A Comparison of the Transfer Matrix Method and the Finite Element Method for the Calculation of the Transmission Loss in a Single Expansion Chamber Muffler by Kevin J. McMahon An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING Major Subject: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut December, 2014 i © Copyright 2014 by Kevin J. McMahon All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS A Comparison of the Transfer Matrix Method and the Finite Element Method for the Calculation of the Transmission Loss in a Single Expansion Chamber Muffler ......... i LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. v LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... vi NOMENCLATURE ........................................................................................................ vii GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................... viii KEY WORDS ................................................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... x 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 2. Methodology ................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Model Definitions .............................................................................................. 3 2.2 Setup of Transfer Matrix Method for Muffler System....................................... 5 2.3 2.2.1 Equations for a Straight Pipe ................................................................. 6 2.2.2 Equations for an Expansion and Contraction ......................................... 7 2.2.3 Overall Transfer Matrix ......................................................................... 8 Setup of Finite Element Model for Muffler System .......................................... 9 3. Results and Discussion .............................................................................................. 13 3.1 Transfer Matrix Method Results ...................................................................... 13 3.2 Finite Element Model Results .......................................................................... 14 3.3 Comparison of Transfer Matrix Model to Finite Element Model .................... 16 3.3.1 Configuration 1: TMM Compared to FEM .......................................... 16 3.3.2 Configuration 2: TMM Compared to FEM .......................................... 17 3.3.3 Configuration 3: TMM Compared to FEM .......................................... 18 3.3.4 Configuration 4: TMM Compared to FEM .......................................... 19 4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 20 4.1 Applicability of TMM Compared to FEM ....................................................... 20 iii 5. References.................................................................................................................. 21 6. Appendix A: MATLAB Code for Configuration 1 ................................................... 22 7. Appendix B: MATLAB Code for Configuration 2 ................................................... 24 8. Appendix C: MATLAB Code for Configuration 3 ................................................... 26 9. Appendix D: MATLAB Code for Configuration 4 ................................................... 28 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Expansion Chamber Configurations.................................................................... 4 Table 2: Fluid Properties of Air used in the Muffler System ............................................ 4 Table 3: MATLAB Code User Defined Input Parameters .............................................. 13 Table 4: FEM Input Parameter ........................................................................................ 15 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Schematic of Single Expansion Chamber Muffler System ................................ 3 Figure 2: Schematic of Muffler System Dimension .......................................................... 4 Figure 3: Schematic of Subsystem Components Which Define Muffler System ............. 5 Figure 4: Schematic of Muffler System Boundaries with Nodes ...................................... 5 Figure 5: Applied Boundary Conditions to Finite Element Model ................................. 10 Figure 6: Representative Mesh of Muffler System Model .............................................. 11 Figure 7: Calculated Transmission Losses for Muffler Configurations .......................... 14 Figure 8: Computed Transmission Losses for Muffler Configurations........................... 15 Figure 9: Comparison of TMM and FEM Results for 4 Inch Diameter Expansion Chamber ........................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 10: Comparison of TMM and FEM Results for 8 Inch Diameter Expansion Chamber ........................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 11: Comparison of TMM and FEM Results for 12 Inch Diameter Expansion Chamber ........................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 12: Comparison of TMM and FEM Results for 16 Inch Diameter Expansion Chamber ........................................................................................................................... 19 vi NOMENCLATURE Symbol abs acpr.c acpr.rho c C1 C2 d dB Dc Di Do f FEM intop1 intop2 j k Lc Li Lo m M ρ p0 pi S t TMM ui z Quantity COMSOL Absolute Value Operator COMSOL Variable for Speed of Sound COMSOL Variable for Density Speed of Sound Constant Constant Diameter Decibel Expansion Chamber Diameter Inlet Pipe Diameter Outlet Pipe Diameter Frequency Finite Element Method COMSOL Integral Operator COMSOL Integral Operator Imaginary Number Wavenumber Expansion Chamber Length Inlet Pipe Length Outlet Pipe Length ratio Average Mach Number Density Pressure Amplitude Pressure Cross-Sectional Area Time Transfer Matrix Method Particle Velocity Distance in z-Direction vii Units in/s lb/in3 in/s --in -in in in Hz ----in-1 in in In --lb/in3 lb/(in-s2) lb/ in2 in2 s -in/s in GLOSSARY Acoustics Study of sound and vibration in structures and fluids COMSOL Multi-physics computer modeling software Cutoff Frequency Boundary in a system’s frequency response in which wave energy begins to be reduced MATLAB Mathematical computational software Node Point of intersection Particle Velocity Velocity of a particle in a given material as it transmits a wave Speed of Sound Speed at which sound travels through a given material Transmission Loss Decrease in acoustic pressure wave intensity viii KEY WORDS Acoustics COMSOL Exhaust System Expansion Chamber Finite Element Method MATLAB Muffler Noise Reduction Plane Wave Theory Pressure Wave Sound Silencing Transfer Matrix Method Transmission Loss ix ABSTRACT A single expansion chamber muffler system with four different expansion chamber diameters was analyzed using the transfer matrix method (TMM) in MATLAB and finite element method (FEM) in COMSOL Multiphysics to determine the muffler transmission loss. The calculated transmission loss from the TMM was compared to the computed transmission loss from the FEM for each single expansion chamber configuration. Differences in the results were analyzed and compared to plane wave theory in mufflers to better validate the effectiveness of using the TMM for this study. x 1. Introduction A muffler is a device which is commonly used in an exhaust system to provide a certain level of acoustic performance by reducing the amount of noise (unwanted sound) generated by an upstream source, such as a combustion engine. Sound pressure originating from the upstream source propagates downstream through the pipe until reaching the muffler. The muffler is typically an enclosure which consists of a variety of geometries, such as an expansion chamber, which can be tuned to provide noise reduction in the means of reduced sound pressure levels. In acoustics, this reduction of sound pressure is generally described as transmission loss, or the decrease in acoustic pressure wave intensity as the pressure wave propagates away (downstream) from the source. The Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) can be used when a system is characterized by a series of subsystems, or changes in geometries, which interact with the preceding and proceeding systems. This process allows the subsystems to be linked together via transfer matrices in order to represent the overall system. For a muffler, each subsystem represents an acoustic impedance, which when combined provides the overall noise reduction, or transmission loss, of the system. Muffler design can be an in-depth iterative process relying heavily on overall geometry and acoustic performance. The computational time in which it takes to iteratively analyze changes in geometry relative to acoustic performance can become quite cumbersome using a finite element analysis approach. In specific, a system requiring a specific decibel (dB) reduction across particular frequency ranges might require a significant amount of fine tuning in order to reach an optimal design. Consequently, developing several finite element models may be required in order to achieve the desired end result. Analytical approaches which are used to characterize the acoustic performance relative to changing geometries could be more time effective and feasible in producing the approximate geometries of the muffler. The effect of the analytical approach depends heavily on the accuracy of results relative to the appropriate application (i.e. good enough for engineering design purposes). 1 Researching this topic revealed that the TMM is a commonly studied analytical approach used to analyzing the transmission loss of a muffler system. Specifically, this approach is widely used in validating laboratory validation cases, such as those presented in [1], [2], and [3]. However, many of the available studies tend to analyze a defined system with a wide variety of internal (muffler) geometries. The study presented in this report focuses on a system containing a single geometry (expansion chamber) and the effect on the results as the expansion chamber diameter varies across four different diameters. 2 2. Methodology This project investigates the effectiveness of using the TMM to calculate the transmission loss of a finite element model of a muffler system consisting of a single expansion chamber. A schematic of this muffler system is shown below in Figure 1. The analysis will study the acoustic performance of this type of muffler across a frequency range of 0 to 2000 Hz for each analytical model, and 2 to 2000 Hz for each computational model. Each case studied will be compared in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the TMM. Figure 1: Schematic of Single Expansion Chamber Muffler System 2.1 Model Definitions The muffler system under study consists of an upstream (inlet) pipe of length, Li, 6 inches and diameter, Di, of 2 inches, and downstream (outlet) pipe of length, Lo, 6 inches and diameter, Do, of 2 inches. The muffler, which is located between the upstream pipe and downstream pipe, consists of a single expansion chamber of length, Lc, 24 inches and diameter, Dc, of varying sizes. The expansion chamber is evaluated in four configurations, which consist of the diameters presented below in Table 1. The dimensions in this table are also figuratively shown on the muffler system below in Figure 2. 3 Table 1: Expansion Chamber Configurations Configuration Number Diameter Value Unit 1 4 in 2 8 in 3 12 in 4 16 in Figure 2: Schematic of Muffler System Dimension Fluid properties at 70 degrees Fahrenheit from [4] and [5] were used to replicate conditions which could be achievable in a laboratory environment. The properties used in the model are presented below in Table 2. Table 2: Fluid Properties of Air used in the Muffler System Property Value Density, ρ 0.00004335 Speed of Sound, c 13536 Unit lb/in3 in/s 4 2.2 Setup of Transfer Matrix Method for Muffler System The TMM approach takes the muffler system under study and separates it into individual components (subsystems) consisting of straight pipes, an expansion, and a contraction, which is shown below in Figure 3. Figure 3: Schematic of Subsystem Components Which Define Muffler System As expressed in [6], [7], and [8], these subsystem components can be described as 2x2 matrices in terms of the pressure and particle velocity at each boundary by taking into consideration plane wave theory and average flow velocity. This is best presented by applying nodes along each subsystem boundary and defining the respective pressure, pi, and particle velocity, ui, at each node. This application of nodes on the boundaries of the muffler system under study is shown below in Figure 4. Figure 4: Schematic of Muffler System Boundaries with Nodes 5 2.2.1 Equations for a Straight Pipe The muffler system in this project consists of three straight pipe sections which are defined in sections I, III and V of Figure 4. Assuming a one-dimension propagating wave in section of straight pipe, the acoustic pressure and particle velocities from [7] can be presented as: [1] [2] Applying the boundary conditions at each node in the straight pipe (arbitrarily at z = 0 and z = L) yields: [3] [4] Combining these two equations and using Euler’s formula provides the following relationship between the two nodes: [5] Consequently, defining sections I, III, and V as a-b, c-d, and e-f, respectively the following transfer matrices are developed for: Section a-b: [6] Section c-d: 6 [7] Section e-f: [8] 2.2.2 Equations for an Expansion and Contraction The muffler system in this project consists of one expansion section and one contraction section which are defined in sections II and IV, respectively, and shown in Figure 4. Assuming a one-dimensional propagating plane wave across each discontinuity, as discussed in [7], the acoustic pressure, pi, and particle (mass) velocity, vi, will remain constant. Consequently, it holds true that for an arbitrary set of points at a discontinuity: [9] [10] Where the mass velocity is defined as: [11] Therefore, relative the arbitrary set of points in matrix form results in: [12] Applying the definition of mass velocity to the abovementioned relation yields: [13] 7 Consequently, defining sections II and IV as b-c and d-e, respectively the following transfer matrices are developed for: Section b-c: [14] Section d-e: [15] 2.2.3 Overall Transfer Matrix The overall transfer matrix is obtained by taking the equations presented above in Section 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 and applying it to the muffler system in Figure 4. This is achieved by multiplying each muffler system subsystem matrix in the order which they appear in the system. [16] Where P is a substitute made for the term: [17] I is a substitute made for the transfer matrix straight pipe Section a-b: [18] II is a substitute made for the transfer matrix expansion Section b-c: [19] III is a substitute made for the transfer matrix straight pipe Section c-d: 8 [20] IV is a substitute made for the transfer matrix of contraction Section d-e: [21] And V is a substitute made for the transfer matrix of straight pipe Section e-f: [22] Assuming there is no flow (M=0) in the muffler, the overall transfer matrix of Equation [16] can be reduced further to: [23] Therefore, the overall transfer matrix is defined from Equation [23] as: [24] And, as presented in [4], the transmission loss of the muffler system can be expressed as: [25] 2.3 Setup of Finite Element Model for Muffler System The COMSOL Multiphysics Pressure Acoustics module was used to create the muffler system under study. The muffler was created using a 2-dimensional axial symmetric model and the dimensions derived from those provided in Figure 2. The COMSOL Multiphysics built-in geometry feature was used to develop the axial symmetric model. The model was the constrained using an axial symmetric boundary along the z-direction 9 (muffler system centerline), a sound hard boundary along the exterior walls of the muffler system, a reflective pressure wave at the inlet and outlet, and an incident pressure wave at the inlet. The incident pressure wave boundary condition acts as the source, hence it was applied at the muffler system inlet. The boundary conditions described above are presented below in Figure 5 and are outlined in the color blue. Figure 5: Applied Boundary Conditions to Finite Element Model A free triangular mesh was applied to the model using a custom mesh size. The custom mesh constrained the maximum element size to a user defined value of 13536[in/s]/2000[Hz]/10, where 13536 in/s is the speed of sound in air, 2000 Hz is the maximum frequency value of the study, and 10 is the number of elements per wavelength. For frequency-dependent studies, a general rule is to have at least 5 elements per wavelength in order ensure there are enough elements to characterize shape of the highest frequency’s wavelength. A representative mesh of the muffler system under study is presented in Figure 6. 10 Figure 6: Representative Mesh of Muffler System Model Once the boundary conditions, material property, and mesh were defined and applied to the model, a frequency-dependent study was applied covering 10 to 2000 Hz. To evaluate the transmission loss in the finite element model, two variables were defined as suggested in [9] at the inlet and outlet of the muffler which defined the power of the incoming and outgoing waves, respectively. These equations were defined in COMSOL as follows: Power of the incoming pressure wave: [26] Power of the outgoing pressure wave: [27] Transmission loss: 11 [28] Once a frequency-dependent study is performed for a given muffler configuration, a 1-D graph can be generated that plots transmission loss versus frequency based on Equation [28]. 12 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Transfer Matrix Method Results The TMM analysis was performed as described in Section 2.2.3 and using the MATLAB code provided in Appendix A through Appendix D. The model definitions were assigned as provided in Section 2.1, and iterated across the four different chamber diameters from 0 to 2000 Hz using 2 Hz resolution. The MATLAB code input parameters are also provided below in Table 3, for information. Table 3: MATLAB Code User Defined Input Parameters MATLAB Variable MATLAB Value Unit maxfreq 2000 Hz res 2 Hz freq (0:res:maxfreq) Hz c 13536 in/s rho 0.00004335 LC 24 in LI 6 in LO LC in RI 1 in SI pi*(RI^2) in2 m (varies on model) -- SC m*SI in2 SO SI in2 lb/in3 Computing the transmission loss for this muffler configuration provided the results shown in Figure 7. 13 Single Expansion Chamber TMM Results 40 Transfer Matrix Transfer Matrix Transfer Matrix Transfer Matrix Method (TMM), Method (TMM), Method (TMM), Method (TMM), 4 Inch Diameter 8 Inch Diameter 12 Inch Diameter 16 Inch Diameter 35 30 Transmission Loss, TL (dB) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency (Hz) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 7: Calculated Transmission Losses for Muffler Configurations The blue, red, green and magenta data points represent the transmission loss for the 4 inch, 8 inch, 12 inch and 16 inch diameter expansion chambers, respectively, from 0 to 2000 Hz. This figure shows that the transmission loss characteristic for each muffler configuration is repetitive across the analyzed frequency range and each repetitive frequency span is approximately 282 Hz wide. Additionally, this figure is shown that increasing the chamber diameter increases the maximum transmission loss for a given muffler configuration. The 4 inch, 8 inch, 12 inch and 16 inch diameter expansion chambers have maximum transmission losses of approximately 6.5 dB, 18.1 dB, 25.1 dB and 30.1 dB, respectively. 3.2 Finite Element Model Results FEM analyses were performed as described in Section 2.3 and using the input parameter provided below in Table 4. 14 Table 4: FEM Input Parameter Property Value Unit Incident Pressure Wave 1 Pa Start Frequency 2 Hz Stop Frequency 2000 Hz Step Frequency 2 Hz A FEM was built for each muffler configuration and analyzed from 2 to 2000 Hz using 2 Hz resolution. A 1-D graph was then created using the output results of the respective FEM and Equation [28]. The results from the 1-D graph were exported to a text file using the built-in COMSOL export function, then read into MATLAB and saved off as a variable containing frequencies and transmission loss values. The results of the FEM analyses are shown below in Figure 8. Single Expansion Chamber, FEM Results 40 Finite Element Finite Element Finite Element Finite Element Model Model Model Model (COMSOL), (COMSOL), (COMSOL), (COMSOL), 4 Inch Diameter 8 Inch Diameter 12 Inch Diameter 16 Inch Diameter 35 30 Transmission Loss, TL (dB) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency (Hz) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 8: Computed Transmission Losses for Muffler Configurations In this figure, the blue, red, green and magenta data points represent the transmission loss for the 4 inch, 8 inch, 12 inch and 16 inch diameter expansion chambers, respectively, from 0 to 2000 Hz. This figure shows that the characteristic of the transmission loss for the 4 inch and 8 inch diameter muffler configurations is repetitive across the frequency range of 0 to 2000 Hz and each repetitive frequency span is 15 approximately 282 Hz wide. The results for the 8 inch muffler configuration show that as the frequency increases (above nominally 1000 Hz) the transmission loss amplitudes increase from nominally 18.7 dB at 988 Hz to nominally 22.3 dB at 1852 Hz. The transmission loss characteristic for the 12 inch diameter expansion is repetitive from 0 to 1190 Hz, and acts irregular and non-repetitive above 1190 Hz. The maximum amplitude of transmission loss in the repetitive frequency range is nominally 25.1 dB. Similarly, the transmission loss characteristic for the 16 inch diameter expansion chamber is repetitive from 0 to 950 Hz, and acts irregular and non-repetitive above 950 Hz. The maximum amplitude of transmission loss in the repetitive frequency range is nominally 30.2 dB. 3.3 Comparison of Transfer Matrix Model to Finite Element Model 3.3.1 Configuration 1: TMM Compared to FEM The comparison of the TMM and FEM results of the 4 inch diameter expansion chamber are presented below in Figure 9. Single Expansion Chamber, Diameter = 4 Inches 40 Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) Finite Element Model (COMSOL) 35 30 Transmission Loss, TL (dB) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency (Hz) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 9: Comparison of TMM and FEM Results for 4 Inch Diameter Expansion Chamber The TMM results are displayed as the blue data points, and the FEM results are displayed as the red data points. This figure shows good correlation between the TMM 16 and FEM across the entire frequency range analyzed, with the best correlation from 0 to 1000 Hz. Above 1000 Hz, minor differences are observed between the two data sets, specifically TMM results begin to lag the FEM results (the FEM frequency span increases slightly). Additionally, the TMM transmission loss amplitude remains constant at nominally 6.5 dB throughout the entire frequency range, whereas the FEM transmission loss amplitude increases by nominally 0.2 dB every 300 Hz above 1000 Hz. 3.3.2 Configuration 2: TMM Compared to FEM The TMM and FEM results of the 8 inch diameter expansion chamber are presented below in Figure 10. Single Expansion Chamber, Diameter = 8 Inches 40 Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) Finite Element Model (COMSOL) 35 30 Transmission Loss, TL (dB) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency (Hz) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 10: Comparison of TMM and FEM Results for 8 Inch Diameter Expansion Chamber Again, the TMM results are displayed as the blue data points, and the FEM results are displayed as the red data points. This figure shows good correlation between the TMM and FEM across most of the frequency range analyzed, with the best correlation from 0 to nominally 1200 Hz. Above nominally 1200 Hz, the transmission loss amplitudes for the TMM results remain constant at nominally 18.1 dB, whereas the FEM results begin to increase and diverge away from the TMM results. This appears to be a more drastic case as compared to the results obtained in Section 3.3.1 for the 4 inch diameter expansion chamber. 17 3.3.3 Configuration 3: TMM Compared to FEM The TMM and FEM results of the 12 inch diameter expansion chamber are presented below in Figure 11. Single Expansion Chamber, Diameter = 12 Inches 40 Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) Finite Element Model (COMSOL) Cutoff Frequency = 1376 Hz 35 30 Transmission Loss, TL (dB) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency (Hz) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 11: Comparison of TMM and FEM Results for 12 Inch Diameter Expansion Chamber Again, the TMM results are displayed as the blue data points, and the FEM results are displayed as the red data points. This figure shows good correlation between the TMM and FEM across the frequency range 0 to nominally 1190 Hz (similar to the results shown in Section 3.3.2 for the 8 inch diameter expansion chamber). Above nominally 1190 Hz, the TMM results do not correlate well as compared to the FEM results. The cutoff frequency, or the lowest frequency at which a plane wave can be transmitted without attenuation, for this size expansion chamber is described in [10] and is calculated by: [29] For the 12 inch diameter expansion chamber, the cutoff frequency is calculated as 1376 Hz when using Equation [29]. This calculated value correlates well with the data 18 produced with the FEM model, since the transmission loss characteristic behaves irregular and does not have good agreement with the TMM results above this frequency. 3.3.4 Configuration 4: TMM Compared to FEM The TMM and FEM results of the 16 inch diameter expansion chamber are presented below in Figure 12. Single Expansion Chamber, Diameter = 16 Inches 40 Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) Finite Element Model (COMSOL) Cutoff Frequency = 1032 Hz 35 30 Transmission Loss, TL (dB) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency (Hz) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 12: Comparison of TMM and FEM Results for 16 Inch Diameter Expansion Chamber In this figure, the TMM results are displayed as the blue data points, and the FEM results are displayed as the red data points. The TMM results predict the transmission loss of the FEM results up to approximately 950 Hz with good correlation. Above this frequency, the TMM results do not predict the FEM results well; the FEM results behave irregular and non-repetitive. The frequency at which this behavior in the data begins is comparable with the calculated cutoff frequency of 1032 Hz. 19 4. Conclusion 4.1 Applicability of TMM Compared to FEM The calculated results obtained using the TMM were compared to computed results using the FEM. For the muffler configuration studied, the TMM produced relatively accurate results as compared to the FEM across the entire frequency range analyzed for expansion chambers of diameter 4 inches and 8 inches. For the larger expansion chamber diameters studied, namely the 12 inch diameter and the 16 inch diameter expansion chambers, the TMM was only able to calculate the transmission loss for approximately half the frequency range analyzed. The difference in results of the different sized expansion chambers is consistent with the theory of plane wave propagation and is shown by the calculated cutoff frequency values for the larger diameter models. Consequently, the TMM equations for transmission loss do not take the cutoff frequency into consideration and can provide erroneous results. Based on these results, the TMM proved to be an effective way to calculate the transmission loss for a single expansion chamber system when compared to the FEM. However, this study revealed that for a given muffler geometry, the TMM can be frequency limited based on the calculated cutoff frequency for the system. 20 5. References [1] Andersen, K.S., Analyzing Muffler Performance Using the Transfer Matrix Method, COMSOL Conference Hanover, 2008, page 1-7. [2] Gerges, S.N.Y., et. al., Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix Method and Experimental Verification, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Volume XXVII, No. 2, April-June 2005, page 132-140. [3] Tao, Z., Seybert, A.F., A Review of Current Techniques for Measuring Transmission Loss, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 2003, page 1-5. [4] Air- Speed of Sound, The Engineering Toolbox, http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-speed-sound-d_603.html. [5] Air- Temperature, Pressure and Density, The Engineering Toolbox, http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-temperature-pressure-density-d_771.html. [6] Chen, Feng, Optimization Design of Muffler Based on Acoustic Transfer Matrix and Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Vibroengineering, Volume 16, Issue 5, August 2014, page 2216-2223. [7] Yeh, L.J., Chang, Y.C., Chiu, M.C., Shape Optimal Design on Double-Chamber Mufflers Using Simulated Annealing and a Genetic Algorithm, Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 29, 2005, page 207-224. [8] Kanade, S.V., Bhattu, A. P., Optimization of Sound Transmission Loss and Prediction of Insertion Loss of Single Chamber Perforated Plug Muffler with Straight Duct, American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 2014, Page 13-19. [9] Absorptive Muffler, Model 1367, COMSOL Model Gallery, 2011, page 10. [10] Davis, D.D, et. al., Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Mufflers with Comments on Engine-Exhaust Muffler Design, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Report 1192, 1954, page 1-47. 21 6. Appendix A: MATLAB Code for Configuration 1 % Validation Case for Single Expansion Chamber, 4 Inch Diameter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Closing, Clearing, etc: close all clear all clc %Define Additional Parameters maxfreq = 2000; res = 2; freq = (0:res:maxfreq); vecl = length(freq); mat = zeros(vecl); val = mat(1,:); c = 13536; rho = .00004335; DETAIL %Maximum Frequency, Hz %Resolution, Hz %Frequency Vector %Length of <<freq>> vector %Zero matrix sized to <<freq>> vector %Zero vector from <<mat>> matrix %Speed of sound (air) in/s %Density of fluid, lbm/in^3 LC = 24; LI = 6; LO = LI; %Length of Expansion Chamber, in %Length of Upstream Pipe, in %Length of Downstream Pipe, in RI = 1; SI = pi*(RI^2); m = 4; SC = m*SI; SO = SI; %Radius of Upstream Pipe, in %Cross-Sectional Area of Upstream Pipe, in^2 %Cross-Sectional Area Ratio %Cross-Sectional Area of Expansion Chamber, in^2 %Cross-Sectional Area of Downstream Pipe, in^2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for kk = 1:vecl k = (2*pi*freq(kk))/c; T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T = T11 T12 T21 T22 = = = = = %Denoting Wavenumber, k [cos(k*LI) i*sin(k*LI); i*sin(k*LI) cos(k*LI)]; %TM,Section I [1 0; 0 SC/SI]; %TM,Section II [cos(k*LC) i*sin(k*LC); i*sin(k*LC) cos(k*LC)];%TM,Section III [1 0; 0 SO/SC]; %TM,Section IV [cos(k*LO) i*sin(k*LO); i*sin(k*LO) cos(k*LO)]; %TM,Section V T1*T2*T3*T4*T5; = T(1,1); = T(1,2); = T(2,1); = T(2,2); %Overall %Overall %Overall %Overall TM, TM, TM, TM, %Overall TM Element T11 Element T12 Element T21 Element T22 QQ = (T11+T12+T21+T22); %Arbitrary Variable RealPart = real(QQ); %Real Part of Quantity QQ ImagPart = imag(QQ); %Imaginary Part of Quantity QQ mag = sqrt((RealPart^2)+(ImagPart^2)); %Solving for the Magnitude Term1 = (mag/2); %Arbitrary Variable Term2 = (SI/SO); %Arbitrary Variable 22 val(kk) = 20*log10(Term1)+10*log10(Term2); %Computing TL end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Plotting Results: figure(1) plot(freq, val,'*') title ('Single Expansion Chamber, Diameter = 4 Inches',... 'FontWeight','bold') axis([0 maxfreq 0 40]) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Transmission Loss, TL (dB)') legend('Transfer Matrix Method (TMM)') grid on 23 7. Appendix B: MATLAB Code for Configuration 2 % Validation Case for Single Expansion Chamber, 8 Inch Diameter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Closing, Clearing, etc: close all clear all clc %Define Additional Parameters maxfreq = 2000; res = 2; freq = (0:res:maxfreq); vecl = length(freq); mat = zeros(vecl); val = mat(1,:); c = 13536; rho = .00004335; DETAIL %Maximum Frequency, Hz %Resolution, Hz %Frequency Vector %Length of <<freq>> vector %Zero matrix sized to <<freq>> vector %Zero vector from <<mat>> matrix %Speed of sound (air) in/s %Density of fluid, lbm/in^3 LC = 24; LI = 6; LO = LI; %Length of Expansion Chamber, in %Length of Upstream Pipe, in %Length of Downstream Pipe, in RI = 1; SI = pi*(RI^2); m = 16; SC = m*SI; SO = SI; %Radius of Upstream Pipe, in %Cross-Sectional Area of Upstream Pipe, in^2 %Cross-Sectional Area Ratio %Cross-Sectional Area of Expansion Chamber, in^2 %Cross-Sectional Area of Downstream Pipe, in^2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for kk = 1:vecl k = (2*pi*freq(kk))/c; T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T = T11 T12 T21 T22 = = = = = %Denoting Wavenumber, k [cos(k*LI) i*sin(k*LI); i*sin(k*LI) cos(k*LI)]; %TM,Section I [1 0; 0 SC/SI]; %TM,Section II [cos(k*LC) i*sin(k*LC); i*sin(k*LC) cos(k*LC)];%TM,Section III [1 0; 0 SO/SC]; %TM,Section IV [cos(k*LO) i*sin(k*LO); i*sin(k*LO) cos(k*LO)]; %TM,Section V T1*T2*T3*T4*T5; = T(1,1); = T(1,2); = T(2,1); = T(2,2); %Overall %Overall %Overall %Overall TM, TM, TM, TM, %Overall TM Element T11 Element T12 Element T21 Element T22 QQ = (T11+T12+T21+T22); %Arbitrary Variable RealPart = real(QQ); %Real Part of Quantity QQ ImagPart = imag(QQ); %Imaginary Part of Quantity QQ mag = sqrt((RealPart^2)+(ImagPart^2)); %Solving for the Magnitude Term1 = (mag/2); %Arbitrary Variable Term2 = (SI/SO); %Arbitrary Variable 24 val(kk) = 20*log10(Term1)+10*log10(Term2); %Computing TL end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Plotting Results: figure(1) plot(freq, val,'*') title ('Single Expansion Chamber, Diameter = 8 Inches',... 'FontWeight','bold') axis([0 maxfreq 0 40]) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Transmission Loss, TL (dB)') legend('Transfer Matrix Method (TMM)') grid on 25 8. Appendix C: MATLAB Code for Configuration 3 % Validation Case for Single Expansion Chamber, 12 Inch Diameter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Closing, Clearing, etc: close all clear all clc %Define Additional Parameters maxfreq = 2000; res = 2; freq = (0:res:maxfreq); vecl = length(freq); mat = zeros(vecl); val = mat(1,:); c = 13536; rho = .00004335; DETAIL %Maximum Frequency, Hz %Resolution, Hz %Frequency Vector %Length of <<freq>> vector %Zero matrix sized to <<freq>> vector %Zero vector from <<mat>> matrix %Speed of sound (air) in/s %Density of fluid, lbm/in^3 LC = 24; LI = 6; LO = LI; %Length of Expansion Chamber, in %Length of Upstream Pipe, in %Length of Downstream Pipe, in RI = 1; SI = pi*(RI^2); m = 36; SC = m*SI; SO = SI; %Radius of Upstream Pipe, in %Cross-Sectional Area of Upstream Pipe, in^2 %Cross-Sectional Area Ratio %Cross-Sectional Area of Expansion Chamber, in^2 %Cross-Sectional Area of Downstream Pipe, in^2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for kk = 1:vecl k = (2*pi*freq(kk))/c; T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T = T11 T12 T21 T22 = = = = = %Denoting Wavenumber, k [cos(k*LI) i*sin(k*LI); i*sin(k*LI) cos(k*LI)]; %TM,Section I [1 0; 0 SC/SI]; %TM,Section II [cos(k*LC) i*sin(k*LC); i*sin(k*LC) cos(k*LC)];%TM,Section III [1 0; 0 SO/SC]; %TM,Section IV [cos(k*LO) i*sin(k*LO); i*sin(k*LO) cos(k*LO)]; %TM,Section V T1*T2*T3*T4*T5; = T(1,1); = T(1,2); = T(2,1); = T(2,2); %Overall %Overall %Overall %Overall TM, TM, TM, TM, %Overall TM Element T11 Element T12 Element T21 Element T22 QQ = (T11+T12+T21+T22); %Arbitrary Variable RealPart = real(QQ); %Real Part of Quantity QQ ImagPart = imag(QQ); %Imaginary Part of Quantity QQ mag = sqrt((RealPart^2)+(ImagPart^2)); %Solving for the Magnitude Term1 = (mag/2); %Arbitrary Variable Term2 = (SI/SO); %Arbitrary Variable 26 val(kk) = 20*log10(Term1)+10*log10(Term2); %Computing TL end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Plotting Results: figure(1) plot(freq, val,'*') title ('Single Expansion Chamber, Diameter = 12 Inches',... 'FontWeight','bold') axis([0 maxfreq 0 40]) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Transmission Loss, TL (dB)') legend('Transfer Matrix Method (TMM)') grid on 27 9. Appendix D: MATLAB Code for Configuration 4 % Validation Case for Single Expansion Chamber, 16 Inch Diameter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Closing, Clearing, etc: close all clear all clc %Define Additional Parameters maxfreq = 2000; res = 2; freq = (0:res:maxfreq); vecl = length(freq); mat = zeros(vecl); val = mat(1,:); c = 13536; rho = .00004335; DETAIL %Maximum Frequency, Hz %Resolution, Hz %Frequency Vector %Length of <<freq>> vector %Zero matrix sized to <<freq>> vector %Zero vector from <<mat>> matrix %Speed of sound (air) in/s %Density of fluid, lbm/in^3 LC = 24; LI = 6; LO = LI; %Length of Expansion Chamber, in %Length of Upstream Pipe, in %Length of Downstream Pipe, in RI = 1; SI = pi*(RI^2); m = 64; SC = m*SI; SO = SI; %Radius of Upstream Pipe, in %Cross-Sectional Area of Upstream Pipe, in^2 %Cross-Sectional Area Ratio %Cross-Sectional Area of Expansion Chamber, in^2 %Cross-Sectional Area of Downstream Pipe, in^2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for kk = 1:vecl k = (2*pi*freq(kk))/c; T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T = T11 T12 T21 T22 = = = = = %Denoting Wavenumber, k [cos(k*LI) i*sin(k*LI); i*sin(k*LI) cos(k*LI)]; %TM,Section I [1 0; 0 SC/SI]; %TM,Section II [cos(k*LC) i*sin(k*LC); i*sin(k*LC) cos(k*LC)];%TM,Section III [1 0; 0 SO/SC]; %TM,Section IV [cos(k*LO) i*sin(k*LO); i*sin(k*LO) cos(k*LO)]; %TM,Section V T1*T2*T3*T4*T5; = T(1,1); = T(1,2); = T(2,1); = T(2,2); %Overall %Overall %Overall %Overall TM, TM, TM, TM, %Overall TM Element T11 Element T12 Element T21 Element T22 QQ = (T11+T12+T21+T22); %Arbitrary Variable RealPart = real(QQ); %Real Part of Quantity QQ ImagPart = imag(QQ); %Imaginary Part of Quantity QQ mag = sqrt((RealPart^2)+(ImagPart^2)); %Solving for the Magnitude Term1 = (mag/2); %Arbitrary Variable Term2 = (SI/SO); %Arbitrary Variable 28 val(kk) = 20*log10(Term1)+10*log10(Term2); %Computing TL end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Plotting Results: figure(1) plot(freq, val,'*') title ('Single Expansion Chamber, Diameter = 16 Inches',... 'FontWeight','bold') axis([0 maxfreq 0 40]) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Transmission Loss, TL (dB)') legend('Transfer Matrix Method (TMM)') grid on 29