Development and Application of a Two-Dimensional, Transient Numerical Model for Temperature Distribution within a Cylinder Subjected to Electromagnetically Induced Heat Generation Conduction Heat Transfer MEAE 6630 Submitted by Michael J. Guidos April 17, 2000 1 Table of Contents Section Title Page 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Abstract Introduction Nomenclature Formulation Self- and Mutual Inductance Model Heat Conduction Model Application of Models: Discussion of Results Conclusion References 3 3 4 5 5 9 13 15 16 (i) (ii) 5.0 6.0 7.0 List of Appendices Section Title Page A B Figures of Reference Results from “Currentsolver” Model: Determination of Volumetric Heat Generation Results from “Tempdist” Model: Determination of Temperature Distribution within Cylinder Inputs to “Currentsolver” model and their Descriptions “Currentsolver” Visual Basic Code “Tempdist” Visual Basic Code 17 C D E F 2 21 30 38 46 56 1.0 Abstract A numerical model is presented for calculating the two-dimensional, transient temperature distribution within a metallic cylinder subjected to non-uniform volumetric heat generation caused by electromagnetically induced eddy currents. Based on the heat equations and boundary conditions used, the model is valid for low temperatures only, when radiation heat exchange is insignificant. Based on the model results, for all times, the maximum temperature was consistently at the outermost cylinder radius at each axial location. However, due to the imposed boundary conditions and neglect of heat loss from the cylinder, temperature growth was uniform at all locations within the cylinder for all times except for the first few seconds of eddy current application. 2.0 Introduction Induction heating is the application of electrical current to a metallic material in order to generate volumetric heating within the material. Induction heating also occurs when a metallic material is subjected to the magnetic field produced by another conductor. Eddy currents arise within the non-load carrying material, opposite in direction to the current in the load-carrying conductor, and therefore, simultaneously cause volumetric heat generation within the non-load carrying conductor. When alternating current (or similarly eddy currents) is passed through a mass of material, the current flow and manner of heating of the material are highly dependent on the electrical conductivity of the metal and the frequency of the heating. If the conductivity is high and the frequency is high, the current tends to concentrate at the outside of the mass. If the conductivity and the frequency are low, the current distribution tends to be more distributed, heating the mass uniformly. The depth of this maximum concentration of electrical current is known as the skin depth or skin thickness. Therefore, for a high conductivity material such as a metal, the current density and similarly the volumetric heat generation are typically non-uniform. In practice, typical values for frequency of heating roughly range from 60 Hz to 1 Mhz as given by (4). Practical applications of induction heating include the casehardening of wear-intensive parts, such as gears, shafts, or rotors, and the purification of semiconductor metals, known as zone refining, to melt and remove impurities. The effect of induced eddy currents and similarly their concentration will be analyzed to determine quantitatively the volumetric heat generation that is produced when a metallic cylinder is subjected to the magnetic field created from a surrounding alternating current coil. The basic setup for this type of problem is shown in Figure 1 of Appendix A, in which a radio frequency (low frequency) generator is applied to the primary coil, which in turn induces currents in the load material, which acts as short-circuited secondary. Once the volumetric heat generation is obtained, a heat conduction model will then be used to determine the two-dimensional, transient temperature distribution throughout the cylinder through the use of symmetry. 3 3.0 Nomenclature Symbol Description Units 0 r free space magnetic permeability relative magnetic permeability electrical conductivity frequency angular frequency skin depth self-inductance mutual inductance current voltage resistance complex number radial dimension of discretized circuit (Fig. 3 or 4a) radial dimension of discretized circuit (Fig. 3) cross-sectional area of discretized circuit volume of discretized circuit length of discretized circuit one-half discretized circuit thickness (Fig. 4b) height of discretized circuit cylinder radius cylinder height radial dimension axial dimension temperature thermal conductivity thermal diffusivity volumetric heat generation index for radial position index for axial position index for time H/m (-m)-1 Hz rad/s m H H A V m m m2 m3 m m m m m m m C W/mC m2/s W/m3 - f s L M I V R j a b A V l a h b c r z T k g i j n 4 4.0 Formulation The formulation for solution of the temperature distribution within the cylinder may be divided into two sections, (i) The development of the self- and mutual-inductance model used to calculate the induced eddy currents in the cylinder and thereby arrive at the heat generation at each node, and (ii) The development of the heat conduction governing equations and boundary conditions using an explicit finite control volume method and combining with the output volumetric heat generation from the inductance model at each node to obtain the temperature distribution within the cylinder. (i) Self- and Mutual-Inductance Model To determine the volumetric heat generation within the cylinder, the cylinder and coil must be considered as a coupling of circuits. The model used in this work was based on a model developed and applied to a cylindrical cross-section in (2). In (2), the crosssections of both the cylinder and the coil are discretized into several smaller-area circuits to arrive at the current density at the center of each of these circuits. From electromagnetic theory, mutual-inductance is defined as the induced voltage in one circuit due to current flowing in another circuit. Alternatively, self-inductance is the induced voltage within a circuit due to changes in its own current. Both inductance effects are reliant upon the geometry of the coupled circuits. Therefore, for the model in consideration, for each of the discretized cylinder and coil circuits, the inductance of each circuit must be properly addressed to accurately determine the heat generation within the cylinder. The basic problem setup, given from (4), is represented in Figure 2 of Appendix A, which displays an equivalent circuit representing a coil of inductance L1 and resistance R1, placed across the terminals of an emf generator developing a voltage V1. The metallic cylinder is represented as the shorted secondary turn with resistance R2 and inductance L2. The circuit relations for this simplified model are given by V1 R1 jL1 I 1 jM 12 I 2 0 jM 21 I 1 R 2 jL2 I 2 ( 4 1) (42) where = 2f and the coefficients R, L, and M are determined from the geometry of the respective components. From this simplified model, the more complex model in (2) is based and is now approached for solution of the volumetric heat generation for the present problem. 5 Following from (2), the radial cross-sections of both the cylinder and coil are first discretized into arrays of smaller cross-sectional areas. For the arrays of discretized circuits of the cylinder and coil, equations similar to (4-1) and (4-2) are developed, where there is one equation for every circuit, generally set up as N 1 VC RC jLC I C j M Cn I n n 1,n C N 1 0 j M Pn I n R P jL P I P n 1,n P ( 43) (44) where C = a discretized circuit of the coil N = total number of circuits P = a discretized circuit of the cylinder For proper use of these equations, the following basic guidelines must be followed: 1) The voltage across every discretized circuit of the coil is non-zero and is given by the setup of the problem, and conversely, the voltage across every cylinder circuit is zero 2) A self-inductance term, L, exists for each circuit, and a mutual-inductance term, M, exists between every pair of circuits. 3) If the equation has voltage that is non-zero, each term is preceded by a “plus” sign (for coil circuits), and conversely, each term in an equation where voltage is zero is preceded by a “minus” sign (for cylinder circuits). Since eddy current concentration is a significant factor in the heat generation and thermal distribution for this type of problem, where the skin depth is defined from (3) as s 2 r (45) where 0 4 x 10 7 H/m, from (9) the selected cylinder size and the mesh used to analyze it are based on this value. Therefore, since the outer radius of the cylinder experiences the densest concentration of current (and similarly volumetric heat generation), a varying mesh is used to allow more concentration of nodes at the cylinder outer radius. The mesh used for the solution of this problem will be presented in Section 5.0 along with the results and discussion of all inputs in Appendix D. However, the mesh is mentioned now because the discretization of circuit sizes is necessary by procedure before proceeding with the determination of all of the coefficients for (4-3) and (4-4). 6 Figures 3 and 4 of Appendix A depict the critical geometric dimensions necessary for the calculation of the mutual- and self-inductance terms. In Figure 3, a pair of discretized circuits from the cylinder-coil system may be viewed as two independent, parallel, coaxial conducting loops. Based on this simple configuration, the relative physical dimensions between the loops as noted in Figure 3 and the physical dimensions for a single loop as given in Figure 4a are then used to calculate the mutual inductance terms for every given pair of circuits in (4-3) and (4-4). As given from (5), the mutual inductance terms are then 2 M ab k 2 K k 2 E k 2 k 2 (46) where k 22 4ab d a b 2 2 Similarly, for calculation of the self-inductance terms from (4-3) and (4-4), a single discretized circuit may be viewed as a conducting loop as shown in Figure 4b, where the geometry of interest is noted. Therefore, for every single discretized cylinder and coil circuit and its known geometry, the following relations as given from (5) may then be used to calculate the total self-inductance term for a specified circuit as, for the external inductance, k2 L0 2r a 1 1 K k1 E k1 2 where k12 (47) 4r r a 2r a 2 for the internal inductance, Li l 8 (4 8) where l is the length of the discretized circuit based on the radius to the centerline of the discretized circuit, r, calculated as l 2r (49) and therefore, the internal inductance becomes Li r ( 4 10 ) 4 The total self-inductance for a given circuit as given from (4-7) and (4-10) is then k 2 L L0 Li 2r a 1 1 2 K k1 E k1 r 4 7 ( 4 11 ) For both (4-6) and (4-11), E(k) and K(k) are respectively the complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, given by E( k ) /2 1 k 2 sin 2 d ( 4 12 ) 0 K( k ) d /2 0 1 k 2 sin 2 ( 4 13 ) For the resistance terms of the discretized cylinder and coil circuit relations given in (4-3) and (4-4), the following relation is used, as given for a homogeneous metallic conductor from (3), l R ( 4 14 ) A where l is the length of the conductor given from (4-9), and A is the cross-section of the discretized circuit. The cross-sectional area of a discretized circuit, as referring to the circuit radial thickness geometry from Figure 4b, is determined as A = (2a) h (4-15) where h is the height of the circuit as determined from the selected geometry of discretization. Once all L, M, and R coefficients are known for the set of equations generalized by (4-3) and (4-4), the set of equations can be solved simultaneously for the current in each discretized circuit of the coil and the cylinder. After the value of the current at the center of each discretized circuit in the cylinder is known, denoted as node (i,j), the volumetric heat generation term, g(i,j) is now calculated as, g( i , j ) I 2R (4-16) where is the volume of the discretized circuit containing node (i,j), calculated using the definitions from (4-9) and (4-15), lA (4-17) Application of the inductance model formulation using the Visual Basic program “Currentsolver”, given in Appendix C and its results are discussed in Section 5.0. 8 (ii) Heat Conduction Model The heat conduction model is based on a two-dimensional cylinder, with transient temperature variation in the r- and z-directions only. The cylinder has radius, r = b, and height, z = c. For simplification, the cylinder is assumed to be insulated at all surfaces, and radiation heat transfer is neglected at all times. Based on these assumptions, the model is only valid while the temperature remains relatively low. Therefore, the governing exact heat equation and boundary conditions are, 1 T 2T 1 1 T g r , z for 0 r b, 0 c z , t 0 r r r r z 2 k t dT 0 at r b , 0 z c , t 0 dr (4-19) dT 0 at z 0, 0 r b , t 0 dz (4-20) dT 0 at z c , 0 r b , t 0 dz (4-21) (4-18) and from the symmetry of a cylinder, dT 0 at r 0, 0 z c , t 0 dr ( 4 22 ) The initial condition of the cylinder is assumed as T Ti throughout cylinder, at t 0 (4-23) Due to the non-uniform volumetric heating condition, the thermal model must be solved numerically. A control volume scheme, explicit in time will be used. Details of the exact mesh employed as well as all input parameters will be discussed in Section 5.0. Prior to discretizing (4-18), due to the singularity at r = 0 when applying numerical techniques for solution, L’Hospital’s rule is first applied to the r derivative term, as given from (7), results as 2 T 2 T 1 1 T at r 0, 0 z c , t 0 2 g( r , z ) r r z k t ( 4 24 ) The numerical approximations for the exact heat equations can now be performed. In order to coordinate between the obtained volumetric heat generation data and the 9 temperature distribution, the nodes (i,j) at the centers of the discretized circuits from the inductance model must also be the nodes (i,j) at which the temperature is calculated. From this point on, all references to the nodes shall be designated as (i,j) instead of (r,z). Using the explicit finite volume method, the r-dependent term of (4.18) is represented similarly for either a constant mesh between nodes i – 1, i, and i + 1 or for a varying mesh size between the nodes i – 1, i, and i + 1. About node i with respect to the nth step in time, the r-dependent term is discretized as, 1 T r r r r n n T n T r r 1 r ri 1 / 2 r ri 1 / 2 1 ri ri 1 ri 1 2 (4-25) where n Ti n1, j Ti n, j T r r i 1 / 2 ri 1 r ri 1 / 2 and n T ri 1 / 2 r r ri 1 / 2 where 1 ri 1 2 1 ri ri 1 2 ri 1 / 2 ri Ti n, j Ti n1, j ri 1 ri 1 / 2 ri 1 the interval to the forward side of the node i,j in the i direction , between nodes i and i 1 ri 1 the interval to the backward side of the node i,j in the i direction , between nodes i 1 and i As can be seen from (4-25) and the definitions of its terms, if the mesh size is constant about node i,j in the i direction then the familiar central difference numerical approximation of the second derivative r term from (4-18) will result, in terms of constant r only. Similarly for the z-dependent term in both (4-18) and (4-24), a representation is necessary for both a constant z and a changing z (for varying size mesh) about a specified node. The finite difference representation for the z-dependent term for either a constant or changing interval size about node j with respect to the nth time step is given from (8) as 2T z 2 where Ti n, j 1 Ti n, j Ti n, j Ti n, j 1 2 z j 1 z j 1 z j 1 z j 1 ( 4 26 ) z j 1 the interval to the forward side of the node i,j in the j direction , between nodes j and j 1 r j 1 the interval to the backward side of the node i,j in the j direction , between nodes j 1 and j 10 Similar to the numerical approximation for the r derivative term, if mesh size is constant about the node along the z-axis, the familiar central difference formula in terms of only constant z will result from (4-26). For r = 0 (i = 1), the r-dependent term from (4-24) must be discretized accordingly with respect to the nth time step using the symmetry boundary condition at r = 0, (4-22), as given from (6) as 2 n Ti n1, j Ti n, j T2n, j T1n, j T 4 4 r r r 0 ( i 1 ) ri 1 ri 1 4 27 For the t-dependent term in both (4-18) and (4-24), an explicit, backward difference formula is used, yielding n 1 n T Ti , j Ti , j t t 4 28 For selection of a proper time step t, as defined in (6) for a two dimensional explicit finite difference model, the following stability criterion must be adhered to, 1 t 2 1 1 2 z 2 r 1 4 29 where r and z are the minimum interval sizes for the given applied mesh. Assembling the numerical approximations for the r- and z-dependent terms, the governing discretized heat conduction equations used for the model are 1) for i = 1, 1 < j < N + 2, n > 1 (where N = total number of control volumes in j direction), combining (4-27), (4-26), (4-28), and the discretized volumetric heat generation term as calculated from the inductance model, 4 T2n, j T1n, j ri 1 n 1 n Ti n, j 1 Ti n, j Ti n, j Ti n, j 1 1 2 1 Ti , j Ti , j g( i , j ) z j 1 z j 1 z j 1 z j 1 k t ( 4 30 ) 2) for 2 < i < M + 1, 1 < j < N + 2, n > 1 (where M = total number of control volumes in i direction) 11 n T n Ti n, j n r 1 r Ti , j Ti 1, j ri 1 ri 1 i 1, j i i 1 2 2 ri 1 ri 1 1 1 ri ri 1 ri 1 2 n n n n n 1 n Ti , j 1 Ti , j Ti , j Ti , j 1 1 2 1 Ti , j Ti , j g( i , j ) z j 1 z j 1 z j 1 z j 1 k t ( 4 31 ) where for the model setup, the nodes and time steps are based on: r = 0 when i = 1 and r = b when i = M + 2; z = 0 when j = 1 and z = c when j = N + 2, and t = 0 when n = 1. Discretization of the boundary conditions using backward and forward difference equations as appropriate are now performed for (4-19), (4-20), and (4-21) respectively as 1) for i = M + 2, 1 < j < N + 2, n > 1, TMn 2 , j TMn 1, j ri 1 0 TMn 2 , j TMn 1, j ( 4 32 ) 2) for 1 < i < M + 2 , j = 1, n > 1, Ti n,2 Ti n,1 z j 1 0 Ti n,1 Ti n,2 ( 4 33 ) 3) for 1 < i < M + 2 , j = N + 2, n > 1, Ti n,N 2 Ti n,N 1 z j 1 0 Ti n,N 2 Ti n,N 1 12 ( 4 34 ) 5.0 Application of Models: Discussion of Results For application of the models, a setup very similar to that used in (2) was utilized with the exception of using a larger radius cylinder. Based on this setup, constant properties with temperature are assumed for both the inductance model and the temperature model. All inputs for the inductance model are given in Appendix D, Tables 1 and 2. The radial cross-section of the circuit mesh used is given in Figure 5 of Appendix A, which shows detail of the size and relative positions of each coil and cylinder circuit. Referring to this mesh, the current is solved at the center of each discretized cylinder circuit where the temperature mesh nodes are located. This method allowed for direct input of the volumetric heat generation output from the electrical model directly into the temperature model. Dimensions between all temperature nodes are also denoted in Figure 5. The system of circuits is composed of a two-winding copper coil composed of eight equal-sized discretized circuits with 1 V across each and an aluminum cylinder composed of 250 discretized circuits of varying size with 0 V across each, as given by requirements of Section 4.0. The cylinder circuits are sized smaller towards the outer radius of the cylinder, r = b, based on a skin depth calculated from (4-5) to be .0197 m for an input frequency of 50 Hz. The finer mesh toward r = b was employed to allow for more accurate determination of the larger gradient of the current/volumetric heating that should exist there due to higher current concentration as compared to the center of the cylinder as based on the skin depth phenomena. A Visual Basic routine was developed, based from a program provided in (10), for calculation of all coefficients given from (4-6), (4-11), and (4-14) to construct the 258 simultaneous electrical current equations derived from (4-3) and (4-4). The Visual Basic routine “Currentsolver” is provided in Appendix E and follows the method of the formulation using numerical techniques for the simultaneous calculation of the currents and similarly the volumetric heat generation from (4-16) at the center of each discretized cylinder circuit. The output of volumetric heat generation term, current, resistance, and its (r, z) location within the cylinder are presented in Table 1 of Appendix B for a frequency of 50 Hz. Based on the employed mesh, Figure 1 of Appendix B shows the comparative volumetric heating for frequencies of 50, 150, 300, and 1500 Hz across the radius of the cylinder at z = .006875 m from the bottom surface of the cylinder. This trend in heat generation over the cylinder radius was similar at every axial level of the cylinder. From Figure 1, the skin depth is apparent in that the concentration of heat generation increases outer radius as the frequency increases from 50 Hz to 1500 Hz as compared to the heat generation towards the cylinder center. The heat generation increases at each radial increment from 50 Hz to 300 Hz. However, at 1500 Hz, Figure 1 shows a sharp decrease in heating, which strongly indicates that the mesh used was not fine enough at the cylinder outer surface to capture the concentration between r = .0295 m and the outer cylinder surface, r = .030 m. 13 Figure 2 of Appendix B shows the comparative volumetric heating for the same frequencies across the axial length of the cylinder at r = .0295 m. The trend in heat generation term over the cylinder axial length was similar at every radial mesh increment of the cylinder, where the volumetric heat generation is consistently highest at the outermost radius of the cylinder. Figure 2 shows that for frequencies of 50 to 300 Hz, maximum heat generation occurs at the mid-axial length of the cylinder. At 1500 Hz, the minimum occurs at the mid-axial length. However, as shown by Figure 3 of Appendix B, at smaller radial fixed position of r = .0215 m, g at 1500 Hz is a maximum at the midaxial length. 2-D plots would have been better suited for this problem but were unavailable with the utilized software. The output volumetric heat generation at each circuit center was then applied to the temperature model as developed from the formulation in Section 4.0. To meet the requirements of (4-30), the volumetric heat generation at the center of the cylinder, g (1, j), 0 < j < 12 was approximated by setting equal to g (2, j), 0 < j < 12. Since the g values were very low as approaching r = 0 for each level of z within the cylinder and it was impossible to directly calculate g at this point using the inductance model, this approximation is justified and should introduce very little error into the solution. Temperature distribution was determined only for a frequency of 50 Hz because the higher frequencies caused high temperature growth in very short times. This effect was due to the boundary conditions used, which impose restrictions of being a low temperature model (since there is no radiation heat transfer consideration in the heat equations). The Visual Basic routine “Tempdist” was developed to use the discretized heat equations (4-30) and (4-31) and boundary conditions (4-32) through (4-34). The routine is provided in Appendix F. Inputs to the code are from the “Currentsolver” outputs in Appendix C and the positions of the each temperature node, which are included in the “Tempdist” code as taken from the mesh layout shown in Figure 5 of Appendix A. Also, the thermal properties of pure aluminum are used as given from (7), as k = 204 W/mC and = 8.418 x 10-5 m2/s. As given by (4-29), for stability of the explicit temperature model, where the minimum node increments in each direction were z = .000625 and r = .0005 m as given from Figure 5 of Appendix A, the time steps were selected as t = .0009 s. Output data is given in Tables 1 to 4. This data was used to respectively construct the plots in Figures 1 to 4 of Appendix C. Figure 1 of Appendix C shows that for various radial locations at z = .00685 m, the temperature growth is linear except for the first few seconds. This effect is most likely due to the non-uniform volumetric heat generation, which at first has a very noticeable effect on the temperatures of the nodes where it is applied. However, with increasing time, the prescribed boundary conditions do not allow for any heat losses of the cylinder, thereby causing a uniform growth in heat generation. Although g is much greater at the outer portion of the cylinder radius than it is as r = 0 is approached, the heat has no where 14 else to go but toward r = 0, hence having the effect of causing a uniform growth in temperature across the radius of the cylinder. This trend in temperature growth was similar for all radial dimensions for all fixed axial locations. Figure 2 of Appendix C shows temperature profile snapshots across the cylinder radius at various times at a constant axial location z = .00685 m. Due to the uniform growth in temperature caused by the boundary conditions, the differences in temperature across the radius are small (< 4 C as given by Table 2 of Appendix C), with the maximum temperature consistently occurring at maximum r for all times. This trend was expected although had convection or radiation been accounted for in the boundary conditions, the temperature difference across the radius would be much greater due to heat leaving the cylinder rather than going to the center of the cylinder. The trend in temperature distribution from Figure 2 was similar for all radial dimensions for all fixed axial locations Figure 3 of Appendix C shows the temperature profile across the radius for various axial locations at a frozen frame in time, at t = 27 s. As shown, temperature distribution over the radius at each axial location is practically the same due to the uniform growth in temperature at all cylinder locations as caused by the boundary conditions. At a much less time, specifically within the first couple of seconds, small differences in temperature should be more noticeable due to the initial application of the non-uniform volumetric heat generation as shown in Figure 1. 6.0 Conclusion The results from this coupled model seem correct and grounded in real world phenomena. It was at first expected that even with insulated boundary conditions, due to the nonuniform volumetric heat generation, which is much greater at the outermost radius of the cylinder, large differences in temperature across the cylinder radius would be calculated with increasing time. However, as shown by the results, for all times except for the first few seconds of eddy current application, the temperature growth was uniform throughout the cylinder. Since there was no mechanism for heat loss, the heat could only redistribute itself inward towards the center of the cylinder where the volumetric heating was much lower than that at the outer radius. This effect then gave the cylinder the appearance of uniform heating over time for all radial and axial locations. An improvement for this thermal model would be to incorporate radiation heat losses from the cylinder for all temperatures and times or, for a low temperature model only, incorporate only convection heat losses with a surrounding medium. In either of these cases, the cylinder would exhibit less uniform temperature growth throughout the cylinder with increasing time and experience much larger differences in temperature distribution across the cylinder radius. In both of these cases, more heat concentrated at the outer cylinder radius would be lost to the surroundings and therefore provide less heat 15 to the cylinder interior. Much lower temperatures towards the center of the cylinder would then result. The other limitation of the model was the very small time steps required for stability due to the 2-D mesh used. A coarser-mesh was not attempted so that accuracy was not lost in the representation of the volumetric heat generation field. Greater times could be observed more readily if an implicit temperature model was used but this would add more complexity to solving the equations. References 1. J.P. Shields, ABC’s of Radio Frequency Heating, Howard W. Sams & Co., 1969. 2. E. Kolbe and W. Reiss, “Eine Methode zur numerischen Bestimmung der Stromdicteverteilung in induktiv erwarmten Korpern unterschiedlicher gemetrischer Form”, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule fur Elektrotechnik Ilmonau, Jg. 9, Heft 3, 1963. 3. D.H. Tamboulian, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1965. 4. G.H. Brown, C.N. Hoyler, and R.A. Bierwirth, Theory and Application of Radio Frequency Heating, D.Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1947. 5. S. Ramo, J.R. Whinnery, and T. Van Duzer, Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1984. 6. J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962. 7. M.N. Ozisik, Heat Conduction, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993. 8. C. Hirsch, Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 1, Fundamentals of Numerical Discretization, John Wiley & Sons, 1988. 9. D. Halliday and R. Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1988. 10. E. Gutierrez-Miravete, FORTRAN code “mim.f”, RPI-Hartford, 2000. 16 APPENDIX A: FIGURES OF REFERENCE 17 FIGURE 1: BASIC SETUP OF INDUCTION HEATING PROBLEM, FROM (1) FIGURE 2: SIMPLE MODEL OF ALTERNATING CURRENT COIL CIRCUIT COUPLED TO A CONDUCTING MATERIAL CIRCUIT, FROM (4) 18 FIGURE 3: GEOMETRY OF A PAIR OF COAXIAL, PARALLEL CIRCUITS FOR MUTUAL-INDUCTANCE CALCULATION, FROM (5) (a) (b) FIGURE 4: (a) GEOMETRY OF SINGULAR CIRCUIT LOOP FOR MUTUAL INDUCTANCE CALCULATION, (b) GEOMETRY OF CIRCUIT LOOP FOR SELF-INDUCTANCE CALCULATION 19 r z FIGURE 5: DISCRETIZED MESH OF RADIAL CROSS-SECTIONS OF CYLINDER AND AC COIL FOR CALCULATION OF VOLUMETRIC HEAT GENERATION –SECTIONS AND TEMPERATURE AT THE NODES AT THE CENTERS OF EACH DISCRETIZED CIRCUIT CROSS SECTIONAL AREA **(NOTE:ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN MILLIMETERS) 20 APPENDIX B: RESULTS FROM “CURRENTSOLVER” MODEL: DETERMINATION OF VOLUMETRIC HEAT GENERATION 21 Table 1: Heat generation vs. radial dimension, r, within cylinder for various frequencies at a fixed axial location, z=.006875 m 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 g (W/cu. m) 4.00E+07 f=50 Hz f=150 Hz 3.00E+07 f=300 Hz f=1500 Hz 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 r (m) 22 0.025 0.030 0.035 Figure 2: Volumetric heat generation, g, vs. axial dimension, z, for constant r = .0295 m, for various frequencies 60000000 50000000 g (W/cu. m) 40000000 f=50 Hz f=150 Hz f=300 Hz f=1500 Hz 30000000 20000000 10000000 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 z (m) 23 0.01 0.012 0.014 Figure 3: Volumetric heat generation, g, vs. axial location, z, for constant radial position, r = .0215 m, for various frequencies 18000000 16000000 14000000 g (W/cu. m) 12000000 f=50 Hz f=150 Hz f=300 Hz f=1500 Hz 10000000 8000000 6000000 4000000 2000000 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 z (m) 24 0.01 0.012 0.014 Table 1: Output Current, Resistance, and Volumetric Heat Generation for Each Discretized Cylinder Circuit for a frequency of 50 Hz (g(i,j) are inputs to “Tempdist”) CIRCUIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Re{I} -0.5267 -1.57955 -2.63115 -3.67981 -4.724 -2.75374 -3.01279 -3.27051 -3.5268 -3.78146 -4.03426 -4.28491 -4.53311 -4.7785 -5.02068 -5.25919 -5.4935 -5.72305 -5.94718 -6.16516 -6.37617 -6.57929 -6.77347 -6.95736 -7.1286 -0.54523 -1.63544 -2.72481 -3.81198 -4.89569 -2.85433 -3.12379 -3.39215 -3.65928 -3.92499 -4.18908 -4.45127 -4.71126 -4.96868 -5.22313 -5.47412 -5.7211 -5.96341 -6.2003 -6.43089 -6.65412 -6.86874 -7.07316 -7.26527 -7.44198 Im{I} -0.60197 -1.8125 -3.04256 -4.30628 -5.61813 -3.31968 -3.67252 -4.03615 -4.41168 -4.80035 -5.20351 -5.62258 -6.05912 -6.51478 -6.99139 -7.49092 -8.0155 -8.56753 -9.14961 -9.76465 -10.4159 -11.1072 -11.8429 -12.6284 -13.4706 -0.59915 -1.80425 -3.02996 -4.29118 -5.60332 -3.31396 -3.66843 -4.0344 -4.41312 -4.80597 -5.21443 -5.64013 -6.08482 -6.55043 -7.03908 -7.5531 -8.0951 -8.66798 -9.27501 -9.91994 -10.607 -11.3414 -12.129 -12.9775 -13.8967 ABS(I) 0.799863 2.40419 4.022453 5.664362 7.340269 4.313156 4.75019 5.194878 5.64812 6.110882 6.584206 7.069224 7.567168 8.079389 8.60737 9.15275 9.71735 10.3032 10.91257 11.54806 12.21259 12.9096 13.64313 14.41807 15.24057 0.810096 2.435157 4.074956 5.739808 7.440764 4.373735 4.818246 5.270965 5.732882 6.20507 6.688697 7.185044 7.695518 8.221678 8.765259 9.328204 9.912698 10.52122 11.15659 11.82207 12.52145 13.25921 14.04074 14.87275 15.76389 I^2 6.3978E-01 5.7801E+00 1.6180E+01 3.2085E+01 5.3880E+01 1.8603E+01 2.2564E+01 2.6987E+01 3.1901E+01 3.7343E+01 4.3352E+01 4.9974E+01 5.7262E+01 6.5277E+01 7.4087E+01 8.3773E+01 9.4427E+01 1.0616E+02 1.1908E+02 1.3336E+02 1.4915E+02 1.6666E+02 1.8613E+02 2.0788E+02 2.3228E+02 6.5626E-01 5.9300E+00 1.6605E+01 3.2945E+01 5.5365E+01 1.9130E+01 2.3215E+01 2.7783E+01 3.2866E+01 3.8503E+01 4.4739E+01 5.1625E+01 5.9221E+01 6.7596E+01 7.6830E+01 8.7015E+01 9.8262E+01 1.1070E+02 1.2447E+02 1.3976E+02 1.5679E+02 1.7581E+02 1.9714E+02 2.2120E+02 2.4850E+02 25 ABS(R) 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 g(r,z) 7.874233E+03 7.114009E+04 1.991400E+05 3.948922E+05 6.631328E+05 9.158555E+05 1.110858E+06 1.328579E+06 1.570523E+06 1.838418E+06 2.134241E+06 2.460255E+06 2.819054E+06 3.213614E+06 3.647351E+06 4.124201E+06 4.648709E+06 5.226136E+06 5.862610E+06 6.565297E+06 7.342644E+06 8.204696E+06 9.163567E+06 1.023412E+07 1.143508E+07 8.076999E+03 7.298449E+04 2.043725E+05 4.054818E+05 6.814150E+05 9.417629E+05 1.142917E+06 1.367782E+06 1.618015E+06 1.895527E+06 2.202519E+06 2.541532E+06 2.915495E+06 3.327803E+06 3.782389E+06 4.283835E+06 4.837493E+06 5.449651E+06 6.127731E+06 6.880563E+06 7.718736E+06 8.655098E+06 9.705475E+06 1.088978E+07 1.223385E+07 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 -0.56092 -1.68269 -2.80403 -3.92388 -5.04123 -2.94006 -3.21844 -3.49596 -3.77249 -4.04785 -4.32184 -4.5942 -4.86464 -5.13281 -5.39828 -5.66056 -5.91908 -6.17313 -6.42189 -6.66437 -6.89936 -7.12539 -7.34063 -7.54278 -7.72898 -0.57023 -1.71071 -2.85099 -3.99014 -5.12727 -2.99071 -3.27431 -3.55717 -3.83916 -4.1201 -4.3998 -4.678 -4.95441 -5.22866 -5.50034 -5.76893 -6.03381 -6.29426 -6.54938 -6.79809 -7.03907 -7.2707 -7.491 -7.69755 -7.88736 -0.59363 -1.78791 -3.00361 -4.2562 -5.56188 -3.29178 -3.64583 -4.0119 -4.39136 -4.78569 -5.19652 -5.6256 -6.07487 -6.54646 -7.04272 -7.5663 -8.12015 -8.70761 -9.33245 -9.99904 -10.7124 -11.4784 -12.3041 -13.1978 -14.1701 -0.59221 -1.78383 -2.99742 -4.24892 -5.55502 -3.28916 -3.64415 -4.01155 -4.39278 -4.78941 -5.20316 -5.63588 -6.08962 -6.56668 -7.06957 -7.60115 -8.16462 -8.76359 -9.40222 -10.0852 -10.8181 -11.6072 -12.4597 -13.3842 -14.3904 0.816716 2.455212 4.109042 5.788968 7.506567 4.413588 4.863171 5.321379 5.789274 6.26801 6.758854 7.2632 7.782594 8.318761 8.873632 9.449387 10.0485 10.6738 11.32852 12.01644 12.74193 13.51019 14.32741 15.20114 16.14087 0.822117 2.471552 4.136744 5.828767 7.559574 4.445549 4.899078 5.361526 5.834006 6.317731 6.814036 7.324397 7.850457 8.394056 8.957266 9.542435 10.15223 10.78973 11.45845 12.16249 12.9066 13.69633 14.5382 15.43984 16.41017 6.670255E-01 6.028065E+00 1.688423E+01 3.351215E+01 5.634855E+01 1.947976E+01 2.365044E+01 2.831708E+01 3.351569E+01 3.928795E+01 4.568210E+01 5.275407E+01 6.056877E+01 6.920178E+01 7.874134E+01 8.929091E+01 1.009724E+02 1.139299E+02 1.283354E+02 1.443947E+02 1.623568E+02 1.825252E+02 2.052746E+02 2.310747E+02 2.605275E+02 6.758768E-01 6.108571E+00 1.711265E+01 3.397453E+01 5.714716E+01 1.976291E+01 2.400096E+01 2.874597E+01 3.403563E+01 3.991373E+01 4.643108E+01 5.364679E+01 6.162967E+01 7.046018E+01 8.023262E+01 9.105806E+01 1.030679E+02 1.164183E+02 1.312961E+02 1.479261E+02 1.665802E+02 1.875895E+02 2.113594E+02 2.383887E+02 2.692936E+02 26 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 8.209544E+03 7.419157E+04 2.078059E+05 4.124572E+05 6.935206E+05 9.590037E+05 1.164329E+06 1.394072E+06 1.650003E+06 1.934176E+06 2.248965E+06 2.597124E+06 2.981847E+06 3.406857E+06 3.876497E+06 4.395861E+06 4.970947E+06 5.608858E+06 6.318050E+06 7.108663E+06 7.992950E+06 8.985854E+06 1.010582E+07 1.137599E+07 1.282597E+07 8.318484E+03 7.518241E+04 2.106172E+05 4.181480E+05 7.033498E+05 9.729431E+05 1.181586E+06 1.415186E+06 1.675600E+06 1.964984E+06 2.285838E+06 2.641073E+06 3.034076E+06 3.468809E+06 3.949914E+06 4.482858E+06 5.074111E+06 5.731362E+06 6.463810E+06 7.282518E+06 8.200874E+06 9.235176E+06 1.040538E+07 1.173606E+07 1.325753E+07 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 -0.5749 -1.72474 -2.8745 -4.02332 -5.17037 -3.01608 -3.3023 -3.58784 -3.87256 -4.1563 -4.43886 -4.71999 -4.99939 -5.2767 -5.55149 -5.82323 -6.0913 -6.35494 -6.61323 -6.86504 -7.10899 -7.3434 -7.5662 -7.77486 -7.96618 -0.5749 -1.72474 -2.8745 -4.02332 -5.17037 -3.01608 -3.3023 -3.58784 -3.87256 -4.1563 -4.43886 -4.71999 -4.99939 -5.2767 -5.55149 -5.82323 -6.0913 -6.35494 -6.61323 -6.86504 -7.10899 -7.3434 -7.5662 -7.77486 -7.96618 -0.5915 -1.78181 -2.99436 -4.24534 -5.55168 -3.28792 -3.6434 -4.01148 -4.39362 -4.79144 -5.20668 -5.64126 -6.09731 -6.57716 -7.08346 -7.61914 -8.18753 -8.79241 -9.4381 -10.1295 -10.8723 -11.673 -12.5388 -13.4781 -14.4998 -0.5915 -1.78181 -2.99436 -4.24534 -5.55168 -3.28792 -3.6434 -4.01148 -4.39362 -4.79144 -5.20668 -5.64126 -6.09731 -6.57716 -7.08346 -7.61914 -8.18753 -8.79241 -9.4381 -10.1295 -10.8723 -11.673 -12.5388 -13.4781 -14.4998 0.824854 2.479831 4.150779 5.848931 7.58643 4.461743 4.91727 5.381869 5.856673 6.342928 6.842003 7.355417 7.884862 8.432238 8.999688 9.589644 10.20488 10.84859 11.52443 12.23665 12.99017 13.79069 14.64477 15.55983 16.544 0.824854 2.479831 4.150779 5.848931 7.58643 4.461743 4.91727 5.381869 5.856673 6.342928 6.842003 7.355417 7.884862 8.432238 8.999688 9.589644 10.20488 10.84859 11.52443 12.23665 12.99017 13.79069 14.64477 15.55983 16.544 6.803839E-01 6.149564E+00 1.722896E+01 3.421000E+01 5.755393E+01 1.990715E+01 2.417955E+01 2.896451E+01 3.430062E+01 4.023274E+01 4.681301E+01 5.410216E+01 6.217106E+01 7.110264E+01 8.099439E+01 9.196128E+01 1.041396E+02 1.176918E+02 1.328124E+02 1.497356E+02 1.687446E+02 1.901833E+02 2.144693E+02 2.421082E+02 2.737038E+02 6.803839E-01 6.149564E+00 1.722896E+01 3.421000E+01 5.755393E+01 1.990715E+01 2.417955E+01 2.896451E+01 3.430062E+01 4.023274E+01 4.681301E+01 5.410216E+01 6.217106E+01 7.110264E+01 8.099439E+01 9.196128E+01 1.041396E+02 1.176918E+02 1.328124E+02 1.497356E+02 1.687446E+02 1.901833E+02 2.144693E+02 2.421082E+02 2.737038E+02 27 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 8.373956E+03 7.568695E+04 2.120488E+05 4.210462E+05 7.083560E+05 9.800441E+05 1.190378E+06 1.425945E+06 1.688646E+06 1.980689E+06 2.304641E+06 2.663491E+06 3.060729E+06 3.500438E+06 3.987416E+06 4.527325E+06 5.126874E+06 5.794060E+06 6.538459E+06 7.371599E+06 8.307427E+06 9.362868E+06 1.055849E+07 1.191917E+07 1.347465E+07 8.373956E+03 7.568695E+04 2.120488E+05 4.210462E+05 7.083560E+05 9.800441E+05 1.190378E+06 1.425945E+06 1.688646E+06 1.980689E+06 2.304641E+06 2.663491E+06 3.060729E+06 3.500438E+06 3.987416E+06 4.527325E+06 5.126874E+06 5.794060E+06 6.538459E+06 7.371599E+06 8.307427E+06 9.362868E+06 1.055849E+07 1.191917E+07 1.347465E+07 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 -0.57023 -1.71071 -2.85099 -3.99014 -5.12727 -2.99071 -3.27431 -3.55717 -3.83916 -4.1201 -4.3998 -4.678 -4.95441 -5.22866 -5.50034 -5.76893 -6.03381 -6.29426 -6.54938 -6.79809 -7.03907 -7.2707 -7.491 -7.69755 -7.88736 -0.56092 -1.68269 -2.80403 -3.92388 -5.04123 -2.94006 -3.21844 -3.49596 -3.77249 -4.04785 -4.32184 -4.5942 -4.86464 -5.13281 -5.39828 -5.66056 -5.91908 -6.17313 -6.42189 -6.66437 -6.89936 -7.12539 -7.34063 -7.54278 -7.72898 -0.59221 -1.78383 -2.99742 -4.24892 -5.55502 -3.28916 -3.64415 -4.01155 -4.39278 -4.78941 -5.20316 -5.63588 -6.08962 -6.56668 -7.06957 -7.60115 -8.16462 -8.76359 -9.40222 -10.0852 -10.8181 -11.6072 -12.4597 -13.3842 -14.3904 -0.59363 -1.78791 -3.00361 -4.2562 -5.56188 -3.29178 -3.64583 -4.0119 -4.39136 -4.78569 -5.19652 -5.6256 -6.07487 -6.54646 -7.04272 -7.5663 -8.12015 -8.70761 -9.33245 -9.99904 -10.7124 -11.4784 -12.3041 -13.1978 -14.1701 0.822117 2.471552 4.136744 5.828767 7.559574 4.445549 4.899078 5.361526 5.834006 6.317731 6.814036 7.324397 7.850457 8.394056 8.957266 9.542435 10.15223 10.78973 11.45845 12.16249 12.9066 13.69633 14.5382 15.43984 16.41017 0.816716 2.455212 4.109042 5.788968 7.506567 4.413588 4.863171 5.321379 5.789274 6.26801 6.758854 7.2632 7.782594 8.318761 8.873632 9.449387 10.0485 10.6738 11.32852 12.01644 12.74193 13.51019 14.32741 15.20114 16.14087 6.758768E-01 6.108571E+00 1.711265E+01 3.397453E+01 5.714716E+01 1.976291E+01 2.400096E+01 2.874597E+01 3.403563E+01 3.991373E+01 4.643108E+01 5.364679E+01 6.162967E+01 7.046018E+01 8.023262E+01 9.105806E+01 1.030679E+02 1.164183E+02 1.312961E+02 1.479261E+02 1.665802E+02 1.875895E+02 2.113594E+02 2.383887E+02 2.692936E+02 6.670255E-01 6.028065E+00 1.688423E+01 3.351215E+01 5.634855E+01 1.947976E+01 2.365044E+01 2.831708E+01 3.351569E+01 3.928795E+01 4.568210E+01 5.275407E+01 6.056877E+01 6.920178E+01 7.874134E+01 8.929091E+01 1.009724E+02 1.139299E+02 1.283354E+02 1.443947E+02 1.623568E+02 1.825252E+02 2.052746E+02 2.310747E+02 2.605275E+02 28 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 8.318484E+03 7.518241E+04 2.106172E+05 4.181480E+05 7.033498E+05 9.729431E+05 1.181586E+06 1.415186E+06 1.675600E+06 1.964984E+06 2.285838E+06 2.641073E+06 3.034076E+06 3.468809E+06 3.949914E+06 4.482858E+06 5.074111E+06 5.731362E+06 6.463810E+06 7.282518E+06 8.200874E+06 9.235176E+06 1.040538E+07 1.173606E+07 1.325753E+07 8.209544E+03 7.419157E+04 2.078059E+05 4.124572E+05 6.935206E+05 9.590037E+05 1.164329E+06 1.394072E+06 1.650003E+06 1.934176E+06 2.248965E+06 2.597124E+06 2.981847E+06 3.406857E+06 3.876497E+06 4.395861E+06 4.970947E+06 5.608858E+06 6.318050E+06 7.108663E+06 7.992950E+06 8.985854E+06 1.010582E+07 1.137599E+07 1.282597E+07 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 -0.54699 -1.64076 -2.73377 -3.82474 -4.9125 -2.86434 -3.13493 -3.40446 -3.67283 -3.93985 -4.20531 -4.46895 -4.73048 -4.98955 -5.24574 -5.49859 -5.74756 -5.992 -6.23119 -6.46425 -6.69015 -6.90766 -7.11522 -7.31076 -7.49124 -0.52851 -1.585 -2.64032 -3.69286 -4.74115 -2.76393 -3.02412 -3.28303 -3.54056 -3.79653 -4.05069 -4.30279 -4.55251 -4.79952 -5.0434 -5.28373 -5.51998 -5.75159 -5.97793 -6.19826 -6.4118 -6.61765 -6.81475 -7.00182 -7.17649 -0.59578 -1.79412 -3.01306 -4.26745 -5.57268 -3.29603 -3.64874 -4.01293 -4.38986 -4.7809 -5.18754 -5.6114 -6.05422 -6.51795 -7.00469 -7.51677 -8.0568 -8.62769 -9.2327 -9.87557 -10.5606 -11.2928 -12.0782 -12.9245 -13.8414 -0.59867 -1.80261 -3.02605 -4.2831 -5.58823 -3.30218 -3.65331 -4.01521 -4.38901 -4.77593 -5.17732 -5.59461 -6.02935 -6.4832 -6.95797 -7.45563 -7.97834 -8.52846 -9.10861 -9.7217 -10.371 -11.0603 -11.794 -12.5773 -13.4175 0.808797 2.43125 4.068418 5.730598 7.428826 4.366718 4.810516 5.262508 5.723683 6.195114 6.677966 7.173516 7.683171 8.208486 8.751196 9.313237 9.896793 10.50434 11.13869 11.80311 12.50136 13.23794 14.01821 14.84889 15.7386 0.79858 2.400333 4.015999 5.655273 7.328491 4.306236 4.742568 5.186543 5.639058 6.101077 6.573642 7.057881 7.555027 8.066426 8.59356 9.138065 9.701759 10.28667 10.89507 11.52953 12.193 12.88889 13.62124 14.39494 15.21613 6.541519E-01 5.910976E+00 1.655203E+01 3.283976E+01 5.518745E+01 1.906822E+01 2.314106E+01 2.769399E+01 3.276055E+01 3.837944E+01 4.459523E+01 5.145933E+01 5.903111E+01 6.737925E+01 7.658343E+01 8.673638E+01 9.794652E+01 1.103411E+02 1.240704E+02 1.393133E+02 1.562841E+02 1.752430E+02 1.965103E+02 2.204894E+02 2.477034E+02 6.377301E-01 5.761599E+00 1.612825E+01 3.198212E+01 5.370678E+01 1.854367E+01 2.249195E+01 2.690023E+01 3.179897E+01 3.722314E+01 4.321277E+01 4.981369E+01 5.707843E+01 6.506723E+01 7.384927E+01 8.350424E+01 9.412413E+01 1.058155E+02 1.187024E+02 1.329300E+02 1.486693E+02 1.661236E+02 1.855382E+02 2.072142E+02 2.315305E+02 29 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 0.000193 0.00058 0.000967 0.001353 0.00174 0.00406 0.004447 0.004833 0.00522 0.005607 0.005993 0.00638 0.006767 0.007153 0.00754 0.007926 0.008313 0.0087 0.009086 0.009473 0.00986 0.010246 0.010633 0.01102 0.011406 8.051101E+03 7.275048E+04 2.037173E+05 4.041816E+05 6.792301E+05 9.387433E+05 1.139252E+06 1.363396E+06 1.612827E+06 1.889449E+06 2.195457E+06 2.533382E+06 2.906147E+06 3.317132E+06 3.770261E+06 4.270099E+06 4.821983E+06 5.432177E+06 6.108083E+06 6.858501E+06 7.693986E+06 8.627346E+06 9.674355E+06 1.085486E+07 1.219463E+07 7.848986E+03 7.091198E+04 1.985015E+05 3.936260E+05 6.610066E+05 9.129189E+05 1.107296E+06 1.324319E+06 1.565488E+06 1.832524E+06 2.127398E+06 2.452366E+06 2.810015E+06 3.203310E+06 3.635656E+06 4.110978E+06 4.633803E+06 5.209380E+06 5.843813E+06 6.544248E+06 7.319102E+06 8.178391E+06 9.134188E+06 1.020131E+07 1.139843E+07 APPENDIX C: RESULTS FROM “TEMPDIST” MODEL: DETERMINATION OF TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION WITHIN CYLINDER 30 Figure 1: Temperature vs. time for various radial locations, r, for fixed axial location, z=.006875 m, at f=50 Hz 120 Temperature (deg. C) 100 80 r=0 m r=.003 m r=.0105 m r=.0155 m r=.0205 m r=.0255 m r=.0285 m r=.030 m 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 t (sec) 31 30 35 40 Figure 2: Temperature vs. radial position, r, for fixed axial location, z = .006875, for various times ("snapshots") at 50 Hz 120 Temperature (deg. C) 100 80 t=9 s t=18 s t=27 s t=36 s 60 40 20 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 r (m) 32 0.025 0.03 0.035 Figure 3: Temperature vs. radial position, r, at various axial locations, z, for fixed time of t = 27 sec. at 50 Hz 83 82.5 Temperature (deg. C) 82 81.5 z=0 m z=.003125 m 81 z=.006875 m z=.010625 m z=.0125 m 80.5 80 79.5 79 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 r (m) 33 0.025 0.03 0.035 Table 1: Temperature as a function of time, t, for various radial locations, r, for a constant axial dimension z = .006875 m (Data used for Figure 1 of Appendix C) t 0 0.36 0.72 1.08 1.44 1.8 2.16 2.52 2.88 3.24 3.6 3.96 4.32 4.68 5.04 5.4 5.76 6.12 6.48 6.84 7.2 7.56 7.92 8.28 8.64 9 9.36 9.72 10.1 10.4 10.8 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.2 12.6 13 13.3 13.7 14 14.4 14.8 15.1 15.5 15.8 16.2 16.6 16.9 17.3 17.6 18 18.4 18.7 19.1 19.4 19.8 20.2 20.5 20.9 21.2 21.6 22 22.3 22.7 T at r=0 25.00 25.08 25.35 25.78 26.34 26.98 27.66 28.37 29.10 29.84 30.58 31.33 32.08 32.84 33.59 34.34 35.10 35.85 36.61 37.36 38.12 38.87 39.63 40.38 41.14 41.89 42.64 43.40 44.15 44.91 45.66 46.42 47.17 47.93 48.68 49.44 50.19 50.95 51.70 52.46 53.21 53.97 54.72 55.48 56.23 56.99 57.74 58.50 59.25 60.00 60.76 61.51 62.27 63.02 63.78 64.53 65.29 66.04 66.80 67.55 68.31 69.06 69.82 70.57 t 0 0.36 0.72 1.08 1.44 1.8 2.16 2.52 2.88 3.24 3.6 3.96 4.32 4.68 5.04 5.4 5.76 6.12 6.48 6.84 7.2 7.56 7.92 8.28 8.64 9 9.36 9.72 10.08 10.44 10.8 11.16 11.52 11.88 12.24 12.6 12.96 13.32 13.68 14.04 14.4 14.76 15.12 15.48 15.84 16.2 16.56 16.92 17.28 17.64 18 18.36 18.72 19.08 19.44 19.8 20.16 20.52 20.88 21.24 21.6 21.96 22.32 22.68 T at r=.003 25.00 25.09 25.37 25.81 26.38 27.02 27.70 28.42 29.14 29.88 30.63 31.38 32.13 32.88 33.64 34.39 35.14 35.90 36.65 37.41 38.16 38.92 39.67 40.43 41.18 41.94 42.69 43.45 44.20 44.96 45.71 46.47 47.22 47.97 48.73 49.48 50.24 50.99 51.75 52.50 53.26 54.01 54.77 55.52 56.28 57.03 57.79 58.54 59.30 60.05 60.81 61.56 62.32 63.07 63.83 64.58 65.33 66.09 66.84 67.60 68.35 69.11 69.86 70.62 t T at r=.0105 0 25.00 0.36 25.24 0.72 25.67 1.08 26.22 1.44 26.86 1.8 27.54 2.16 28.25 2.52 28.98 2.88 29.72 3.24 30.47 3.6 31.22 3.96 31.97 4.32 32.72 4.68 33.47 5.04 34.23 5.4 34.98 5.76 35.74 6.12 36.49 6.48 37.24 6.84 38.00 7.2 38.75 7.56 39.51 7.92 40.26 8.28 41.02 8.64 41.77 9 42.53 9.36 43.28 9.72 44.04 10.08 44.79 10.44 45.55 10.8 46.30 11.16 47.06 11.52 47.81 11.88 48.57 12.24 49.32 12.6 50.08 12.96 50.83 13.32 51.59 13.68 52.34 14.04 53.09 14.4 53.85 14.76 54.60 15.12 55.36 15.48 56.11 15.84 56.87 16.2 57.62 16.56 58.38 16.92 59.13 17.28 59.89 17.64 60.64 18 61.40 18.36 62.15 18.72 62.91 19.08 63.66 19.44 64.42 19.8 65.17 20.16 65.93 20.52 66.68 20.88 67.44 21.24 68.19 21.6 68.95 21.96 69.70 22.32 70.45 22.68 71.21 t Tat r=.0155 0 25.00 0.36 25.45 0.72 26.06 1.08 26.73 1.44 27.44 1.8 28.17 2.16 28.90 2.52 29.65 2.88 30.40 3.24 31.15 3.6 31.90 3.96 32.65 4.32 33.41 4.68 34.16 5.04 34.92 5.4 35.67 5.76 36.43 6.12 37.18 6.48 37.94 6.84 38.69 7.2 39.45 7.56 40.20 7.92 40.95 8.28 41.71 8.64 42.46 9 43.22 9.36 43.97 9.72 44.73 10.08 45.48 10.44 46.24 10.8 46.99 11.16 47.75 11.52 48.50 11.88 49.26 12.24 50.01 12.6 50.77 12.96 51.52 13.32 52.28 13.68 53.03 14.04 53.79 14.4 54.54 14.76 55.30 15.12 56.05 15.48 56.81 15.84 57.56 16.2 58.31 16.56 59.07 16.92 59.82 17.28 60.58 17.64 61.33 18 62.09 18.36 62.84 18.72 63.60 19.08 64.35 19.44 65.11 19.8 65.86 20.16 66.62 20.52 67.37 20.88 68.13 21.24 68.88 21.6 69.64 21.96 70.39 22.32 71.15 22.68 71.90 34 t T at r=.0205 0 25.00 0.36 25.76 0.72 26.56 1.08 27.35 1.44 28.13 1.8 28.90 2.16 29.66 2.52 30.42 2.88 31.18 3.24 31.93 3.6 32.69 3.96 33.45 4.32 34.20 4.68 34.96 5.04 35.71 5.4 36.47 5.76 37.22 6.12 37.98 6.48 38.73 6.84 39.48 7.2 40.24 7.56 40.99 7.92 41.75 8.28 42.50 8.64 43.26 9 44.01 9.36 44.77 9.72 45.52 10.08 46.28 10.44 47.03 10.8 47.79 11.16 48.54 11.52 49.30 11.88 50.05 12.24 50.81 12.6 51.56 12.96 52.32 13.32 53.07 13.68 53.83 14.04 54.58 14.4 55.34 14.76 56.09 15.12 56.84 15.48 57.60 15.84 58.35 16.2 59.11 16.56 59.86 16.92 60.62 17.28 61.37 17.64 62.13 18 62.88 18.36 63.64 18.72 64.39 19.08 65.15 19.44 65.90 19.8 66.66 20.16 67.41 20.52 68.17 20.88 68.92 21.24 69.68 21.6 70.43 21.96 71.19 22.32 71.94 22.68 72.70 t T at r=.0255 0 25.00 0.36 26.11 0.72 27.07 1.08 27.94 1.44 28.76 1.8 29.55 2.16 30.33 2.52 31.10 2.88 31.87 3.24 32.63 3.6 33.39 3.96 34.14 4.32 34.90 4.68 35.65 5.04 36.41 5.4 37.16 5.76 37.92 6.12 38.67 6.48 39.43 6.84 40.18 7.2 40.94 7.56 41.69 7.92 42.45 8.28 43.20 8.64 43.96 9 44.71 9.36 45.47 9.72 46.22 10.08 46.98 10.44 47.73 10.8 48.49 11.16 49.24 11.52 50.00 11.88 50.75 12.24 51.51 12.6 52.26 12.96 53.02 13.32 53.77 13.68 54.53 14.04 55.28 14.4 56.03 14.76 56.79 15.12 57.54 15.48 58.30 15.84 59.05 16.2 59.81 16.56 60.56 16.92 61.32 17.28 62.07 17.64 62.83 18 63.58 18.36 64.34 18.72 65.09 19.08 65.85 19.44 66.60 19.8 67.36 20.16 68.11 20.52 68.87 20.88 69.62 21.24 70.38 21.6 71.13 21.96 71.89 22.32 72.64 22.68 73.39 t T at r=.0285 0 25.00 0.36 26.27 0.72 27.26 1.08 28.15 1.44 28.98 1.8 29.79 2.16 30.57 2.52 31.34 2.88 32.11 3.24 32.87 3.6 33.63 3.96 34.38 4.32 35.14 4.68 35.90 5.04 36.65 5.4 37.41 5.76 38.16 6.12 38.92 6.48 39.67 6.84 40.43 7.2 41.18 7.56 41.94 7.92 42.69 8.28 43.44 8.64 44.20 9 44.95 9.36 45.71 9.72 46.46 10.08 47.22 10.44 47.97 10.8 48.73 11.16 49.48 11.52 50.24 11.88 50.99 12.24 51.75 12.6 52.50 12.96 53.26 13.32 54.01 13.68 54.77 14.04 55.52 14.4 56.28 14.76 57.03 15.12 57.79 15.48 58.54 15.84 59.30 16.2 60.05 16.56 60.80 16.92 61.56 17.28 62.31 17.64 63.07 18 63.82 18.36 64.58 18.72 65.33 19.08 66.09 19.44 66.84 19.8 67.60 20.16 68.35 20.52 69.11 20.88 69.86 21.24 70.62 21.6 71.37 21.96 72.13 22.32 72.88 22.68 73.64 t 0 0.36 0.72 1.08 1.44 1.8 2.16 2.52 2.88 3.24 3.6 3.96 4.32 4.68 5.04 5.4 5.76 6.12 6.48 6.84 7.2 7.56 7.92 8.28 8.64 9 9.36 9.72 10.08 10.44 10.8 11.16 11.52 11.88 12.24 12.6 12.96 13.32 13.68 14.04 14.4 14.76 15.12 15.48 15.84 16.2 16.56 16.92 17.28 17.64 18 18.36 18.72 19.08 19.44 19.8 20.16 20.52 20.88 21.24 21.6 21.96 22.32 22.68 T at r=.03 25.00 26.29 27.28 28.17 29.01 29.81 30.60 31.37 32.13 32.90 33.65 34.41 35.17 35.92 36.68 37.43 38.19 38.94 39.70 40.45 41.21 41.96 42.72 43.47 44.23 44.98 45.74 46.49 47.25 48.00 48.76 49.51 50.27 51.02 51.77 52.53 53.28 54.04 54.79 55.55 56.30 57.06 57.81 58.57 59.32 60.08 60.83 61.59 62.34 63.10 63.85 64.61 65.36 66.12 66.87 67.62 68.38 69.13 69.89 70.64 71.40 72.15 72.91 73.66 23 23.4 23.8 24.1 24.5 24.8 25.2 25.6 25.9 26.3 26.6 27 27.4 27.7 28.1 28.4 28.8 29.2 29.5 29.9 30.2 30.6 31 31.3 31.7 32 32.4 32.8 33.1 33.5 33.8 34.2 34.6 34.9 35.3 35.6 36 71.33 72.08 72.84 73.59 74.35 75.10 75.86 76.61 77.36 78.12 78.87 79.63 80.38 81.14 81.89 82.65 83.40 84.16 84.91 85.67 86.42 87.18 87.93 88.69 89.44 90.20 90.95 91.71 92.46 93.21 93.97 94.72 95.48 96.23 96.99 97.74 98.50 23.04 23.4 23.76 24.12 24.48 24.84 25.2 25.56 25.92 26.28 26.64 27 27.36 27.72 28.08 28.44 28.8 29.16 29.52 29.88 30.24 30.6 30.96 31.32 31.68 32.04 32.4 32.76 33.12 33.48 33.84 34.2 34.56 34.92 35.28 35.64 36 71.37 72.13 72.88 73.64 74.39 75.15 75.90 76.66 77.41 78.17 78.92 79.68 80.43 81.19 81.94 82.69 83.45 84.20 84.96 85.71 86.47 87.22 87.98 88.73 89.49 90.24 91.00 91.75 92.51 93.26 94.02 94.77 95.53 96.28 97.04 97.79 98.55 23.04 23.4 23.76 24.12 24.48 24.84 25.2 25.56 25.92 26.28 26.64 27 27.36 27.72 28.08 28.44 28.8 29.16 29.52 29.88 30.24 30.6 30.96 31.32 31.68 32.04 32.4 32.76 33.12 33.48 33.84 34.2 34.56 34.92 35.28 35.64 36 71.96 72.72 73.47 74.23 74.98 75.74 76.49 77.25 78.00 78.76 79.51 80.27 81.02 81.78 82.53 83.29 84.04 84.80 85.55 86.31 87.06 87.81 88.57 89.32 90.08 90.83 91.59 92.34 93.10 93.85 94.61 95.36 96.12 96.87 97.63 98.38 99.14 23.04 23.4 23.76 24.12 24.48 24.84 25.2 25.56 25.92 26.28 26.64 27 27.36 27.72 28.08 28.44 28.8 29.16 29.52 29.88 30.24 30.6 30.96 31.32 31.68 32.04 32.4 32.76 33.12 33.48 33.84 34.2 34.56 34.92 35.28 35.64 36 72.66 73.41 74.16 74.92 75.67 76.43 77.18 77.94 78.69 79.45 80.20 80.96 81.71 82.47 83.22 83.98 84.73 85.49 86.24 87.00 87.75 88.51 89.26 90.02 90.77 91.52 92.28 93.03 93.79 94.54 95.30 96.05 96.81 97.56 98.32 99.07 99.83 35 23.04 73.45 23.4 74.20 23.76 74.96 24.12 75.71 24.48 76.47 24.84 77.22 25.2 77.98 25.56 78.73 25.92 79.49 26.28 80.24 26.64 81.00 27 81.75 27.36 82.51 27.72 83.26 28.08 84.02 28.44 84.77 28.8 85.53 29.16 86.28 29.52 87.04 29.88 87.79 30.24 88.55 30.6 89.30 30.96 90.06 31.32 90.81 31.68 91.56 32.04 92.32 32.4 93.07 32.76 93.83 33.12 94.58 33.48 95.34 33.84 96.09 34.2 96.85 34.56 97.60 34.92 98.36 35.28 99.11 35.64 99.87 36 100.62 23.04 74.15 23.4 74.90 23.76 75.66 24.12 76.41 24.48 77.17 24.84 77.92 25.2 78.68 25.56 79.43 25.92 80.19 26.28 80.94 26.64 81.70 27 82.45 27.36 83.21 27.72 83.96 28.08 84.72 28.44 85.47 28.8 86.23 29.16 86.98 29.52 87.74 29.88 88.49 30.24 89.24 30.6 90.00 30.96 90.75 31.32 91.51 31.68 92.26 32.04 93.02 32.4 93.77 32.76 94.53 33.12 95.28 33.48 96.04 33.84 96.79 34.2 97.55 34.56 98.30 34.92 99.06 35.28 99.81 35.64 100.57 36 101.32 23.04 23.4 23.76 24.12 24.48 24.84 25.2 25.56 25.92 26.28 26.64 27 27.36 27.72 28.08 28.44 28.8 29.16 29.52 29.88 30.24 30.6 30.96 31.32 31.68 32.04 32.4 32.76 33.12 33.48 33.84 34.2 34.56 34.92 35.28 35.64 36 74.39 75.15 75.90 76.65 77.41 78.16 78.92 79.67 80.43 81.18 81.94 82.69 83.45 84.20 84.96 85.71 86.47 87.22 87.98 88.73 89.49 90.24 91.00 91.75 92.51 93.26 94.01 94.77 95.52 96.28 97.03 97.79 98.54 99.30 100.05 100.81 101.56 23.04 23.4 23.76 24.12 24.48 24.84 25.2 25.56 25.92 26.28 26.64 27 27.36 27.72 28.08 28.44 28.8 29.16 29.52 29.88 30.24 30.6 30.96 31.32 31.68 32.04 32.4 32.76 33.12 33.48 33.84 34.2 34.56 34.92 35.28 35.64 36 74.42 75.17 75.93 76.68 77.44 78.19 78.95 79.70 80.46 81.21 81.97 82.72 83.48 84.23 84.98 85.74 86.49 87.25 88.00 88.76 89.51 90.27 91.02 91.78 92.53 93.29 94.04 94.80 95.55 96.31 97.06 97.82 98.57 99.33 100.08 100.84 101.59 Table 2: Temperature as a function of radius, r, for various times, t (snapshots of temperature distribution), for a constant axial dimension z = .006875 m (Data used for Figure 2 of Appendix C) t=9 s r 0 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.0105 0.0115 0.0125 0.0135 0.0145 0.0155 0.0165 0.0175 0.0185 0.0195 0.0205 0.0215 0.0225 0.0235 0.0245 0.0255 0.0265 0.0275 0.0285 0.0295 0.03 T 41.89 41.90 41.94 42.03 42.17 42.36 42.53 42.65 42.78 42.92 43.07 43.22 43.37 43.53 43.69 43.85 44.01 44.17 44.32 44.46 44.59 44.71 44.82 44.90 44.95 44.98 44.98 t=18 s r 0 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.0105 0.0115 0.0125 0.0135 0.0145 0.0155 0.0165 0.0175 0.0185 0.0195 0.0205 0.0215 0.0225 0.0235 0.0245 0.0255 0.0265 0.0275 0.0285 0.0295 0.03 T 60.76 60.77 60.81 60.90 61.04 61.23 61.40 61.52 61.65 61.79 61.94 62.09 62.24 62.40 62.56 62.72 62.88 63.04 63.19 63.33 63.46 63.58 63.68 63.77 63.82 63.85 63.85 36 t=27 s r 0 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.0105 0.0115 0.0125 0.0135 0.0145 0.0155 0.0165 0.0175 0.0185 0.0195 0.0205 0.0215 0.0225 0.0235 0.0245 0.0255 0.0265 0.0275 0.0285 0.0295 0.03 T 79.63 79.64 79.68 79.77 79.91 80.10 80.27 80.39 80.52 80.66 80.81 80.96 81.11 81.27 81.43 81.59 81.75 81.91 82.06 82.20 82.33 82.45 82.55 82.64 82.69 82.72 82.72 t=36 s r 0 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.0105 0.0115 0.0125 0.0135 0.0145 0.0155 0.0165 0.0175 0.0185 0.0195 0.0205 0.0215 0.0225 0.0235 0.0245 0.0255 0.0265 0.0275 0.0285 0.0295 0.03 T 98.50 98.50 98.55 98.64 98.78 98.97 99.14 99.26 99.39 99.53 99.68 99.83 99.98 100.14 100.30 100.46 100.62 100.78 100.93 101.07 101.20 101.32 101.42 101.51 101.56 101.59 101.59 Table 3: Temperature as a function of radius, r, for various axial locations, z, for a fixed time of t = 27 s (Data used for Figure 3 of Appendix C) t=27 s, z = 0 t=27 s, z = .003125 t=27 s, z = .006875 t=27 s, z = .010625 t=27 s, z = .0125 r T r T r T r T r T 0 79.62878 0 79.6288 0 79.6289 0 79.62904 0 79.62909 0.001 79.63499 0.001 79.63502 0.001 79.63512 0.001 79.63526 0.001 79.63531 0.003 79.67539 0.003 79.67543 0.003 79.67558 0.003 79.67573 0.003 79.67577 0.005 79.76923 0.005 79.76931 0.005 79.76955 0.005 79.76973 0.005 79.76976 0.007 79.91146 0.007 79.91161 0.007 79.91201 0.007 79.91224 0.007 79.91224 0.009 80.09837 0.009 80.09862 0.009 80.09924 0.009 80.09953 0.009 80.09951 0.0105 80.26568 0.0105 80.26603 0.0105 80.26687 0.0105 80.26724 0.0105 80.26718 0.0115 80.38878 0.0115 80.3892 0.0115 80.39023 0.0115 80.39065 0.0115 80.39057 0.0125 80.52015 0.0125 80.52066 0.0125 80.52189 0.0125 80.52239 0.0125 80.52227 0.0135 80.65894 0.0135 80.65955 0.0135 80.66104 0.0135 80.66161 0.0135 80.66147 0.0145 80.80423 0.0145 80.80496 0.0145 80.80674 0.0145 80.8074 0.0145 80.80722 0.0155 80.95497 0.0155 80.95585 0.0155 80.95796 0.0155 80.95873 0.0155 80.9585 0.0165 81.11002 0.0165 81.11106 0.0165 81.11356 0.0165 81.11447 0.0165 81.11418 0.0175 81.2681 0.0175 81.26934 0.0175 81.27229 0.0175 81.27334 0.0175 81.27299 0.0185 81.4278 0.0185 81.42926 0.0185 81.43276 0.0185 81.43397 0.0185 81.43353 0.0195 81.58756 0.0195 81.58929 0.0195 81.59342 0.0195 81.59481 0.0195 81.59426 0.0205 81.74565 0.0205 81.74771 0.0205 81.75257 0.0205 81.75415 0.0205 81.75347 0.0215 81.90017 0.0215 81.9026 0.0215 81.90833 0.0215 81.91011 0.0215 81.90925 0.0225 82.049 0.0225 82.05187 0.0225 82.05861 0.0225 82.06058 0.0225 82.05949 0.0235 82.18979 0.0235 82.19318 0.0235 82.20109 0.0235 82.20321 0.0235 82.20181 0.0245 82.31991 0.0245 82.32393 0.0245 82.33319 0.0245 82.33538 0.0245 82.33358 0.0255 82.43647 0.0255 82.44121 0.0255 82.45198 0.0255 82.45415 0.0255 82.45182 0.0265 82.53622 0.0265 82.54179 0.0265 82.55419 0.0265 82.55615 0.0265 82.55317 0.0275 82.61552 0.0275 82.62201 0.0275 82.63605 0.0275 82.63761 0.0275 82.63387 0.0285 82.67031 0.0285 82.67772 0.0285 82.6932 0.0285 82.69419 0.0285 82.68969 0.0295 82.69607 0.0295 82.70415 0.0295 82.72047 0.0295 82.72096 0.0295 82.71592 0.03 82.69607 0.03 82.70415 0.03 82.72047 0.03 82.72096 0.03 82.71592 37 APPENDIX D: INPUTS TO “CURRENTSOLVER” MODEL AND THEIR DESCRIPTIONS 38 Table 1: Constants and radial thickness and height for each discretized circuit Cylinder Coil Conductivities 1.30E+07 (Mho/m) (for aluminum, as given from (2)) 5.20E+07 (for copper, as given from (2)) Cylinder Coil free space Magnetic Permeability 0.999999 1.00001960 1.25664E-06 (H/m) (for diamagnetic materials, as given from (6)) (for paramagnetic materials, as given from (6)) (from (9)) 1/2 RADIAL THICKNESS OFEACH RADIAL ELEMENTS PER EACH LEVEL OF Z, BEGINNING FROM R = 0: RELEM1 0.001 (m) cylinderelems. 1 thru 5 from r = 0 (see Figure 5 of Appendix A) RELEM2 0.0005 cylinder elems. 6 thru 25 from r = 0 RELEMC 0.00125 all coil elems. OVER ALL HEIGHT OF EACH RADIAL ELEMENT:(see Figure 5 of Appendix A) HELEM 0.00125 (m) all cylinder elems. HELEMC 0.0025 all coil elems. Input Skin Depth Frequency (as calculated from (4-5)) 50 Hz 0.019740751 150 Hz 0.011397328 300 Hz 0.008059128 1500 Hz 0.003604152 39 Table 2: Voltage and Positional Inputs for Each Discretized Circuit (R(I) and Z(I) denote the distance from z=0 and r=0 to the center of the specified circuit, and Re(V) and Im(V) are the real and imaginary voltage components across the specified discretized circuit.) CIRCUIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 R(I) 0.0010000 0.0030000 0.0050000 0.0070000 0.0090000 0.0105000 0.0115000 0.0125000 0.0135000 0.0145000 0.0155000 0.0165000 0.0175000 0.0185000 0.0195000 0.0205000 0.0215000 0.0225000 0.0235000 0.0245000 0.0255000 0.0265000 0.0275000 0.0285000 0.0295000 0.0010000 0.0030000 0.0050000 0.0070000 0.0090000 0.0105000 0.0115000 0.0125000 0.0135000 0.0145000 0.0155000 0.0165000 0.0175000 0.0185000 0.0195000 0.0205000 0.0215000 0.0225000 0.0235000 0.0245000 0.0255000 0.0265000 0.0275000 0.0285000 0.0295000 Z(I) Re{V(I)} 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0006250 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 0.0018750 0 Im{V(I)} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 0.0010000 0.0030000 0.0050000 0.0070000 0.0090000 0.0105000 0.0115000 0.0125000 0.0135000 0.0145000 0.0155000 0.0165000 0.0175000 0.0185000 0.0195000 0.0205000 0.0215000 0.0225000 0.0235000 0.0245000 0.0255000 0.0265000 0.0275000 0.0285000 0.0295000 0.0010000 0.0030000 0.0050000 0.0070000 0.0090000 0.0105000 0.0115000 0.0125000 0.0135000 0.0145000 0.0155000 0.0165000 0.0175000 0.0185000 0.0195000 0.0205000 0.0215000 0.0225000 0.0235000 0.0245000 0.0255000 0.0265000 0.0275000 0.0285000 0.0295000 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0031250 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0.0043750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 0.0010000 0.0030000 0.0050000 0.0070000 0.0090000 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258 0.0362500 0.0387500 0.0362500 0.0387500 0.0362500 0.0387500 0.0362500 0.0387500 0.0012500 0.0012500 0.0037500 0.0037500 0.0087500 0.0087500 0.0112500 0.0112500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APPENDIX E: “CURRENTSOLVER” VISUAL BASIC CODE 46 Sub currentsolver() 'Declare variables and array sizes Dim nl, nc, n, np1, nt2, nt2p1, ii, jj, k, ip1, jm1, _ im1, L, irow, nn, ee, dd, cc As Integer 'nl and n are used for physical discretization of the 'cylinder (load) and coil nl = 250 '231 nc = 8 '4 n = 258 '235 'np1, nt2, and nt2p1 are used for matrix manipulations np1 = 259 '236 nt2 = 516 '470 nt2p1 = 517 '471 Dim r(300), z(300), eemmee(700, 700), aiabs(300), v_r(300), _ v_c(300), resist(300), eme_r(700, 700), eme_c(700, 700), _ aai(300), reai(300), aimi(300), rc(300), areac(300), volume(300), _ isqrd(300), heatgenrate(300) As Single Dim aaa(700, 700), aaii(700), coef As Double 'Read in constants, coordinates, and parameters of cylinder 'sigl1,sigc = conductivities of load and coil (1/ohm x m) 'emul1,emuc = relative magnetic permeabilities of load and coil (-) 'emu0 = magnetic permeability of free space 'relem1 = 1/2 radial thickness of the load elems. 1 thru 5 'relem2 = 1/2 radial thickness of the load elems. 6 thru 25 'relemc = 1/2 radial thickness of the coil elems. 'helem = overall thickness of all load circuit elements 'helemc = overall thickness of all coil circuit elements. 'omega = frequency (Hz) 'r(i) = radial coordinates of circuits 'z(i) = axial coordinates of circuits 'v_r(i) = voltage applied on circuits, real term 'v_c(i) = voltage applied on circuits, complex term sigl1 = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b2") sigc = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b3") emul1 = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b6") emuc = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b7") emu0 = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b8") relem1 = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b11") relem2 = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b12") 47 relemc = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b13") helem = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b19") helemc = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b20") omega = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b21") For i = 1 To n r(i) = Sheets("sheet2").Cells(i + 1, 2) z(i) = Sheets("sheet2").Cells(i + 1, 3) v_r(i) = Sheets("sheet2").Cells(i + 1, 4) v_c(i) = Sheets("sheet2").Cells(i + 1, 5) 'Sheets("sheet9").Cells(i + 1, 2) = r(i) 'Sheets("sheet9").Cells(i + 1, 3) = z(i) 'Sheets("sheet9").Cells(i + 1, 4) = v_r(i) 'Sheets("sheet9").Cells(i + 1, 5) = v_c(i) Next 'Compute preliminary parameters Pi = 3.141592654 efe = omega omega = efe * 2 * Pi Sheets("sheet3").Range("b2") = omega 'Begin calculation 'First calculate skin depth of load cylinder to estimate effective radii for ' current flow inside conductors and for temperature distribution calculation deltal1 = Sqr(2 / (omega * emul1 * emu0 * sigl1)) Sheets("sheet1").Range("c25") = deltal1 ' Calculate discretized circuit radial thickness, cross-sectional areas, and ' volumes for load cylinder For cc = 0 To 9 dd = cc * 25 'elem 1 from r=0 for each z level, helem, relem1 ' at circuits nearest r = 0, must approximate using .99 * 1/2 radial thickness ' (relem1) to avoid singularity error in calculating coefficients L and M i=1 ee = i + dd rc(ee) = 0.99 * relem1 areac(ee) = (2 * relem1) * helem 'volume(ee) = Pi * helem * ((r(ee) + relem1) ^ 2 - (r(ee) - relem1) ^ 2) volume(ee) = 2 * Pi * r(ee) * areac(ee) 'elems 2 thru 5 from r=0 for each z level, helem, relem2 For i = 2 To 5 48 ee = i + dd rc(ee) = relem1 areac(ee) = (2 * relem1) * helem 'volume(ee) = Pi * helem * ((r(ee) + relem1) ^ 2 - (r(ee) - relem1) ^ 2) volume(ee) = 2 * Pi * r(ee) * areac(ee) Next 'elems. 6 thru 25 from r=0 for each z level, helem, relem3 For i = 6 To 25 ee = i + dd rc(ee) = relem2 areac(ee) = (2 * relem2) * helem 'volume(ee) = Pi * helem * ((r(ee) + relem2) ^ 2 - (r(ee) - relem2) ^ 2) volume(ee) = 2 * Pi * r(ee) * areac(ee) Next Next 'Lastly assign discretized circuit radial thickness and cross-sectional areas ' of coil, relemc, helemc For i = 251 To 258 rc(i) = relemc areac(i) = (2 * relemc) * helemc 'volume(i) = Pi * helemc * ((r(i) + relemc) ^ 2 - (r(i) - relemc) ^ 2) volume(i) = 2 * Pi * r(i) * areac(i) Next '*********************************************************************** * '*********************************************************************** * 'Calculate the coefficients of the equations For i = 1 To n For j = 1 To n 'Calculate the geometric constant eka for every pair of ' circuits If j = i Then eka = 2 * Sqr((r(j) * (r(j) - rc(j)) / _ ((2 * r(j) - rc(j)) ^ 2))) End If If j <> i Then anum = r(i) * r(j) aden = (Abs(z(i) - z(j))) ^ 2 + (r(i) + r(j)) ^ 2 eka = 2 * Sqr(anum / aden) End If 49 'Sheets("sheet1").Cells(i + 1, 8) = eka 'Sheets("sheet1").Cells(i + 1, 6) = i 'Sheets("sheet1").Cells(i + 1, 7) = j 'Using functions elline and ellink, calculate the values of ' the complete elliptic integrals of first and second kind. ' Then calculate the mutual and self inductances eemmee. emu = emul1 If j > nl Then emu = emuc If j = i Then 'Calculation of L's (eemmee) coef = emu0 * (2 * r(j) - rc(j)) gke = (1 - ((eka ^ 2) / 2)) * ellink(eka) - elline(eka) sii = emu * emu0 * r(j) / 4 eemmee(i, j) = coef * gke + sii 'Sheets("sheet3").Cells(i + 1, j + 5) = eemmee(i, j) End If If j <> i Then 'Calculation of M's (eemmee) coef = emu0 * Sqr(r(i) * r(j)) gke = ((2 / eka) - eka) * ellink(eka) - (2 / eka) _ * elline(eka) eemmee(i, j) = coef * gke 'Sheets("sheet3").Cells(i + 1, j + 5) = eemmee(i, j) End If 'Sheets("sheet9").Cells(j + 1, 7) = ellink(eka) 'Sheets("sheet9").Cells(j + 1, 8) = elline(eka) Next Next 'Now calculate the resistances of individual circuits. For i = 1 To n If i > nl Then res = (2 * Pi * r(i)) / (sigc * areac(i)) If i <= nl Then res = (2 * Pi * r(i)) / (sigl1 * areac(i)) 'Store resistance terms and assign proper direction per ' radial location resist(i) = res If i <= nl Then resist(i) = -resist(i) 'Sheets("sheet3").Cells(i + 1, 4) = resist(i) Next 'Calculate coefficients of the matrix For i = 1 To n For j = 1 To n If i <= nl Then eemmee(i, j) = -eemmee(i, j) 50 'Separate and organize real and imaginary coefficients of current ' equation coefficients eme_c(i, j) = omega * eemmee(i, j) ' imaginary term (for both L's and M's) If j <> i Then eme_r(i, j) = 0 ' real term (for M's) End If If j = i Then eme_r(i, j) = resist(j) 'real term (for L's) End If Next Next '******************************************************** 'Prepare arrays for incorporation into matrix for solution of ' simultaneous linear algebraic equations to obtain the ' current in every circuit '******************************************************** For i = 1 To n For j = 1 To n aaa(i, j) = eme_r(i, j) 'Sheets("sheet5").Cells(i, j) = aaa(i, j) Next Next For i = 1 To n For j = np1 To nt2 jj = j - n aaa(i, j) = -eme_c(i, jj) 'Sheets("sheet5").Cells(i, j) = aaa(i, j) Next Next For i = np1 To nt2 For j = 1 To n ii = i - n aaa(i, j) = eme_c(ii, j) 'Sheets("sheet5").Cells(i, j) = aaa(i, j) Next Next For i = np1 To nt2 For j = np1 To nt2 ii = i - n jj = j - n aaa(i, j) = eme_r(ii, jj) 'Sheets("sheet5").Cells(i, j) = aaa(i, j) Next Next For i = 1 To n 51 aaa(i, nt2p1) = v_r(i) 'Sheets("sheet5").Cells(i, nt2p1) = aaa(i, j) Next For i = np1 To nt2 ii = i - n aaa(i, nt2p1) = v_c(ii) 'Sheets("sheet5").Cells(i, nt2p1) = aaa(i, j) Next '***Perform matrix manipulations here (based on original program 'which called for subroutine MATSOL) using LU Decomposition (Cholesky) 'Input values of interest here are aaa, nt2, and nt2p1 'Output values of interest for this part of the code are aaii, 'reai, and aimi (real and imaginary current cells of aaii) irow = 1 big = Abs(aaa(1, 1)) For i = 2 To nt2 ab = Abs(aaa(i, 1)) If big < ab Then big = ab irow = i End If Next If irow <> 1 Then For j = 1 To nt2p1 temp = aaa(irow, j) aaa(irow, j) = aaa(1, j) aaa(1, j) = temp Next End If For j = 2 To nt2p1 aaa(1, j) = aaa(1, j) / aaa(1, 1) Next For i = 2 To nt2 j=i For ii = j To nt2 summ = 0 jm1 = j - 1 For k = 1 To jm1 summ = summ + aaa(ii, k) * aaa(k, j) Next aaa(ii, j) = aaa(ii, j) - summ Next If i <> nt2 Then irow = i 52 big = Abs(aaa(i, i)) ip1 = i + 1 For ii = ip1 To nt2 ab = Abs(aaa(ii, i)) If big < ab Then big = ab irow = ii End If Next If irow <> i Then For j = 1 To nt2p1 temp = aaa(irow, j) aaa(irow, j) = aaa(i, j) aaa(i, j) = temp Next End If End If ip1 = i + 1 For j = ip1 To nt2p1 summ = 0 im1 = i - 1 For k = 1 To im1 summ = summ + aaa(i, k) * aaa(k, j) Next aaa(i, j) = (aaa(i, j) - summ) / aaa(i, i) Next Next aaii(nt2) = aaa(nt2, nt2p1) L = nt2 - 1 For nn = 1 To L summ = 0 i = nt2 - nn ip1 = i + 1 For j = ip1 To nt2 summ = summ + aaa(i, j) * aaii(j) Next aaii(i) = aaa(i, nt2p1) - summ Next '***End of matrix manipulations (formerly subroutine "MATSOL") For i = 1 To n ipn = i + n reai(i) = aaii(i) '/ areac(i) aimi(i) = aaii(ipn) '/ areac(i) 53 'convert units from per sqr. m to per sq. cm '(used only when validating to model from tech. paper ' for current densities per discretized circuit cross' sectional area) 'reai(i) = reai(i) / 10000 'aimi(i) = aimi(i) / 10000 aiabs(i) = Sqr((reai(i)) ^ 2 + (aimi(i)) ^ 2) isqrd(i) = (reai(i)) ^ 2 + (aimi(i)) ^ 2 heatgenrate(i) = (isqrd(i) * Abs(resist(i))) / volume(i) 'Ouput data for currents in cylinder circuits and coil Sheets("sheet8").Cells(i + 1, 1) = i 'for validation, reai(i) and aimi(i) output units are per sq. cm 'for project use, reai(i) and aimi(i) output units are per sq. m Sheets("sheet8").Cells(i + 1, 6) = reai(i) Sheets("sheet8").Cells(i + 1, 7) = aimi(i) Sheets("sheet8").Cells(i + 1, 8) = aiabs(i) Sheets("sheet8").Cells(i + 1, 9) = isqrd(i) Sheets("sheet8").Cells(i + 1, 10) = Abs(resist(i)) 'Heat genrate units are per cu. m Sheets("sheet8").Cells(i + 1, 11) = heatgenrate(i) Next End Sub Function ellink(ak) 'numerical integration for (4-13) in Section 4.0 eme1 = 1 - ak ^ 2 eme12 = eme1 ^ 2 eme13 = eme12 * eme1 eme14 = eme13 * eme1 a0k = 1.38629436112 a1k = 0.09666344259 a2k = 0.03590092383 a3k = 0.03742563713 a4k = 0.01451196212 b0k = 0.5 b1k = 0.12498593597 b2k = 0.06880248576 b3k = 0.03328355346 b4k = 0.00441787012 fpk = a0k + a1k * eme1 + a2k * eme12 + a3k * eme13 + a4k * eme14 spk = b0k + b1k * eme1 + b2k * eme12 + b3k * eme13 + b4k * eme14 ellink = fpk + spk * Log(1 / eme1) End Function Function elline(ak) 'numerical integration for (4-12) in Section 4.0 eme1 = 1 - ak ^ 2 eme12 = eme1 ^ 2 eme13 = eme12 * eme1 54 eme14 = eme13 * eme1 a0e = 1# a1e = 0.44325141463 a2e = 0.0626060122 a3e = 0.04757383546 a4e = 0.01736506451 b0e = 0 b1e = 0.2499836831 b2e = 0.09200180037 b3e = 0.04069697526 b4e = 0.00526449639 fpe = a0e + a1e * eme1 + a2e * eme12 + a3e * eme13 + a4e * eme14 spe = b0e + b1e * eme1 + b2e * eme12 + b3e * eme13 + b4e * eme14 elline = fpe + spe * Log(1 / eme1) End Function 55 APPENDIX F: “TEMPDIST” VISUAL BASIC CODE 56 Sub tempdist() Dim T(27, 12, 40001), g(27, 12), r(27), rphalf(27), rmhalf(27), rstepf(27), _ rstepb(27), rfterm, rbterm, rterm, zterm, gterm, z(12) As Single Dim i, j, aa, bb As Integer 'Parameters for thermal problem alpha = 0.00008418 'diffusivity of pure aluminum at room temperature, units are m2/s timestep = 0.0009 'units are s k = 204 'thermal conductivity of pure aluminum at room temperature, units are W/m/C Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n1.txt" For Output As #1 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n2.txt" For Output As #2 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n3.txt" For Output As #3 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n4.txt" For Output As #4 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n5.txt" For Output As #5 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n6.txt" For Output As #6 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n7.txt" For Output As #7 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n8.txt" For Output As #8 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n9.txt" For Output As #9 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n10.txt" For Output As #10 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n11.txt" For Output As #11 Open "o:\ceno\public\guidos\temp50_n12.txt" For Output As #12 'Total amount of node levels: 27 in r, 12 in z 'In r, 25 internal node levels numbered i=2 to 26 'In z, 10 internal node levels numbered j=2 to 11 'At r=0, node is i=1, but since cannot use the Mutual Inductance ' model to solve for heat generated at this edge (since symmetry ' was used to create Mutual Inductance model and currents are ' calculated at the centers of the discretized circuit elements), ' since heat generated at node i=2 is small, heat gen. at i=1 ' must be smaller. From other approximations, 1st order errors already incurred. ' Assuming heat gen. at r=0 equal to heat gen. at i =2 should be on the order of ' a first order error. Also node at i=1 is very close to i=2. ' Therefore, approximate heat gen. at i=1 to be equal to heat gen. ' at i=2. 'Assign generated heat/vol. per each internal temperature node from spreadsheet ' output from program Currentsolver() for each internal node for each z level For j = 2 To 11 For i = 2 To 26 aa = i + (j - 2) * 25 g(i, j) = Sheets("sheet8").Cells(aa, 11) Next Next 'Assign generated heat per each temperature node at r = 0 for each z level 57 For j = 2 To 11 aa = 1 + (j - 2) * 25 g(1, j) = Sheets("sheet8").Cells(aa + 1, 11) 'g(1, j) = 0 Next 'Apply initial temperature conditions to each temp. node. For i = 1 To 27 For j = 1 To 12 n = 1 'this is at time, t=0 s T(i, j, n) = 25 'initially cylinder at room temperature Next Next 'Set up r values for each temperature calculation by creating arrays 'based on dimensions from mesh. Refer to Figure of Mesh in Appendix 'A for dimensional information z(1) = 0 z(2) = 0.00125 / 2 For j = 3 To 11 z(j) = z(2) + (j - 2) * (0.00125) Next z(12) = 0.0125 r(1) = 0 r(27) = 0.03 'for i=1 rstepf(1) = 0.001 'for i=2 r(2) = 0.001 rphalf(2) = 0.002 rmhalf(2) = 0.0005 rstepf(2) = 0.002 rstepb(2) = 0.001 'for i = 3 to i =5 For i = 3 To 5 aa = i - 3 r(i) = 0.003 + aa * 0.002 rphalf(i) = 0.004 + aa * 0.002 rmhalf(i) = 0.002 + aa * 0.002 rstepf(i) = 0.002 rstepb(i) = 0.002 Next 58 'for i=6 r(6) = 0.009 rphalf(6) = 0.00975 rmhalf(6) = 0.008 rstepf(6) = 0.0015 rstepb(6) = 0.002 'for i=7 r(7) = 0.0105 rphalf(7) = 0.011 rmhalf(7) = 0.00975 rstepf(7) = 0.001 rstepb(7) = 0.0015 'for i=8 to i=25 For i = 8 To 25 aa = i - 8 r(i) = 0.0115 + aa * 0.001 rphalf(i) = 0.012 + aa * 0.001 rmhalf(i) = 0.011 + aa * 0.001 rstepf(i) = 0.001 rstepb(i) = 0.001 Next 'for i=26 r(26) = 0.0295 rphalf(26) = 0.02975 rmhalf(26) = 0.029 rstepf(26) = 0.0005 rstepb(26) = 0.001 'Evaluate temperatures throughout mesh, for time greater than zero 'reminder: at t=0s, n=1 'This loop calculates for nodes along r=0, interior nodes, and applies ' boundary conditions for EACH timestep For n = 2 To 40001 p = n - 1 'dummy variable for previous time step values For i = 1 To 26 For j = 2 To 11 gterm = g(i, j) / k If j = 2 Then zstepf = 0.00125 zstepb = 0.000625 59 epsilon = zstepf / zstepb End If If j = 11 Then zstepf = 0.000625 zstepb = 0.00125 epsilon = zstepf / zstepb End If If j <> 2 Or j <> 11 Then zstepf = 0.00125 End If 'Nodes at r=0 If i = 1 Then 'Changing or constant z, constant r rterm = 4 * (T(i + 1, j, p) - T(i, j, p)) / ((rstepf(i)) ^ 2) zterm = (2 / (zstepf + zstepb)) * (((T(i, j + 1, p) - T(i, j, p)) / _ zstepf) - ((T(i, j, p) - T(i, j - 1, p)) / zstepb)) End If 'Interior nodes If i <> 1 Then 'Changing or constant r, changing or constant z rfterm = rphalf(i) * (T(i + 1, j, p) - T(i, j, p)) / rstepf(i) rbterm = rmhalf(i) * (T(i, j, p) - T(i - 1, j, p)) / rstepb(i) rterm = (1 / r(i)) * (rfterm - rbterm) / ((1 / 2) * _ (rstepb(i) + rstepf(i))) zterm = (2 / (zstepf + zstepb)) * (((T(i, j + 1, p) - T(i, j, p)) / _ zstepf) - ((T(i, j, p) - T(i, j - 1, p)) / zstepb)) End If T(i, j, n) = alpha * timestep * (rterm + zterm _ + gterm) + T(i, j, p) Next 'j Next 'i 'Apply conditions at the boundaries for current time step ' (insulated at all outer surfaces (in vacuum) with temperatures low so ' that radiation heat transfer may be neglected 'Along r boundary surface For j = 2 To 11 'At outer cylinder surface, r=b i = 27 60 T(i, j, n) = T(i - 1, j, n) Next 'Along z boundary surfaces For i = 1 To 27 'At lower surface boundary, z=0 j=1 T(i, j, n) = T(i, j + 1, n) 'At upper surface boundary, z=c j = 12 T(i, j, n) = T(i, j - 1, n) Next Next 'n 'Output temperature of areas of interest to table For n = 1 To 40001 Step 400 For i = 1 To 27 Write #1, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(1), T(i, 1, n) Write #2, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(2), T(i, 2, n) Write #3, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(3), T(i, 3, n) Write #4, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(4), T(i, 4, n) Write #5, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(5), T(i, 5, n) Write #6, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(6), T(i, 6, n) Write #7, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(7), T(i, 7, n) Write #8, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(8), T(i, 8, n) Write #9, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(9), T(i, 9, n) Write #10, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(10), T(i, 10, n) Write #11, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(11), T(i, 11, n) Write #12, (n - 1) * timestep, r(i), z(12), T(i, 12, n) Next Next Close #1 Close #2 Close #3 Close #4 Close #5 Close #6 Close #7 Close #8 Close #9 Close #10 Close #11 Close #12 End Sub 61