1 Introduction A "Predator - Prey" system is one such that two or more key species are coexisting, or attempting to coexist, in the same area while one species survives by predating the other species. The question to be answered by this report is, "What is an accurate method for modeling a predator-prey system?" To gain an idea of the future demography of the two species, or if a certain ecosystem is at equilibrium, models of the current ecosystem are created and simulations are run. This is done through systems of differential equations. Beginning in the early part of this century Alfred Lotka and Vito Volterra began studying systems of equations that could accurately simulate an actual system. From their work grew a set of equations that have been used as the standard for predator-prey modeling. These equations provide a relatively good basis for understanding the general relationship between two species, but it is difficult to produce very accurate results due to problems encountered when attempting to incorporate the variety of real situations into a mathematical model. Accuracy, when using these sets of equations, depends on including and properly simulating everything that will affect both species throughout the course of the period of time interested in. This is possible in a controlled laboratory environment, but rather impossible in an actual ecosystem. Variables such as weather, disease, and other species interaction are too complicated to accurately model. To overcome this problem the variables are made into constants that are created from averages of data taken over a period of years. The idea being that in a sense, history will repeat itself and the system that has sustained for a number of years will continue to sustain itself into the future. Again the difficulty arises in trying to predict what will occur and how the system in equilibrium will react to future changes. This difficulty can be overcome to a point by using well-researched terms and variables in the equation set, and by using solid numerical analysis tools. The procedure for using these sets of differential equations will be studied. This will include discussion of the representation of the terms and values in the equation sets, the method for solving the system and displaying the data, the analysis of the data, and evaluation of the error occurring throughout the process. To begin, a basic form of the Lotka-Volterra equation will be discussed. 2 Simplified Standard Equations The standard set of differential equations are broken down with one equation representing the change in predator population and one representing the change in prey population. The equations are: 2.1 2.2 dP k 3 N (t ) P(t ) k 4 P(t ) dt dN k1 N (t ) k 2 N (t ) P(t ) dt 1 In these equations, and the other equations used in this report "N" will represent the population of prey, and "P" will represent the population of Predators, in both cases with respect to time. For these equations: k1 = birthrate of prey k2 = predation rate of prey k3 = birthrate of predator proportional to the predation rate k4 = mortality rate of predator In these basic equations, the representation is essentially birthrate - mortality rate. The first term in both the prey and predator equations is the birthrate. For the prey, birthrate is simplified into a ratio of the number of prey alive, and assumes a constant. In the case of the predator, the number of prey and predators is proportional to the increase in predator population because of the dependence on the prey as the sole food source. In the same way, the mortality rate of the prey is connected to the population of the predator as well as the natural mortality rate. The predator, assuming only natural causes in these scenarios, dies at a fixed rate relative to current population. This simplified scheme combines variables and assumptions and creates difficulty in comprehending the full meaning and coverage of the equations. To increase awareness, fewer assumptions need to be made and more variables accounted for. A breakdown of the individual components of these equations and their coefficients will show in more detail what is included with this type of model, how different variables are grouped, and what can be done to better model this scenario. 3 Expanded Standard Equations By breaking down what is included in the coefficients of equations 2.1 and 2.2, and a clearer picture can be made, and variables can be better evaluated. The expanded equations are: 3.1 3.2 dP acN (t ) P(t ) eP(t ) dt 1 at h N (t ) dN N (t ) aN (t ) P(t ) rN (t )(1 ) dt KN 1 at h N (t ) r= KN = a= c= e= th = Calculated rate of prey increase Carrying capacity of the prey Predator vs. prey encounter rate Predator consumption of prey ratio to predator birthrate Predator mortality rate Handling time 2 At first these equations may seem different than equation 2.1 and 2.2, but when studied closer the original coefficients have simply been expanded. Studying these new coefficients, there are many more opportunities for accuracy. Where k1 was merely a proportion before, the expanded coefficient (shown below) now covers more of the prey demography and brings into account a carrying capacity term. The carrying capacity is the amount of a species that can inhabit a given area in equilibrium based on space, food, genetic pool, and other variables. This serves as a correction factor if the level of predators is not enough to manage the growth of the prey. Though it is a constant in this case, the carrying capacity related to food is in reality its own predator-prey system with regards to what the prey will eat. From 2.1 to 3.1 the k coefficients have expanded to this: k1 r (1 N (t ) ) K k2 a 1 at h N (t ) The prey mortality term from 2.1 now shows more of a functional response by the predator as opposed to just a mortality rate of the prey. The encounter rate and handling time constants take into account that as the prey population falls predators take more time in hunting prey; as well as the fact that there are less prey overall. Studying the predator equations we see that from 2.2 to 3.2 the k coefficients have expanded to this: k3 k4 e ac 1 at h N (t ) The predator increase term is very similar to the prey decrease term with the added constant, "c" which is a proportion that approximates how the predator converts the consumption of prey into an increase in population. While the predator mortality rate in this simplified system remains constant and was not expanded, it is important to note that like the prey, the predator is presumably a part of another predator-prey system in which it is the prey. 4 Methods With the differential equations for the system defined the focus shifts to extracting useful data and information. This can be done with a variety of numerical analysis tools ranging from Taylor Series to Runge-Kutta. For this study, the Runge-Kutta Method for systems of differential equations will be used to analytically solve the differential sets. This method is described in the text Numerical Analysis (pp.320-321) as algorithm 5.7. This Runge-Kutta method for systems of differential equations utilizes the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method for initial value problems, and can be used for an nth order system. 3 The Runge-Kutta method for systems differs from the normal Runge-Kutta fourth-order, in that it is written to solve the system of equations simultaneously with respect to time. In modeling the ecosystems, the coefficients must be calculated from years of research. The averages of the research become the values for the differential equations. A sample set of values is shown below. r = 0.50 K = 70 a = 0.05 h = 0.02 c = 0.50 e = 0.50 Using these sample coefficient values, and the Runge-Kutta method, the populations of species of this predator prey scenario are normally graphed in two types of axes. The first type is a plot of predator and prey population beginning with an initial count of the two populations, and continuing over a period of years. Stable Equilibrium Population 50 40 30 Prey 20 Pred. 10 0 4.5 9.5 .5 14 .5 19 .5 24 .5 29 .5 34 Time .5 39 .5 44 .5 49 .5 54 .5 59 Table 1 This graph shows an initial value of 40 for the prey and 14 for the predator. This leads to a period of time when the balance is not stable, but is slowly settling down to a stable equilibrium of about 21 and 7 prey and predators respectively. Population This type of graph can also show another type of equilibrium that is not stable. Unstable Equilibrium 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Prey Pred. T 2.4 5.5 9 12.5 16 19.5 23 26.5 30 33.5 37 40.5 44 47.5 Time Table 2 4 Table 2 shows unstable equilibrium for a larger population of species. The initial values are at 1000 and 500 for prey and predator respectively, but in this case, there is no stable equilibrium of population for the species. The values cycle around an average of about 1500 for both the predator and prey. For the range of values shown in Table 2 it is not conclusive that the system ultimately does not reach stable equilibrium. It is possible that the dampening effect inherent in the equations is small, and needs more time before a stable equilibrium is reached. Another method of graphing that can quickly determine the types of equilibrium is needed. An easy way of showing equilibrium is to use a field plot. A field plot does not use time, but plots the two differential equations against each other to create a field of vectors. These field plots were created by using the fieldplot command in Maple V with the set of equations. This field of vectors will show the growth or decline of the population of each species relative to the other for any value. The field plot can also be read to show whether the population is stable or unstable by following the path of the vectors. If the vectors lead to one point, that is the stable population. If they lead around in a circle, that is an unstable population revolving around a central population value where the system is most stable. Here is the stable equilibrium system graphed on to a field plot. Table 3 With this format, the fact that the system converges to a single equilibrium point is quickly observed. The initial value of 40 prey and 14 predators is marked on the Table, and the path of convergence can be followed around the loop. 5 Table 4 shows the unstable system, but using the field plot it is certain that the system is unstable. Table 4 As the Table displays, the data is unstable, but it is caught in a repeatable orbital pattern that creates equilibrium. These elliptical circuits confirm that the system will never converge to equilibrium, and also show where the unstable equilibrium point is; in this case, around 900 for the prey and 1500 for the predator. The initial value of 1000 prey and 500 predators is marked on Table 4. Even though the prey was close to the equilibrium point, because the predators were so far away from the stability point a large instability was created. 5 Analysis The data from above can be used and interpreted in a variety of different ways depending on the information available and the results that are needed. By asking what the goal of the study is, the correct tools can be incorporated to gain the necessary results. Typical questions asked when studying a predator prey system are the following: Is this system in equilibrium, what are the populations at the equilibrium point, and when does the system reach equilibrium? To answer these questions, it is easy to use the Runge-Kutta method to calculate values for the population vs. time graph. With those values, the populations cycle up and down for an unstable equilibrium, or dampen to a stable equilibrium. Because the Runge-Kutta method simultaneously solves both equations with respect to time, the time values at any point in the range are readily available. Using the Runge-Kutta alone may be the best way to find the equilibrium time for an initial value problem relating to the introduction of a species to the system or an event which suddenly modifies the relative populations of predator and prey; however, if other information is needed the Runge-Kutta can be used with other tools to more quickly find a solution. 6 In order to find the relative stability or instability of a system in equilibrium quickly using Runge-Kutta, a good set of initial values is needed. By using the field plot , the equilibrium can be instantly categorized, if there is one, and the equilibrium point can be read from the graph. Using the field plot to as a guide, points can be chosen from any where in the plot and used as the initial values in the Runge-Kutta algorithm to plot the exact dynamic of the populations and calculate the actual population values. Another tool that can be used to find the exact solution for the equilibrium point, and tell if the system goes to equilibrium is an isocline. An isocline is the solution of one of the differential equations in the set with respect to the other species when the change in population over the change in time is set equal to zero. This represents the population of one species if the population of the other species is constant. Here are the isoclines for the basic equations. 5.1 5.2 P(t ) k1 k2 N (t ) k4 k3 Substituting the numerical values in for the k variables, the isoclines for the system are found to be 1500 for the predator population, and 833 for the prey population (Note that in cases of larger prey, the prey population will be smaller than the predators'). Below are the isoclines for the expanded equations. 5.3 5.4 at r 1 P(t ) ( )[1 (at h ) N (t ) ( h ) N (t ) 2 ] a K K N (t ) e (ac eat h ) Again, the two equations are solved, and the system isoclines are calculated for the predator to be 7 and 20 for the prey. When the isoclines are plotted against each other and they intersect, it means that the system is in or goes to equilibrium. The intersection point of the isoclines is the equilibrium point. Here are the field plots again, this time with the isoclines superimposed. Table 5 Table 6 7 Using all of these tools in combination, the needed information can be quickly extracted from the data generated by the system. How likely is it, however, that the analysis correctly predicts the actual number of species, and the precise fluctuations? The accuracy of the computational method is very good with respect to what is needed; the deviation lies in the variance of the coefficients, and the ability of the equation to realistically model the population dynamics of the ecosystem. 6 Error Analysis To analyze and quantify the error involved in this report two levels must be studied; the first is the inner level with the computational error, and the second is the outer level and the error produced by the equations used to create the models. The computational error covers the accuracy of the data calculated from the set of differential equations. The modeling error covers the accuracy of the set of differential equations in modeling the actual populations of species in the system. The data calculated from the equation set included the population versus time plot, the field plot, and the isoclines. The values for the population versus time plot were generated by the Runge-Kutta method. To find the error between what was calculated to be the equilibrium points of the stable system, the last value of the set can be compared to the exact answer found by the isoclines. The stable value from the time plot, at time 74.5 years, was 20.50 for the prey, and 7.19 for the predators. Actual isocline values were 20.41 and 7.23 for the prey and predator. The error would thus be within 0.09 species for the prey and only 0.04 species for the predator. For this case, that amount of error is excellent. The reason is that in reality there is not only 0.04 of any live animal (There may be a case for fractions of populations in terms of vegetation as a prey, but that is not covered in this report). In this situation, only integers are acceptable and the error would be within half of an integer, so the calculations are well within the limits needed. Past year 53.5 the calculations were consistently within a half of an animal of the isocline population. During the next 20 years, the population slowly dampened to the given values. Whether the actual population is actually 20 or 21, or 7 or 8 at time 53.5 years or 74.5 years is not the responsibility of the computation. Though finding the equilibrium error is straightforward for the stable system, calculating the error for the calculations for the unstable equilibrium is difficult because the exact values are not known. The major source of error is initiated by the constraints placed on the system. A system with only a predator and a prey is very unlikely. The models used for these calculations would have to be expanded to incorporate all relevant species in the system. Almost all animals compete against each other in some way, be it for food, shelter, water, or other limited resources. To accurately capture the all the interactions in a system through a mathematical model would be unlikely, so only with a controlled study would these models be truly effective. 8 Equations used in the models should try to not only capture the interactions of the predator and prey, but be mathematically manipulated to fit the model. An example of this is with the stable equilibrium case. Is the population at 53.5 years actually 20 or 21? Accuracy of the structure of the equations and selection of variables play a role in this. Is the equation sufficiently damped to correctly model the population dynamics? How many animals are there at year 53? Is this population truly in equilibrium? These questions could only be answered by a yearly census of the population, and are not in the scope of this report. 7 Conclusions At the beginning of this report the question was asked, "What is an accurate method for modeling a predator-prey system?" The most complete answer that is available begins with the Lotka-Volterra model. Using that fundamental set of differential equations expanded to incorporate as much information about the ecosystem as possible to mathematically model a fairly simple scenario works very well. Together with the analysis tools, an accurate predator prey model is created. The numerical analysis tools available to solve these systems, specifically the RungeKutta Method for Systems of Differential Equations quickly calculate values that show the population dynamics. The Runge-Kutta fourth order method simultaneously solves the equations with accuracy that is compatible with what is needed. The Maple V fieldplot routine solves the system graphically and displays an equilibrium solution. Using these tools together with the isoclines, it is possible to accurately portrait the results of the equation set. The question to whether the equation set is accurate or not is where error will enter the solution. To try to model nature accurately for a period of time in an uncontrolled environment is very difficult. There are too many variables to solve, too many unknowns to account for. But, as all natural ecosystems are in some kind of equilibrium, though consistent accuracy can not be depended on; the trends and dynamics of the ecosystem are consistent, and that is what these systems have modeled. 9 References Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires, Numerical Analysis (Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1997) Manfred Peschel and Werner Mende, The Predator-Prey Model: Do We Live In A Volterra World? (New York: Springer-Verlag Wien, 1986) fisher.teorekol.lu.se/simulation_server/predator_prey_model.html gumby.syr.edu/s3_survey/survd3.htm www.cds.caltech.edu/~hinke/courses/CDS280/predprey.html www.frog.biology.yale.edu/ginger/java/iso.html www.gypsymoth.ento.vt.edu/~sharov/popecol/lec10/lotka.html www.stolaf.edu/people/mckelvey/envision.dir/lotka-volt.html 10