Mathematical Model to Assess and Compare Cycle Performance of a Hybrid Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – Gas Turbine to a Gas Turbine Larry Gray MANE 6960H01 – Mathematical Modeling of Energy and Environmental Systems Rensselaer Hartford Hartford, CT December 9, 2014 Table of Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Model Description ........................................................................................................................................ 4 User Defined Inputs ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Key Outputs .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Model Validation .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Validation of the GT model ....................................................................................................................... 9 Validation of the Hybrid SOFC-GT model................................................................................................ 10 Comparison of a Hybrid SOFC-GT to Gas Turbine ................................................................................... 11 Model Improvements .................................................................................................................................. 13 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 13 References ................................................................................................................................................... 14 2|Page Abstract Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are gaining attention as an attractive technology that can convert the chemical energy in fuel directly into electrical energy at higher conversion efficiencies with much lower environmental impact than typical combustion engines. Solid oxide fuel cells have the advantage of being able to operate using several different types of fuel. SOFC operate at higher temperature than other types of fuel cells giving SOFC an advantage in that the high operating temperature (>800°C) allows the direct reformation of natural gas to hydrogen. This paper presents a simple zero dimension (0-D) model that estimates the performance and emissions for a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell – gas turbine (SOFC-GT) cycle and compares the results to a gas turbine (GT) cycle producing equivalent power. The model is developed in MS Excel and assesses pressures, temperatures and other cycle performance parameters for each device module, the overall cycle efficiency and the carbon dioxide emissions for a set of user provided input assumptions. The overall cycle efficiency and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions were assessed for a hybrid SOFC-GT and a GT, each having a design goal of producing 500 kW of power. For the configurations described and compared in this paper and at the selected operating conditions, the SOFC-GT can produce 500kW at nearly twice the overall efficiency as a stand-alone gas turbine power unit, (56 percent compared to 28.5percent). It was also shown that the carbon dioxide emissions produced by the SOFC-GT were 40 percent lower than the GT. Introduction Fuel cells are gaining interest as an attractive power generation solution as they produce electricity at higher efficiencies with reduced emissions that in turn reduces the impact on the environment. Water vapor and a small amount of carbon dioxide are the main products from a fuel cell thermodynamic reaction. Fuel cells offer high energy conversion efficiency by converting the chemical energy in fuel directly into electricity whereas combustion or heat engines convert the energy in the fuel to heat energy from which mechanical work is extracted by a turbine to drive a shaft that drives a generator to produce electricity. SOFCs have advantages over other fuel cell types. SOFCs operate at temperatures up to 1000°C. Due to their high operating temperature, the waste heat can be put to use in running a bottoming cycle such as a gas turbine (GT), boosting overall efficiencies even higher than the standalone SOFC. Another 3|Page benefit to SOFCs is their ability to be operated with a number of fuel types. SOFCs, operating at high operating temperatures, do not require a separate fuel reformer and a variety of fuels can be used such as natural gas, carbon monoxide, syngas (mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide produced from a gasification process), as well as hydrogen. Other fuel cells require hydrogen to be the input fuel which can be an expensive upfront process which can make the overall business case for some fuel cell types a challenge. Other fuel cell types such as proton exchange membranes (PEMs), phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFCs) and molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) require expensive precious metals or use corrosive acids or hard to contain molten materials, whereas SOFCs typically use low cost solid ceramic material as the electrolyte, such as yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) [1] [2]. The value of the simple model that will be described in the following sections is to provide a tool that can be used to compare the cycle performance, resulting efficiencies and the emissions produced from a hybrid SOFC-GT to that of a GT for equivalent power production. It can also be used to run sensitivity analyses to test different operating conditions and with some limited programming it can be used to evaluate different configurations. Model Description The model is a simple 0-D model programmed in MS Excel in a block flow format. It is a zero dimension model in that the model doesn’t assess the internal thermo-chemical reactions within the SOFC. The journal article by Chinda and Brault 2012 [3] which described mathematical modeling of SOFC-gas turbine hybrid systems was used to provide guidance in developing the MS Excel model described here. The SOFC is treated as a “black box” because the user is required to enter into the model the SOFC cell voltage and power density relationships as a function of current density for a given operating temperature and pressure as a preprocessing step. A bottoming gas turbine cycle is then combined with the SOFC to produce the hybrid SOFC-GT cycle as illustrated by the cycle flow chart shown in Figure 1. 4|Page SOFC-GT Cycle Analysis CH4 reforms into H2 CO intermediate species then forming CO2 Voltage Bus O2 Cathode P3 T3 Fuel Hx Exhaust P4, T4 ANODE Air (O2, N2) Turbine Exhaust P7 T7 P6 T6 Turbine Unreacted H2, H2O, CO2 O2, N2, O2electrolyte P1 T1 Compressor Fuel (CH4) P5, T5 Fuel from tank P2 T2 Air Combustor SOFC Air Hx Exhaust to Environment Expanded View unreacted H2 H2O (vapor) O2, N2, CO2 Nat gas Fuel Anode Hot compressed air ~ Generator CATHODE Hydrogen ions and Oxygen ions form H2O Combustor Air (O2, N2), Less reacted O2 Not all Hydrogen reacts with Oxygen in SOFC Power Turnbine Figure 1 – Hybrid SOFC-GT Cycle Modeled in this paper The user then calculates the cycle performance by entering fuel and air mass flow rates, along with a few other operational and design input parameters. The SOFC design point is represented by a graph at the bottom of the hybrid SOFC-GT model along with a table of the current density, the cell voltage and the power density that are used to create the graph. See Figure 2 for the SOFC design point performance curves currently used in the model. The MS Excel “cell” for calculating the cell voltage in the model relies on an equation developed by fitting a second order fit through the cell voltage as a function of current density, which needs to be manually entered into this MS Excel cell. Figure 2 - SOFC performance curve used. Source [4] 5|Page To H2O, Turbine CO2 This pre-processing work would need to be completed first in order to evaluate another operating design point. The current SOFC design point was obtained from a Scientific Reports conference proceeding entitled “Micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell based on a porous yttria-stabilized zirconia support” [4]. The SOFC cell current is calculated from a relationship to the fuel mass flow rate as shown by the following equation: πΌπππ‘ππ = 2∗πΉ∗πΜ πΉπ’ππ π ∗ π’π (1) where, F= Faraday’s constant (9.6485 x 104 C/mol) N= number of cells in SOFC stack (user input) πΜ πΉπ’ππ = molar fuel flow rate (mol/s) π’π = percentage of fuel consumed (converted) in SOFC The number of moles of hydrogen produced from the reformation of the fuel, if any reformation takes place, must be considered in determining the molar fuel flow rate. Natural gas is the fuel used in this analysis and natural gas is primarily composed of methane. When methane is reformed in the SOFC, it forms 4 moles of hydrogen, therefore once the molar fuel flow rate of natural gas, (simplified to be represented by CH4), is calculated, then this value needs to be multiplied by 4. The reformation chemical reactions are described later in this paper in the section comparing the performance of the SOFC-Gt to the GT. A companion gas turbine cycle is modeled in the same MS Excel file on a second worksheet that allows for a comparison of the SOFC-GT cycle performance to that of a GT. The gas turbine thermodynamic cycle can be seen in the flow chart shown in Figure 3. 6|Page Gas Turbine Power Plant Cycle Analysis Fuel P3 T3 P2 T2 Turbine Exhaust Combustor P5 T5 P4 T4 Air Generator ~ P1 T1 Compressor Turbine Power Turbine Exhaust to Environment Figure 3 - Gas turbine cycle modeled in this paper The advantages of programming the cycle performance into MS Excel are first, Excel allows the user to visualize the cycle of the model by drawing out the cycle using Excel shapes, arrows and symbols. Secondly, the performance of cycle components can be programed into cells and block of cells in Excel further allowing the user to organize and visualize the turbo machinery, fuel cell and combustor module performance data “hand-offs” to the next module in the system. Thirdly, the user can test other cycle configurations with some level of programming effort in reorganizing the calculations in each block of cells representing the gas turbine or SOFC components. The cycle performance can be modeled with changes to a few user-defined input assumptions. The results for overall efficiency, power production and environmental impact from the resulting carbon dioxide emissions can be quickly assessed and compared to alternative set of inputs allowing for quick sensitivity analyses. The model is useful for providing first order evaluations of cycle performance for different values of the current set of input variables, a comparison of different cycle configurations, with additional programming required, and for evaluating the benefits of a hybrid SOFC-GT compared to a GT. User Defined Inputs The following table describes the user-define inputs for both the gas turbine (GT) model and the hybrid solid oxide fuel cell gas turbine (SOFC-GT) model. Each model operates independent from the other, which means for a comparison at say, equivalent power production, each model’s 7|Page input variables will have to be adjusted to achieve the same power output. It is shown in Table 1 where the user input assumptions are used in the same way in the two models. Table 1 - User control variables for models Variable Used in SOFCGT οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ Input Variable Tamb Pamb Compressor Pressure Ratio Air mass flow rate at inlet Fuel flow rate to SOFC Fuel flow rate to combustor Max Turbine Inlet Temperature Power turbine exit pressure LHV – primary fuel LHV – reformed fuel SOFC fuel utilization Fuel Cell -single cell area Number of fuel cells in stack F Units °C atm none kg/s kg/s kg/s °C atm kJ/kg kJ/kg % m2 Qty C/mol CP [5] kJ/kg K οΌ οΌ CV [5] CP fuel for SOFC (natural gas) kJ/kg K οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ GT οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ οΌ kJ/kg K ηc ηt ο Pcombustor ηtran ηgen decimal decimal % decimal decimal Description Temperature at inlet Pressure at inlet Pressure rise across compressor Mass flow rate of air at inlet Fuel flow rate to solid oxide fuel cell Fuel flow rate to combustor Max turbine design temperature Pressure at power turbine exit plane Lower heating value of primary fuel Lower heating value of reformed fuel The percent of fuel converted in SOFC Single fuel cell active area Number of fuel cells in the stack, in series Faraday constant Specific heat, constant pressure (2 entries for air at different temperature and one for combustion products at user specified temp) Specific heat, constant volume ( 3 entries similar to Cp) Specific heat for fuel entering heat exchanger before entering SOFC Polytropic compressor efficiency Polytropic turbine efficiency Pressure loss across combustor Turbine to compressor transmission efficiency Generator efficiency Key Outputs The GT and SOFC-GT models produce key output results that can be used to assess the cycle performance and environmental impacts. The models produce results for overall thermal efficiency, electrical power production and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions. The models also produce two key parameters that need to be watched in terms of keeping them within the limits. The first one is the turbine inlet temperature. The maximum, not-to-exceed, temperature is entered as an input variable. This temperature is the design thermal limit for the blades and 8|Page vanes material in the turbine. The coding in the models to do not constrain the internal modeled parameters to stay within these limits, which could form the basis for follow-on programming updates to the model. However, the models do return results to an orange outlined box indicating thermal exceedance in a red shaded cell and text and the user then must make the appropriate adjustments. The other key watch parameter is a check on the fuel to air ratio such that the mixture is within the flammability limits. Again the user would have to make the appropriate adjustments to resolve any exceedance of the limits. Model Validation Validation of the GT model The gas turbine model was validated by way of comparison to an example in B. K. Hodge’s “Alternative Energy Systems and Applications.” Example 5.5, page 99, of Chapter 5 (Combustion Turbines) [6] provides input assumptions shown in Table 2, which were entered into the MS Excel gas turbine model. Table 2 – Input assumptions from Example 5.5 in Hodge’s “Alternative Energy Systems and Applications” Tamb Pamb Isentropic compressor efficiency Compressor Pressure Ratio Turbine Inlet Temperature Combustor pressure loss Fuel Power turbine exit pressure Isentropic turbine efficiency Generator efficiency Fuel-to-air ratio 30º C 97 kPa (0.957 atm) 0.84 5.5 1000º C 3% Natural gas (LHV=47,100 kJ/kg) 100 kPa (0.987 atm) 0.88 0.98 0.17 The resulting cycle efficiency and heat rate from the analysis in Example 5.5 (B. K. Hodge) are shown in Table 3 along with the results from the MS Excel gas turbine model. Table 3 – Comparison of cycle efficiency and heat rate from two gas turbine models Output parameter Overall cycle efficiency Heat rate (kJ/kWh) B. K. Hodge Example 5.5 MS Excel GT model 25.6% 24.0% 14,349 15,324 9|Page Overall the MS Excel model results compare favorably with the B. K. Hodge example. The differences between the two set of results is about 7 percent. Validation of the Hybrid SOFC-GT model From a review of literature of hybrid SOFC-GT systems, there are a number of different configurations that have been modeled. A paper by R. Kandepu et al. [7], described a model of a hybrid SOFC-GT system similar in configuration to the SOFC-GT presented in this paper. The assumptions provided in the Kandepu paper to evaluate the performance of the SOFC-GT are listed below, in Table 4, and are applied to the SOFC-GT model presented in this paper. Where a required assumption was not made known in the Kandepu paper, an assumed value for that assumption was made and noted by shading the cell of the table in yellow. Table 4 Assumptions from Kandepu et al. SOFC-GT model performance evaluation. Unknown assumptions highlighted in yellow. Assumptions used to validate SOFC-GT model presented in this paper Tamb Pamb Airflow mass flow rate Compressor ratio Power turbine exit pressure Fuel LHV (natural gas) Fuel mass flow rate SOFC fuel utilization Cell area Number of cells in stack SOFC Current SOFC cell voltage SOFC temperature Isentropic compressor efficiency Isentropic turbine efficiency Pressure loss across combustor Generator efficiency 25º C 1 atm 0.445 kg/s 2.5 1 atm 47,100 kJ/kg 0.007 kg/s 85% 0.0464 m2 1160 250 A 0.657 volts 1350 K 0.84 0.86 2% 0.98 Table 5 presents the power production results for the Kandepu SOFC-GT model and the SOFCGT model presented in this paper for the set of assumptions listed in Table 4. 10 | P a g e Table 5 – Performance results from the comparison of the SOFC-GTmodel in this paper to the Kandepu model Performance Results SOFC Power SOFC efficiency Generator Power System efficiency Kandepu et al. model 191 kW Not quoted 87 kW Not quoted SOFC-GT model (this paper) 189 kW 57% 89 kW 84% The power produced by the SOFC stack and the power produced by the generator driven by the GT of the hybrid system are very close between the two models. Although not all the assumptions were made known in the Kandepu paper and with a reasonable choice of values for those assumptions where the information was not provided, the models did produce similar power production results to each other. Comparison of a Hybrid SOFC-GT to Gas Turbine In this section of the report, two alternative configurations for an auxiliary power unit have been compared. The performance of a SOFC with a bottoming gas turbine cycle (SOFC-GT) was compared to a gas turbine auxiliary power unit. The input assumptions for the two power units have been chosen such that a target power generation of 500 kW is achieved. The input assumptions for the two units are as shown in Table 6. Table 6 - Input assumptions for modeling two alternative auxiliary power units to achieve 500 kW of power generation Assumption Input Variable Tamb Pamb Compressor Pressure Ratio Air mass flow rate at inlet Fuel flow rate to SOFC Fuel flow rate to combustor Max Turbine Inlet Temperature Power turbine exit pressure LHV – primary fuel LHV – reformed fuel SOFC fuel utilization Fuel Cell -single cell area Number of fuel cells in stack F ηc (polytropic efficiency = 0.875 entered) Units °C atm none kg/s kg/s kg/s °C atm kJ/kg kJ/kg % m2 Qty C/mol GT 25 1 6.0 1.23 n/a 0.0338 1600 1 47,100 decimal 0.84 SOFC-GT 25 1 6.0 0.28 0.0192 0.0019 1600 1 47,100 120,210 80% 0.025 3600 96,485 0.84 11 | P a g e Assumption Input Variable Units ηt (polytropic efficiency = 0.864 entered) ο Pcombustor ηtran ηgen decimal % decimal decimal GT 0.88 3% 0.99 0.98 SOFC-GT 0.88 3% 0.99 0.98 The fuel used for both units is natural gas. As a result of the high operating temperature of the SOFC, the natural gas is reformed to hydrogen which then reacts with the oxygen ions at the anode of the SOFC to form water vapor. Not all of the fuel is consumed. For this modeling exercise, it is assumed that 80 percent of the hydrogen reacts with the oxygen ions and the remainder of the hydrogen is burned in the combustor of the bottoming gas turbine cycle. The natural gas reformation in the SOFC is depicted by the following 2 equilibrium reactions [8] [9]: πΆπ»4 + π»2 π → πΆπ + 3π»2 (Reforming) (2) πΆπ + π»2 π → πΆπ2 + π»2 (Water-Gas Shift) (3) The electrochemical reaction of the hydrogen with the oxygen ions at the anode side of the fuel cell is described by the following reaction: π»2 + π2− → π»2 π + 2π − (electrochemical) (4) The performance results from the respective models are shown in Table 7, along with the environmental performance as measured by the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. Table 7 – Cycle and Environmental Performance Comparison of the Auxiliary Power Units Results Cycle Metrics Power generated Overall cycle efficiency Heat Rate Actual Turbine Inlet Temp. Environmental Performance CO2 CO2 Units kW % kJ/kWh °C GT 500 28.5% 12,872 1433 SOFC-GT 500 56% 6,618 1517 kg/hr kg/kWh 334.6 0.67 190.1 0.38 From Table 7, it can be seen that the SOFC-GT model as previously described and with the input assumptions as outlined in Table 6, produce power with an overall cycle efficiency about 2 times higher than the standalone gas turbine cycle. The solid oxide fuel cell converts the stored 12 | P a g e chemical energy in the fuel directly into electricity which is a more efficient energy conversion process than can be achieved through the Brayton cycle of the gas turbine. By combining the two cycles, the waste heat produced by the SOFC can be used in the gas turbine bottoming cycle to further produce energy and improving the efficiency of the overall combined cycle. The environmental impact as measured by the CO2 emissions is reduced by over 40 percent, (0.38 kg/kWh for the SOFC-GT compared to 0.67 kg/kWh of CO2 emissions for the GT). Model Improvements As part of a future work program, the model could be improved to give it more capability by including a module to calculate the SOFC cell voltage and power density as a function of current density, thereby eliminating the current pre-processing work of coding in a unique set of cell voltage and power density curves for a given operating temperature and pressure. This would give the model more flexibility allowing for a larger envelope of operating conditions for which to calculate the SOFC-GT performance and efficiency. It would also allow for a wider range of sensitivity analyses. Conclusions A simple MS Excel spreadsheet model has been presented and described in this paper that allows the user to perform limited cycle performance comparisons of a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell with a bottoming gas turbine cycle to a standalone gas turbine cycle for generating power as an auxiliary power unit. The spreadsheet model treats the SOFC as a “black box” and some preprocessing work must be completed before the spreadsheet model can be used for cycle performance analyses. The first step is to develop the cell voltage and power density relationships as a function of current density for the SOFC for a given operating temperature and pressure, which then must be programmed into the spreadsheet model for the cell voltage calculation. Once a few input assumptions are entered, the model is then useful in calculating the power that can be generated, the overall efficiency and the environmental performance. Its usefulness comes into play as an optimizing tool through sensitivity analyses of key input variables. It shows how a hybrid configuration of a SOFC with a bottoming gas turbine cycle that takes advantage of the waste heat from the SOFC can significantly improve the efficiency, 13 | P a g e (on the order of doubling), over a standalone gas turbine cycle used for energy production and significantly reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. References [1] Bloom Energy, "Solid Oxide Fuel Cells," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 18 October 2014]. [2] B. K. Hodge, "Chapter 10 Fuel Cells," in Alternative Energy Systems and Applications, Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2010, pp. 249-266. [3] P. Chinda and P. Brault, "The hybrid solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and gas turbine (GT) systems steady state modeling," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 37, pp. 9237 - 9248, 2012. [4] D. Panthi and A. Tsutsumi, "Micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell based on a porous yttria-stabilized zirconia support," Scientific Reports, 29 August 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 November 2014]. [5] "Engineering Toolbox Specific Heat Capacity Gases," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 7 November 2014]. [6] B. K. Hodge, "Chapter 5 Combustion Turbines," in Alternative Energy Systems and Applications, Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2010, pp. 99 - 100. [7] R. Kandepu, B. A. Foss and L. Imsland, "Integrated modeling and control of a load-connected SOFCGT autonomous power system," in American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2006. [8] J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi, M. H. Hamedi and R. Mohammadi, "Electrochemical and thermodynamic modeling of a CHP system using tubular solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC-CHP)," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vols. 29-30, pp. 151 - 162, 2012. [9] W. Jiang, R. Fang, R. A. Dougal and J. A. Khan, "Thermoelectric Model of a Tubular SOFC for Dynamic Simulation," Journal of Energy Resources Technology, vol. 130, pp. 1-10, June 2008. 14 | P a g e