Term Project: Pure Elastic 2D Beam Bending - Using Numerical Methods Scott M. Steffan December 9, 1999 Numerical Analysis for Engineering MEAE 4960H02 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Hartford TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number(s) 1.0 Abstract 1 2.0 Introduction 1 3.0 Theory 1-3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.4 Numerical Methods Finite Element Method Linear “Shooting” Method Finite Difference Method Raleigh-Ritz Method 3-6 3-4 4-5 5 5-6 5.0 Results and Error Analysis 5.1 Uniform Load 5.1.1 Finite Element Method 5.1.2 Linear “Shooting” Method 5.1.3 Finite Difference Method 5.1.4 Raleigh-Ritz Method 5.2 Linearly Varying Load 6-14 6-12 6-9 9 10 11-12 12-14 6.0 Conclusion 15 7.0 References 15 8.0 Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G 16-33 Glossary of Notation The following is a list of symbols used throughout this report. Symbol Label Stress Units lbs./in2 Strain in./in. P Load lbs. A Cross-Sectional Area in2 M Bending Moment lbs./in. c Radial Distance from Centerline of Beam in. I Second Moment of Inertia in4 E Young's Modulus of Elasticity lbs./in2 h Interval Spacing in. w Distributed Beam Load lbs./in L Beam Length in. b Beam Width in. H Beam Height in. 1 1.0 ABSTRACT This term project studied four different numerical methods that could be used to approximate pure elastic beam bending deflections. The first study involved a linear 2-noded beam element, finite element method. A parametric mesh density study was performed with seven different element breakups. Results showed the higher element meshes generated better approximations to the actual beam deflections. The coarser meshes were too stiff and underestimated the actual deflected shape. Then a detailed look into using the linear “shooting” method, the finite difference method, and the Raleigh-Ritz method to approximate beam deflections was completed. Analysis showed the finite difference method to be the least accurate of the group, however, each technique produced respectable results. Higher accuracy could be obtained from any of the methods by simply decreasing the spacing. 2.0 INTRODUCTION The objective of this project involves solving for deflections along a prismatic, linear elastic bar subject to pure bending loads. The report will begin with a brief discussion of the Strength of Materials and Differential Equations theory involved in generating closed form solutions for a specific problem. Then, a detailed look into four numerical methods that could be used to generate approximate solutions will begin, followed by numerical deflection approximations for two different loading situations. Finally, using the information provided a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the various numerical techniques will be completed. 3.0 THEORY A prismatic bar is a beam having constant cross-sectional area in which the length is typically much greater than any of its cross-sectional dimensions. Figure 1 is an example showing a prismatic bar bent by equal and opposite couples (Shigley & Mischke, 1989): Figure 1: Beam Bending – Equal and Opposite Couples There are many different aspects to the study of beam bending, however, this report is done assuming the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) The beam is subject to pure bending The material is isotropic and homogeneous The deflections are small The bending is pure elastic Assumption (1) allows axial loading to be neglected. Rather than having two loading types involved in the stress solution, there is only one as shown in equation 1: 2 Mc P I A Equation 1: Elastic Stress Equation Where: = the stress at a specified location M = the bending moment c = the height above or below the beam center line I = the beam's second moment of inertia Assumptions (2) - (4) allow nonlinear effects to be neglected, therefore Hooke's Law is obeyed: Equation 2: Hooke’s Law for Stress and Strain Where: = the stress at a specified location = the strain at a specified location E = Young's Modulus of the Material (uniform in all directions) The problem used for this research involves a simply supported beam subject to a distributed, uniform load. The question is: How much will a beam deflect under a specified load? The answer involves the manipulation of the following fourth order differential equation: d2 dx 2 d2y E I 2 w dx Equation 3: 4th Order Differential Equation - Distributed Load Where: E = Young's Modulus of the Material I = The beam's second moment of inertia w = The load per unit length over the beam (including the weight of the beam) This is done using the diagram and coordinate system shown in figure 2 below: w y y x H z L b Figure 2: Beam Geometry, Boundary Conditions, and Coordinate System The fourth order differential equation can be solved fairly painlessly when both the load and cross-section are uniform. First, boundary conditions for the specified end conditions (simply supported) are determined. They are shown in equation 4 below: y(0) = y(L) = 0 = y’’(0) = y’’(L) Equation 4: Boundary Conditions Successive simple integration aids in obtaining the exact solution: d3y w x C1 dx 3 d2y w E I 2 x 2 C1 x C 2 2 dx dy w 3 C1 2 EI x x C 2 x C3 dx 6 2 w 4 C1 3 C 2 2 EI y x x x C3 x C 4 24 6 2 EI 3 Equations 5-8: Differential Equation Integration Where C1, C2, C3, C4 are arbitrary constants. Using y’’(0)=0 implies C2=0, and allows for C1=-wL/2 to be determined. Also, y(0)=0 implies C4=0, and with y(L)=0, it follows that C3=wL3/24. Using this information, an equation for deflection as a function of distance along the beam, y(x) is generated: y ( x) w x 4 2 Lx 3 L3 x 24 E I Equation 9: Deflection as a Function of Beam Location Symmetry also reveals that at x=L/2, the maximum deflection occurs: y max 5wL4 384 EI Equation 10: Max Deflection This derivation provides a baseline for which numerical methods can be compared with. Equation 9 above is commonly referred to as a singularity function. A table of singularity functions for various different loading and supporting conditions can be found in reference (1), pg. 735-742, Table A-9. Differential Equation boundary conditions for the other types of end conditions are supplied in Appendix A. Once these deflections are determined, elastic stresses and strains can be solved for. As mentioned earlier, when the cross-sectional dimensions of the beam are constant, as well as the load over the surface, the closed form solution can be solved through integration. This is the situation that will be studied. Further, a more complex situation will be discussed to show the true benefits of numerical approximation methods. 4.0 NUMERICAL METHODS The 4th order beam differential equation 3 discussed in the previous section is an example of a boundary value problem. Rather than taking the mathematical problem and generating analytical solutions, a numerical method takes the mathematical problem, makes approximations, converts the problem into a numerical problem, and generates a numerical solution. The problem being discussed involves constant second moment of inertia (I(x)=I0) and load (w(x)=w0), making it easy to solve analytically and provide solid ground for generating numerical approximations and comparing them to the actual values. There are many numerical techniques that could be used to generate approximate deflection results. The four that will be investigated in this research are the Finite Element Method, the Linear “Shooting” Method, the Finite Difference Method, and the Raleigh-Ritz Method. 4.1 Finite Element Method One of the most widely used techniques today is the Finite Element Method (FEM). FEM is a numerical approach commonly used to solve engineering mechanics problems. Many general finite element code packages have been written over the years with user friendly windows and menus (GUI) which allow for easy geometry setup, boundary condition manipulation and evaluation/post-processing of common structural problems. Some of the most popular commercial codes in the industry are ANSYS, MSC Nastran, and MARC. ANSYS will be the code used for the work in this research. The FEM subdivides the model, in this case a beam, into smaller sections (elements) and determines values at each end (nodes) of these smaller beams. A physical, finite element mesh is converted into a mathematical model. The differential equations involved in the model are minimized and solved through algebraic matrix manipulation of a linear system of equations. One advantage this method has over some of the others to be studied is the way the boundary 4 conditions are handled. The boundary conditions are treated as integrals in a functional, which is to be minimized. By doing this, the model construction is independent of the actual boundary conditions. This allows the user to easily modify the loading, constraints, and actual geometric shape. It is very beneficial when there are partial differential equations, derivatives, and irregular shapes involved. Various element types could be used for this particular problem. One is known as a 2D-beam element. This type of element can be used for beam structures that have either a constant crosssectional area, or can be divided into elements, varying the cross-sectional dimensions appropriately. A two-noded linear beam element as described above will be used for this work. Figure 3 represents a thin beam subdivided into 8, two-noded beam elements: Elements Nodes Figure 3: 2-Noded Linear Beam Element Mesh – 8 Elements This element type allows the user to input each element’s cross-sectional properties, material properties, and loading/boundary conditions. 4.2 Linear Shooting Method The Linear Shooting Method uses the following 2nd order differential equation boundary-value problem: y ' ' p( x) y ' q( x) y r ( x) Equation 11: 2nd a x b, y (a) , y (b) Order Boundary Value Problem The boundary value problem is replaced by two initial-value problems shown below: y ' ' p( x) y ' q( x) y r ( x) y ' ' p ( x) y ' q ( x) y a x b, y (a) , y ' (a) 0 a x b, y (a) 0, y ' (a) 1 Equations 12-13: 2nd Order Initial Value Problems Then, using the 4th order Runge-Kutta Method, approximate initial value solutions for y1(x) and y2(x) are generated from equations 12 and 13 respectively with the input of boundary conditions at the endpoints. Once y1(x) and y2(x) are known, the following can be solved: y( x) y1 ( x) y1 (b) y 2 (b) y 2 ( x) Equation 14: Solution for y(x) Now, the deflection at any given location along the length of the beam can be approximated, provided the appropriate number of subintervals is specified. The method is shown graphically in figure 4 below (Burden & Faires, 1997): 5 Figure 4: Graphical Representation of “Shooting” Method 4.3 Finite Difference Method The third method used in this research is the Finite Difference Method. FDM uses the linear second-order boundary-value problem shown in equation 11 of the previous section. Unlike the Finite Element Method, each of the derivatives in the differential equation is replaced by difference-quotient approximations. This method effectively replaces a continuous differentiation with a finite difference over a discrete region. Equation 11 would require difference-quotient approximations for y’’ and y’, however the beam equation 6 only has the y’’ term. First, the spacing, h is set by equation 15 where a and b are the beginning and end of the beam respectively, and N is the number of intervals (stations): h (b a ) ( N 1) Equation 15: Station Spacing for FDM Then, using Taylor Polynomial Expansion, the Intermediate Value Theorem, and the centereddifference formula, y’’(xn) is simplified and replaced for each interior station along the beam with equation 16: y' ' ( xn ) y n1 2 y n y n1 r ( xn ) h2 Equation 16: Central Difference Approximation for 2nd Order DE Using equation 16, together with the end conditions, helps to create a linear system of equations, which can be expressed in matrix form as shown in equation 17: Ay b Equation 17: Matrix form of FDM Linear System Where: y represents the vector of unknowns (deflections) A represents the matrix of coefficients b represents the vector of known quantities. The tridiagonal, positive definite, and simply diagonally dominant matrix can be reduced and solved using an iterative linear system solution technique. 4.4 Raleigh-Ritz Method The Raleigh-Ritz Method uses an approach very similar to the Finite Element Method, but different from the linear “shooting” or finite difference methods. The method begins with the differential equation shown in equation 18: d dy p( x) q( x) y f ( x) dx dx where 0 x 1 6 Equation 18: Boundary Value Problem DE for Raleigh-Ritz Method For the simply supported beam differential equation, the q(x) term is non-existent, p(x)=1, and the boundary conditions are set to zero at each end. Then, rather than making approximations for the boundary value problem shown in equation 18, the method looks for a y(x) which will minimize the integral shown in equation 19: 1 I [ y] { p( x)[u ' ( x)] 2 q( x) [u ( x)] 2 2 f ( x)u ( x)}dx 0 Equation 19: Integral to be minimized The method is used to approximate the solution of y over a small set of functions produced by a combination of linearly independent basis functions, i(x) where I=1,2,…,n. The first approximation to the solution of y(x) is made by equation 20: n y ( x) i ci i ( x ) 1 Equation 20: First Approximation to Solution The coefficients, ci are chosen so that equation 19 is minimized. The entire technique can then be put into matrix form, and i(x), the basis function is determined based on the spacing, h, and the set of piecewise linear polynomials shown in equation 21: 0 x xi 1 0, x xi 1 , xi 1 x xi hi 1 i ( x) x x i 1 , xi x xi 1 hi 0, xi 1 x 1 Equation 21: Piecewise Linear Basis Function The tridiagonal matrix can then be solved numerically, for the unknown vectors, ci. 5.0 RESULTS AND ERROR ANALYSIS 5.1 Uniform Load – Simply Supported Beam In order to do some comparisons between the actual solution and approximations determined by the various numerical methods some beam specifications are given: E = 1e+11 lbs/in2 Width, b = 1 in. Height, H = 1 in. Second Moment of Inertia, I(x)=I0=bh3/12 = 1/12 in4 Length = 10 in. Uniform Load, w(x)=w0 = -1e+5 lbs/in2 Results recorded every 0.25in along the beam. 5.1.1 Finite Element Method Using linear two-noded 2D-beam elements in ANSYS, a parametric mesh density study was performed. This allowed us to see how close the true beam deflection was approximated. Meshes of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20 and 40 elements were used. The linear results were extracted from ANSYS and plotted in Excel. The lower element meshes were capable of determining deflections 7 exact to within the computer epsilon at the ends of each element (node locations), however, the result between nodes is very inaccurate. This is because the code is simply linearly interpolating between nodes to generate results. Figure 6 below shows 2, 4, 5, and 8 element mesh densities and their results relative to the strength of material solution: Finite Element Method: 2D Simply Supported Beam Deflection vs. Axial Beam Location 0.0000 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 -0.0002 -0.0004 Deflection (in.) -0.0006 -0.0008 -0.0010 -0.0012 Y disp - 2E Y disp - 4E Y disp - 5E Y disp - 8E Closed Form -0.0014 -0.0016 Axial Beam Location (in.) Figure 6: 2, 4, 5, and 8 Beam Element Meshes – Deflection vs. Axial Beam Location The finite element method first solves for displacements, and then stresses and strains. For this reason, it is critical to model the true deflected shape. Using too few elements, results in a geometry model that is too stiff to accurately predict the peak stresses in the beam. This means a small error in displacement results in higher order error in the stress solution. Figure 7 shows the 10, 20, and 40 element mesh densities and their results relative to the strength of material solution: Finite Element Method: 2D Simply Supported Beam Deflection vs. Axial Beam Location 0.0000 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 -0.0002 -0.0004 Deflection (in.) -0.0006 -0.0008 -0.0010 -0.0012 Y disp - 10E Y disp - 20E Y disp - 40E Closed Form -0.0014 -0.0016 Axial Beam Location (in.) 8 Figure 7: 10, 20, and 40 Beam Element Meshes – Deflection vs. Axial Beam Location It is visibly clear that the higher number of elements, the more accurate the deflected shape. Querying the deflections every 0.25” along the beam allowed for some error calculations. The plot in figure 8 shows the percent error of the various mesh densities vs. axial beam location: Finite Element Method Mesh Density Study % Error in Deflection vs. Beam Location 40.0 Error-2E Error-4E Error-5E Error-8E Error-10E Error-20E Error-40E 35.0 % Deflection Error 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Beam Location (in.) Figure 8: % Error vs. Axial Beam Location for Different Mesh Densities Due to the very small deflections, all error analysis was generated in percent error from the closed form solution. Using the data presented above, the l-infinity norm for each different mesh density was determined. This was done by taking the percent error at every location along the beam for each method and sorting out the highest. Then, the highest error of the four methods was separated. Table 1 shows the results: Table 1: FEA Mesh Study: % Error l-infinity norm The analysis data obviously supports a finer mesh density, with the 40-element mesh giving approximations at every node to within the computer epsilon. It must be mentioned, however, that increased accuracy comes with additional solution time per iteration (possibly more iterations necessary as well). For this simpler problem, the difference was not very noticeable (a matter of seconds), but when these engineering mechanics problems, become larger, and more complex (3D, more involved boundary conditions, etc.), engineering judgement to the accuracy of the 9 approximation comes into play. It is impractical and sometimes impossible to check approximations with the exact solutions. A parametric mesh density study to show a converged stress solution is being reported is also a good check. These studies typically require at least three mesh densities with the same geometry and boundary conditions. One other method to generate higher accuracy is to use a higher order element. A quadratic element, rather than a linear element can usually achieve the required accuracy with a coarser mesh. Their additional terms allow a better displacement approximation. Note: All the data in this section can be found in tabular form in appendix B. The finite element macros used to build the models and run the solutions can be found in appendix C. 5.1.2 Linear “Shooting” Method The second method used to approximate deflections for the problem was the Linear “Shooting” Method. Algorithm 11.1 from the textbook was used in Maple V (Burden & Faires, 1997). The spacing was set to output results every 0.25” along the beam, the same breakup as the 40 element FEM, which would allow for good error comparison. The percent error relative to the closed form solution is plotted in figure 9 below: Linear "Shooting" Method: % Error in Deflection vs. Beam Location 0.0040 0.0035 % Deflection Error 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Axial Beam Location (in.) Figure 9: “Shooting” Method: % Error vs. Axial Beam Location The solution produces good results with very quick solution time. They are not as accurate as the 40-element finite element method approximation, but the trade for solution time may make the “shooting” method a valid approach for this particular problem. The computational error is highest at the edges, near the boundary conditions. Algorithm 11.1 required a 2 nd order differential equation. This involved solving two steps of integration of the 4th order DE as discussed in the theory section of this report, prior to using the code. In cases that vary in cross-sectional dimensions or load over the length of the beam, the integration becomes more complex, as will be shown in the section 5.2. Note: All the data in this section can be found in tabular form in appendix B. A printout of the algorithm as well as the actual solution file can be located in appendix D. 10 5.1.3 Finite Difference Method Algorithm 11.3,also provided by our textbook (Burden & Faires, 1997) was used in Maple V to generate deflection approximations along the beam using the linear finite difference method. The method’s accuracy relative to the closed form solutions using N=39 or h=0.25 are shown in the figure 10 below: Finite Difference Method: % Error in Deflection vs. Beam Location 0.0700 0.0600 % Deflection Error 0.0500 0.0400 0.0300 0.0200 0.0100 0.0000 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Axial Beam Location (in.) Figure 10: Finite Difference Method: % Error vs. Axial Beam Location Again, the results are reasonable, however this method recorded higher overall errors than FEM or linear “shooting”. Note: All the data in this section can be found in tabular form in appendix B. A printout of the algorithm as well as the actual solution file can be located in appendix E. 5.1.4 Raleigh-Ritz Method The final method chosen to approximate beam deflections is the Raleigh-Ritz Method. Again, the course textbook provided an algorithm (11.5) written in Maple V which would allow the user to input the 2nd order DE and interval spacing on a scale linearized from 0 to 1 (Burden & Faires, 1997). The chosen spacing was 0.25” to remain consistent with the other analysis. The uniformly loaded beam deflections were again approximated very well. The percent error relative to the closed form solution is plotted in figure 11 below: 11 Rayleigh-Ritz Method: % Error in Deflection vs. Beam Location 0.0040 0.0035 % Deflection Error 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Axial Beam Location (in.) Figure 11: Raleigh-Ritz Method: % Error vs. Axial Beam Location The plot looks very similar to the percent error plot for the linear “shooting” method, figure 8. In fact, the errors for the two methods turned out to be exactly the same at each measured axial beam location. Note: All the data for the Raleigh-Ritz method analysis can be found in tabular form in appendix B. A printout of the algorithm as well as the actual solution file can be located in appendix F. Once all the data was gathered and plots were generated, the error given by each numerical approximation method was analyzed. The l-infinity norm for the four methods, each with the same spacing of 0.25” was determined. This was done by taking the highest % error for each location along the beam for each method. Then, the highest error of the four was separated. Table 2 below shows what was discovered: Table 2: % Error l-infinity norm: Simply Supported Beam w/ Uniform Load The finite difference method turned out to be the least accurate of the group, while the linear “shooting” and Raleigh-Ritz methods produce the same error. The reason the linear “shooting” method performs better that the finite difference method is due to the use of 4th Order RungeKutta for approximating solutions to the initial value problems. This technique has a truncation error of order O(h4) vs. O(h2) for the FDM. There are two ways to get a better FDM solution. The first, which is applicable to all techniques presented, is to reduce the spacing size, h. The second would be to use a higher order Taylor series expansion for approximating y’’(x). Although, both of these changes will increase accuracy, the increase in intervals and terms will add to solution time. The best method for this loading/boundary condition situation turned out to be the 40-element (0.25” spacing) finite element model. 12 5.2 Varying Load – Simply Supported Beam The purpose of this section is to show the power of using a numerical analysis technique to approximate beam-bending deflections. As mentioned earlier, not all beams have a constant load and cross-section making the actual 4th order differential equation much more difficult to evaluate. This is when numerical methods and engineering judgement as to the accuracy of the solution become very valuable. To illustrate, solutions for the following beam properties will be generated using the three methods: E = 1e+11 lbs/in2 Width, b = 1 in. Height, H = 1 in. Second Moment of Inertia, I = bh3/12 = 1/12 in4 Length = 10 in. Distributed Load, w*x= -100000x lbs/in2 Results recorded every 0.5 in length along the beam. For this problem, it is slightly more mathematically intensive to generate a closed form solution, because there are more terms to be integrated due to the varying load. The following set of equations reflect the actual integration solution: EI EI EI EI EI d4y wx dx 4 d3y w x 2 C1 3 dx 2 2 d y w x 3 C1 x C2 2 dx 6 dy w 4 C1 2 x x C 2 x C3 dx 24 2 w 5 C1 3 C2 2 y x x x C3 x C 4 120 6 2 Equations 22-26: Differential Equation Integration Using the boundary conditions given in equation 4, the coefficients, C1, C2, C3, C4 were determined and are shown in table 3: w 2 L 6 C2 0 C1 7 ( w) 4 L 360 C4 0 C3 Table 3: Coefficients for Deflection Equation 18 Also, due to the fact that the beam-bending problem begins with a 4th order differential equation, one would need to reduce this into a 2nd order boundary value problem to make the finite difference method, or linear “shooting” algorithms supplied by the textbook generate 13 approximations. The simple geometry and boundary condition set-up involved in using a commercial finite element code are displayed in figure 11: Figure 11: ANSYS Finite Element Method Physical Model The results of the four methods and their percent errors are shown in figures 12 and 13 below: Simply Supported Beam w/ Linearly Increasing Load Deflection vs. Beam Location 0.0000 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 -0.0010 Deflection (in.) -0.0020 -0.0030 -0.0040 -0.0050 -0.0060 Closed Form 20E-Finite Element Linear "Shooting" Finite Difference Raleigh-Ritz -0.0070 -0.0080 Axial Beam Location (in.) Figure 12: Deflection vs. Axial Beam Location 10.0 14 Simply Supported Beam w/ Linearly Increasing Load % Error vs. Beam Location 0.3000 % Error FEM % Error "Shooting" 0.2500 % Error FDM % Error Raleigh-Ritz % Error 0.2000 0.1500 0.1000 0.0500 0.0000 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Axial Beam Location (in.) Figure 13: % Error vs. Axial Beam Location Figure 12 shows all methods do a good job of approximating the actual beam deflection. Figure 13, the percent error plot shows the Finite-Difference Method generates the least accurate results using the same refinement as the other three numerical methods. Their error is so small relative to the FDM that they do not visually appear on the chosen % error scale. The Linear “Shooting” and Raleigh-Ritz produce deflections closest to the actual, however the Finite Element Method ranks a close second. The l-infinity norm for the four methods of equal spacing (h=0.5”) was again determined and shown in table 4 below: Table 4: % Error l-infinity norm: Simply Supported Beam w/ Linearly Varying Load All errors were within 0.3% of the closed form, Strength of Materials calculation, with the finite difference again producing the least accurate results. The linear “shooting” and Raleigh-Ritz methods showed the same % error at each location, and under this loading condition, were slightly better than the finite element method. This problem supports the use of fast, accurate numerical approximation techniques for beambending deflection analysis. They become more and more valuable as the problem’s degree of difficulty increases. Note: All the data used to make the plots in this section can be found in tabular form in appendix B. Finite Element Method, Linear "Shooting" Method, Finite Difference Method, and Raleigh-Ritz Method analysis files can be located in appendices C, D, E, and F respectively. 15 6.0 CONCLUSION Although there are many different types of numerical methods that could be used to generate approximations for beam bending boundary value problems, the four chosen showed good results. All methods require a good mesh spacing to obtain a worthy representation of the true beam deflection. The Finite Element Method is the most universal, but also the most computation intensive of the three. When the geometry and/or boundary conditions become more complex, this method still allows for good results if modeled correctly. The Linear “Shooting” Method produced good approximations under both studied loading conditions, however it can often have instability problems. For this reason, the Finite Difference Method, although it requires more work to obtain the specified accuracy, was also investigated and performed well. The Raleigh-Ritz Method, with its similarities to the finite element method also showed very good deflection results for these simple beam-loading conditions. Table 5 below was created to rank the three methods studied as to their accuracy and usefulness: Criteria Ease Of Use Solution Time Accuracy of Approx. Versatility Availability Totals Finite Element 1 3 1 1 1 7 Linear "Shooting" 2 1 1 4 1 9 Finite Difference 2 2 4 2 1 11 Raleigh-Ritz 2 1 1 3 1 8 Table 5: Method Selection Chart The most objective criteria are the accuracy of the approximation and the measurement of iteration/solution time. The others are somewhat subjective to the codes used for this particular research. Although mathematical computation time is the longest for the Finite Element Method, the versatility and accuracy when used correctly, with a good, refined mesh in areas of concern makes it the first choice for solving linear elastic beam-bending type problems. The similarities of the Raleigh-Ritz method standout in its ranking close behind the FEM. Linear “Shooting” and Finite Difference Methods rank 3rd and 4th respectively. Note, this may not be consistent with all boundary value problems and is based solely on the research and analysis studies performed specifically for this project. Some other types of numerical approximation methods that could be studied for a beam deflection problem are Collocation, Subdomain, and the Least Squared Method. 7.0 REFERENCES (1) Shigley, J.E., and Mischke, C.R., Mechanical Engineering Design 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1989 (2) Burden, R., and Faires, J.D., Numerical Analysis 6th Edition, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, CA, 1997 (3) Timoshenko, S.P., Goodier, J.N., Theory of Elasticity 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1970 (4) Edwards, C.H. Jr., and Penney, D.E., Elementary Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1993 (5) Bathe, K.J., and Wilson, E.L., Numerical Methods In Finite Element Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1976 (6) Desai, C.S., Elementary Finite Element Method, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1979 (7) Craig, R.R. Jr., Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1996 (8) Conte, S.D., and de Boor, C., Elementary Numerical Analysis, An Algorithmic Aproach, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1980