 + 2.0 * X22 + 2.0 * X32 + X42) / 6.0; T = A + I * S; fprintf(*OUP, "%5.3f %11.8f %11.8f\n", T, W1, W2); } fclose(*OUP); /******************************************************/ return 0; } /******************************************************/ /******** Get necessary information from user *********/ void INPUT(double *r,double *a,double *b,double *m,double *A,double *B, double *H, double *P, int *S){ printf("This is the Lotka-Volterra Method.\n"); printf("This part of the project will be compared to the baseline.\n"); printf("\n\nEnter the rate at which the prey multiply untouched: \n"); scanf("%lf", r); printf("\nEnter the predation rate coefficient: \n"); scanf("%lf", a); printf("\nEnter the rate that the predators reproduce per prey eaten: \n"); scanf("%lf", b); printf("\nEnter the rate at which the predators die: \n"); scanf("%lf", m); printf("\nEnter the beginning and end of the time period desired separated by a blank: \n"); scanf("%lf %lf", A, B); A2 Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System printf("\nEnter the number of predator and prey, respectively"); printf("\nyou start with separated by a blank: \n"); scanf("%lf %lf", P, H); printf("\nEnter the time period desired between readings: \n"); scanf("%d", S); } /******************************************************/ /*********** Lotka Volterra Equations *****************/ double prey(double T, double H, double P, double r, double a){ double HR; HR = r * H - a * H * P; return HR; } double predator(double T, double H, double P, double m, double b){ double PR; PR = b * P * H - m * P; return PR; } /*******************************************************/ /************* Print results to a user specified file **************/ void OUTPUT(FILE **OUP){ char NAME[30]; printf("Input the file name in the form - drive:name.ext\n"); printf("For example A:OUTPUT.txt\n"); scanf("%s", NAME); *OUP = fopen(NAME, "w"); } /******************************************************/ A3 Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System Program Output t H(t) P(t) 0.000 50.00000000 15.00000000 1.000 47.56440601 14.98158125 2.000 45.26388152 14.92778285 3.000 43.10499676 14.84104360 4.000 41.09101226 14.72405330 5.000 39.22244894 14.57965542 6.000 37.49763978 14.41076186 7.000 35.91323890 14.22028115 8.000 34.46467359 14.01106045 9.000 33.14653287 13.78584068 10.000 31.95289173 13.54722354 11.000 30.87757418 13.29764903 12.000 29.91436099 13.03938168 13.000 29.05714908 12.77450400 14.000 28.30006972 12.50491555 15.000 27.63757292 12.23233643 16.000 27.06448436 11.95831385 17.000 26.57604073 11.68423096 18.000 26.16790836 11.41131724 19.000 25.83618935 11.14065952 20.000 25.57741841 10.87321356 21.000 25.38855317 10.60981557 22.000 25.26696006 10.35119343 23.000 25.21039726 10.09797757 24.000 25.21699601 9.85071130 25.000 25.28524108 9.60986045 26.000 25.41395099 9.37582249 27.000 25.60225842 9.14893489 28.000 25.84959090 8.92948293 29.000 26.15565204 8.71770683 30.000 26.52040309 8.51380835 31.000 26.94404484 8.31795691 32.000 27.42699959 8.13029508 33.000 27.96989313 7.95094382 34.000 28.57353611 7.78000714 35.000 29.23890482 7.61757662 36.000 29.96712075 7.46373544 37.000 30.75942860 7.31856228 38.000 31.61717226 7.18213499 39.000 32.54176822 7.05453401 40.000 33.53467584 6.93584577 41.000 34.59736390 6.82616587 A4 Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System 42.000 43.000 44.000 45.000 46.000 47.000 48.000 49.000 50.000 51.000 52.000 53.000 54.000 55.000 56.000 57.000 58.000 59.000 60.000 61.000 62.000 63.000 64.000 65.000 66.000 67.000 68.000 69.000 70.000 71.000 72.000 73.000 74.000 75.000 76.000 77.000 78.000 79.000 80.000 81.000 82.000 83.000 84.000 85.000 86.000 87.000 35.73127276 36.93777139 38.21810858 39.57335745 41.00435262 42.51161906 44.09529190 45.75502655 47.48989835 49.29829153 51.17777705 53.12497978 55.13543545 57.20343910 59.32188691 61.48211511 63.67374052 65.88450919 68.10016135 70.30432319 72.47843811 74.60175244 76.65137273 78.60241307 80.42825142 82.10091287 83.59159437 84.87133949 85.91186241 86.68650767 87.17131642 87.34615213 87.19582088 86.71110588 85.88962677 84.73643342 83.26425554 81.49335252 79.45094278 77.17023304 74.68911014 72.04859466 69.29117938 66.45918357 63.59324501 60.73104770 6.72560227 6.63427837 6.55233611 6.47993902 6.41727530 6.36456090 6.32204254 6.29000080 6.26875306 6.25865636 6.26011005 6.27355811 6.29949100 6.33844682 6.39101157 6.45781801 6.53954303 6.63690267 6.75064443 6.88153623 7.03035101 7.19784652 7.38473918 7.59167148 7.81917225 8.06760959 8.33713679 8.62763199 8.93863361 9.26927444 9.61821845 9.98360566 10.36301124 10.75342563 11.15126204 11.55239663 11.95224457 12.34587178 12.72813883 13.09386917 13.43803090 13.75591880 14.04332292 14.29667111 14.51313571 14.69069829 A5 Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System 88.000 57.90634990 14.82817105 89.000 55.14834052 14.92517721 90.000 52.48131741 14.98209633 91.000 49.92465397 14.99998243 92.000 47.49300219 14.98046408 93.000 45.19667188 14.92563497 94.000 43.04212517 14.83794298 95.000 41.03253161 14.72008391 96.000 39.16833826 14.57490450 97.000 37.44782027 14.40531751 98.000 35.86758844 14.21423039 99.000 34.42303944 14.00448771 100.000 33.10874238 13.77882659 101.000 31.91876109 13.53984416 102.000 30.84691552 13.28997528 103.000 29.88698784 13.03147905 104.000 29.03288050 12.76643244 105.000 28.27873330 12.49672955 106.000 27.61900687 12.22408513 107.000 27.04853886 11.95004132 108.000 26.56257872 11.67597649 109.000 26.15680591 11.40311562 110.000 25.82733565 11.13254144 111.000 25.57071556 10.86520595 112.000 25.38391585 10.60194189 113.000 25.26431501 10.34347407 114.000 25.20968275 10.09043014 115.000 25.21816127 9.84335094 116.000 25.28824570 9.60270010 117.000 25.41876431 9.36887317 118.000 25.60885895 9.14220593 119.000 25.85796576 8.92298219 120.000 26.16579639 8.71144092 121.000 26.53231957 8.50778284 122.000 26.95774303 8.31217646 123.000 27.44249549 8.12476363 124.000 27.98720857 7.94566472 125.000 28.59269822 7.77498332 126.000 29.25994540 7.61281069 127.000 29.99007566 7.45922982 128.000 30.78433705 7.31431932 129.000 31.64407605 7.17815705 130.000 32.57071089 7.05082360 131.000 33.56570173 6.93240562 132.000 34.63051706 6.82299904 133.000 35.76659576 6.72271224 A6 Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System 134.000 135.000 136.000 137.000 138.000 139.000 140.000 141.000 142.000 143.000 144.000 145.000 146.000 147.000 148.000 149.000 150.000 151.000 152.000 153.000 154.000 155.000 156.000 157.000 158.000 159.000 160.000 161.000 162.000 163.000 164.000 165.000 166.000 167.000 168.000 169.000 170.000 171.000 172.000 173.000 174.000 175.000 176.000 177.000 178.000 179.000 36.97530391 38.25788584 39.61540845 41.04869809 42.55826920 44.14424380 45.80626132 47.54337794 49.35395521 51.23553754 53.18471908 55.19700042 57.26663672 59.38647947 61.54781536 63.74020695 65.95134163 68.16689731 70.37043510 72.54333204 74.66476868 76.71178881 78.65944982 80.48108259 82.14867881 83.63342019 84.90635775 85.93924018 86.70547733 87.18120904 87.34643170 87.18611719 86.69124347 85.85964715 84.69660801 83.21508714 81.43556427 79.38545455 77.09812643 74.61158479 71.96691915 69.20664071 66.37303910 63.50668022 60.64514225 57.82205339 6.63166913 6.55001227 6.47790587 6.41553894 6.36312830 6.32092166 6.28920065 6.26828382 6.25852944 6.26033818 6.27415540 6.30047297 6.33983046 6.39281527 6.46006158 6.54224751 6.64009019 6.75433793 6.88575903 7.03512630 7.20319666 7.39068482 7.59823044 7.82635823 8.07543065 8.34559359 8.63671589 8.94832473 9.27953963 9.62900953 9.99485790 10.37464245 10.76533595 11.16333464 11.56449950 11.96423334 12.35759365 12.73943731 13.10458946 13.44802542 13.76505252 14.05147814 14.30375124 14.51906782 14.69543441 14.83168816 A7 Appendix A: Part I: A Two Species System 180.000 181.000 182.000 183.000 184.000 185.000 186.000 187.000 188.000 189.000 190.000 191.000 192.000 193.000 194.000 195.000 196.000 197.000 55.06645816 52.40250505 49.84942102 47.42172085 45.12959060 42.97938483 40.97418264 39.11435771 37.39812782 35.82206089 34.38152329 33.07106450 31.88473748 30.81635826 29.85971059 29.00870251 28.25748246 27.60052173 14.92747606 14.98319930 14.99993079 14.97931475 14.92345714 14.83481486 14.71608962 14.57013132 14.39985353 14.20816260 13.99790041 13.77180031 13.53245480 13.28229359 13.02357036 12.75835655 12.48854077 12.21583247 A8 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System C++ Program /**************************************************** PREDATOR PREY MODEL BASED ON THE MODEL LAID OUT BY LOTKA-VOLTERRA THREE SPECIES SYSTEM ****************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> main() { double A,B,ALPHA1, ALPHA2, ALPHA3,H,T,W[3],X11,X12,X13,X21,X22,X23,X31,X32,X33,X41,X42, X43; double k1, k2, k3,beta1, beta2, beta3,V[3]; double a12, a13, a23; int I,N; FILE *OUP[1]; double F1(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double); double F2(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double); double F3(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double); double absval(double); void INPUT(double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, int *, double *, double *, double *, double *,double *, double *, double *, double *, double *); void OUTPUT(FILE **); INPUT(&A, &B, &ALPHA1, &ALPHA2, &ALPHA3, &N, &k1, &k2, &k3, &a12, &a13, &a23, &beta1, &beta2, &beta3); OUTPUT(OUP); /* STEP 1 */ H = (B - A) / N; T = A; /* STEP 2 */ W[0] = ALPHA1; W[1] = ALPHA2; W[2] = ALPHA3; /* STEP 3 */ fprintf(*OUP, "%5.3f %11.8f %11.8f %11.8f\n", T, W[0], W[1], W[2]); /* STEP 4 */ for (I=1; I<=N; I++) { B1 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System /* STEP 5 */ X11 = H * F1(T, W[0], W[1], W[2], k1, a12, a13, beta1); X12 = H * F2(T, W[0], W[1], W[2], k2, -a12, a23, beta2); X13 = H * F3(T, W[0], W[1], W[2], k3, -a13, -a23, beta3); /* STEP 6 */ V[0] = W[0] + X11 / 2.0; V[1] = W[1] + X12 / 2.0; V[2] = W[2] + X13 / 2.0; X21 = H * F1(T + H / 2.0, V[0], V[1], V[2], k1, a12, a13, beta1); X22 = H * F2(T + H / 2.0, V[0], V[1], V[2], k2, -a12, a23, beta2); X23 = H * F3(T + H / 2.0, V[0], V[1], V[2], k3, -a13, -a23, beta3); /* STEP 7 */ V[0] = W[0] + X21 / 2.0; V[1] = W[1] + X22 / 2.0; V[2] = W[2] + X23 / 2.0; X31 = H * F1(T + H / 2.0, V[0], V[1], V[2], k1, a12, a13, beta1); X32 = H * F2(T + H / 2.0, V[0], V[1], V[2], k2, -a12, a23, beta2); X33 = H * F3(T + H / 2.0, V[0], V[1], V[2], k3, -a13, -a23, beta3); /* STEP 8 */ V[0] = W[0] + X31; V[1] = W[1] + X32; V[2] = W[2] + X33; X41 = H * F1(T + H, V[0], V[1], V[2], k1, a12, a13, beta1); X42 = H * F2(T + H, V[0], V[1], V[2], k2, -a12, a23, beta2); X43 = H * F3(T + H, V[0], V[1], V[2], k3, -a13, -a23, beta3); /* STEP 9 */ W[0] = W[0] + (X11 + 2.0 * X21 + 2.0 * X31 + X41) / 6.0; W[1] = W[1] + (X12 + 2.0 * X22 + 2.0 * X32 + X42) / 6.0; W[2] = W[2] + (X13 + 2.0 * X23 + 2.0 * X33 + X43) / 6.0; /* STEP 10 */ T = A + I * H; /* STEP 11 */ fprintf(*OUP, "%5.3f %11.8f %11.8f %11.8f\n", T, W[0], W[1], W[2]); } /* STEP 12 */ fclose(*OUP); return 0; } /* Change functions F1, F2, and F3 for a new problem. */ double F1(double T, double n1, double n2, double n3, double k, double a12, double a13, double B){ double f; B2 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System f = k * n1 + pow(B,-1) * (a12 * n1 * n2 + a13 * n1 * n3); return f; } double F2(double T, double n1, double n2, double n3, double k, double a21, double a23, double B){ double f; f = k * n2 + pow(B,-1) * (a21 * n1 * n2 + a23 * n2 * n3); return f; } double F3(double T, double n1, double n2, double n3, double k, double a31, double a32, double B){ double f; f = k * n3 + pow(B,-1) * (a31 * n3 * n1 + a32 * n2 * n3); return f; } void INPUT(double *A,double *B,double *ALPHA1, double *ALPHA2, double *ALPHA3, int *N, double *k1, double *k2, double *k3, double *a12, double *a13, double *a23, double *beta1, double *beta2, double *beta3) { double X; char AA; printf("This is the Runge-Kutta Method for Systems with m = 3.\n"); printf("Input left and right endpoints separated by blank\n"); scanf("%lf %lf", A, B); printf("\nInput a positive integer for the number of subintervals\n"); scanf("%d", N); printf("\nInput the interaction rates between species one and all others: \n"); scanf("%lf %lf", a12, a13); printf("\nInput the interaction rate between species 2 and 3:\n"); scanf("%lf", a23); printf("Input the population rate change in absence of other species\n"); printf("separated by a blank: \n"); scanf("%lf %lf %lf", k1, k2, k3); printf("\nInput the Lotka-Volterra equivalence numbers:\n"); B3 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System scanf("%lf %lf %lf", beta1, beta2, beta3); printf("Input the three initial conditions, separated by blank.\n"); scanf("%lf %lf %lf", ALPHA1, ALPHA2, ALPHA3); } void OUTPUT(FILE **OUP) { char NAME[30]; printf("Input the file name in the form - drive:name.ext\n"); printf("For example A:OUTPUT.txt\n"); scanf("%s", NAME); *OUP = fopen(NAME, "w"); fprintf(*OUP, "Populations for a three species system.\n"); fprintf(*OUP, " T W1 W2 W3\n\n"); } B4 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System Program Output Populations for a three species system. T W1 0.000 15.00000000 1.000 13.87841079 2.000 12.85889632 3.000 11.93488166 4.000 11.10053086 5.000 10.35077464 6.000 9.68136134 7.000 9.08894239 8.000 8.57120905 9.000 8.12710659 10.000 7.75716693 11.000 7.46402533 12.000 7.25322463 13.000 7.13446803 14.000 7.12355729 15.000 7.24532744 16.000 7.53788856 17.000 8.05825718 18.000 8.88884637 19.000 10.14346632 20.000 11.97133452 21.000 14.55888214 22.000 18.13070743 23.000 22.95034276 24.000 29.31823334 25.000 37.56095099 26.000 48.00417411 27.000 60.92280231 28.000 76.46565508 29.000 94.56139095 30.000 114.82686881 31.000 136.51418439 32.000 158.53652648 33.000 179.59383868 34.000 198.37798299 35.000 213.79547470 36.000 225.13352831 37.000 232.12256147 38.000 234.89568769 W2 W3 50.00000000 75.00000000 51.11361595 88.61347432 52.59956664 104.63912435 54.54185156 123.46055984 57.05251047 145.49945673 60.28223543 171.20607746 64.43575443 201.03971046 69.79430398 235.43291920 76.74860751 274.73029418 85.84722305 319.08790269 97.86666473 368.31393955 113.91024940 421.62568967 135.53887985 477.29824621 164.92064601 532.20133769 204.93992687 581.29508496 259.10561183 617.33702988 330.94168976 631.36793425 422.46825775 614.80245055 531.80392903 563.45551225 651.21019601 481.78853312 768.00936366 383.39064341 869.13959587 285.49351118 946.18287188 201.35837417 996.98379375 136.56994198 1023.74720576 90.41600822 1030.22434164 59.19271504 1019.86356274 38.73082089 995.17269748 25.55278826 957.83443014 17.12717840 909.13477174 11.74072736 850.44008370 8.28032816 783.56729512 6.03903023 710.94294975 4.57305442 635.50077067 3.60511197 560.35335038 2.96193662 488.36297190 2.53493133 421.77213102 2.25572530 362.00935158 2.08110531 309.69382859 1.98375617 B5 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System 39.000 40.000 41.000 42.000 43.000 44.000 45.000 46.000 47.000 48.000 49.000 50.000 51.000 52.000 53.000 54.000 55.000 56.000 57.000 58.000 59.000 60.000 61.000 62.000 63.000 64.000 65.000 66.000 67.000 68.000 69.000 70.000 71.000 72.000 73.000 74.000 75.000 76.000 77.000 78.000 79.000 80.000 81.000 82.000 83.000 84.000 233.88216456 229.68136380 222.95202170 214.33280744 204.39536799 193.62330154 182.40854657 171.05777402 159.80346064 148.81630586 138.21714758 128.08751177 118.47851185 109.41812331 100.91700316 92.97307375 85.57509119 78.70539727 72.34202441 66.46029299 61.03401363 56.03638359 51.44064759 47.22057824 43.35081873 39.80712172 36.56651032 33.60738208 30.90957240 28.45439086 26.22464201 24.20464096 22.38023426 20.73883745 19.26950377 17.96304359 16.81222371 15.81209207 14.96050171 14.25895834 13.71400458 13.33951110 13.16051433 13.21966612 13.58790094 14.38118928 264.78418981 226.78793750 194.96295273 168.47454425 146.49950267 128.28457337 113.17218936 100.60567443 90.12318748 81.34654616 73.96857748 67.74093727 62.46328382 57.97409021 54.14306937 50.86504520 48.05505685 45.64448481 43.57800981 41.81124624 40.30892250 39.04350955 37.99422454 37.14635964 36.49090808 36.02448086 35.74953235 35.67494235 35.81704152 36.20122352 36.86437039 37.85844607 39.25581457 41.15716252 43.70343051 47.09401874 51.61495091 57.68300439 65.91553080 77.24126964 93.07453850 115.57964674 148.03759700 195.24317685 263.59621876 359.99045865 1.94657399 1.95917173 2.01573327 2.11370348 2.25300360 2.43558496 2.66520803 2.94738001 3.28941206 3.70057532 4.19234658 4.77874241 5.47674687 6.30684258 7.29365965 8.46676090 9.86158673 11.52058709 13.49457361 15.84433002 18.64252463 21.97597458 25.94831620 30.68313994 36.32764895 43.05689601 51.07863979 60.63883244 72.02769536 85.58624317 101.71294920 120.86996625 143.58785040 170.46696167 202.17243185 239.41745726 282.92613404 333.36120811 391.19262305 456.46798366 528.42532276 604.86708337 681.21872002 749.31296050 796.37969503 805.75005740 B6 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System 85.000 15.78405078 86.000 18.07621818 87.000 21.65280275 88.000 27.02820757 89.000 34.82308012 90.000 45.73617113 91.000 60.48649981 92.000 79.69328418 93.000 103.66887929 94.000 132.14403698 95.000 164.01868984 96.000 197.29693396 97.000 229.34373783 98.000 257.44454971 99.000 279.44415485 100.000 294.17275052 101.000 301.50895273 102.000 302.14534335 103.000 297.23566262 104.000 288.07760304 105.000 275.90018341 106.000 261.75585567 107.000 246.48749399 108.000 230.73798107 109.000 214.97870591 110.000 199.54292170 111.000 184.65699976 112.000 170.46687925 113.000 157.05922558 114.000 144.47778995 115.000 132.73578793 116.000 121.82513233 117.000 111.72325088 118.000 102.39808165 119.000 93.81170870 120.000 85.92298981 121.000 78.68944081 122.000 72.06857357 123.000 66.01883423 124.000 60.50025053 125.000 55.47486988 126.000 50.90704936 127.000 46.76364498 128.000 43.01413775 129.000 39.63072786 130.000 36.58842628 488.10279391 642.07341936 802.66982025 943.65733053 1045.45831390 1102.27031053 1118.15380730 1100.11720873 1054.39396870 986.02452245 899.84320231 801.41506298 697.19936598 593.85149829 497.10769772 410.89795938 337.08338752 275.77750671 225.94827532 186.00743118 154.23813392 129.04139540 109.04429784 93.12376553 80.38776713 70.14009329 61.84261108 55.08122655 49.53761438 44.96677869 41.17970820 38.03018023 35.40481736 33.21564284 31.39453836 29.88915039 28.65991040 27.67793070 26.92361630 26.38590091 26.06207813 25.95826701 26.09063448 26.48761428 27.19353911 28.27438835 761.97301039 661.44450446 521.51001004 374.80448686 249.97337586 158.69688021 98.36656022 60.82754217 38.18479174 24.67945193 16.60976732 11.74098270 8.76437744 6.92278377 5.77863770 5.07772039 4.67116567 4.47131808 4.42680693 4.50843011 4.70112512 4.99940230 5.40478464 5.92444618 6.57059895 7.36037924 8.31609784 9.46578613 10.84401050 12.49295482 14.46378921 16.81835885 19.63123918 22.99221621 27.00926239 31.81208984 37.55637331 44.42874332 52.65265307 62.49521701 74.27509563 88.37144884 105.23387611 125.39306901 149.47155684 178.19331652 B7 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System 131.000 132.000 133.000 134.000 135.000 136.000 137.000 138.000 139.000 140.000 141.000 142.000 143.000 144.000 145.000 146.000 147.000 148.000 149.000 150.000 151.000 152.000 153.000 154.000 155.000 156.000 157.000 158.000 159.000 160.000 161.000 162.000 163.000 164.000 165.000 166.000 167.000 168.000 169.000 170.000 171.000 172.000 173.000 174.000 175.000 176.000 33.86517379 31.44202407 29.30344007 27.43777898 25.83808722 24.50341471 23.44102323 22.67018452 22.22888871 22.18597668 22.66330445 23.87537610 26.19455207 30.23906235 36.94955134 47.59325266 63.65980399 86.63991275 117.63186388 156.71392957 202.22857964 250.45805045 296.22882072 334.42107024 361.55649931 376.52553762 380.25553013 374.83354011 362.67211070 345.98734779 326.57908002 305.80087152 284.61748219 263.68747183 243.44167688 224.14746002 205.95760405 188.94605915 173.13348560 158.50526111 145.02407206 132.63866864 121.28992371 110.91500369 101.45022039 92.83296334 29.82683000 212.38994648 31.99255365 252.99921603 34.98132609 301.04845302 39.10875781 357.60924897 44.85936605 423.69921031 52.99375143 500.08721102 64.73299965 586.92475398 82.07601594 683.07032994 108.33172420 784.89799463 148.93842380 884.34412542 212.43520679 966.21801527 310.59891736 1006.18343315 454.77282188 974.40148952 644.47639237 852.65526262 853.45913704 659.95827589 1035.16516078 452.45051168 1152.60529400 282.52236921 1196.65206354 167.48908026 1176.70798871 98.12703628 1106.57801521 58.68787962 999.54022183 36.72095671 869.05796626 24.45458105 729.34922068 17.50479438 593.78919867 13.50151656 472.36844970 11.17881804 370.27731684 9.85740079 288.36128623 9.16824592 224.68237202 8.90864740 176.11132467 8.96751744 139.40012198 9.28634882 111.70616653 9.83858388 90.75100684 10.61864416 74.79541543 11.63617671 62.54699387 12.91323660 53.05830717 14.48322300 45.63840069 16.39095396 39.78332864 18.69356718 35.12433214 21.46210094 31.39022173 24.78370754 28.38045502 28.76451294 25.94599916 33.53317878 23.97576876 39.24525563 22.38703754 46.08844269 21.11869564 54.28889163 20.12657597 64.11870877 19.38033246 75.90481831 B8 Appendix B: Part II: A Three Species System 177.000 178.000 179.000 180.000 181.000 182.000 183.000 184.000 185.000 186.000 187.000 188.000 189.000 190.000 191.000 192.000 193.000 194.000 195.000 196.000 197.000 85.00299437 77.90330417 71.48067537 65.68605875 60.47484607 55.80711013 51.64788042 47.96753207 44.74239227 41.95572217 39.59933902 37.67635288 36.20591901 35.23180126 34.83845993 35.18246512 36.55510213 39.50399726 45.04195206 54.90445263 71.65191556 18.86154880 18.56291577 18.48846460 18.65501130 19.09519474 19.86284412 21.04200754 22.76203665 25.22308681 28.74013195 33.82086501 41.30717969 52.63797492 70.34331964 98.96212172 146.62676485 227.18753809 360.55802038 563.13623580 819.82615711 1064.57577333 90.03934081 106.99160338 127.32180598 151.69617915 180.90310394 215.86898253 257.67138285 307.54462772 366.86858050 437.12296161 519.77324474 616.02230995 726.29971895 849.24262085 979.72471202 1105.28701879 1200.74124070 1224.17488626 1127.89284381 902.17121751 616.57774045 B9