Integration Service Design Specification <Integrated System Name > Integration Service Design Specification Prepared by: [Name of Preparer] Date: 12/1/2009 MetamorphoSIS Project Integration Service Design Specification MetamorphoSIS Project Table of Contents 1. Introduction and Issue Background ........................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Integration Service Illustration .................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Purpose........................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.3 Known Functional and Technical experts .................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Approved Solution ....................................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.6.1 Features in Scope ................................................................................................................................. 6 1.6.2 Features out of Scope .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.6.3 Source and Destination Systems.......................................................................................................... 6 2. Data Specification ................................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Source Data Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Data Transformation Rules.......................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Destination Data Specifications................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Data Security and Privacy ............................................................................................................................ 7 3. Service Specification.............................................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Service Characteristics................................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 Message Exchange Pattern .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3 Message Exchange Format .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Standards Compliance ................................................................................................................................. 7 3.5 Constraints (Vender/Product/External) ..................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Service Invocation ....................................................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Quality of Service......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.6 Security ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 3.7 Service Business Owner and Business Domain ........................................................................................... 8 Integration Service Design Specification MetamorphoSIS Project 3.8 Business Objective Support ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.9 Service Success Criteria ............................................................................................................................... 8 4. Testing .................................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Testing Considerations ................................................................................................................................ 8 5. Appendices ........................................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 Test Plan ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 5.3 Process Flow ........................................................................................................................................... 9 5.4 Additional Notes or Documentation ....................................................................................................... 9 5.5 Legacy Service ......................................................................................................................................... 9 6. Open Issues........................................................................................................................................... 9 7. Notes/Comments .................................................................................................................................. 9 8. Document Signatures ............................................................................................................................ 9 1. Introduction and Overview (functional description. High level) 1.1 Integration Service Illustration Integration Service Design Specification MetamorphoSIS Project 1.2 Purpose [A brief statement of the purpose of the service from a functional perspective. Details will be covered later in this document. This can be copied directly from the FDD or business case.] 1.3 Known Functional and Technical experts [List any CU experts in this functional or technical area. These contacts may be used as resources. ] Integration Service Design Specification MetamorphoSIS Project 1.4 Associated Business Cases/Service Specifications [Note any related CEMLIs related to this service. ] 1.5 Approved Solution FROM BUSINESS CASE [Brief description of the approved solution. This can be copied from the business case. ] 1.6 Scope 1.6.1 Business Process [Which business processes/subprocesses is this service a part of. Refer to Work Products Log ] 1.6.2 Features in Scope [Functional features that must be included. Do not include technical solutions ] 1.6.3 Features out of Scope [Describe any requirements that are explicitly out of scope for this integration ] 1.6.4 Source and Destination Systems [Indicate the source and destination systems and their business owners (e.g., campus bursars offices, CU Boulder Arts and Sciences advising. ] 2. Data Specification This section deals with the data itself, not the transport of the data. 2.1 Source Data Specifications [A description of the type of source data, eg, database, csv file, web service(s), ESB event, etc. For a source file, show the file layout or refer to a layout/mapping document where this information is located. For a database, list the pertinent tables,etc. include selection criteria. Please include all necessary details. This section may be quite long.] 2.2 Data Transformation Rules [A table or other representation of rules for the transformation of the source data. Include all the transformation logic in Integration Service Design Specification MetamorphoSIS Project detail. This includes any value mapping between the two systems.] 2.3 Destination Data Specifications [A brief description of the type of destination data, eg, database, csv file, web service(s), ESB event, etc. For a destination file, discuss the file layout, where it is located, etc. For a database, discuss the pertinent tables,etc. For a web service, its wsdl and data elements, etc. If the current process is overwriting data in the target system, this process should be defined.] 2.4 Data Security and Privacy (anything to do with secure movement of data belongs in section 3, not here) [Provide a brief description of the characteristics of the data pertaining to privacy or requiring security. Especially note any standards such as HIPPA or FERPA or any system wide policies and/or guidelines. Is this data being passed outside of the university domain or not. What is the data sensitivity level? ] 3. Transport Service Specification 3.1 Service Characteristics [A brief description of the type of service exchange pattern: request/response, one-way file transfer, event based, etc… This description should define the transport (FTP, HTTP(S), SFTP, JMS,etc).Additionally, known coupling characteristics, such as synchronous or asynchronous] 3.3 Message Exchange Format [Fixed text, csv, XML, SOAP, etc. ] 3.4 Standards Compliance [Describe whether this service is UIS standards compliant, and if not compliant, provide a justification. This could refer to UIS architectural standards, industry standards] 3.5 Constraints (Vender/Product/External) [Describe any external constraints which may impact the way this service is constructed. ] 3.6 Service Invocation [Indicate if this service is called on demand, or on a scheduled interval ( like a batch), or via a business event. ] Batch job scheduled to run nightly Integration Service Design Specification MetamorphoSIS Project 3.7 Quality of Service [Discuss estimated uptime, expected latency, or any SLA requirements/expectations.] for example, are there dependencies on other processes, specific time-windows this must be completed in. Are there laws or regulations that define when this data must be received by. If a nightly job fails, can it wait until the next night to capture? 3.8 Security [Discuss any security considerations and/or security implications.] 3.9 Service Business Owner and Business Domain [Identify the business owner and to which business domain this service belongs. May be multiple owners across campuses] 3.95 Business Objective Support [Business objectives or strategies this service will support.] 3.96 Service Success Criteria [Characterize would constitutes success.] 4. Testing 4.1 Testing Considerations [List all specific testing considerations pertinent to this service. ] 5. Appendices 5.1 Test Plan [Define a table of test scenarios. ] 5.2 Supporting Documentation [List all supporting documentation. ] Integration Service Design Specification MetamorphoSIS Project 5.3 Process Flow [Describe the data process flow or include a sequence diagram of the interchange with this service. ] 5.4 Additional Notes or Documentation [List of the business case document, the Final Design Document and any other pertinent documents. ] 5.5 Legacy Service [If this service is replacing a legacy service, identify the documentation for the legacy service. ] 6. Open Issues [Maintain an issues list. ] 7. Notes/Comments [Note additional information not captured elsewhere. ] 8. Document Signatures Name / Role Technical Lead Business Analyst Quality Assurance Project Manager Business Project Sponsor Signature Date