WAREHOUSE MODEL AT THE ATHELETIC SHOE COMPANY Harrell Case Study 3 Submitted By: Anh Pho & Gail Savage Rensselaer at Hartford Simulation Modeling and Analysis (DSES-6220) Professor: Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete Due Date: 12/21/00 Table of Contents Abstract/Executive Summary Introduction/Background Objective Scope Requirements Assumptions Model Development Verification Validation Performance Metrics Discussion of Results Conclusion & Recommendations Appendix A- Model Program Listing Appendix B- Model Output Appendix C- Copy of Case 3 from Harrell (pgs 371-373) Appendix D- Sample of Output Trace References Page 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 8 9 9 9 10 11 16 23 26 27 A disk is included at the end of the report with the program, output, trace, final report and presentation file. i Abstract/Executive Summary This project satisfies two requirements of the Athletic Shoe Company (ASC). The first requirement is to design the physical layout for the automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) for the warehouse facility. This phase is necessary to determine the warehouse’s ability to hold its inventory needs. The second requirement of this project is to model the material flow within the warehouse. A computer simulation using ProModel software was developed to represent the customer, order material flow and the receiving material order flow. The model satisfied our performance metrics for a resource utilization rate above 80%, for maintaining an inventory level of approximately 6,000 pairs of shoes and for meeting a shipping rate requirement of 7,000 – 8,000 pairs of shoes per day. The following report details the steps required to develop this model. 2 Introduction/Background The purpose of our project is to design and model a new warehouse management system utilizing an automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) for the Athletic Shoe Company. The objective is to meet the needs of the company for timely distribution of its products. The parameters of the project are described in Case Study #3 in the Harrell, et. al., text book. The warehouse ships between 100,000 and 150,000 pairs of shoes per day. The shipments are made to 8,000 – 10,000 destinations. The Athletic Shoe Company wishes to keep an inventory of 3,000,000 pairs of shoes in order to provide prompt order fulfillment. The inventory consists of 30,000 stock-keeping units (SKUs). Each SKU will be considered to be a unique combination of shoe style and size. We assumed that we would equally store 100 pairs of each SKU. The warehouse has 500,000 square feet available for storage. Based on this, we calculated the storage dimensions in Figure 1. 681.5 ft 733.5 ft 170.3' 170.3' Sort, Wrap & Pack Shipping Store 500,000 sq ft Unpack & Scan Receiving Figure 1- Basic Warehouse Layout The warehouse also has a 40 ft height constraint. The project began with the design of the layout of the rack storage area. Each shoebox measures 18” long X 12” wide X 5” high. The shoeboxes can be stacked up to 8 high on each other. We designed a bin storage container for 3 our AS/RS system that would hold 112 pairs of shoes. The bin dimensions were computed to 7ft long X 3 ft wide X 3.5 ft high. Each single row of storage bins has the configuration in Figure 2. Single Row Elevation View Height=35 ft (10 Bins) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Storage Bin Length= 525 ft (75 Bins) Storage/Retrieval Machine Storage Layout View (Top View) P/D Station Row 1 P/D Station Row 2 Row 3 P/D Station Row 20 P/D Station Figure 2 – Layout and Elevation of AS/RS Storage System Each double row has the capacity for 1,500 storage bins (168,000 pairs of shoes). Therefore our layout requires 20 double rows to accommodate the 3,000,000 pair inventory storage requirement. There are two macro view processes occurring in the warehouse. The first process is the shipping process. This is driven by the customer order, which is broken down to line items for each SKU ordered. A customer order includes between 10 and 19 pairs of shoes/ order. A single picker fills the entire order. 4 The second process is the receiving process. It is assumed that between 100,000 and 150,000 pairs of shoes are received each day to maintain the 3,000,000 pairs of shoes inventory. The shoes are received on pallets and sorted according to the SKU’s. Each SKU is assigned to a unique storage bin and corresponding aisle location. Objective To design a storage layout scheme and build a model of the shipping and receiving systems to meet the needs of the company for timely distribution of its products, using the student version of ProMod (4.2). Scope This project determines the layout of the warehouse facility and the process flow for customer/receiving orders used in the warehouse. The rack and storage area was designed to hold the required inventory. The layout of the automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) was designed. Due to the complexity of the system, the AS/RS will not be modeled in this project. The system elements modeled will be the material flows for both the receiving of stock and shipping of customer orders. Requirements The hardware and software requirements to complete this project include: ProModel software (V.4.20), an IBM compatible PC with Microsoft Windows 95 or higher and at least 16 MB of memory. At least one simulation analyst proficient in model building with ProModel is also required. The project will require 2-3 months to complete, with a completion deadline of December 21, 2000. Assumptions The following are our assumptions for the model: 1. All SKUs are equally shipped. The storage requirement for all SKUs are the same (100 pairs/SKU). 2. One filler picks the entire customer order. 3. One person (“put away guy”) stocks the entire receiving order. 5 4. The warehouse is already fully stocked at the beginning of the simulation. 5. Receiving arrival rate and the shipping arrival rate are the same to maintain a constant inventory level. 6. The model assumes no down time. 7. All “fillers” and “put away guys” have the same service rate. 8. The warehouse runs 24 hours/day. Model Development Because of the size of the problem model, we decided to scale the model down from the original model. Therefore, our new parameters for the problem become: Shipping Rate (pairs/day) 7,000 – 8,000 Inventory Requirement (pairs) 6000 Quantity per Shipping Order (pairs/order) 1–4 SKU per Order (Sku/order) 1–4 Receiving Rate (pairs/day) 7,000-8,000 The two sub-processes in the model are filling customer orders and processing receiving orders. The shipping of products is driven by the receipt of the customer orders. The customer order is divided into 1 to 4 line items, each representing 1 SKU. There are 0 – 4 pairs of shoes per line item. The fillers start with the first line item and walk through the pickup tables to select the items (SKUs) for a customer order. (The AS/RS presents the required SKUs to the pick up table locations.) When the fillers have selected items for the order, they will drop off the completed order at the packing queue. The packers will box the order and move it to the shipping queue. From here the customer order exits the system. The receiving order route has a similar process flow. The receiving orders are processed at the receiving station by the inspectors/sorters. The orders then go to the inspection area and are forwarded to the stocking queue. The “put away guys” will come to the stocking queue, move the orders to their respective put away locations and then exit the system. (The AS/RS handles the placing of the SKUs to their shelf locations.) 6 The following table lists the components of the model: System Components Table Location Customer order pickup Inspection table Packing queue Packing table Pickup tables Put away tables Receiving table Shipping queue Stocking queue Description Place that customer orders enter system Area where receiving orders are sorted and inspected. Place that customer orders wait to be packed Place to pack customer orders Place where the fillers pick up shoes to fill the line items for customer orders Place where the put away guys drop off the received stocks. Location where replenishing orders are received Place where customer orders wait to be shipped Place where receiving order line items (SKUs) wait to be put away Arrival/Process/Wait Time (min) N(0.75, 0.25) N(5,1) N(0.75,0.25) N(2.5,0.5) N(0.75,0.25) N(5,0.5) NA NA N(2,0.5) Entities Customer Orders Receiving Orders Resource Fillers Packers Inspectors/Sorters Put way guys Forms that transmit customer shoes (SKUs) request Forms that provide information about the SKUs received. E(0.75) E(0.75) Workers who fill the customer orders Workers who box the customer orders and move them to the shipping area Workers who inspect, sort and move the receiving orders the stocking queue Workers who put away the received stocks (SKUs) NA NA 7 NA NA The diagram below illustrates the flow of the receiving and customer orders: Verification Initially, we found several syntax errors, which terminated the running of the program. For example, we misspelled the variable name. These errors were easy to detect since the program helped us to identify them. After fixing all the syntax errors, we watched the model animation and found that the model process flows were as expected. However, detecting semantic errors was more challenging and required more debugging time. When determining the reasonableness of the output, we realized that the output did not come out as expected. One of the major logic errors was found in our customer order and receiving line items program coding. This resulted in the misuse of the random command as well as calculation errors. In our final step of the debugging process, we utilized the trace output function in ProModel to step through the program and verified the proper behavior of the program. 8 Validation The validation process was begun by again watching the behavior of the animation. The values of the counters were scrutinized for their proper performance. When we increased or decreased the customer/receiving orders, the counters (outputs) responded as expected in the correct direction. For example, when the customer order arrival rate was decreased to 0.75 minutes/order from 4 minutes/order, the number of shoes shipped increased accordingly. To validate our methodology, demo ProModel programs were used to confirm the modeling techniques for warehouse flow. Performance Metrics The performance of this model is measured by following three metrics: 1. Resource utilization- our goal is to achieve at least 80% utilization for all the resources. Therefore, we ran iterations of the program until the numbers of fillers, packers, put away guys, and inspectors/sorters met the utilization goal. 2. Inventory level- the warehouse inventory is required to maintain approximately 6000 pairs of shoes. 3. Number of shipped shoes per day- the warehouse shipping rate requirement is 7000 to 8000 pairs per day. Discussion of Results After running several iterations, the model results show that resource utilization of at least 80% is reached when the resources are at the level listed below: Resource Fillers Packers Put away guys Inspectors/Sorters Number of Unit 5 5 17 9 Average 83.54 82.44 85.70 80.61 Utilization % Standard Deviation 1.84 1.89 2.29 1.80 After running 10 replications of our model for 24 hours each, the warehouse average inventory level is 5,738 (39.1 std. dev.) pairs of shoes, which met our above requirement. Our output satisfied the requirement with a shipping rate of 7,656 (166.4 std. dev.) pairs per 24 hours of operation. 9 Conclusion and Recommendation In conclusion, the model was verified, validated and the model output satisfied the performance metrics. A storage area was designed to accommodate the present inventory demands. The current model layout and assigned resources are capable of meeting today’s requirements. Before actually building a real warehouse, we would recommend performing a study to consider the possibility of increasing throughput capacity in the future. It is also recommended that a cost analysis on the project be done. 10 Appendix A – Model Program Listing ******************************************************************************** * * * Formatted Listing of Model: * * A:\MANPOW~2.MOD * * * ******************************************************************************** Time Units: Distance Units: Minutes Feet ******************************************************************************** * Locations * ******************************************************************************** Name --------------------Put_Away_Table1 Put_Away_Table2 Put_Away_Table3 Put_Away_Table4 Pick_Up_Table1 Pick_Up_Table2 Pick_Up_Table3 Pick_Up_Table4 Packing_Queue Stocking_Queue Inspection_Table Receiving Packing_Table Shipping_Queue Customer_Order_Pickup Cap -------10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 INFINITE INFINITE INF inf INF INFINITE INF Units ----1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stats ----------Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Rules Cost -------------- -----------Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, FIFO, Oldest, FIFO, Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, , Oldest, FIFO, Oldest, , ******************************************************************************** * Entities * ******************************************************************************** Name --------------Customer_Order Receiving_Order Speed (fpm) -----------150 150 Stats Cost ----------- -----------Time Series Time Series 11 ******************************************************************************** * Resources * ******************************************************************************** Res Name Units Stats Search ---------------- ----- -------- -----Fillers 5 By Unit None Ent Search Path Motion Cost ------ ---------- -------------- -----------Oldest Empty: 150 fpm Full: 150 fpm Packers 5 By Unit None Oldest Empty: 150 fpm Full: 150 fpm InspectorSorters 9 By Unit None Oldest Empty: 150 fpm Full: 150 fpm Putawayguys By Unit None Oldest Empty: 150 fpm Full: 150 fpm 17 ******************************************************************************** * Processing * ******************************************************************************** Process Routing Entity Location Operation Blk Output Destination Rule --------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------------Customer_Order Customer_Order_Pickup # Quantity per line item INC Number_of_C_order C_Order_Line1=Rand(4) C_Order_Line1=Round(C_Order_Line1) AA=4-C_Order_Line1 If AA=0 then {C_Order_Line2 = 0 C_Order_Line3 = 0 C_Order_Line4 = 0} Else {C_Order_Line2 = Rand(AA) C_Order_Line2 = Round(C_Order_Line2) BB = 4 - (C_Order_Line1+ C_Order_Line2)} IF BB = 0 THEN {C_Order_Line3 =0 C_Order_Line4 =0} ELSE {C_Order_Line3 =Rand(BB) C_Order_Line3 = Round(C_Order_Line3) 12 Move Logic ------------ CC= 4-(C_Order_Line1+ C_Order_Line2 + C_Order_Line3)} If CC = 0 Then {C_Order_Line4 = 4} Else {C_Order_Line4 = 4 - (C_Order_Line1+C_Order_Line2+C_Order_Line3)} 1 Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table1 Pick_Up_Table2 Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table3 Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table4 Customer_Order Customer_Order Packing_Queue Packing_Table Customer_Order Shipping_Queue Receiving_Order Receiving Pick_Up_Table1 IF C_Order_Line1 >0, 1 MOVE WITH FILLERS FOR 0.5 MIN Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table2 IF C_Order_Line2 >0 MOVE WITH FILLERS FOR 0.5 MIN Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table3 IF C_Order_Line3 >0 MOVE WITH FILLERS FOR 0.5 MIN Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table4 IF C_Order_Line4 >0 MOVE WITH FILLERS FOR 0.5 MIN WAIT N(.75, 0.25) AISLE1_INVENTORY = AISLE1_INVENTORY - C_ORDER_LINE1 + R_ORDER_LINE1 1 Customer_Order Customer_Order Customer_Order Customer_Order Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table2 Pick_Up_Table3 Pick_Up_Table4 IF C_Order_Line2 >0, 1 IF C_Order_Line3 >0 IF C_Order_Line4 >0 MOVE WITH FILLERS FOR 0.5 MIN MOVE WITH FILLERS FOR 0.5 MIN MOVE WITH FILLERS FOR 0.5 MIN WAIT N(.75, 0.25) AISLE2_INVENTORY = AISLE2_INVENTORY - C_ORDER_LINE2 + R_ORDER_LINE2 1 Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table3 IF C_Order_Line3 >0, 1 MOVE WITH FILLERS Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table4 IF C_Order_Line4 >0 MOVE WITH FILLERS WAIT N(.75, 0.25) AISLE3_INVENTORY = AISLE3_INVENTORY-C_ORDER_LINE3 +R_ORDER_LINE3 1 Customer_Order Pick_Up_Table4 FIRST 1 MOVE WITH FILLERS WAIT N(.75, 0.25) AISLE4_INVENTORY = AISLE4_INVENTORY-C_ORDER_LINE4 +R_ORDER_LINE4 INVENTORY_GRAND_TOTAL = AISLE1_INVENTORY + AISLE2_INVENTORY +AISLE3_INVENTORY + AISLE4_INVENTORY PAIRS_SHIPPED =PAIRS_SHIPPED+ C_ORDER_LINE1+C_ORDER_LINE2+C_ORDER_LINE3+C_ORDER_LINE4 1 Customer_Order Packing_Queue FIRST 1 MOVE WITH FILLERS WAIT N(.75,0.25) 1 Customer_Order Packing_Table FIRST 1 MOVE WITH PACKERS WAIT N(2.5,.5) 1 Customer_Order Shipping_Queue FIRST 1 MOVE WITH PACKERS 1 Customer_Order EXIT # Quantity per line item INC Number_of_receiving_order R_Order_Line1=Rand(4) R_Order_Line1=Round(R_Order_Line1) RR1=4-R_Order_Line1 If RR1=0 then {R_Order_Line2 = 0 R_Order_Line3 = 0 R_Order_Line4 = 0} Else {R_Order_Line2 = Rand(RR1) R_Order_Line2 = Round(R_Order_Line2) RR2 = 4 - (R_Order_Line1+ R_Order_Line2)} IF RR2 = 0 THEN 13 FIRST 1 FOR 0.5 MIN FOR 0.5 MIN FOR 0.5 MIN FOR 0.5 MIN THEN FREE FOR 0.5 MIN FOR 0.25 MIN THEN FREE {R_Order_Line3 =0 R_Order_Line4 =0} ELSE {R_Order_Line3 =Rand(RR2) R_Order_Line3 = Round(R_Order_Line3) RR3= 4-(R_Order_Line1+ R_Order_Line2 + R_Order_Line3)} If RR3 = 0 Then {R_Order_Line4 = 4} Else {R_Order_Line4 = 4 - (R_Order_Line1+R_Order_Line2+R_Order_Line3)} 1 Receiving_Order Inspection_Table FIRST 1 Receiving_Order Inspection_Table Receiving_Order Stocking_Queue WAIT N(5,1) WAIT N(2,0.5) 1 1 Receiving_Order Put_Away_Table1 WAIT N(5,0.5) 1 Receiving_Order Put_Away_Table2 WAIT N(5,0.5) 1 Receiving_Order Put_Away_Table3 Receiving_Order Put_Away_Table4 WAIT N(5,0.5) WAIT N(5,0.5) FREE PUTAWAYGUYS 1 Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Receiving_Order Stocking_Queue Put_Away_Table1 Put_Away_Table2 Put_Away_Table3 Put_Away_Table4 Put_Away_Table2 Put_Away_Table3 Put_Away_Table4 Put_Away_Table3 Put_Away_Table4 Put_Away_Table4 1 Receiving_Order EXIT FIRST 1 IF R_Order_Line1 IF R_Order_Line2 IF R_Order_Line3 IF R_Order_Line4 IF R_Order_Line2 IF R_Order_Line3 IF R_Order_Line4 IF R_Order_Line3 IF R_Order_Line4 FIRST 1 FIRST 1 ******************************************************************************** * Arrivals * ******************************************************************************** Entity --------------Customer_Order Receiving_Order Location --------------------Customer_Order_Pickup Receiving Qty each First Time ---------- ---------1 1 Occurrences ----------INF inf Frequency Logic ---------- -----------E(0.75) E(0.75) ******************************************************************************** * Variables (global) * ******************************************************************************** ID ------------------------C_Order_Line1 C_Order_Line2 C_Order_Line3 C_Order_Line4 AA BB CC Aisle1_Inventory Type -----------Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Initial value ------------0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500 Stats ----------Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series Time Series 14 MOVE WITH INSPECTORSORTERS FOR 0.5 MIN >0, 1 >0 >0 >0 >0, 1 >0 >0 >0, 1 >0 MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH INSPECTORSORTERS FOR 0.5 MIN THEN FREE PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5MIN THEN FREE PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN THEN FREE PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN THEN FREE PUTAWAYGUYS FOR 0.5 MIN Aisle2_Inventory Aisle3_Inventory Aisle4_Inventory Inventory_Grand_Total R_Order_Line1 R_Order_Line2 R_Order_Line3 R_Order_Line4 RR1 RR2 RR3 Number_of_receiving_order Number_of_C_order Pairs_shipped Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer 1500 1500 1500 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series 15 Appendix B – Model Output -------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Report Output from A:\MANPOW~2.MOD [WHModel] Date: Dec/17/2000 Time: 07:05:18 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario : Normal Run Replication : Average Period : Final Report (0 sec to 24 hr Elapsed: 24 hr) Simulation Time : 24 hr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOCATIONS Location Name --------------------Put Away Table1 Put Away Table1 Put Away Table2 Put Away Table2 Put Away Table3 Put Away Table3 Put Away Table4 Put Away Table4 Pick Up Table1 Pick Up Table1 Pick Up Table2 Pick Up Table2 Pick Up Table3 Pick Up Table3 Pick Up Table4 Pick Up Table4 Packing Queue Packing Queue Stocking Queue Stocking Queue Inspection Table Inspection Table Receiving Receiving Packing Table Packing Table Shipping Queue Shipping Queue Customer Order Pickup Customer Order Pickup Scheduled Hours --------24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 Capacity -------10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 999999 0 999999 0 999999 0 999999 0 999999 0 999999 0 999999 0 Total Entries ------1452.3 46.3682 1031.3 40.5217 634.1 27.7547 1891.7 42.298 1442.2 33.6214 1033.2 37.6646 591.9 45.4275 1915.6 41.7751 1913.5 41.9821 1910.6 41.7724 1918.2 40.7616 1919.1 40.7798 1911.7 41.6361 1907.6 41.7112 1922.2 38.424 Average Minutes Per Entry --------5.208821 0.035307 5.275512 0.034613 5.370544 0.036263 4.991695 0.014138 0.751420 0.004809 0.752430 0.004289 0.749977 0.010845 0.747984 0.003994 1.300516 0.139542 4.562805 1.188845 4.992235 0.017024 0.765836 0.169604 2.671312 0.010583 0.149997 0.000009 1.535371 0.319125 Average Contents ---------5.25344 0.175481 3.77809 0.146958 2.36519 0.111712 6.55754 0.149629 0.752598 0.0195523 0.53991 0.0211273 0.308373 0.0253336 0.995023 0.0222306 1.73025 0.213964 6.05287 1.60443 6.6502 0.14994 1.02346 0.238361 3.54646 0.0836064 0.198704 0.00434603 2.05192 0.43875 Maximum Contents -------10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 4.9 0.316228 4.8 0.421637 4.7 0.483046 5 0 9.1 1.44914 27.9 8.5173 9 0 12.4 2.45855 5 0 2 0 16.9 3.92853 16 Current Contents -------5.3 2.35938 3.4 2.67499 3.2 1.68655 5.5 2.54951 0.9 0.994429 0.9 1.1005 0.4 0.699206 1.5 1.2693 1.8 1.22927 6.1 3.87155 7.2 1.61933 0.9 2.5144 3.5 1.17851 0.1 0.316228 3.9 5.83952 % Util -----52.53 1.75 37.78 1.47 23.65 1.12 65.58 1.50 7.53 0.20 5.40 0.21 3.08 0.25 9.95 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.04 0.00 0.00 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) LOCATION STATES BY PERCENTAGE (Multiple Capacity) Location Name --------------------Put Away Table1 Put Away Table1 Put Away Table2 Put Away Table2 Put Away Table3 Put Away Table3 Put Away Table4 Put Away Table4 Pick Up Table1 Pick Up Table1 Pick Up Table2 Pick Up Table2 Pick Up Table3 Pick Up Table3 Pick Up Table4 Pick Up Table4 Packing Queue Packing Queue Stocking Queue Stocking Queue Inspection Table Inspection Table Receiving Receiving Packing Table Packing Table Shipping Queue Shipping Queue Customer Order Pickup Customer Order Pickup Scheduled Hours --------24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 % Empty ----2.71 0.54 10.63 1.63 30.72 2.65 1.88 0.17 45.92 1.11 60.40 1.46 77.59 1.43 38.40 0.85 23.17 1.90 3.23 0.68 0.12 0.10 68.42 3.88 1.76 0.23 80.14 0.43 50.18 4.37 % Partially Occupied --------89.41 1.13 86.29 1.59 68.08 2.82 83.55 1.28 54.08 1.11 39.60 1.46 22.41 1.43 61.60 0.85 76.83 1.90 96.77 0.68 99.88 0.10 31.58 3.88 98.24 0.23 19.86 0.43 49.82 4.37 % Full ----7.88 1.26 3.09 1.02 1.21 0.48 14.58 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | % Down ---0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) RESOURCES Resource Name -----------------Fillers.1 Fillers.1 Fillers.2 Fillers.2 Units ----1 0 1 0 Scheduled Hours --------24 0 24 0 Number Of Times Used -------385.3 11.6909 379.6 7.60409 Average Minutes Per Usage --------3.123808 0.047500 3.167553 0.043377 % Util -----83.56 1.86 83.50 1.84 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) 17 Fillers.3 Fillers.3 Fillers.4 Fillers.4 Fillers.5 Fillers.5 Fillers Fillers Packers.1 Packers.1 Packers.2 Packers.2 Packers.3 Packers.3 Packers.4 Packers.4 Packers.5 Packers.5 Packers Packers InspectorSorters.1 InspectorSorters.1 InspectorSorters.2 InspectorSorters.2 InspectorSorters.3 InspectorSorters.3 InspectorSorters.4 InspectorSorters.4 InspectorSorters.5 InspectorSorters.5 InspectorSorters.6 InspectorSorters.6 InspectorSorters.7 InspectorSorters.7 InspectorSorters.8 InspectorSorters.8 InspectorSorters.9 InspectorSorters.9 InspectorSorters InspectorSorters Putawayguys.1 Putawayguys.1 Putawayguys.2 Putawayguys.2 Putawayguys.3 Putawayguys.3 Putawayguys.4 Putawayguys.4 Putawayguys.5 Putawayguys.5 Putawayguys.6 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 9 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 24 0 24 0 24 0 120 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 120 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 216 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 386.3 8.01457 385.1 9.19481 382 9.58007 1918.3 41.756 382.6 10.4265 381.1 8.15748 382.6 8.83428 382.6 8.0719 382.8 9.31904 1911.7 41.6361 212.7 5.2079 213.1 6.57352 213.7 4.02906 212.9 4.5326 211.9 6.29727 213 4.59468 213.1 5.70477 214.4 3.53396 213.4 6.13188 1918.2 40.7616 113.2 5.63323 111.6 6.0406 112.2 7.43565 112.8 5.71159 110.5 5.54276 109.5 3.114737 0.046391 3.123451 0.047938 3.151451 0.052731 3.135739 0.033531 3.103154 0.034333 3.115439 0.035560 3.102541 0.021111 3.102618 0.032731 3.101257 0.024796 3.104768 0.011864 5.459187 0.058015 5.446817 0.078550 5.430150 0.063941 5.452346 0.056605 5.479452 0.066076 5.450086 0.081677 5.446875 0.092306 5.418001 0.078343 5.441136 0.060353 5.446268 0.016677 10.914270 0.443578 11.089624 0.664176 11.039457 0.712740 10.956321 0.436786 11.184752 0.507750 11.297640 83.55 1.84 83.52 1.86 83.58 1.81 83.54 1.84 82.44 1.89 82.45 1.89 82.43 1.88 82.43 1.88 82.44 1.89 82.44 1.89 80.63 1.80 80.58 1.79 80.58 1.79 80.61 1.81 80.61 1.78 80.61 1.78 80.59 1.78 80.67 1.85 80.62 1.83 80.61 1.80 85.67 2.32 85.72 2.27 85.71 2.30 85.69 2.24 85.68 2.36 85.78 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) 18 Putawayguys.6 Putawayguys.7 Putawayguys.7 Putawayguys.8 Putawayguys.8 Putawayguys.9 Putawayguys.9 Putawayguys.10 Putawayguys.10 Putawayguys.11 Putawayguys.11 Putawayguys.12 Putawayguys.12 Putawayguys.13 Putawayguys.13 Putawayguys.14 Putawayguys.14 Putawayguys.15 Putawayguys.15 Putawayguys.16 Putawayguys.16 Putawayguys.17 Putawayguys.17 Putawayguys Putawayguys 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 17 0 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 408 0 4.19656 115.4 4.14193 113.2 6.89283 111.9 5.56677 109.8 5.90292 113 4.85341 114.9 3.63471 113.8 3.48967 110.1 5.04315 113.3 9.16576 109.6 5.50151 109.7 5.59861 1904.5 41.7619 0.550966 10.696803 0.245012 10.930430 0.504853 11.061118 0.760539 11.265676 0.534138 10.934753 0.469275 10.754893 0.595486 10.841834 0.369481 11.224723 0.385623 10.935217 0.664959 11.286662 0.600462 11.281082 0.694836 11.017171 0.233971 2.20 85.68 2.30 85.73 2.32 85.70 2.33 85.73 2.26 85.69 2.26 85.69 2.28 85.63 2.29 85.72 2.30 85.67 2.25 85.73 2.25 85.73 2.38 85.70 2.29 (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) RESOURCE STATES BY PERCENTAGE Resource Name -----------------Fillers.1 Fillers.1 Fillers.2 Fillers.2 Fillers.3 Fillers.3 Fillers.4 Fillers.4 Fillers.5 Fillers.5 Fillers Fillers Packers.1 Packers.1 Packers.2 Packers.2 Packers.3 Packers.3 Packers.4 Scheduled Hours --------24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 120 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 % In Use -----83.56 1.86 83.50 1.84 83.55 1.84 83.52 1.86 83.58 1.81 83.54 1.84 82.44 1.89 82.45 1.89 82.43 1.88 82.43 % Idle ----16.44 1.86 16.50 1.84 16.45 1.84 16.48 1.86 16.42 1.81 16.46 1.84 17.56 1.89 17.55 1.89 17.57 1.88 17.57 % Down ---0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) 19 Packers.4 Packers.5 Packers.5 Packers Packers InspectorSorters.1 InspectorSorters.1 InspectorSorters.2 InspectorSorters.2 InspectorSorters.3 InspectorSorters.3 InspectorSorters.4 InspectorSorters.4 InspectorSorters.5 InspectorSorters.5 InspectorSorters.6 InspectorSorters.6 InspectorSorters.7 InspectorSorters.7 InspectorSorters.8 InspectorSorters.8 InspectorSorters.9 InspectorSorters.9 InspectorSorters InspectorSorters Putawayguys.1 Putawayguys.1 Putawayguys.2 Putawayguys.2 Putawayguys.3 Putawayguys.3 Putawayguys.4 Putawayguys.4 Putawayguys.5 Putawayguys.5 Putawayguys.6 Putawayguys.6 Putawayguys.7 Putawayguys.7 Putawayguys.8 Putawayguys.8 Putawayguys.9 Putawayguys.9 Putawayguys.10 Putawayguys.10 Putawayguys.11 Putawayguys.11 Putawayguys.12 Putawayguys.12 Putawayguys.13 Putawayguys.13 0 24 0 120 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 216 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 1.88 82.44 1.89 82.44 1.89 80.63 1.80 80.58 1.79 80.58 1.79 80.61 1.81 80.61 1.78 80.61 1.78 80.59 1.78 80.67 1.85 80.62 1.83 80.61 1.80 85.67 2.32 85.72 2.27 85.71 2.30 85.69 2.24 85.68 2.36 85.78 2.20 85.68 2.30 85.73 2.32 85.70 2.33 85.73 2.26 85.69 2.26 85.69 2.28 85.63 2.29 1.88 17.56 1.89 17.56 1.89 19.37 1.80 19.42 1.79 19.42 1.79 19.39 1.81 19.39 1.78 19.39 1.78 19.41 1.78 19.33 1.85 19.38 1.83 19.39 1.80 14.33 2.32 14.28 2.27 14.29 2.30 14.31 2.24 14.32 2.36 14.22 2.20 14.32 2.30 14.27 2.32 14.30 2.33 14.27 2.26 14.31 2.26 14.31 2.28 14.37 2.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) 20 Putawayguys.14 Putawayguys.14 Putawayguys.15 Putawayguys.15 Putawayguys.16 Putawayguys.16 Putawayguys.17 Putawayguys.17 Putawayguys Putawayguys 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 408 0 85.72 2.30 85.67 2.25 85.73 2.25 85.73 2.38 85.70 2.29 14.28 2.30 14.33 2.25 14.27 2.25 14.27 2.38 14.30 2.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) FAILED ARRIVALS Entity Name --------------Customer Order Customer Order Receiving Order Receiving Order Location Name --------------------Customer Order Pickup Customer Order Pickup Receiving Receiving Total Failed -----0 0 0 0 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) ENTITY ACTIVITY Entity Name --------------Customer Order Customer Order Receiving Order Receiving Order Total Exits ------1907.5 41.7406 1886.2 43.7259 Current Quantity In System --------14.7 6.54981 32.9 7.47514 Average Minutes In System --------9.225868 0.410928 25.173054 1.366876 Average Minutes In Move Logic -------3.369252 0.288661 2.268992 0.213161 Average Minutes Wait For Res, etc. --------0.295836 0.120367 2.197917 1.169121 Average Minutes In Operation --------5.349205 0.022865 20.187504 0.147979 ENTITY STATES BY PERCENTAGE Entity Name --------------Customer Order Customer Order Receiving Order Receiving Order % In Move Logic ------36.46 1.61 9.01 0.67 % Wait For Res, etc. --------3.18 1.17 8.54 4.08 % In Operation -----------58.08 2.51 80.38 3.90 % Blocked ------2.27 0.61 2.07 0.20 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) VARIABLES Average 21 Average Minutes Blocked -------0.211574 0.067214 0.518641 0.037998 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) Variable Name ------------------------C Order Line1 C Order Line1 C Order Line2 C Order Line2 C Order Line3 C Order Line3 C Order Line4 C Order Line4 AA AA BB BB CC CC Aisle1 Inventory Aisle1 Inventory Aisle2 Inventory Aisle2 Inventory Aisle3 Inventory Aisle3 Inventory Aisle4 Inventory Aisle4 Inventory Inventory Grand Total Inventory Grand Total R Order Line1 R Order Line1 R Order Line2 R Order Line2 R Order Line3 R Order Line3 R Order Line4 R Order Line4 RR1 RR1 RR2 RR2 RR3 RR3 Number of receiving order Number of receiving order Number of C order Number of C order Pairs shipped Pairs shipped Total Changes ------3844.4 76.8479 3844.4 76.8479 3844.4 76.8479 1922.2 38.424 1922.2 38.424 1922.2 38.424 1922.2 38.424 1441.3 33.4599 1032.3 38.3233 591.5 45.7025 1914.1 41.5971 1914.1 41.5971 3838.2 81.5595 3838.2 81.5595 3838.2 81.5595 1919.1 40.7798 1919.1 40.7798 1919.1 40.7798 1919.1 40.7798 1919.1 40.7798 1922.2 38.424 1914.1 41.5971 Minutes Per Change ---------0.374525 0.007306 0.374525 0.007306 0.374525 0.007306 0.749050 0.014612 0.749050 0.014612 0.749050 0.014612 0.749050 0.014612 0.998753 0.022466 1.395714 0.053436 2.439805 0.191716 0.752318 0.016347 0.752318 0.016347 0.375215 0.008065 0.375215 0.008065 0.375215 0.008065 0.750430 0.016130 0.750430 0.016130 0.750430 0.016130 0.750430 0.016130 0.750430 0.016130 0.749050 0.014612 0.752318 0.016347 Minimum Value ------0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1302.6 75.0144 1279.4 67.3155 1361.3 34.9668 1434.1 47.0259 5448.6 59.4983 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maximum Value ------3 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 1524.7 12.0835 1508.1 10.9489 1501.2 1.47573 1548.1 48.606 6007 11.0252 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 1919.1 40.7798 1922.2 38.424 7656.4 166.389 Current Value -------1.7 1.1595 0.7 0.823273 0.6 0.843274 1 0 2.3 1.1595 1.6 0.843274 1 0 1324.6 78.9292 1285.5 67.6005 1363.4 36.05 1480.6 85.301 5454.6 59.3543 1 1.24722 1.1 1.1005 0.3 0.483046 1.6 0.843274 3 1.24722 1.9 1.1005 1.6 0.843274 1919.1 40.7798 1922.2 38.424 7656.4 166.389 Average Value --------1.5029 0.0300971 0.760327 0.0335061 0.369903 0.0343797 1.36504 0.0241146 2.49527 0.0297928 1.73495 0.0395944 1.36504 0.0241146 1420.56 43.5337 1395.14 49.4724 1429.6 22.8533 1492.48 40.9793 5737.96 39.1328 1.49734 0.0240776 0.747844 0.0257622 0.37761 0.0139905 1.37513 0.028033 2.50059 0.0239198 1.75274 0.0263904 1.37513 0.028033 955.13 30.2412 967.282 24.0916 3846.64 95.6109 22 (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) (Average) (Std. Dev.) Appendix C – Copy of Case 3 from Harrell (pages 371-373) 23 24 25 Appendix D-Sample of Output Trace Trace Model: A:\Warehouse Project\ManpowerReduction2.MOD 00:00.0 Trace Start 00:00.4 1 Receiving_Order scheduled to arrive at Receiving. 00:00.4 Receiving_Order arrives at Receiving. 00:00.4 For Receiving_Order at Receiving: 00:00.4 Receiving_Order enters Receiving. 00:00.4 Int: Number_of_receiving_order = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.4 Int: R_Order_Line1 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.4 Int: R_Order_Line1 = 1 (old value = 1) 00:00.4 Int: RR1 = 3 (old value = 0) 00:00.4 Int: R_Order_Line2 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.4 Int: R_Order_Line2 = 1 (old value = 1) 00:00.4 Int: RR2 = 2 (old value = 0) 00:00.4 Int: R_Order_Line3 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.4 Int: R_Order_Line3 = 1 (old value = 1) 00:00.4 Int: RR3 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.4 Int: R_Order_Line4 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.4 Select route from route block #1; output quantity is 1. 00:00.4 For Receiving_Order at Receiving: 00:00.4 Inspection_Table is selected for routing. 00:00.4 The main entity is routed out as Receiving_Order. 00:00.4 Output is named as Receiving_Order. 00:00.4 Receiving_Order at Receiving picked up by InspectorSorters.1. 00:00.4 Start move to Inspection_Table. 00:00.4 For Receiving_Order at Receiving: 00:00.4 Process completed. 00:00.4 Release the captured capacity. 00:00.4 InspectorSorters.1 arrives at Inspection_Table. 00:00.4 Receiving_Order is dropped off at Inspection_Table by InspectorSorters.1. 00:00.4 InspectorSorters.1 is kept by Receiving_Order. 00:00.4 Receiving_Order arrives at Inspection_Table. 00:00.4 For Receiving_Order at Inspection_Table: 00:00.4 Receiving_Order enters Inspection_Table. 00:00.4 Wait 4.6 Min. 00:00.7 1 Customer_Order scheduled to arrive at Customer_Order_Pickup. 00:00.7 Customer_Order arrives at Customer_Order_Pickup. 00:00.7 For Customer_Order at Customer_Order_Pickup: 00:00.7 Customer_Order enters Customer_Order_Pickup. 00:00.7 Int: Number_of_C_order = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.7 Int: C_Order_Line1 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.7 Int: C_Order_Line1 = 1 (old value = 1) 00:00.7 Int: AA = 3 (old value = 0) 00:00.7 Int: C_Order_Line2 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.7 Int: C_Order_Line2 = 1 (old value = 1) 00:00.7 Int: BB = 2 (old value = 0) 00:00.7 Int: C_Order_Line3 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.7 Int: C_Order_Line3 = 1 (old value = 1) 00:00.7 Int: CC = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.7 Int: C_Order_Line4 = 1 (old value = 0) 00:00.7 Select route from route block #1; output quantity is 1. 00:00.7 For Customer_Order at Customer_Order_Pickup: 00:00.7 Pick_Up_Table1 is selected for routing. 00:00.7 The main entity is routed out as Customer_Order. 00:00.7 Output is named as Customer_Order. 26 References Banks, Jerry ed. [1998], Handbook of Simulation Principles, Methodology, Advances, Applications, and Practice, 1st ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY. Pgs 571-591. Harrell, C., B.K. Ghosh and R. Bowden [2000], Simulation Using ProModel, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill. Boston, MA. Lee Heungsoon F. [1997]. “Performance Analysis for Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems”. IIE Transactions. 29, 15-28. Olson, David R. [1990], Establishing Best Order Picking Practices for Your Warehouse Operation, 1st ed., Warehouse Advisory Council. Stock, James R. and Douglas M. Lambert [1987], Strategic Logistics Management, 2nd ed., Irwin, Homewood, IL. Pgs. 302-343. Tomkins, James A. and Dale A. Harmelink, eds. [1994], The Distribution Management Handbook, 1st ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY. Pgs 18.11-18.27 and 27.10 – 27.25. Witt, C.E. [1989], “Reebok’s Distribution on Fast Track”. Materials Handling Engineering. March. 43-46. 27