MARINE STEAM POWER PLANT HEAT BALANCE by Steven A. Gelardi An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Engineering Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut June, 2012 (For Graduation August, 2012) © Copyright 2012 by Steven A. Gelardi All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS MARINE STEAM POWER PLANT HEAT BALANCE....................................................i CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................ vii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ ii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................................iv ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ v 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1 2. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Theory .................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.1 2.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics .......................................................... 4 Problem Description............................................................................................. 5 2.2.1 Preliminary Values ................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 Secondary Values ..................................................................................... 6 3. EQUATIONS/MATRICES ........................................................................................... 7 3.1 3.2 Main Propulsion Turbine ..................................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Steam Rate (Non-Extraction) ................................................................... 7 3.1.2 Available Energy...................................................................................... 8 3.1.3 Efficiency of the State Line.................................................................... 10 3.1.4 Temperature Correction Factor .............................................................. 10 3.1.5 State Line Energy ................................................................................... 11 3.1.6 Exhaust Loss .......................................................................................... 12 3.1.7 Mechanical and External Efficiency ...................................................... 13 3.1.8 Gland Leak Off ...................................................................................... 14 Power ................................................................................................................. 15 3.2.1 Power Equation ...................................................................................... 15 iii 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.2.2 Estimated Total Flow Rate from Superheaters ...................................... 15 3.2.3 Power Matrix .......................................................................................... 16 Superheater ......................................................................................................... 18 3.3.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 18 3.3.2 Superheater Outlet Flow ........................................................................ 18 High Pressure Heater (Economizer)................................................................... 20 3.4.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 20 3.4.2 Terminal Temperature Difference and Temperature Difference ........... 21 3.4.3 Heat Exchange Pressure, Temperatures and Enthalpies ........................ 21 Direct Contact Heater (Deaerating Feed Tank) ................................................. 24 3.5.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 24 3.5.2 DC Heater and Auxiliary Exhaust Pressure ........................................... 24 3.5.3 DC Heater Flow Rate to Feed Pump ...................................................... 25 3.5.4 Direct Contact Vent Condenser ............................................................. 26 Low Pressure Heater .......................................................................................... 28 3.6.1 3.7 3.8 Component Detail .................................................................................. 28 Feed Water Drain Collection Tank .................................................................... 29 3.7.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 29 3.7.2 Contaminated Drains .............................................................................. 29 3.7.3 Steam Air Heaters .................................................................................. 30 3.7.4 Make-Up Feedwater ............................................................................... 32 3.7.5 Steam Atomizers .................................................................................... 33 3.7.6 Soot Blowers .......................................................................................... 33 3.7.7 Distilling Plant ....................................................................................... 34 3.7.8 Distiller Air Ejector Flow....................................................................... 35 3.7.9 Feed Water Drain Collection Tank Flow ............................................... 36 Main Condenser ................................................................................................. 38 iv 3.9 3.8.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 38 3.8.2 Main Condenser Flow ............................................................................ 39 Auxiliary Condenser .......................................................................................... 40 3.9.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 40 3.9.2 Auxiliary Condenser Flow ..................................................................... 40 3.10 Desuperheater ..................................................................................................... 41 3.10.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 41 3.10.2 Desuperheater Steam Flow .................................................................... 41 3.10.3 Desuperheated Steam Mass Flow .......................................................... 42 3.10.4 Desuperheated Temperature and Pressure ............................................. 42 3.11 Domestic / Hotel Loads ...................................................................................... 45 3.11.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 45 3.11.2 Domestic Water Heating ........................................................................ 45 3.11.3 Galley Heating ....................................................................................... 45 3.11.4 Laundry Heating..................................................................................... 45 3.11.5 Total Domestic Hotel Loads .................................................................. 45 3.12 Final Flow Values .............................................................................................. 46 4. COMPONENT CALCULATIONS ............................................................................. 47 4.1 4.2 Turbo-Generator ................................................................................................. 47 4.1.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 47 4.1.2 Rated Kilo-Watt Load ............................................................................ 47 4.1.3 Operating Kilo-Watt Load ..................................................................... 48 4.1.4 Generator / Turbine Size ........................................................................ 48 4.1.5 TG Temperatures, Pressures and Enthalpies .......................................... 49 4.1.6 TG Turbine Efficiency ........................................................................... 49 4.1.7 TG Steam Rates and Flows .................................................................... 53 Feed Pump .......................................................................................................... 54 v 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.2.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 54 4.2.2 Feed Pump Turbine ................................................................................ 54 4.2.3 Feed Pump Pump ................................................................................... 58 Air Ejectors ........................................................................................................ 62 4.3.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 62 4.3.2 Main Air Ejectors ................................................................................... 62 4.3.3 Auxiliary Air Ejectors ............................................................................ 63 4.3.4 Distillate Air Ejectors ............................................................................. 63 4.3.5 Air Ejector Inter-Condensers ................................................................. 63 4.3.6 Air Ejector After-Condensers ................................................................ 64 Boilers ................................................................................................................ 65 4.4.1 Component Detail .................................................................................. 65 4.4.2 Boiler Fuel Oil ....................................................................................... 66 4.4.3 Heat Rate ................................................................................................ 67 4.4.4 Steam Drum ........................................................................................... 68 4.4.5 Boiler Efficiency .................................................................................... 68 Plant Cycle Efficiency........................................................................................ 72 4.5.1 Efficiency Theory................................................................................... 72 4.5.2 Cycle Efficiency ..................................................................................... 72 4.5.3 Plant Cycle Efficiency............................................................................ 73 4.5.4 Carnot Efficiency ................................................................................... 73 5. RESULTS/DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 78 5.1 MASS BALANCE ............................................................................................. 78 5.2 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................... 80 6. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................ 82 7. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 83 vi LIST OF SYMBOLS A/F, Air to Fuel Ratio fL, Load Correction Factor Aa, Annulus Area, ft^2 fp, Initial Pressure Correction Factor AE, Available Energy, BTU/lb fs, Superheat Correction Factor B1, High Pressure Heater’s mass flow, ft, Initial Temperature Correction Factor lb/hr G(EST), Estimated Total Flow Rate, B2, Steam Air Heaters flow, lb/hr lb/hr B3, Main Turbine Exhaust flow, lb/hr G, Total Flow Rate, lb/hr BHP)OPER, GPD, Gallons per Day, GPD Operating Brake Horsepower, hp GPM, Gallons per Minute, GPM BHP, Brake Horsepower, hp h(B), Mean Enthalpy of B1, B2, and B3, Cp(Air), Heat Capacity of Air, BTU/°F BTU/lb Cp(FO), Heat Capacity of Fuel Oil, h(B1), Enthalpy of High Pressure Heater’s mass flow, BTU/lb BTU/°F E(EST), Estimated Total Energy, lb/hr h(B2), Enthalpy of Steam Air Heaters E, Total Energy, lb/hr flow, BTU/lb EB, Efficiency of the State Line, % h(B3), Eb, TG Turbine Efficiency, %/100% Main Turbine Exhaust flow, BTU/lb Eff(FP), Efficiency of Feed Pump, h(COMPONENT), %/100% enthalpy of component, BTU/lb Eff(TG TURB))OPER, Turbo Generator h(CONT DRNS), Contaminated Drains Turbine at Operated Load, %/100% Eff(TG Enthalpy of TURB))RATED, enthalpy, BTU/lb Turbo h(FP TURB EXH), Feed Pump Turbine Generator Turbine at Rated Load, Exhaust, BTU/lb %/100% h(MAKEUP EL, Exhaust Loss, lb/hr FEED), enthalpy of Makeup Feedwater, BTU/lb Em, Engine efficiency, %/100% h(MN LEAK OFF), enthalpy of Total f(D), Distillate Output Heat Steam Leak Off Steam, BTU/lb Factor h(SAH IN), Steam Air Heaters Inlet f(t), Temperature Correction Factor enthalpy, BTU/lb fb, Correction Factor vii h(SAH OUT), Steam Air Heaters Outlet hw, enthalpy of the Wheel Used Energy, enthalpy, BTU/lb BTU/lb h(TG EXH), TG Exhaust Enthalpy, kW(OPER), BTU/lb h(VAP kilo-Watt Load, kW FWDCT), FWDCT Vapor kW(RATED), Rated kilo-Watt Load, enthalpy, BTU/lb h(VENT Operational COND), kW Vent Condenser kW(TG EST), kilo-Watt Load of Turbo enthalpy, BTU/lb Generator (Estimated), kW h, enthalpy, BTU/lb kW(TG), Turbo Generator Load, kW H, Total Head developed per stage, psig LHP, Windage Loss, hp Ha, Heat Added to Combustion Air, N, Number of Persons BTU/lb Ns, Rated Specific Speed, RPM hc1, enthalpy at point Tc1, BTU/lb P(AUX hD3, enthalpy of exiting heating steam, EXH), Auxiliary Exhaust Pressure, psia BTU/lb P(AUX EXH), TG Exhaust Pressure, hF2, High Pressure Inlet Enthalpy, psia BTU/lb P(COMPONENT), hF3, enthalpy of the Temperature pressure of component, psig Outlet, BTU/lb P(DC HTR), Direct Contact Heater Hg, Stack Loss, BTU/lb Pressure, psia HHV, Higher Heating Value, BTU/lb P(DESUP), hi, enthalpy of the State Line End Point, Desuperheater Pressure, psig BTU/lb P(DISCH), discharge pressure, psig HL, Heat Loss, BTU/lb P(HP HTR SHELL), High Pressure ho, enthalpy of Initial Pressure and Heater Shell Pressure, psig Temperature, BTU/lb P(LP HTR SHELL), Pressure of the Ho, Heat Input, BTU/lb Low Pressure Heater Shell, psia hp, enthalpy of So and pressure of main P(STM DRUM), Steam Drum Pressure, condenser, BTU/lb psig HR, Heat Rate, BTU/lb/hp P(SUCT), suction pressure, psig Hu, Heat Radiation, BTU/lb P, Power, shp or kW ii P’o, TG entering Steam pressure, psia Q(DOM Po, Initial Pressure, psig WATER HEATING), Domestic Water Heating flow, lb/hr Pso, Superheater Outlet Pressure, psig Q(DOM), Domestic Loads flow, lb/hr Q(AUX A/E), Auxiliary Air Ejector Q(DUMP), Dump flow, lb/hr flow, lb/hr Q(AUX AC), Q(FOH), Fuel Oil Heaters flow, lb/hr Auxiliary After- Q(FWDCT), Condenser flow, lb/hr Drain Collection Tank flow, lb/hr Q(AUX COND), Auxiliary Condenser Q(LOST EST), Estimated Lost Energy, flow, lb/hr lb/hr Q(AUX IC), Auxiliary Inter-Condenser Q(LOST), Lost Energy flow, lb/hr flow, lb/hr Q(MAKEUP Q(AUX LEAK OFF), Auxiliary Leak FEED), Makeup Feedwater, lb/hr Off flow, lb/hr Q(MN A/E), Main Air Ejector flow, Q(BLR EST), Estimated Boiler Flow, lb/hr lb/hr Q(MN AC), Main After-Condenser Q(COMPONENT), flow of component, flow, lb/hr lb/hr Q(MN COND), Main Condenser flow, Q(CONT DRNS), Contaminated Drains lb/hr flow, lb/hr Q(DESUP Feedwater Q(MN IC), Main Inter-Condenser flow, EST), Estimated lb/hr Desuperheater flow, lb/hr Q(MN LEAK OFF), Main Leak Off Q(DESUP), Desuperheater flow, lb/hr flow, lb/hr Q(DISTILL A/E), Distillate Air Ejector Q(MN LEAK OFF), Total Leak Off flow, lb/hr Steam, lbs/hr Q(DISTILL PLT), Distilling Plant Flow, Q(SAH), Steam Air Heater flow, lb/hr lb/hr Q(SOOT BLOWERS), Soot Blowers Q(DOM GALLEY), Galley Heating Flow, lb/hr flow, lb/hr Q(STM ATOM), Steam Atomizer Flow, Q(DOM LAUNDRY), Laundry Heating lb/hr flow, lb/hr Q(TG))OPER, Flow of the Turbo Generator at Operating Load, lb/hr iii Q(TG))RATED, Flow of the Turbo T(COMPONENT), Generator at Rated Load, lb/hr temperature of component, °F Q(TG), Turbo Generator flow, lb/hr T(DESUP), Desuperheater Temperature, Q(VAP FWDCT), FWDCT Vapor flow, °F lb/hr T(FO), Fuel Oil Temperature, °F Q(VENT), Vent Condenser flow, lb/hr T(H), Highest Point Temperature, °F Q, flow, lb/hr T(L), Lowest Point Temperature, °F R, Feed Pump Recirculation Rate, lb/hr T(MAKEUP RL, Astern-Turbine Windage, “Hg SFC, Specific Fuel FEED), Makeup Feedwater Temperature, °F Consumption, T(SAH), Steam Air Heater temperature, lb/hr/hp °F SHP, Shaft Horsepower, shp T(SAT), Saturation Temperature, °F SLEP, energy of the Desuperheated T(So), TG Exhaust Temperature, °F T’o, TG entering Steam temperature, °F Steam, BTU/lb So, enthalpy of Initial Pressure and T1, Temperature, J/K Steam Air Heaters intake temperature, °F SPC(EST), Estimated Specific Power T2, Consumption, kWh/kgal Steam Air Heaters exhaust temperature, °F SPC, Specific Power Consumption, Tc1, kWh/kgal Low Pressure Heater Shell Temperature plus the Heat Exchange SR(FP), Steam Rate of the Feed Pump, Terminal lb/hr/hp or lb/hr/kW Temperature Difference, °F SR(NE), Steam Rate Non-Extraction, TD, Temperature Difference, °F lb/hr/hp or lb/hr/kW TD3, temperature of exiting heating SR(TG EST), Steam Rate of Turbo Steam, °F Generator (Estimated), lb/hr TF2, SR(TG)OPER, Operating Steam Rate of High Pressure Heater Temperature, °F the Turbo Generator, lb/hp/kW TF3, Temperature Outlet, °F SR(TG)RATED, Rated Steam Rate of Tg, Uptake Temperature, °F the Turbo Generator, lb/hp/kW To, Initial Temperature, °F iv Inlet TTD, Terminal Temperature Difference, X, Condenser Flow, lb/hr Δh(SAH), Steam Air Heater difference °F TTD1, Terminal Temperature in enthalpies, BTU/lb ΔH(TOTAL), Change in Head Pump, Difference of Heat Exchanger, °F UE(SL), State Line Energy, BTU/lb BTU/hr UE(W), Wheel Used Energy, BTU/lb Δh, change in enthalpy, BTU/lb v(f), volume per pound, ft^3/lb ΔP(BP), Change in Boiler Pressure, psig v(L), Direct Contact Heater Outlet ΔP(CTRL volume of Liquid, ft^3/lb DESUP), Control Desuperheater Pressure, psig ΔP(Superheater), Change in Superheater v, Final Rated Specific Volume of Steam, ft^3/lb Pressure, psig ΔP, Change in pressure, psig W(FO), Work Done on the Fuel Oil, ft- ΔT(FO), Change in Temperature of the lb W, Work, J or ft-lb Fuel Oil, °F ΔT, Change in Temperature, °F WHP, Wheel Horsepower, hp or kW v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Basic Marine Steam Power Plant Cycle ........................................................... 1 Figure 2 - Conservation of Energy (2) ............................................................................... 4 Figure 3 - Main Propulsion Turbine (Cross Sectional) (4) ................................................ 7 Figure 4 – Propulsion Turbines Replacement Factors (6 p. 42) ........................................ 9 Figure 5 - Main Propulsion Turbine Basic Efficiency (6 p. 34) ...................................... 10 Figure 6 - Throttle Temperature Correction (6 p. 35) ..................................................... 11 Figure 7 - State Line (6 p. 38).......................................................................................... 12 Figure 8 - Superheater Tubes (Exposed) (7).................................................................... 18 Figure 9 - Typical Economizer (8) .................................................................................. 20 Figure 10 - Economizer Flow (aka "Third Stage Heater") (3 p. 11) ............................... 23 Figure 11 - Typical Deaerating Feed Tank (DC Heater) (9) ........................................... 24 Figure 12 - Direct Contact Heater Flow (3 p. 12)............................................................ 26 Figure 13 - Mean Specific Heat (6 p. 48) ........................................................................ 32 Figure 14 - Extraction Steam for Flash Type Evaporators (6 p. 25) ............................... 35 Figure 15 - Feed Water Drain Collection Tank System Diagram (3 p. 15)..................... 36 Figure 16 – Single-Pass Condenser (10) ......................................................................... 39 Figure 17 - Turbo Generator (Uninstalled without Piping) (11) ..................................... 47 Figure 18 - Basic Efficiency, Eb (6 p. 60) ....................................................................... 50 Figure 19 - Initial Temperature Correction Factor, ft (6 p. 63) ....................................... 50 Figure 20 - Initial Pressure Correction Factor, fp (6 p. 63) ............................................. 51 Figure 21 - Load Correction Factor, fL (6 p. 63)............................................................. 52 Figure 22 - Steam Driven Feed Pump (12) ...................................................................... 54 Figure 23 - Windage Loss, LHP (6 p. 66) ....................................................................... 55 Figure 24 - Feed Pump Rated Efficiency (6 p. 76) .......................................................... 58 Figure 25 - Typical Air Ejector (13) ................................................................................ 62 Figure 26 - Main Air Ejector Flow (6 p. 13) ................................................................... 63 Figure 27 - Fuel Oil Fired Steam Boiler (14) .................................................................. 65 Figure 28 - Steam Drum Internals (15)............................................................................ 68 Figure 29 - Stack Loss, Hg (6 p. 54)................................................................................ 71 ii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Design Characteristics (3 p. 1) ........................................................................... 5 Table 2 – Standard Capacity of a Distilling Plant (3 p. 23) ............................................. 34 Table 3 - Desuperheater and its Components’ Flows ...................................................... 42 Table 4 - Final Flow Values ............................................................................................ 46 Table 5 - Rated kW and Standard Size Generator (3 p. 23) ............................................ 48 Table 6 - Optimal Feed Pump Table................................................................................ 61 Table 7 - Matrix of Equations .......................................................................................... 95 Table 8 - Minverse ........................................................................................................... 95 Table 9 – Main Turbine Extraction Stages ...................................................................... 98 Table 10 - Power Matrix .................................................................................................. 99 Table 11 - Superheater Outlet Flow Matrix ..................................................................... 99 Table 12 - High Pressure Heater Matrix .......................................................................... 99 Table 13 - Direct Contact Heater Matrix ....................................................................... 100 Table 14 – Feed Water Drain Collection Tank Matrix .................................................. 100 Table 15 - Main Condenser Matrix ............................................................................... 100 Table 16 - Auxiliary Condenser Flow Matrix ............................................................... 101 Table 17 - Desuperheater Steam Flow Matrix ............................................................... 101 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I’d first like to acknowledge Torii Schopflin, who introduced me to Rensselaer’s Master’s Program and who also took the liberty to fill out most of the paperwork to enroll me without asking. I’d like to also thank my wife, Laurel, who has been a constant supporter of my education and has kept “gently” pushing me to finish my Masters Degree. iv ABSTRACT Ever wondered how a Marine Steam Power Plant works, with all its components working together in unison? This project will lead you through the world of steam ship’s engine rooms; giving you step-by-step methods and calculations to perform a full heatbalance of a typical marine steam powered plant. A power plant with a Shaft Horse Power of 32,500 SHP will generate a certain kiloWatt (kW) and will produce a certain flow to the main condenser. To find this, we will find various component details, such as the Steam-Water Cycle; what it does, what it includes, and how to solve for temperatures, pressures, flows, and enthalpies of each basic component. This project will provide equations, tables, and figures to guide you through solving the basic components of a steam powered engine room. In each section you will find defining terms and values that are typical for a steam ship. My final matrix will show step-by-step the values of each component in the total heat balance and how the total heat balance itself has an equal heat-in and heat-out. v 1. INTRODUCTION Steam Plants have been around for well over one-hundred years, and have paved the way for modern shipping. Steam plants work by heating water past its boiling point, until it’s superheated, then driving it through multiple turbines to produce electricity and thrust. The purpose of this project is to set forth data for a specified marine steam power plant heat balance. This project is not for all power plants however; it is specifically applicable to oil-fired steam-turbine marine power plants at maximum continuous power. Some modifications have been made to suit this plant as was saw fit. A heat balance is a necessary tool for designing a marine power plant. They can also be used to determine optimum steam conditions and a cycle design or even to analyze the performance of a power plant already in service. In order to solve the heat balance calculation, shaft horsepower, steam conditions and the basic steam-water cycle must be established. Once these have been solved, various steam, feed and condensate, and exhaust flow can be determined. The figure below shows a basic rendition of a typical Marine Steam Power Plant Cycle. (1) Figure 1 – Basic Marine Steam Power Plant Cycle 1 The Basic Steam-Water Cycle is as follows: 1. Boiler – A boiler contains the heating element of the system; fire generated by burning fuel, and applies it to boil the medium, water. 2. Throttle Box – This is the means to control the output of the boiler. In this project I will be using set values to calculate the heat balance. 3. High Pressure (HP) Turbine – The HP Turbine is where the superheated steam from the boiler is directed to, in order to generate a spinning action of the blades of the turbine. The more nozzles open, the greater the flow, the greater the power. 4. Low Pressure (LP) Turbine – The LP Turbine is where the now less-superheated steam travels through after the HP Turbine. 5. Condenser (Main/Auxiliary) – The Condenser is where the steam is dumped after the HP and LP Turbine. It interacts with a cooling medium (usually Seawater) and heat transfer occurs, cooling the steam into water. In this project, a Low Pressure Condenser will be used (at Vacuum Pressure). 6. Condensate Pump – The means of pumping the condensed steam through the remainder of the system. 7. Air Ejector (Main/Auxiliary) – Air Ejectors remove the non-condensable gases from the system and helps to draw and maintain vacuum. 8. Low Pressure Heater (First Stage Heater) – Heats the water for hotel loads, auxiliary loads, and miscellaneous loads. 9. DC Heater (Deaerating Feed Tank) – acts as a holding tank for the incoming water to the feed pump to pump into the boiler, removes non-condensable gas, and heats the water more. 10. Feed Pump – The Feed Pump serves as the driving force of the water into the boiler. Its discharge pressure must be greater than that of the boilers in order to have positive flow. 11. High Pressure Heater (Economizer) – Acts as a reheat to the system so it won’t cause a shock to the system with the entrance of cold water to the boiler. 12. Boiler – Back to the beginning of the cycle. A heat balance contains many variable factors. Some of there include fuel, hotel and domestic loads, ambient conditions (which I am nullifying this project – atmospheric 2 pressure is equal to 1 atm.), and various other ship components. These variables will vary from ship to ship and will affect its associated calculated results. For the purpose of this project, I am using a set variance of values that will be explained step-by-step throughout the project. 3 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 Theory 2.1.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy is conserved. “The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, specialized for thermodynamical systems. It is usually formulated by stating that the change in the internal energy of a closed system is equal to the amount of heat supplied to the system, minus the amount of work performed by the system on its surroundings. The law of conservation of energy can be stated: The energy of an isolated system is constant”. (2) Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, the Figure below (Figure 2 Conservation of Energy) shows that the Energy ‘IN’ (QH) is equal to the Energy ‘OUT’ (Out being summation of QC and W). The Term QH is the energy in, W is energy used on the system, and QC is the energy out. Figure 2 - Conservation of Energy (2) π(π») = π(πΆ) + π (2.1) π = π(π») − π(πΆ) (2.2) π(π») − π − π(πΆ) = 0 (2.3) 4 2.2 Problem Description A design requires that the original design characteristics contain a Ships Horse Power (SHP) of 32,500 SHP, a complement of 40 persons, 2 boilers, a throttle temperature of 950 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and pressure of 850 pounds-per-square-inch-gauge (psig). Condenser pressure is 1.5 Inches of Mercury ("Hg) and Auxiliary Condenser is 2 "Hg. The required Engine efficiency “Em” is given at 0.96. The objective is to complete the heat balance. Note: The design must contain a total plant flow “E” for 2 boilers. 2.2.1 Preliminary Values Given the scope of the work, the given values in the problem description are not a lot to go on. Some preliminary values must be given before we can proceed. The table below shows what we already know from the problem statement, plus a few components not yet unidentified. The Initial Pressure and Temperature, Shaft Horsepower, and Required Engine Efficiency were calculated from a specific set of factors already given from MARINE ENGINEERING DESIGN I REPORT (3 p. 1). The Appendices A.1.5 and A.1.2 give us the values to solve for the Initial Temperature and Pressure. The Complement (Number of Persons) “N” was chosen as a typical value of people aboard a cargo ship. Table 1 - Design Characteristics (3 p. 1) Item Pressure, Initial (Po) Value 850 864.696 950 Temperature, Initial (To) Main Condenser Pressure 1.5 0.736765 2 0.982353 Auxiliary Condenser Pressure Shaft Horse Power (SHP) Units psig psia °F "Hg psia "Hg psia 32,500 SHP Required Engine Efficiency (Em) Number of Boilers 0.96 2 Boilers Number of Persons (N) 40 Complement 5 2.2.2 Secondary Values In order to solve this Heat Balance, some other conditions have to be solved for. The subsequent sections in this project will show the areas that are going to be solved. First we will start with the Main Propulsion Turbine (Section 3.1), then work our way to the Power Equation (Section 3.2), then the Superheater and Desuperheater (Sections 0 and 0), High Pressure Heater (Section 3.4), Direct Contact Heater (Section 3.5), Low Pressure Heater (Section 3.6), Feedwater Drain Collection Tank (Section 3.7), Main and Auxiliary Condenser (Sections 3.8 and 3.9), and finally the Domestic Loads (Section 3.11) before getting into the Component Calculations (Section 4). 6 3. EQUATIONS/MATRICES 3.1 Main Propulsion Turbine The Main Propulsion (or High Pressure, “HP”) Turbine is where the superheated steam from the boiler is directed to and through to generate a spinning action of the blades of the turbine. This spinning action in turn generates rotation of reduction gears and pinions, which in turn spins the main shaft and the propeller to generate movement in water. The more nozzles open, the greater the flow, the greater the shaft revolutions-perminute, and generally speaking the greater the speed of the ship. Figure 3 - Main Propulsion Turbine (Cross Sectional) (4) 3.1.1 Steam Rate (Non-Extraction) Steam turbines differ according to whether or not a portion of the steam flow is extracted from the turbine’s intermediate portion. Extraction is where a minor portion of the steam flow leaves the turbine through a different path to partially reheat the water fed back to the boiler. Extraction can significantly increase the efficiency of the marine steam power plant. However, this power plant does not call for an Extraction Turbine; therefore this turbine will be classified as a ‘Straight-Tube Turbine,’ which means Non-Extraction Turbine. 7 The equation for Steam Rate Non-Extraction “SR(NE)” is defined as ππ (ππΈ) = 2544.4 (βπ − βπ€) (3.1) where the 2544.4 BTUs-per-hour is equal to 1 horsepower, hp. The SR(NE) should have a value between five and six. In order to solve for SR(NE), I need the two unknowns, “hw” and “ho”. The first term “hw” is the Enthalpy of the ‘Wheel Used Energy.’ The second term “hw” is equal to “hi” (the State Line End Point) plus “EL” (Exhaust Loss). βπ€ = βπ + πΈπΏ = 997.911 π΅ππ ππ (3.2) The second term “ho” is the Enthalpy at the Initial Pressure and Temperature Point. βπ = β(ππ, ππ) = 1481.998 π΅ππ ππ (3.3) This gives us an enthalpy of “hw” to be equal to 997.911 BTUs-per-pound, and an enthalpy of “ho” to be equal to 1481.998 BTUs-per-pound. The Steam Rate can now be solved since I have “hw” and “ho”. ππ (ππΈ) = 2544.4 ππ (βπ − βπ€) = 5.256086 βπ βπ − βπ (3.4) The Steam Rate (Non-Extraction) falls in-between the range of five to six as was previously noted. The next Section 3.1.2 will show step-by-step how to solve for the Available Energy of the Main Propulsion Turbine. 3.1.2 Available Energy Available Energy, AE, is the theoretical total amount of energy (in BTU/lb) that the turbines see. The difference in enthalpies of points “ho” and “hp” is theoretically what the Available Energy is equal to. π΄πΈ = βπ − βπ (3.5) Since “ho” was previously defined (Initial Pressure and Temperature Enthalpy) and solved in Section 3.1.1, “hp” is the remaining unknown needed solve for AE. βπ = β(ππ, ππ) = 1482 π΅ππ ππ (3.6) The Entropy, given by the term “So” in this instance, is solved at the Initial Pressure and Temperature Point. 8 As described by Wikipedia about Entropy: “Entropy is a thermodynamic property that can be used to determine the energy available for useful work in a thermodynamic process, such as in energy conversion devices, engines, or machines. Such devices can only be driven by convertible energy, and have a theoretical maximum efficiency when converting energy to work. During this work, entropy accumulates in the system, which then dissipates in the form of waste heat.” (5) ππ = (ππ, ππ) = 1.651915 π½ πΎ (3.7) Figure 4 – Propulsion Turbines Replacement Factors (6 p. 42) The Entropy at Point “Po”, “To” is now known; solving for the term “hp” is what remains. The term “hp” is the Enthalpy, in BTU/lb, of the Entropy at Points “Po”, “To” and of the Pressure in the Main Condenser “P(MN COND)”. βπ = β(ππ, π(ππ πΆπππ·)) = 907.2985 9 π΅ππ ππ (3.8) Now that we have solved for the Enthalpy of the top point (Boiler Temperature and Pressure) and of the low point (Main Condenser Temperature and Pressure) we can solve for the difference of the two. The difference we have already identified to be the Available Energy. π΄πΈ = βπ – βπ = 574.6993 3.1.3 π΅ππ ππ (3.9) Efficiency of the State Line The Efficiency of the State Line, “Eb”, is a way to solve for the Basic Efficiency of the Main Propulsion Turbine Hear for Non-Extraction Operation. It’s solved from either using Figure 5 - Main Propulsion Turbine Basic Efficiency or by using the following equation. πΈπ = (βπ − βπ) = 0.86494 = 86.494 % π΄πΈ (3.10) Figure 5 - Main Propulsion Turbine Basic Efficiency (6 p. 34) 3.1.4 Temperature Correction Factor The Temperature Correction Factor “f(t)” is what is used to correct for the Throttle Temperature (Temperature of the Steam entering the Main Turbine). It’s solved either using the Polynomial Equation derived in the Appendices A.2.3 - Temperature Correction Factor or by using Figure 6 - Throttle Temperature Correction. 10 Figure 6 - Throttle Temperature Correction (6 p. 35) I used the derived equation in the Appendices to solve for “f(t)” and then doublechecked the answer against the table to ensure the value is correct. The Temperature Correction Factor was found to be π(π‘) = 1.01202 3.1.5 State Line Energy The State Line Energy “UE(SL)” will determining the actual Energy for the State Line for the Main Propulsion system. Since we have already solved for the Available Energy “AE”, Basic Efficiency (Eb), and the Temperature Correction Factor (f(t)), the State Line Energy can be calculated. ππΈ(ππΏ) = π΄πΈ ∗ πΈπ ∗ π(π‘) = 497.0778 π΅ππ ππ (3.11) State Line End Point “SLEP” is the energy of the Desuperheated Steam. ππΏπΈπ = βπ = βπ – ππΈ(ππΏ) = 984.92 11 π΅ππ ππ (3.12) Figure 7 - State Line (6 p. 38) 3.1.6 Exhaust Loss Exhaust Loss Theory The Exhaust Loss, “EL”, is the amount of steam that is ‘lost’ to the turbine system. This loss, generally speaking, is the steam that isn’t converted to Work through the turbine; it bypasses the blades one way or another. The Exhaust Loss in this system dumps straight to the Condenser, whereas with an Extraction Turbine some Exhaust Loss actually is rerouted to reheat the incoming boiler water. To start off, an “EL” value between 4,000 and 6,000 pounds-per-hour is the target range to get what is called an ‘Annulus Area’ “Aa”. The Annulus Area is the average cross section area of flow. I am going to assume that our Steam Rate, Non-Extraction “SR(NE)” is going to be 5.5 (for conditions “Po”, “To”, and “P(MN COND)”). After 12 solving for the two different values (solved in the Appendices), I got the answers. For a flow of 4000 lb/hr the Exhaust Loss “EL” is equal to 9.81118 lb/hr, and for a flow of 6000 lb/hr, 17.19019 lb/hr. These values provide the general range of where our Exhaust Loss lies. It is somewhere between approximately 9.8 lb/hr and 17.2 lb/hr. The next section will solve for the definitive answer. Annulus Area and Solving of Exhaust Loss Remembering that the Annulus Area “Aa” is the average cross sectional area of flow for the Main Turbine, we can now solve for it. The new variable below, “X,” is the actual Condenser Flow. π΄π = ππ (ππΈ) ∗ ππ»π ( πΈπ ) (3.13) π(ππ πΆπππ·) ∗ π “π΄π” ππ‘ 4,000 “πΈπΏ” πΉπππ€ = 31.03137 ft² “π΄π” ππ‘ 6,000 “πΈπΏ” πΉπππ€ = 20.68758 ft² The closest Annulus Area that we can pick will be a value of 25, as it’s the mean of the two boundaries solved above. The Actual Condenser Flow “X” will come from the Annulus Area. π = ππ (ππΈ) ∗ ππ»π ( πΈπ ) (π(ππ΄πΌπ πΆπππ·) ∗ π΄π) = 4965.019 ππ βπ (3.14) With this exact Condenser Flow Value, we can use it to solve for the Exhaust Loss utilizing the curve fit equation (Appendices A.2.5). πΈπΏ = 12.99132 3.1.7 π΅ππ ππ Mechanical and External Efficiency The Mechanical and External Efficiency “Em” is the ratio of the Shaft-Horsepower to the Shaft-Horsepower-plus-Losses. ππ»π (ππ»π + πΏππ π ππ ) (3.15) (100 − (3.5 + π πΏ)) (100) (3.16) πΈπ = πΈπ = 13 In order to solve for “Em”, I need all of the Losses of the system, which is given by the following equation. πΏππ π ππ = (ππ»π ∗ (3.5 + π πΏ)) (100 − (3.5 + π πΏ)) (3.17) “RL” is the Astern-Turbine Windage. Windage is essentially friction which occurs when the turbine blades contact the near-stationary steam when at low or no load conditions. The Windage losses cause heating of the blades in the last few stages of the turbine. By utilizing the lowest area available exhaust end of the astern casing, windage losses can be reduced. π πΏ = 0.33 ∗ π(ππ πΆπππ·) = 0.495 “π»π (3.18) Now that I have solved for “RL,” the Total Loss equation can be solved. πΈπ = 3.1.8 (100 − (3.5 + π πΏ)) = 0.96005 (100) (3.19) Gland Leak Off Gland Leak Off is just that, steam and air that leaks off from the glands of the turbine. For a typical cross-compound marine propulsion turbine with single flow low pressure elements, such as what this system is using, we may make a few assumptions. The first is that the Total Leak Off Steam “Q(MN LEAK OFF)” is equal to π(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) = 200 + 0.003 ∗ (ππ»π) = 297.5 πππ βπ (3.20) and the second is that the Enthalpy of Leak Off Steam “h(MN LEAK OFF)” is equal to Equation (3.21) β(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) = βπ − 0.4 ∗ ππΈπ (3.21) However, to solve for “h(MN LEAK OFF)”, we need to solve for “UE(W).” The Wheel Used Energy, “UE(W)” is equal to the Initial Enthalpy minus the State Line End Point (Remaining Energy). This brings us to solve for “UE(W).” ππΈ(π) = βπ − βπ€ = 484.0865 (3.22) Now that we have the Wheel Used Energy, we can solve for the enthalpy of the Leak-Off Steam using Equation 3.21. β(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) = 1288.363 14 π΅ππ ππ 3.2 Power 3.2.1 Power Equation Horsepower was originally defined to compare the output of steam engines with the power of draft horses in continuous operation. The unit is used to measure the output of piston engines, turbines, electric motors, and various other pieces of machinery. The power generated is usually defined in terms of kilo-Watts. ππ»π ππ»π = π = ( ) = 33852.4 ππ πΈπ 3.2.2 (3.23) Estimated Total Flow Rate from Superheaters Next I want to solve for the Total Flow Rate leaving the Superheaters in the Boilers that does not reach the Main Turbine, “G.” The equation for “G” is πΊ = π(π·πΈπππ) + π(ππΊ) + π(πΏπππ) (3.24) “G” is the Total Flow Rate, as it contains what is used by the Turbo Generator, what is lost, and what is desuperheated. Since “G” is equal to these three factors, I will be solving for “Q(DESUP)”, “Q(TG)”, and “Q(LOST)”. The following three equations (Equations 3.25 through 3.27) lay out the needed values. π(ππΊ) = ππ (ππΊ) ∗ ππ(ππΊ) π(πΏπππ) = 0.005 ∗ (πΈ) = 824.5402 ∗ (3.25) ππ βπ π΅π»π π(π·πΈπππ) = ππ (πΉπ) ∗ ( ) ∗ πΈ(πΈππ) + 3000 πΈ (3.26) (3.27) Where “kW(TG)” is the Turbo Generators kilo-Watt Load and “E(EST)” is the Energy Estimate. Instead of using “E”, we are going to be using “E(EST)”, which is the Energy Estimate, instead to find estimated values of “Q(TG)”, “kW(TG)”, and “Q(DESUP)” (as we don’t have “E” yet). πΈ(πΈππ) − πΊ(πΈππ) = ππ (ππΈ) ∗ ( ππ»π β(π΅) − βπ€ ) ∗ [1 − 0.25 ∗ (1 − )](3.28) (βπ − βπ€) πΈπ To solve for “h(B)”, I need the average of “hB1”, “hB2”, and “hB3”. “hB2” is the Enthalpy of the Steam Air Heaters. “hB1” is equal to the average of “hB2” and the Initial Enthalpy. Finally, “hB3” is equal to “hB2” and the State Line End Point Enthalpy average. 15 βπ + βπ΅2 π΅ππ = 1377.934 2 ππ π΅ππ βπ΅2 = β(ππ΄π») = 1273.871 ππ βπ΅2 + βπ π΅ππ βπ΅3 = = 1129.396 2 ππ βπ΅1 + βπ΅2 + βπ΅3 π΅ππ β(π΅) = = 1260.4 3 ππ βπ΅1 = (3.29) (3.30) (3.31) (3.32) Since “E(EST)” is being solved to find a general area value, I need to find its components in estimated form. “Q(TG EST)” is equal to “SR(TG EST)” multiplied by “kW(TG EST)”. I need to find “SR(TG EST)” and “kW(TG EST)”. The values listed below are rough estimates that I am assuming in order to find the Total Flow Rate “G”, which will be solved later in this project. ππ (ππΊ πΈππ) = 10 πππ βπ ππ(ππΊ πΈππ) = 1250 ππ From Equation (3.25): π(ππΊ πΈππ) = 1250 ππ ∗ 10 ππ βπ ∗ ππ ππ = 12,500 (~ ππππππ₯ππππ‘πππ¦ 0.4 ∗ πΈ(πΈππ)) βπ (3.33) Desuperheated Steam Estimate Flow The last of the things to find for “G” is the Flow of Desuperheated Steam, or in this case, the Estimated Flow “Q(DESUP EST).” π΅π»π π(π·πΈπππ πΈππ) = ππ (πΉπ) ∗ ( ) ∗ πΈ(πΈππ) πΈ (3.34) The Term “DESUP” is Desuperheated steam, or steam that has moisture in it and is below its superheated state. “Q(DESUP EST)” will not be solved until after the Steam Rate of the Feed Pump, “BHP / E” and “E(EST)” are found (Section 3.3.2). 3.2.3 Power Matrix Using Table 10 - Power Matrix, Page 99, we can solve the value for Power as a function of Equation 3.35. 16 π πΈ−πΊ πΈ– πΊ − π΅1 = ( ) + ( ) π π πΈ − πΊ − π΅1 − π΅2 − π(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) +( ) π (3.35) πΈ − πΊ − π΅1 − π΅2 − π΅3 − π(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) +( ) π From Equation 3.23 where WHP = SHP / Em, we can solve for “P” as it is equal to the WHP as shown in Equation 3.36: π = ππ»π = ππ»π πΈπ 17 = 33852.4 hp (3.36) 3.3 Superheater 3.3.1 Component Detail The Superheater is a series of tubes inside the Boiler. It’s meant to increase the temperature of steam past its saturation state and into the superheated state. This superheated steam is considered ‘dry steam’ as it has no water moisture in it. Moisture is extremely detrimental to any steam turbine; it can cause excessive pounding of the turbine, it can cause extreme erosion of the turbine blades, and in some cases it can rip the turbine apart. A turbine spinning over 8000 revolutions-per-minute, if shaken loose from the turbine, can easily shred through the casing. There have been cases of a spinning turbine blade breaking its shell and whirling out into the engine room and destroying other engine-room components. Figure 8 - Superheater Tubes (Exposed) (7) 3.3.2 Superheater Outlet Flow This section will continue from Section 3.2.2, which talks about solving for the Total Flow “G”. Next I need to solve for Superheater Outlet Flow "G," which is the flow of the superheated steam leaving the boilers' superheaters. What we know so far are the values “G” and “Q(LOST EST)”. πΊ = π(ππΊ) + π(π·πΈπππ) + π(πΏπππ) 18 (3.37) π(πΏπππ πΈππ) = 0.005 ∗ πΈ(πΈππ) (3.38) Since I do not have “E”, I have to substitute in “E(EST),” which is the Estimated value for the Energy of the System. However, since we don't have “E(EST)”, we need to find it using this given equation. ππ»π ππ»π πΈ(πΈππ) = ππ (ππΈ) ∗ ( ) − 0.25 ∗ (ππ (ππΈ) ∗ ( )) πΈπ πΈπ + [0.25 ∗ (ππ (ππΈ) ∗ ( = 139648.4 ππ»π βπ΅ − βπ€ ))] ∗ [ ] πΈπ βπ − βπ€ (3.39) ππ βπ We have now just solved for our Estimated Energy of the System, “E(EST).” This value of 139648.4 is for the whole system. With this value we can solve a variety of other estimated values. For the estimated desuperheated steam flow, “Q(DESUP EST)”. π(π·πΈπππ πΈππ) = 0.04 ∗ πΈ(πΈππ) (3.40) This last value can now be plugged into the equation to solve for “G(EST)”. πΊ(πΈππ) = π(ππΊ πΈππ) + π(π·πΈπππ πΈππ) + π(πΏπππ πΈππ) πΊ(πΈππ) = (12500) ∗ (0.04 ∗ πΈ(πΈππ)) + (0.005 ∗ πΈ(πΈππ)) = 18910.5 (3.41) (3.42) To solve the Flow per one Boiler, the Estimated E “E(EST)” value must be divided by two, since this system has installed two boilers that will be running simultaneously. π(π΅πΏπ πΈππ) = πΈ(πΈππ) π΅ππ = 9455.25 2 π΅ππππππ ππ 19 (3.43) 3.4 High Pressure Heater (Economizer) 3.4.1 Component Detail The High Pressure Heater is also known as the ‘Third Stage Heater’ or the ‘Economizer’. The High Pressure Heater serves as the last reheat before the water is sent back into the boiler. Usually, the heat stack (comparable to a chimney in a house) is used to supply the heat for the Economizer; however an Economizer cannot be too efficient. If the temperature exchange is too great and the stack’s temperature drops below its condensation point, then the stack will not be able to perform its purpose of carrying out soot and ash out of the system. An economizer in this way is designed to be inefficient, so to allow the stack to perform properly. In this section I will solve for the High Pressure “HP” Heater’s mass flow, “B1”, using the First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation of Energy), with constant volume equal to the High Pressure Heater “HP HTR”. Figure 9 - Typical Economizer (8) 20 3.4.2 Terminal Temperature Difference and Temperature Difference The Terminal Temperature Difference “TTD” (in heaters) is the difference between the saturation temperature of the condensed steam (heating steam) and the outlet temperature of the fluid being heated. If the superheat temperature of the heating steam is two-hundred degrees Fahrenheit or greater than the saturation temperature, a desuperheating section can be used. In this section, it will be; therefore our “TTD” will be equal to zero. If counter flow is assured for the drain cooling section of the heater (which it will), a temperature difference of 10 degrees Fahrenheit will be used between the feedwater inlet temperature and the drain outlet temperature. Just to recap what we just learned: ππππππππ ππππππππ‘π’ππ π·πππππππππ “πππ·” = 0 °πΉ ππππππππ‘π’ππ π·πππππππππ “ππ·” = 10 °πΉ, (πΆππ’ππ‘ππππππ€ π»πππ‘ πΈπ₯πβππππ) (3.44) (3.45) Since a Counter-flow Heat Exchanger is being utilized with this Steam Driven Power Plant, The Temperature Difference “TD” is equal to ten degrees-Fahrenheit. 3.4.3 Heat Exchange Pressure, Temperatures and Enthalpies For main steam systems, a seven-percent ‘Pressure Loss’ is from the boiler superheater outlet to the maneuvering throttle valve inlet flange when the turbine handle valves are utilized. A seven-percent loss is standard for this type of system, as this system is not considered a ‘Main Steam System,’ a ‘Desuperheated System,’ or a ‘Bleed (Exhaust) System Less than 30 psia.’ Those values different from our seven percent; therefore they will not be used. Exhaust steam will in this section of the project be assumed to have no loss in enthalpy. π(π»π π»ππ ππ»πΈπΏπΏ) = (1.00 – 0.07) ∗ π(π1) = 260.6527 ππ ππ (3.46) The temperatures and enthalpies we are looking for in this section are that of the High Pressure Heater Shell (Outlet) and the Third Stage Heater (“HP Heater”) Inlet. To find the Temperature Outlet, we need the Temperature of the Saturated Steam at the HP Heater Shell. That number needs to have the Terminal Temperature Difference subtracted from it to find “TF3,” which we will use to designate this value. 21 ππΉ3 = (π(ππ΄π)@π(π»π π»ππ ππ»πΈπΏπΏ))– πππ· = 404.67 °πΉ (3.47) With this value, we will then find the Enthalpy “hF3” at this point. We get: βπΉ3 = β(π) @ ππΉ3 = 1202.042 π΅ππ/ππ (3.48) We have now solved for the Temperature (404.67 °F) and Enthalpy (1202.042 BTU/lb) of the High Pressure Heater Outlet. To find the HP Heater Inlet Temperature and Enthalpy, we need to solve for “TF2,” the Temperature calculated before we add the TTD to it, and “hF2”, which is the Enthalpy at the Direct Contact Heater (Discussed later in Section 0). To solve for the Inlet Enthalpy, “hF2”, we will use the following equation. βπΉ2 = βπΉ2 @ π(π·πΆ π»ππ ) + π£ ∗ π₯π ∗ 144 πΈππ(πΉπ) ∗ 778 (3.49) The unknowns in this equation are given below and they both are assumptions. Per the MARINE ENGINEERING DESIGN I REPORT (3 p. 25): π₯π = 70 ππ ππ (3.50) πΈππ(πΉπ) = 0.7 (3.51) This leaves us with an Inlet Enthalpy “hF2” around 1170 BTU/lb and an Inlet Temperature “TF2”, which is the Temperature at Enthalpy “hF2,” around 272 °F. βπΉ2 = 1171.367 π΅ππ ππ ππΉ2 = 271.9545 °πΉ Since the Third Stage Heater is a Heat Exchanger, we need to find a couple of values associated with it. The flow of the incoming heat exchanging liquid (which is saturated steam from the Main Propulsion Turbine Exhaust) is given from the equation: π΅3 = πΈ(πΈππ) ∗ βπΉ3 − βπΉ2 ππ = 164108 βπ΅1 − βπ·3 βπ (3.52) This flow is considered constant through the Third Stage Heater, however the Enthalpy will change. The Enthalpy of Heating Steam is given by the value “hB1,” which has already been solved to be equal to 1377.934 BTUs-per-pound. To solve the Enthalpy of the Heating Steam Exiting the Heat Exchange “hD3”, it will be solved using the following equation. Temperature “TD3” is determined by utilizing the Steam Charts at that Enthalpy. 22 βπ·3 = β(π) @ ((π(ππ΄π) @ βπΉ2) + ππ·) = 1176.884 π΅ππ/ππ ππ·3 = π(ππ΄π) @ βπ·3 = 282.9545 °πΉ (3.53) (3.54) Figure 10 - Economizer Flow (aka "Third Stage Heater") shows the flows we have identified and labels the flow path for both the Main Steam Flow and the Heat Exchanger Fluid Flow. Figure 10 - Economizer Flow (aka "Third Stage Heater") (3 p. 11) 23 3.5 Direct Contact Heater (Deaerating Feed Tank) 3.5.1 Component Detail The Direct Contact (DC) Heater (aka Deaerating Feed Tank) acts as a holding tank for the incoming water to the feed pump to pump into the boiler. It provides a positive head pressure for the Feed Pump, as well as removes non-condensable gas, and preheats the water before it’s pumped into the boiler. Figure 11 - Typical Deaerating Feed Tank (DC Heater) (9) 3.5.2 DC Heater and Auxiliary Exhaust Pressure The Pressure of the Direct Contact Heater is a very small fraction of the Initial Pressure (usually 1/10th the pressure), as one of its functions is meant to provide a positive head pressure on the Feed Pump so that no air has the opportunity to be entrapped in the water. π(π·πΆ π»ππ ) = (0.1) ∗ 24 “ππ”, ππ ππ ππ 2 (3.55) This value should fall within a range of forty to fifty psia. After substituting in the Initial Pressure, “Po” (in psia), we get: 864.696 = 43.2348 ππ ππ 2 This value falls within the range we set; therefore our DC Heater Pressure is an π(π·πΆ π»ππ ) = (0.1) ∗ acceptable value. To solve for the Auxiliary Exhaust Pressure “P(AUX EXH)”, which is the pressure of the Steam Exhaust of the Feed Pump, it’s found by adding five psia to that of the DC Heater (Equation 3.56). π(π΄ππ πΈππ») = π(π·πΆ π»ππ ) + 5 = 48.2348 ππ ππ (3.56) Brake Horsepower The Brake Horsepower “BHP” is equal to the specific volume at the DC “v(DC HTR)” multiplied by the Change in Pressure Overall (highest to lowest point) “ΔP,” multiplied by 144, divided by 778, and finally divided by the Efficiency of the Feed Pump “Eff(FP)”. The specific volume is solved at the Pressure of 43.2348, we get a specific volume equal to 0.0171872 ft^3/lb. The change in pressure “ΔP” we are going to be assuming is approximately 1000 psi, so this will be our value. The Efficiency of the Feed Pump will be assumed to be 70%, or 0.7. This leaves us with the equation for “BHP” with all factors solved. π΅π»π = 3.5.3 π£(π·πΆ π»ππ ) ∗ π₯π ∗ 144 = 1706.42 βπ 778 ∗ πΈππ(πΉπ) (3.57) DC Heater Flow Rate to Feed Pump The mass flow of the Direct Contact Heater to the Feed Pump is solved by multiplying the Steam Rate Non-Extraction with the Brake Horsepower divided by the Estimated Enthalpy and then multiplied by the Estimated Enthalpy. The value of E(EST) divided by E(EST) cancels out to equal one. Therefore: π΅π»π π(πΉπ) = ππ (ππΈ) ∗ ( ) ∗ πΈ(πΈππ) πΈ(πΈππ) ππ = 4354.2896 βπ 25 (3.58) Feed Pump Recirculation The Feed Pump Recirculation Rate “R” will not be used for this system, so it will have a value of zero. π = 0.00 3.5.4 ππ βπ Direct Contact Vent Condenser The Low Pressure Heater (also known as the First Stage Heater, which will be explained more in Section 3.6) plays an important role to the Direct Contact Heater. Its exit flows directly into what is called the Direct Contact Vent Condenser. This action creates an effect similar to the Air Ejectors, where a change in pressure (from high to low) causes the non-condensable gases to come out of solution and be vented out the DC Heater Vent. This action not only provides this feature, but it also helps maintain a cooling action on the DC Heater, a more consistent pressure, and allows for storage. If this feed line were to stop allowing flow into the DC Heater, there would be a time-lapse before the Feed Pump would stop receiving flow. That’s why the DC Heater acts as a storage tank. It will allow some time to recuperate whatever losses to the DC Heater before a loss of feed into the boilers occurs. Figure 12 - Direct Contact Heater Flow (3 p. 12) 26 The flow through the vent condenser on the Direct Connect Heater is also needed to be found. A typical flow set by the manufacturer is one-hundred pounds (mass) per hour, therefore: π(ππΈππ πΆπππ·) = 100 ππ/βπ The enthalpy at the Vent Condenser “VENT COND” is going to be denoted by the term “h(VENT COND)”. It’s equal to the enthalpy of saturated steam at the Pressure of the DC Heater “P(DC HTR)”. β(ππΈππ πΆπππ·) = β(π)@ π(π·πΆ π»ππ ) = 1171.367 π΅ππ ππ Therefore h(VENT COND) is equal to approximately 1170 BTUs-per-pound. 27 (3.59) 3.6 Low Pressure Heater 3.6.1 Component Detail The Low Pressure Heater is also known as the First-Stage Heater, and generally it operates at ambient pressure. It’s usually the first stage of heaters (hence the nickname “First-Stage Heater”) that preheats the water before being pumped back into the steam drum in the boiler. The Gland Exhaust Condenser supplies the flow to the Low Pressure Heater, after a Heat Exchange from vapor from the Feed Water Drain Collection Tank (“FWDCT”). In the next section, we will discuss the FWDCT’s purpose and equations associated with it. Since I chose a Counter-Flow Heat Exchanger for my project (as it has the best heat exchange properties per single pass), I will be using the Counter-Flow values for this “TTD1” and each Temperature Difference: πππ·1 = 10 °πΉ (πΆππ’ππ‘ππ − πΉπππ€) (3.60) Now I need to solve for hc1, which is found by using the steam tables to find the enthalpy at “Tc1,” the Temperature at the Pressure of the Low Pressure Heater Shell “P(LP HTR SHELL).” The Pressure of the Low Pressure (LP) Heater Shell is equal to 90 % (10% Loss) of the value “B3”, Exhaust Flow. π(πΏπ π»ππ ππ»πΈπΏπΏ) = (1.0 – 0.1) ∗ π(π΅3) = 9.930963 ππ ππ (3.61) The Temperature “Tc1” is equal to the Temperature of the Low Pressure Heater Shell plus the Terminal Temperature Difference of the Heat Exchange “TTD1”. The equation below shows each value. ππ1 = (π(ππ΄π)@ π(πΏπ π»ππ ππ»πΈπΏπΏ)) + πππ·1 (3.62) ππ1 = 192.83 °πΉ + 10 °πΉ = 202.83 °πΉ Finally, to solve for the Enthalpy, we just use the Steam Tables to find the Enthalpy at Saturated Temperature point “Tc1”. βπ1 = πΈππ‘βππππ¦ ππ‘ “ππ1” = 1147.7834 28 π΅ππ ππ (3.63) 3.7 Feed Water Drain Collection Tank 3.7.1 Component Detail The Feed Water Drain Collection Tank “FWDCT” serves as a dump for the Distiller Air Ejector(s), Make-Up Feed Water, and the Vapor generated in it after it passes through the Gland Exhaust Condenser (however it will not be used in this system). The vapor flow exiting the FWDCT is equal to zero in this system; therefore the enthalpy of the vapor will be the enthalpy at 212 °F, which is the boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure. The flow of this vapor is zero and that and the enthalpy are solved from the Appendices (Section A.2.9). π(ππ΄π πΉππ·πΆπ) = 0.00 ππ βπ β(ππ΄π πΉππ·πΆπ) = β(πΉ)@ 212 °πΉ = 180.1802 (3.64) (3.65) To solve for the overall flow through the Feed Water Drain Collection Tank, a variety of values need to be calculated prior to solving it. Given by the Equation below, the flow of the following components needs to be found: Contaminated Drains, Steam Air Heaters, Make-Up Feed Water, Auxiliary After-Condenser, Main After-Condenser, Distiller Air Ejector, Main Leak Off, Auxiliary Leak Off, and finally Vent-flow. π(πΉππ·πΆπ) = π(πΆπππ π·π π) + π(ππ΄π») + π(ππ΄πΎπΈππ πΉπΈπΈπ·) + π(π΄ππ π΄πΆ) + π(ππ π΄πΆ) + π(π·πΌπππΌπΏπΏ π΄/πΈ) (3.66) + π(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) + π(π΄ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) + π(ππΈππ) 3.7.2 Contaminated Drains Component Detail The Contaminated Drains “CONT DRNS” purpose is to collect the Exhaust from the Cargo Heating and the Fuel Oil Heating and to direct it into the Feed Water Drain Collection Tank. 29 Flow and Enthalpy The first thing we on our list to solve is the Contaminated Drains flow, “Q(CONT DRNS)”. To solve for this value, we need the flows of the Fuel Oil Heaters “Q(FOH)” and the flow of the Domestic Loads “Q(DOM)”. Both of these values are solved later in this project, as their Sections haven’t come up yet. The Flow of the Fuel Oil Heaters is solved in Section and the Flow of the Domestic Loads is solved in Section 3.11. With the Flow of Fuel Oil Heaters and the Domestic Loads solved in their respective section, we have the necessary values for the Contaminated Drain Flow. The equation below is a reminder of what we have learned at the beginning of this section. π(πΆπππ π·π ππ) = π(πΉππ») + π(π·ππ) (3.67) Substituting the values we have gathered into Equation 3.67, we get: π(πΆπππ π·π ππ) = 1137.5 ππ ππ ππ + 100 = 1237.5 βπ βπ βπ This flow has an associated enthalpy with it “h(CONT DRNS)”. It’s equal to the enthalpy at 200 degrees Fahrenheit; a value chosen because of the water/vapor mixture state of the steam. β(πΆπππ π·π ππ) = β(π)@ 200°πΉ = 168.0991 π΅ππ ππ (3.68) The Flow of the Contaminated Drains will be plugged into the equation for the “FWDCT” Flow, but not until we finish solving the remainder of the flows. The next flow we will discuss is the Steam Air Heater “SAH” Flow. 3.7.3 Steam Air Heaters Component Detail The Steam Air Heaters are piping lines that come off the boiler and are installed to utilize the thermal energy from the boiler to heat ‘low-temperature flue gas’ (air) before being dumped into the “FWDCT” and effectively increases the thermal efficiency of the system. They recover the heat from the boiler flue gas (the gases that leave the stack) and redirect some of that heat and energy back into the system. 30 Temperature and Flow The Temperature of the Steam Air Heaters “T(SAH)” is usually chosen to be ~25 degrees Fahrenheit greater than the Temperature of the Fuel Oil “T(FO)”. Since this plant’s “T(FO)” is 200 degrees Fahrenheit, our “T(SAH)” is equal to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. π(ππ΄π») = 225 °πΉ The enthalpy of the Steam Air Heaters Inlet “h(SAH IN)” is equal to the Enthalpy at “B2”, which is the exhaust steam from the medium between the High and Low Pressure Turbines. β(ππ΄π» πΌπ) = β(π΅2) = 1273.871 π΅ππ ππ (3.69) The enthalpy of the Steam Air Heaters Outlet “h(SAH OUT)” is equal to the enthalpy found at the Temperature of the Steam Air Heaters, 225 degrees. This enthalpy yields us around 193 BTU/lb. β(ππ΄π» πππ) = β(π)@ 225°πΉ = 193.2969 π΅ππ ππ (3.70) To find the difference in the Enthalpies “Δh(SAH)”, the Outlet Enthalpy needs to be subtracted from the Inlet Enthalpy. π₯β(ππ΄π») = β(ππ΄π» πΌπ) − β(ππ΄π» πππ) = 1080.57 π΅ππ ππ (3.71) This system has saved around 1100 BTUs-per-pound of energy that would have otherwise been lost out the stack of the ship. That’s a pretty hefty amount; it will help with retaining energy and increasing overall thermal and energy efficiency. The last thing to solve is the flow of the Steam Air Heaters “Q(SAH)”. To do so, the Air to Fuel Ratio “A / F” is needed, along with the Specific Fuel Consumption “SFC”, the Work “W”, and finally the Heat Capacity of Air “Cp(Air)”. The Heat Capacity of Air is the only value that still has to be solved, as the others have been solved prior to this section. The Heat Capacity of Air, or Mean Specific Heat, is how much energy air can hold at a given temperature and humidity. 31 Figure 13 - Mean Specific Heat (6 p. 48) πΆπ(π΄ππ)(ππ‘ 200 πππππππ ) = 0.2438 (3.72) Now that we have the Heat Capacity of Air we can solve for the Flow of the Steam Air Heaters Drains. π΄ πΆπ(π΄ππ) π(ππ΄π» π·π ππ) = ( ) ∗ (ππΉπΆ) ∗ (π) ∗ πΉ 2 ππ = 5576.231 βπ 3.7.4 (3.73) Make-Up Feedwater Component Detail Make-Up Feedwater is a means of providing Feedwater back into the system. Normally, there are losses in the system and with an operating system, water levels in the condensers will eventually run dry and the boiler will be starved for feedwater. To counter this, makeup feed is added back into the Condensers. Feedwater is usually made up of system ‘pure’ water, or water that meets the requirements of system use (usually free of chromates and salt.) Makeup water isn’t preheated before entering the condenser, so it will have ambient temperature. In our equations, we will use the temperature value of 75 degrees Fahrenheit for “T(MAKEUP FEED)”. 32 Temperature, Enthalpy, and Flow As discussed in Section, the temperature of the Make-Up Feedwater “T(MAKEUP FEED)” will be 75 degrees. π(ππ΄πΎπΈππ πΉπΈπΈπ·) = 75 °πΉ The Enthalpy at this point “h(MAKEUP FEED)” is 43.07439 BTUs-per-pound. To solve for the flow of the makeup feed, the sum of the Steam Atomizer Flow “Q(STM ATOM”, Soot Blowers Flow “Q(SOOT BLOWERS)”, and Lost Flow “Q(LOST)” is needed. The flows for the Steam Atomizers and Soot Blowers are solved in Sections 3.7.5 and 3.7.6, respectfully. Once we solve these two values, we can determine the Make-Up Feedwater flow to be around 1925 pounds-per-hour. π(ππ΄πΎπΈππ πΉπΈπΈπ·) = π(πππ π΄πππ) + π(ππππ π΅πΏπππΈπ π) + π(πΏπππ) = 1923.623 (3.74) ππ βπ The next section will discuss the Distilling Plant “DISTILL PLT”, which is the next thing needed for the total flow of the Feedwater Drain Collection Tank “FWDCT”. 3.7.5 Steam Atomizers The flow of the Steam Atomizers is the remainder of the flow from the High Pressure Turbine “HP TURB” that has not gone to the Fuel Oil Heaters. The flow from the HP Turbine is 1529.6 pounds-per-hour. If you subtract the flow to the Fuel Oil Heaters (1137.5 pounds-per-hour) we get our answer of 392.1 poundsper-hour flow to the Steam Atomizers. 3.7.6 Soot Blowers The soot blowers’ function is to clear the boilers from settled dirt, silt, and unwanted particles. Soot blowing steam is drawn from the Desuperheated Steam and is forced through the system, to help break away sediment and foreign particles that, over time, would be detrimental to piping due to corrosion. Its flow has been solved in the Appendices (Section A.1.8). Its value is 706.9844 lb/hr for the system (two Boilers) and 353.4922 lb/hr for one Boiler. 33 3.7.7 Distilling Plant Component Detail The Distilling Plant “DISTILL PLT” is the amount of water used per day for the ship and crew. It’s necessary to have a 24-hour estimate of the average load on the distilling plant so the steam consumption rate can be determined in our Heat Balance. Solving the estimated service load will be performed in the next subsection. Estimated Service Load The equation for finding the Gallons per Day “GPD” is by adding the Makeup Feed “MAKEUP FEED” water amount used in a day with the Potable Water Allowance per person “PWA”. I will assume a typical person uses 80 Gallons per Day. I will also be assuming 8.33 Pounds are in one Gallon. πΊππ· = ( 24 π»ππ’ππ ( 1 π·ππ¦ ) πππ’πππ (ππ΄πΎπΈππ πΉπΈπΈπ·, ππ )∗ 8.33 πππ’πππ π»ππ’π πΊπππππ + (( ) (3.75) 80 πΊππππππ ) ∗ π) 1 π·ππ¦ = 8740 πΊππππππ πππ π·ππ¦ This plant has been determined to use over 8500 Gallons of water per day. This is its Service Load. The rated Capacity of the Evaporators must be 130% that of the Service Load. Therefore, 11400 Gallons-per-Day minimum is the Rated Load for the Evaporators. Rounding that number to the nearest on Table 2 – Standard Capacity of a Distilling Plant, we get a value of our Distilling Plant Capacity of 12000 Gallons per Day. Table 2 – Standard Capacity of a Distilling Plant (3 p. 23) Standard Capacity of a Distilling Plant (GPD Range) 8000 10000 12000 15000 20000 25000 Special USE 34 Distiller Plant Flow The Distiller Air Ejector Flow “Q(DISTILL PLT)” needed for this is solved by the following Equation. π(π·πΌπππΌπΏπΏ ππΏπ) = (8.33 ∗ πΊππ· ∗ π(π·)) (24 ∗ βπ΅1) (3.76) The Distillate Output Heat Steam “f(D)” is set by Figure 14 - Extraction Steam for Flash Type Evaporators to be 780 BTU-per-pound Distillate. “hB1” is the Enthalpy of the heating Steam, which is 1377.9 BTUs-per-pound Figure 14 - Extraction Steam for Flash Type Evaporators (6 p. 25) Now that we have each and every value, we can now solve the Distilling Plant Extraction Steam (Heating Steam) Flow required. The flow, “Q(DISTILL PLT)” is calculated to be 1807.55 pounds-per-hour. 3.7.8 Distiller Air Ejector Flow To solve the Distiller Air Ejector “DIST A/E” Flow, “f(D)” needs to be altered from 780 to 60 in the equation used for the Distilling Plant. π(π·πΌππ π΄/πΈ) = 8.33 ∗ πΊππ· ∗ 60 (24 ∗ βπ) (3.77) = 139.042 ππ/βπ Using Equation 3.77, we get a value of 139.042 pounds-per-hour for the Air Ejector Flow of the Distiller. 35 3.7.9 Feed Water Drain Collection Tank Flow This section will wrap up the “FWDCT” Section and will solve for the flow through the Feed Water Drain Collection Tank. The remaining values we have already solved are listed below: π(πΏπππ) = 824.5402 ππ/βπ π(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) = 297.5 ππ/βπ π(π΄ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) = 50 ππ/βπ π(ππ π΄πΆ) = 196 ππ/βπ π(π΄ππ π΄πΆ) = 60 ππ/βπ π(ππΈππ) = 100 ππ/βπ Figure 15 - Feed Water Drain Collection Tank System Diagram (3 p. 15) 36 With the remaining values we can finally solve the “FWDCT” Flow Equation with Equation 3.66 given in Section 3.7.1. Here it is again to refresh your memory: π(πΉππ·πΆπ) = π(πΆπππ π·π π) + π(ππ΄π») + π(ππ΄πΎπΈ − ππ πΉπΈπΈπ·) + π(π΄ππ π΄πΆ) + π(ππ π΄πΆ) + π(π·πΌπππΌπΏπΏ π΄/πΈ) + π(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) + π(π΄ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) + π(ππΈππ) After all the components are summed together, we calculate our Feed Water Drain Collection Tank Flow to be equal to around 11,000 pounds-per-hour. π(πΉππ·πΆπ) = 11,135.70 37 ππ βπ (3.78) 3.8 Main Condenser 3.8.1 Component Detail The Main Condenser “MN COND” is where the High and Low Pressure Turbines saturated steam is dumped to. It is a crucial part of the Steam Water Cycle. Without this component, a working steam power plant is unattainable. A heat exchange occurs between the exhaust steam dumped and a cooling medium (usually seawater) - this cools the steam into water. When this occurs, a vacuum is created. Typically, the more condensing that occurs, the greater the vacuum is created (Higher inches of Mercury Vacuum) and in turn, a better overall heat balance. The Main Condenser is where makeup feedwater is pumped into, and it usually operates with a condensed-steam-turned-water level between one-third and two-thirds of the height. It consists of numerous tubes where the seawater flows through so there is no cross-contamination of the two fluids. In this project I am using a counter-flow, single-pass Condenser. Figure 16 – SinglePass Condenser shows the cross-sectional flow path of a typical single-pass condenser. Notice how there is many sets of tubes. This is to allow for a large surface area and yet still maintain sufficient flow through the system. Keeping these tubes clean and free of debris is vital to the operation of a Condenser. If these tubes were to get clogged, there would be less of a heat transfer, which would hinder the cooling effects of it, which would decrease the vacuum and the overall capabilities of the ships engine room. This is why condensers are one of the components that have to be cleaned meticulously. 38 Figure 16 – Single-Pass Condenser (10) 3.8.2 Main Condenser Flow The flow is given with the following equation. It is missing a variety of values that will be discussed and solved at a later sections in this project. However, the Main Condenser Flow will be solved now to allow for an answer in this section. The values that were needed will be solved in later sections. π(ππ πΆπππ·) = πΈ − πΊ − π΅1 − π΅2 − π(ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) + π(ππ πΌπΆ) − π(π·πΌπππΌπΏπΏ ππΏπ) = 168715.93 39 ππ βπ (3.79) 3.9 Auxiliary Condenser 3.9.1 Component Detail The Auxiliary Condenser’s purpose is to condense the steam driven to the Turbo Generators. It acts in the same way as the Main Condenser, with a heat exchange occurring and a vacuum drawn. The only difference is the size of the Auxiliary Condensers when compared to that of the Main Condensers. They are smaller and therefore receive and condense less steam. 3.9.2 Auxiliary Condenser Flow The Auxiliary Condenser Flow “Q(AUX COND)” is made up of flow from all the Auxiliary Steam Dumps. It includes the Turbo Generators, Make-Up Feedwater, the Auxiliary Inter-Condensers, the Distilling Plant and Dump Flow. Its output is the Auxiliary Leak Off. π(π΄ππ πΆπππ·) = π(ππΊ) + π(ππ΄πΎπΈππ πΉπΈπΈπ·) + π(π΄ππ πΌπΆ) + π(π·πππ) (3.80) − π(π΄ππ πΏπΈπ΄πΎ ππΉπΉ) + π(π·πΌπππΌπΏπΏ ππΏπ) Each one of these components of the Auxiliary Condenser Flow Equation has been previously solved in other sections; therefore the total is equal to around 10,500 pounds per hour. π(π΄ππ πΆπππ·) = 10619.91 40 ππ βπ 3.10 Desuperheater 3.10.1 Component Detail The Desuperheater’s purpose is to control the temperature of a portion of the boiler superheated steam output. In this plant, we will be utilizing an internal Steam Drum, as it is more efficient (due to less radiation losses). 3.10.2 Desuperheater Steam Flow The Desuperheated Steam that exits the Desuperheater is exactly that - desuperheated steam. That means it contains moisture and isn’t superheated. The purpose of this is to control how much flow is directed back into the boilers’ Superheater system so that the Superheater Outlet Temperature can be controlled. If it wasn’t for the Desuperheater, the Superheater System would be too hot for some of the system components. This regulating system helps to maintain overall temperature in the boiler. The Desuperheater Steam Flow “Q(DESUP)” consists of eight parts, which are listed in the equation below and if not already solved, will be solved in the following subsections. π(π·πΈπππ) = π(ππππ π΅πΏπππΈπ π) + π(πππ π΄πππ) + π(π·ππ) + ππ (πΉππ) + [π(ππ π΄/πΈ), π(π΄ππ π΄/πΈ), π(π·πΌππ π΄/πΈ)] + π(πΉππ») (3.81) + π(πβπππ π»πππ‘πππ) + π(ππ‘βπππ ) Desuperheater Steam Flow is broken down into Eight Parts: 1.) Soot Blowers, “Q(SOOT BLOWERS)” (Section 3.7.6) 2.) Steam Atomizers, “Q(STM ATOM)” (Section 3.7.5) 3.) Domestic Services, “Q(DOM)” (Solved in Section 0) 4.) Feed Pump Turbine Steam Consumption “SR(FP TURB)” (Section 4.2.2) 5.) Steam to Air Ejectors (Motivating Steam), {“Q(MN A/E)” (Section 4.3.2), “Q(AUX A/E)” (Section 4.3.3), “Q(DIST A/E)” (Section 4.3.4)} 6.) Steam to Fuel Oil Heaters, “Q(FOH)” (Section 7.) Ships Heating (Assume 0.00 lb/hr flow) 8.) Others (Assume 0.00 lb/hr flow) 41 Table 3 - Desuperheater and its Components’ Flows 1. “Q(SOOT BLOWERS)” 2. “Q(STM ATOM)” 3. “Q(DOM)” 4. “SR(FP TURB)” 5. Σ(“Q(MN A/E)”,“Q(AUX A/E)”,“Q(DIST A/E)”) 6. “Q(FOH)” 7. Ships Heating 8. Others Total Desuperheater Flow, “Q(DESUP)” + + + + + + + 706.984 392.09827 100 6.3248 729.31544 1137.5 0 0 = 3072.22 lb/hr 3.10.3 Desuperheated Steam Mass Flow To solve for “Q(DESUP)”, we simply add up the eight components that make it up. “Q(DESUP)” is 3072.22 pounds per hour (as shown in Table 3). π(π·πΈπππ))ππ€π − π΅ππππππ = 3077.22 ππ/βπ π(π·πΈπππ)πππ π΅πππππ = π(π·πΈπππ)ππ€π π΅ππππππ 2 (3.82) = 1538.61 ππ/βπ πππ πππ π΅πππππ This means that the Flow for the cycle of the desuperheated steam is equal to around 1540 pounds per hour for one boiler. 3.10.4 Desuperheated Temperature and Pressure As we have learned, the temperature and pressure of desuperheated steam is less than that of the superheated steam (superheater output.) Again, this is to control the outlet temperature as to have a controlled system. This section will begin by calculating the Pressure of the Desuperheated Steam “P(DESUP),” then will end with calculating the Temperature “T(DESUP)”. To calculate the Desuperheated Steam Pressure, the values for “Pso” (886.3134 psia) and the Pressure Drop (Change) in Control Desuperheater Pressure “ΔP(CTRL DESUP)” are needed. “ΔP(CTRL DESUP)” comes from Table 6, already solved for this type of plant. π₯π(πΆππ πΏ π·πΈπππ) = 30 ππ π 42 Given “To” and “Po” of 950 °F and 864.696 psia, respectively, we are going to be solving for the temperature and Pressure of the desuperheated system. I need to solve for the Superheater Outlet Steam Pressure first, which is 102.5 percent of “Po”. ππ π = 1.025 ∗ (ππ) = 886.3134 ππ ππ = 871.6 ππ ππ (3.83) The Superheater Outlet Pressure is around 872 pounds per square inch gauge. This pressure, when it has the Control Desuperheater Pressure subtracted from it, will solve for the Pressure of the Desuperheater. π(π·πΈπππ) = ππ π − π₯π(π·πΈπππ) = 841.6 ππ ππ (3.84) The Pressure of the Desuperheater has been found to be around 842 psig. Now all that is left is to find the Temperature (and Enthalpy) of the Desuperheater. The Temperature of the Desuperheater is found at the Saturation Temperature of the Steam Drum Pressure. The Pressure of the Steam Drum is the summation of “P(DESUP)” and the pressure drop at maximum Boiler Rate. There are a few steps before reaching the solving the Pressure of the Steam Drum “P(STM DRUM)”. First, using the Estimated Overall Energy “E(EST)” of 220,000 pounds per hour, the Estimated Rate of Flow for each of the two Boilers “Q(BOILER)EST” is needed. “Q(BOILER)EST” is simply half the estimated overall flow. Two Boilers share the load evenly in our assumptions; therefore the flow is half of 220,000 pounds per hour, or 110,000 pounds per hour. At 110,000 pounds per hour, the Change in Pressure at the Superheater “ΔP(Superheater)” is equal to the Superheater pressure drop at maximum continuous power plus the pressure change through the orifice. At 110,000 pounds and a Temperature of 950 degrees, we get a “ΔP(Superheater)” of 69 psig. This includes the Orifice Pressure of 7 psig. With this value, we need to convert it into the Pressure Drop at the Maximum Boiler Rate. To do so, we simply take the Superheater Change in Pressure of 69 psig and multiply it by the maximum steaming rate percentage (1.15 or 115%). 1.15 2 69 ∗ ( ) = 91 ππ ππ 1.00 43 (3.85) This Pressure Drop (91 psig), when added with the Superheater Outlet Pressure (872 psig) and the Pressure Drop due to Steam Temperature Control Desuperheater (30 psig), gives us our Steam Drum Pressure “P(STM DRUM)” at Maximum Flow of 993 psig. This value of 993 psig is used to measure the Temperature of the Desuperheater “T(DESUP)” - by finding the Saturation Temperature “T(SAT)” at the Pressure of the Steam Drum, we will find our answer. It comes out to 543.59 degrees, which is substantially lower than that of the Superheater’s Temperature or even the Boilers’. π(π·πΈπππ) = π(ππ΄π)@ π(πππ π·π ππ) = 543.59 °πΉ (3.86) When we use our steam tables at the Saturation Temperature of the Pressure at the Steam Drum, we get our enthalpy for Desuperheater Steam. It calculates out that “h(DESUP)” is equal to 1484.205 BTUs per pound. 44 3.11 Domestic / Hotel Loads 3.11.1 Component Detail In this plant, the Domestic Flow Load is the Sum of the Domestic Water Heating, Galley, and Laundry Loads for a crew of 40 persons “N”. The following paragraphs will walk you through how to solve for each load and then will give you the total sum of all Domestic Loads. 3.11.2 Domestic Water Heating Domestic Water Heating “Q(DOM WATER HEATING)” is a necessity of each person aboard this ship, for heat for showering and sink. It is rated for 0.9 pounds steam per hour per person. Therefore the total for the ship is equal to 0.9 pounds-per-hour of steam consumption time the Complement of forty persons. π(π·ππ ππ΄ππΈπ π»πΈπ΄ππΌππΊ) = 0.9ππ ππ ∗ π = 36 βπ βπ (3.87) 3.11.3 Galley Heating Galley Heating “Q(DOM GALLEY)” is the steam consumption used to heat the water used in the Galley (Ship’s Kitchen). It is rated that for every person, a half-a-pound of steam consumption will be used. π(π·ππ πΊπ΄πΏπΏπΈπ) = 0.5 ππ ππ ∗ π = 20 βπ βπ (3.88) 3.11.4 Laundry Heating Laundry Heating “Q(DOM LAUNDRY)” is the steam consumption used to heat the water used for laundry services. It is rated at one-and-a-half pounds per person. π(π·ππ πΏπ΄πππ·π π) = 0.1 ππ ππ ∗ π = 4 βπ βπ (3.89) 3.11.5 Total Domestic Hotel Loads Now that we have found each component of the Total Domestic Load, we can solve for the sum. The Total Domestic Hotel Loads “Q(DOM)” is equal to the sum of the steam consumption rates multiplied by the Complement of 40 persons. 45 π(π·ππ) = (0.9 + 0.5 + 0.1)ππ ππ ππ ∗ π = 1.5 ∗ π = 60 βπ βπ βπ (3.90) We arrive at 60 pounds per hour, however since “Q(DOM)” is less than a rate of 100 pounds per hour, we are going be rounding up to 100 pounds per hour for the 40person crew of the ship as the Domestic Loads Total Rating. π(π·ππ) = 100 ππ βπ 3.12 Final Flow Values Utilizing Appendices Table 7 - Matrix of Equations and Table 8 - Minverse, we may solve for our unknown values. Table 4 - Final Flow Values E = 375449.2 lb/hr G = 18910.5 lb/hr B1 = 164108.2 lb/hr B2 = 24243.65 lb/hr B3 = 190960.7 lb/hr Q(MN COND) = 168715.93 lb/hr Q(AUX COND) = 10619.91 lb/hr 3093.75 lb/hr Q(DESUP) = 46 4. COMPONENT CALCULATIONS 4.1 Turbo-Generator These next sections will walk you step-by-step through the Turbo Generator (TG) calculations. Rated conditions are used to select the generator and turbine ‘size’. 4.1.1 Component Detail The purpose of the Turbo Generator “TG” is to provide electrical power to the plant and the ship. Steam enters through a steam strainer and passes through a throttle valve and controlling valves to the first-stage nozzle plate. Steam expands in successive stages from Initial Pressure “Po” to Condenser Pressure “P(MN COND)”. The generator in this project that is connected to the turbine generates the power via 3-phase, 3-wire system with a continuous kilo-Watt (kW) rating. Each generator is enclosed and is cooled by circulated air. The turbine can spin at speeds around 10,000 RPM and each Generator spins at around 1000 RPM. Figure 17 - Turbo Generator (Uninstalled without Piping) (11) 4.1.2 Rated Kilo-Watt Load This section will solve for the Rated kilo-Watt (kW) Load of the Turbo Generator. Some things need to be discussed prior to, however. First, this ship will not be fitted with a “scoop.” A scoop is an alternate means of pumping seawater into the system. When the 47 ship moves forward, it drags seawater up into ship via drag forces and creates a positive pressure, allowing it to feed into the system to cool the main and auxiliary condensers. After utilizing the equations in Appendices A.2.16, we get a kilo-Watt Rating of 1218.177 kW. Using the Table below (Table 5), we need to round off the calculated kW rating with the closest match on the Table. Doing so, we get a Rated kW of 1250 kW. This value is highlighted green on the Table for your convenience. Table 5 - Rated kW and Standard Size Generator (3 p. 23) Rated kW and Standard Size Generator Most Common ………………………………………………Least Common 350 4.1.3 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 Special Operating Kilo-Watt Load Using Appendices A.2.17, we solve our Operating kilo-Watt Load for our TG’s. This value is calculated to be 941.921 kW. Using Table 5 to round to the nearest size, we get a closest match of 1000 kW. This value is highlighted purple on the Table for your convenience. 4.1.4 Generator / Turbine Size A Generator's Rated Size is need so that [kW(OPER) / (kW(RATED)] is greater than two-thirds but less than three-fourths, when possible. To start with the 1000 kW Rating, we will divide the 941.921 kW Rating and divide it by the 1000 kW. We get a decimal of 0.941921. This choice will not work, as its value is greater than the higher band of three-fourths. Next, we will try the 1250 kW Rating. Dividing 941.921 kW by the 1250 kW Rating we get a decimal value of 0.75354 which is just a hair above our upper band. However, when rounded down to 0.75 (75 %), it falls into band. Using 1250 kW instead of 1000 kW will give the more optimal choice; therefore 1250 KW is the Operating Kilo-Watt Load. The Percent Rated Load is equal to 75% Rated kW Load. The Turbine for the Generator has a kW Rating for 1250 kW and will operate at 942 kW. 48 4.1.5 TG Temperatures, Pressures and Enthalpies The temperature of the entering steam “T’o” is 950 degrees, which is the boilers’ output. The pressure of the entering steam “P’o” is 864.696 psia, but in this case we will round to 865 psia. The enthalpy of the steam leaving the boiler is 1484.1015 BTU per pound, and when it reaches the boiler, it’s calculated to be 1481.9877 BTU per pound. A little energy loss is expected along this path. As this steam passes through the Turbines of the Turbo Generator, its energy is converted into work and then into electrical power to supply the electrical demands and loads of the ship. The steam temperature after it passes through the Turbo Generators “T(So)” is 955 degrees, which is a five degree increase. The pressure of the exiting steam “P(AUX EXH)” 48.2348 psia (round to 50 psia). This means that there is an 800 psia drop in pressure. The enthalpy of the Turbo Generator Exhaust “h(TG EXH)” is calculated out to be 921.6939 BTU per pound. This goes to show that the work done on the system is primarily due to the pressure of the steam. 4.1.6 TG Turbine Efficiency To solve the TG Turbine Efficiency, five values are needed to be calculated. The values are the Basic Efficiency at Generator Terminals “Eb”, Initial Temperature Correction Factor “ft”, Initial Pressure Correction Factor “fp”, Correction Factor “fb”, and the Load Correction factor “fL”. Basic Efficiency The Basic Efficiency at Generator Terminals “Eb” is solved by using Figure 18 - Basic Efficiency, Eb at the Turbo Generator Rated Capacity of 0.75 (75%). 49 Figure 18 - Basic Efficiency, Eb (6 p. 60) πΈπ = 0.648817 Initial Temperature Correction Factor The Initial Temperature Correction Factor “ft” is solved by using the Steam Temperature of 950 degrees Fahrenheit. Figure 19 - Initial Temperature Correction Factor, ft (6 p. 63) ππ‘ = 1.027 50 Initial Pressure Correction Factor The Initial Pressure Correction Factor “fp” is solved by Figure 20 - Initial Pressure Correction Factor, fp at Pressure “Po” (850 psig). Figure 20 - Initial Pressure Correction Factor, fp (6 p. 63) ππ = 1.011135 Correction Factor The Correction Factor “fb” is calculated on Figure 18 - Basic Efficiency, Eb, where it states that if you use the 2 “Hg line, it is always 1.00. Therefore this project will be using a Correction Factor “fb” of 1.00, or 100% (No Change). Load Correction Factor The Load Correction Factor “fL” is solved by using Figure 21 - Load Correction Factor, fL at the point of 0.7535368 Rated Load. 51 Figure 21 - Load Correction Factor, fL (6 p. 63) ππΏ = 0.965 Solving for the Efficiency of the TG Turbine With all the factors of Sections through solved, we may now solve for the Efficiency of the Turbo Generator Turbine at Operated Load “Eff(TG TURB))OPER” and at Rated Load “Eff(TG TURB))RATED”. The product of the five values solved will give the Efficiency of the Turbo Generator Turbine at Operation. To get the Rated Efficiency, “fL” has to be substituted with 1.00, which would be 100% capacity. The equations and answers are given below. πΈππ(ππΊ πππ π΅))πππΈπ = πΈπ ∗ ππ‘ ∗ ππ ∗ ππ ∗ ππΏ = 0.650173 = 65.02 % πΈππ(ππΊ πππ π΅))π π΄ππΈπ· = πΈπ ∗ ππ‘ ∗ ππ ∗ ππ ∗ (1.00) = 0.673754 = 67.38 % 52 (4.1) (4.2) 4.1.7 TG Steam Rates and Flows The Turbo Generator “TG” Theoretical Steam Rate “TSR” is solved with the following information included: “ho’” is equal to the enthalpy at points “T’o”, “P’o” (1481.9877 BTU/lb) and “hp’” is equal to the enthalpy at points “P(AUX EXH)”, “So” (921.694 BTU/lb). The Theoretical Steam Rate “TSR” is solved to be approximately 6 lb/hr/kW ππ 6.089731 3412.1 βπ πππ = =( ) (βπ′ − βπ′ ) ππ (4.3) Now that we have the “TSR”, we can solve for the Operating Steam Rate of the Turbo Generator “SR(TG)OPER”. It’s equal to the “TSR” divided by the product of the variables in Section through ππ (ππΊ)πππΈπ = πππ πΈπ ∗ ππ‘ ∗ ππ ∗ ππ ∗ ππΏ ππ 9.366324 βπ ) = ( ππ (4.4) Our Steam Rate while Operating has been calculated to approximately 9.4 pounds per hr per kW. All that remains are the Flows of Rated and Operating Loads. To solve the Flow of the Turbo Generator at Rated Load “Q(TG))RATED”, we need the product of the Rated Steam Rate of the Turbo Generator and Rated kW Load. To solve for the Rated Steam Rate of the Turbo Generator, we simply take “SR(TG)OPER” and multiply it by “fL”. When this is done, a Rated “TG” Steam Rate of 9.038503 lb/hr/kW is calculated, which is slightly less than the Operating Steam Rate. Now that both needed values are found, “Q(TG))RATED) can be solved. It is equal to 8513.56 pounds per hour. The operating Turbo Generator Flow is equal to the Operating Steam Rate of the TG multiplied with the Operating kW Load of the TG. When done, “Q(TG)OPER” is equal to 8822.337 pounds per hour. π(ππΊ)πππΈπ = ππ (ππΊ πππΈπ ) ∗ ππ(ππΊ πππΈπ ) = 8822.337 ππ/βπ 53 (4.5) 4.2 Feed Pump 4.2.1 Component Detail The Feed Pump supplies water from the DC Heater into the Steam Drum of the Boilers via a steam feed turbine, which drives the pump. The Feed Pump has to overcome the pressure of the boiler, as pressure is driven from high to low; therefore it must supply water at a pressure greater than that of the boilers (850 psig). The Feed Pump Turbine calculations are done utilizing a component called a constant Discharge Pressure Governor. The control of a turbine with a governor is needed, as turbines have to be started up slowly to prevent damage and for speed control. An overspeed trip is installed to prevent the turbine from accelerating into dangerous speeds which could cause damage. A ‘Governor’ is a device that senses the speed of the turbine and will automatically adjust the speed (RPM) to produce a constant load. Figure 22 - Steam Driven Feed Pump (12) 4.2.2 Feed Pump Turbine Feed Pump Turbine Speed and Wheel Diameter The Feed Pump Turbine works just like an impulse turbine; there are multiple stages of wheels that convert pressure into useable energy. The Feed Pump Turbine supplies the 54 Feed Pump’s Pump with power to enable the Feed Pump to supply Feed Water into the Boiler. The Feed Pump Turbine’s speed is determined by selecting a typical value between 8,000 RPM and 9,000 RPM. The average of the boundaries will be used as its speed. π ππ£πππ’π‘ππππ πππ ππππ’π‘π = 8,500 π ππ (4.6) Determining the Feed Pump Turbine’s Wheel Diameter is also done with a preselected set of values. The typical mean values of wheel diameters are twelve, sixteen, twenty, or twenty-five inches. Twelve inches would be too small a size for this Turbine, so a sixteen-inch mean wheel diameter will be used. Therefore: πβπππ π·πππππ‘ππ = 16 πππβππ (4.7) Feed Pump Turbine Values Needed to Solve Efficiency Now that I have determined my Feed Pump Turbine’s speed and Wheel Diameter, I need to determine its Windage Loss (LHP), measured in horsepower. The LHP is determined using Figure 23 - Windage Loss, LHP (see below). Figure 23 - Windage Loss, LHP (6 p. 66) 55 The Windage Loss comes out to about 12.5 loss-horsepower as determined by Figure 23. This Loss is considered ‘average,’ and is a factor in solving the Efficiency of the Feed Pump Turbine. The Total Head developed per stage is ‘H,’ which is measured in feet, is another component needed to determine the Efficiency of the Turbine. As determined in Section, the Net developed Pump Pressure is approximately 1027 psig. For the sake of easier calculations, 1000 psig will be used. Since the change in Pressure (βP) is proportional (α) to the change in Head Pump “βH”, then “βH(TOTAL)” is equal to 1000 BTUs-per-hour-difference. However, since there are two stages to the Feed Pump, that number needs to be halved. This leaves us with a “βH” equal to 500 BTUs-per-hour-difference. Now that I have these values, I can solve for the Basic Efficiency “Eb” as determined by this equation: πΈπ = (π ππ) ∗ πβπππ π·πππππ‘ππ √βπ» = 0.55 (4.8) There are two variables left to solve before being able to calculate the Turbine Efficiency. They are “fs”, which is the Superheat Correction Factor and “v”, which is the Final Rated Specific Volume of steam. ππ = π(πβπππ‘π‘ππ) = 0.9129762 π(πΈπ₯βππ’π π‘) (4.9) π£ = π£(π)@ πΉπ πππ π΅ πΈππ» ππππ π = π£(π)@ π·πΆ π»πΈπ΄ππΈπ = 0.017187 (ππ‘)3 ππ (4.10) The BHP is the Brake Horsepower at rated load, measured in brake horsepower. π΅π»π)πππΈπ = 144 ∗ π£ ∗ π₯π ∗ ( πΈ(πππΈπ ) ) ∗ 550 ∗ πΈππ(ππ’ππ)πππΈπ 3600 (4.11) The “E” calculated earlier of 375449.2 pounds per hour and an assumed Efficiency of the Pump of 0.7 yields a “BHP” of 294.511 Brake Horsepower. 56 Feed Pump Turbine Efficiency The Efficiency of the Feed Pump Turbine “Eff FP TURB)” is determined by the following equation: πΈππ(πΉπ πππ π΅) = πΈπ ∗ ππ ∗ π΅π»π 13.7 π΅π»π + πΏπ»π ( π£ ) (4.12) Using the values solved from Section, we arrive at our answer. The Efficiency of the Feed Pump Turbine “Eff(FP TURB)” is equal to 0.502137, or around 50 %. This efficiency is considered ‘normal’ as most turbines are generally 80 percent or less efficient. Given the losses of the stages and the Feed Pump itself, a 50% Efficient Feed Pump Turbine is good calculated value. Feed Pump Turbine Energy Calculations The Steam Rate of the Operating Feed Pump “SR(FP)OPER” is equal to the equation below. The term “ho”” is equal to “h(DESUP)” and the term “hw”” is equal to “h(AUX EXH)” (Feed Pump Exhaust). ππ (πΉπ)πππΈπ = 2544.4 ππ = 6.3248 βπ-hw βπ { } πΈππ(πΉπ) (4.13) With this, we can solve for the Flow of the FP Turbine (while at Operation) “Q(FP TURB)OPER”. It’s equal to the product of Steam Rate and the Brake Horsepower. Once the product has been done, we get our “Q(FP TURB)OPER” calculated out to be 1862.483 pounds per hour. Feed Pump Turbine Exhaust The Feed Pump Turbine calculations have already been completed in Section 3.5.2, but will be discussed quickly here as well. The Pressure of the Turbine Exhaust “P(FP EXH)” is equal to the sum of the Direct Contact Heater Pressure “P(DC HTR)” and the change in pressure of the change in Boiler Pressure “ΔP(BP)”. The change in Boiler Pressure is usually a designated value between three and five psi. In this project, a value of five will be chosen for “ΔP(BP)”. Using the Appendices Section A.2.19, we are able to solve for the Feed Pump Turbine Exhaust Enthalpy “h(FP TURB EXH)”. We get a value of 999.35, or around 57 1000 BTUs per pound. The Pressure of the Exhaust is around 40 psia and the Temperature is around 900 degrees Fahrenheit. In the next section, the Feed Pump’s Pump, which is the driving force of the feed water into the boilers steam drum will be discussed. 4.2.3 Feed Pump Pump The Feed-Pump Pump is the driving force to feed the boiler, and its motion is driven by the Feed Pump Turbine. The next two sections are going to solve in a step-by-step manner of how to solve for the Feed Pump’s Pump values. Feed Pump Pump Efficiency To solve the Feed Pump Pump’s Efficiency, the Rated Specific Speed “Ns” needs to be solved and used on the Graph in Figure 24 - Feed Pump Rated Efficiency to solve for the Expected Average Efficiency. Figure 24 - Feed Pump Rated Efficiency (6 p. 76) 58 The Equation for “Ns” is shown in Figure 1, but I have rewritten it below for your convenience. ππ = π ππ ∗ √πΊππ(π ππ‘ππ) (4.14) 3 π»4 The RPM has already been determined from Section to be 8,500 RPM. The Gallons-per-Minute (Rated) flow is determined by the following equation. ππ βπ ππ‘ 3 πΊππ|(πππ‘ππ) = πΈ(ππ π‘) ∗ 1.25 ∗ ( ) ∗ ( ) ∗ π£(π) ∗ ( ) ∗ (7.48πΊππ/ππ‘ 3 ) βπ 60πππ ππ After reworking this Equation, we get the GPM|(rated) equal to “E|(rated)(est)” multiplied by (1/60min) multiplied by the v(f) of water and finally multiplied by 7.48 Gallons. The v(f) of water will be equal to 0.17187. With this, we get a Rated GPM of 205.5854 Gallons per Minute. With this, we only need to find the last unknown “H”. That unknown “H” is the ‘Total Head Developed per Stage.’ The ‘Total Head Developed per Stage “H” (measured in feet) is the total pressure increase per both stages in the Feed Pump. This Feed Pump is double staged, so the number of stages is equal to two. When solving “H”, it will be solved overall and then per each stage. To start off, it’s necessary to find the difference in pressure of the Discharge and Suction of the Pump. 1000 pounds of differential pressure will be assumed. With this, we need to multiply these values by 144 (constant) and then by “v(L)” (volume (of Liquid) at DC Heater Outlet Pressure). This will get the answer to Total Head Developed. The equation below will show what you have just learned. 144 ∗ π£ πππ π» (π π‘πππ) = (π(π·πΌππΆπ») − π(πππΆπ)) ∗ (# π π‘ππππ ) (4.15) “H” can now be solved for two stages. It calculates out to 2541.7773 Total Head. To solve for the Head Developed per stage, that number needs to be divided by two. This leaves us with an “H” per one stage equal to 1270.88865 feet. With “H” solved, we may now solve for the Rated Specific Speed “Ns”. ππ = π ππ ∗ √πΊππ(π ππ‘ππ) 3 π»4 ππ = (8500 π ππ) ∗ √205.5854 πΊππ 3 (1270.88865 ππ‘)4 59 (4.16) ππ = 572.6 π ππ‘ππ ππππππππ πππππ A value of around 570 is calculated as the Rated Specific Speed. Using the curve fit that is shown in Figure 24 - Feed Pump Rated Efficiency at the 200 GPM mark at points “Ns” and “Eff|(rated)” we get a Feed Pump Pump Efficiency “Eff(FPP)|rated” of 0.554 (around 55%). 60 Table 6 - Optimal Feed Pump Table Constant Discharge Pressure Governing 850 psig, (950 °F) Superheater Outlet Pressure 872 psig 62 psig 7 psig 69 psig 91 psig 30 psig 993 psig 16 psig Feed stop and check valve loss 7 psig Feed regulator pressure drop at max flow 40 psig Loss for High Pressure Feed Heater(s) 5 psig Feed line pressure loss 5 psig 10 psig Total = Pump Discharge Pressure “FP(DISCH)” 1076 psig Deaerating Feed Heater Pressure 29 psig 21 psig 50 psig 1 psig 49 psig 1027 psig Superheater pressure drop at maximum continuous power (including saturated pipe to superheater) Orifice in piping to superheater + Pressure drop at maximum Boiler Rate 69 * (1.15 / 1.00)^2 ο Pressure drop due to steam temperature control desuperheater (assuming constant loss above full power) Steam Drum Pressure at max flow Economizer pressure drop including piping to drum 12 * (1.15 / 1.00)^2 ο Static head, pump discharge to Boiler Drum Static Head, DFT to Pump Suction + + Summation Less suction line pressure loss - Net Suction Pressure Net developed pump pressure, (Feed Pump Discharge Pressure - Net Suction Pressure) = πΈππ(πππ π΅) = (πΈπ) ∗ (ππ ) ∗ π΅π»π|πππ‘ππ 13.7 π΅π»π + πΏπ»π ∗ ( π£ ) 61 4.3 Air Ejectors 4.3.1 Component Detail An Air Ejector (A/E) is made up of two condensers, each at a different pressure (vacuum). Its purpose is to remove non-condensable gases from the system (which can cause severe damage to the condensers) and to help draw and maintain a system vacuum on the Main and Auxiliary Condenser(s). Figure 25 - Typical Air Ejector (13) 4.3.2 Main Air Ejectors Using Figure 26 (Below), we will find the Main Air Ejector’s Flow (in pounds-perhour). As stated in Note (3) in the figure, this is based on 4.5 pounds of steam per pound of air vapor mixture rounded to the nearest 10 pounds. The Main Air Ejector sees about 170,000 pounds per hour maximum condensed steam (from the Boilers) therefore it falls in the <100,001 to 250,000> pounds per hour Category. This yields a flow for the Main Air Ejector “Q(MN A/E)” of 490 pounds per hour. 62 Figure 26 - Main Air Ejector Flow (6 p. 13) 4.3.3 Auxiliary Air Ejectors Using Figure 26 (Above), we will find the Auxiliary Air Ejector’s Flow (in pounds per hour). As stated in Note (3) in the figure, this value is also based on 4.5 pounds of steam per pound of air vapor mixture rounded to the nearest 10 pounds. The Auxiliary Air Ejector sees about 10,000 pounds per hour maximum condensed steam (from the Turbo Generators) therefore it falls in the <Up to 12,500> Category. This yields a flow for the Auxiliary Air Ejector “Q(AUX A/E)” of 100 pounds per hour. 4.3.4 Distillate Air Ejectors From Section 3.7.8, we solve for the Distillate Air Ejector Flow “Q(DIST A/E)”. As a quick refresher, it’s equal to the product of 8.33 (conversion factor), the Gallons per Day rate, Distillate Output Steam “f(D)” divided by 24 hours (in this project 60/24 hours), and finally “hi”. We get a flow of the Distillate Air Ejectors to be equal to around 140 pounds per hour. π(π·πΌππ π΄/πΈ) = (8.33) ∗ πΊππ· ∗ ( 4.3.5 60 ππ ) ∗ βπ = 139.042 24 βπ (4.17) Air Ejector Inter-Condensers The Inter-Condenser is the first of two condensers in a typical Air Ejector, separated from the After-Condenser by a loop seal, to allow for different pressures in each. Its purpose is to draw steam into it for condensing so as to draw and maintain a vacuum in 63 the Main or Auxiliary Condenser(s) throughout operation. The Inter-Condenser’s flow two-fifths of the total flow of its respecting condenser. 2 π(ππ ππ π΄ππ πΌπΆ π·π π) = ( ) ∗ π(ππ ππ π΄ππ πΆπππ·) 5 By using this Equation we can solve for both the Main Condenser (MN IC DRN) and Auxiliary Condenser (AUX IC DRN). Solving the Inter-Condenser Calculations we get a value of 196 pounds per hour for the Main Inter-Condenser Drain and 40 pounds per hour for the Auxiliary Inter-Condenser Drain. 2 ππ π(ππ πΌπΆ π·π π) = ( ) ∗ π(ππ π΄/πΈ) = 196 5 βπ 2 ππ π(π΄ππ πΌπΆ π·π π) = ( ) ∗ π(π΄ππ π΄/πΈ) = 40 5 βπ 4.3.6 (4.18) (4.19) Air Ejector After-Condensers The Air Ejector After-Condenser is the second stage condenser, as the steam’s flow path enters the After-Condenser after the Inter-Condenser. Its purpose is meant to draw an even higher vacuum (negative pressure) in the Main or Auxiliary Condenser(s). The After-Condenser’s flow is three-fifths of the total flow of its respecting condenser. 3 π(ππ ππ π΄ππ π΄πΆ π·π π) = ( ) ∗ π(ππ ππ π΄ππ πΆπππ·) 5 (4.20) So by using this Equation, we can solve for both the Main Condenser (MN AC DRN) and Auxiliary Condenser (AUX AC DRN). Solving the After-Condenser Calculations we get a value of 294 pounds per hour for the Main After-Condenser Drain and 60 pounds per hour for the Auxiliary After-Condenser Drain. 3 ππ π(ππ π΄πΆ π·π π) = ( ) ∗ π(ππ π΄πΈ) = 294 5 βπ 3 ππ π(π΄ππ π΄πΆ π·π π) = ( ) ∗ π(π΄ππ π΄πΈ) = 60 5 βπ 64 (4.21) (4.22) Boilers 4.4 4.4.1 Component Detail The boiler’s main purpose is to provide superheated steam to the Propulsion Turbines and Turbo Generators for propulsion and electrical power. This plant utilizes two boilers in parallel. Normally, an operating plant would have one boiler carry most of the load; however for simplicity in equations we will be assuming equal loads throughout the entirety of the project. The Boilers are equipped with fuel oil injectors that supply a concentrated yet distributed spray into the burners. This fuel is consumed (burned) and its energy is transferred to the steam in the internal piping in the Boilers. The steam is heated to a superheated, high pressure state where it is sent to the Main Propulsion Turbines and the Turbo Generators. It’s equipped with a Superheater system, which increases the output steam to a state with no moisture, a Desuperheater system which controls the output temperature of the Superheater system, an Economizer which redirects some lost flow back into the system to conserve energy, and a steam drum that serves as an expansion tank to the inlet to the Superheater system. Figure 27 - Fuel Oil Fired Steam Boiler (14) 65 4.4.2 Boiler Fuel Oil Bunker “C” (Number 6) is the fuel oil consumed in the boiler. It is a low-grade fuel and is very robust. It will not light if a match is thrown on an open barrel. Its primary component is Carbon, but it also contains Hydrogen, Sulphur and trace amounts of Oxygen and Nitrogen. It is a very good oil to use as it has good burning characteristics and is cheaper than most other grades of fuel oil. Bunker “C” has a standard higher heating value of 18,500 BTUs per pound. Specific Fuel Consumption The Specific Fuel Consumption, SFC is the ratio of the fuel mass flow of an engine to its output power, in specified units. Specific Fuel Consumption is a widely used measure of atmospheric engine performance. Its units are pound-mass-per-hour-per-horsepower lbm/hr/hp. ππΉπΆ = (4.23) [(πΈ − π(π·πΈπππ) ∗ β(ππ) + (π ∗ β)(π·πΈπππ) − πΈ ∗ (βπΉ3)] [(πΈππ(π΅πΏπ ) ∗ ππ»π ∗ π»π»π + (πΆπ(πΉπ) ∗ π₯π(πΉπ)) + (π΄/πΉ) ∗ πΆπ(π΄ππ) ∗ π₯π(π΄ππ)] ππ ) ππΉπΆ = 0.203790 βπ βπ ( Fuel Oil Heaters To solve for “Q(FOH)”, I need the Work Done on the Fuel Oil “W(FO)”. To get this, we need the product of the Ships Horsepower “SHP” (32,500 SHP) and the Specific Power Consumption “SPC(EST)” (0.5). π(πΉπ) = ππ»π ∗ πππΆ(πΈππ) = 16,250 ππ‘ − ππ (4.25) Now that we have solved the work, we may multiply in a factor of 0.7 pounds lb2 squared per foot-hour [hr∗ft] to get the Flow of the Fuel Oil Heaters. π(πΉππ») = 0.07 ∗ π(πΉπ) = 1137.5 66 ππ βπ (4.26) (4.24) Fuel Consumption Fuel consumption is the rate at which the Fuel Oil is consumed in a Boiler. To calculate the Flow of Fuel Oil “Q(FO)”, I need to find the amount of fuel I consume. π(πΉπ) = ππΉπΆ ∗ ππ»π = (0.203790) ( βπ ππ ) βπ ∗ (32,500)βπ (4.27) ππ = 6623.175 βπ Bunker C is a bit lighter than water, as a gallon of it weighs 7.3 pounds. Dividing the Q(FO) by gallons per pounds gets us 907.167 gallons per hour. To convert this to barrels-per-hour, we need to divide the gallons per hour by the amount of gallons in a barrel, which are 42. This yields 2.16 barrels per hour and since there are 24 hours in a day, 51.84 barrels per day are consumed. To summate, this steam power plant uses around 52 Barrels of Bunker “C” Fuel Oil a day. 4.4.3 Heat Rate The rate heat added into (IN) the system divided by the power output (OUT) is called the Heat Rate (HR). This is useful in finding the Ships Heat Rate for the Plant and the Cycle. Its units are in BTUs-per-pound-per-hp. π»π (ππ»π)(ππ¦πππ) = ((πΈ − π(π·πΈπππ) ∗ β(ππ)) + ((π ∗ β)(π·πΈπππ)) − (πΈ ∗ (βπΉ3))) (4.28) ππ»π ππ»π = 33854.17 βπ The Wheel Horsepower is calculated by finding the quotient of “SHP” to “Em”. π΅ππ π»π (ππ»π)(ππ¦πππ) = 3128.115 ππ βπ For the final equation, which is the Heat Rate of the Entire Plant “HR(SHP)(plant)”, we need the value of the Higher Heating Value “HHV”. The “HHV” is a standard higher heating value by ‘bomb’ calorimeter corrected for specific heat at constant pressure. Its value is set at 18,500 BTU per pound. With this value now know, we can solve for the Plant’s Heat Rate. It’s defined by the equation below 67 π»π (ππ»π)(πππππ‘) = π(πΉπ)∗π»π»π ππ»π BTU/lb/hp (4.29) After plugging in the values of 6623.175 lb/hr for “Q(FO)”, 18500 for “HHV” and 32500 for “SHP”, we get a Plant’s Heat Rate “HR(SHP)(plant)” of 9250 BTU/lb/hp. 4.4.4 Steam Drum The Steam Drum is where the incoming feedwater is pumped into. From Section 3.10.4, the Pressure of the Steam Drum is calculated to be 993 psig and its Temperature 543.59 °F. . Figure 28 - Steam Drum Internals (15) 4.4.5 Boiler Efficiency A steam plant boiler is typically 80- to 95-percent efficient. This range is due to the different types, classes, and styles of boiler design. The Boiler Efficiency Equation is given below. Notice how it contains various components, including Desuperheater values, the air to fuel ratio, temperature values, the Higher Heating Value, Specific Fuel Consumption, enthalpy values, shaft horsepower, and overall energy. All these factors determine the efficiency of a boiler - how the fuel is burned, the flows going through it, how much temperature change is used; the list goes on and on. In this section, we will break down the equation in a manner that is short enough to follow and easy enough to understand. 68 πΈππ(π΅πΏπ ) = [β(ππ) ∗ (πΈ − π(π·πΈπππ)) + {π(π·πΈπππ) ∗ β(π·πΈπππ)} − (πΈ ∗ βπΉ3)] π΄ [ππΉπΆ ∗ ππ»π ∗ πΆπ(πΉπ) ∗ {π₯π(πΉπ) + (πΉ ) ∗ πΆπ(π΄ππ) ∗ π₯π(π΄ππ) + π»π»π}] (4.30) With all these values, there are only a few values I will touch upon to as a refresher. The change in Temperature of the Fuel Oil “ΔT(FO)” is 100 °F based on a specified range of 100 °F to 200 °F. The Heat Capacity of Air “Cp(Air)” is equal to 0.2438 and the Heat Capacity of the Fuel Oil ”Cp(FO)” is 0.46 BTU per degree Fahrenheit. The Higher Heating Value “HHV” is 18500 BTU per pound and the amount of Excess Air is 0.05, or 5%. This is a lot of numbers and values to throw at you at once; therefore we will be looking at the alternate approach in solving the Boiler Efficiency. It involves fewer values and a simpler equation; therefore this will be the equation we use to solve for the Boiler Efficiency. π΅πππππ πΈπππππππππ¦ “πΈππ(π΅πΏπ )” = [(π»π + π»π) − π»πΏ] [π»π − π»π] (4.31) Each of these values will be described and solved in the subsequent sections. Heat Input The Heat Input “Ho” is the higher heating value of the fuel oil burned, corrected for specific heat at constant pressure, plus the heat in the oil above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Its equation is laid out below. π»π = π»π»π + πΆπ(πΉπ) ∗ π₯π(πΉπ) (4.32) With this equation, we only have 3 ‘unknowns’. They are the Higher Heating Value “HHV”, the Heat Capacity of the Fuel Oil “Cp(FO)”, and the Change in Fuel Oil Temperature “ΔT(FO)”. Each of these values is known; therefore “Ho” is 18557.5 BTUs-per-pound. π»πππ‘ πΌπππ’π‘ “π»π” π΅ππ π΅ππ ) + (0.46 ) ∗ (100 °πΉ) ππ °πΉ ∗ ππ π΅ππ = 18557.5 ππ = (18500 69 (4.33) Heat Added by Air Heater The Heat Added to the Combustion Air by the Air Heater “Ha” is equal to the product of the Heat Capacity of the Fuel Oil “Cp(FO)”, the Air to Fuel Ratio “A / F”, and the Difference in the Temperature of Air leaving the Steam Air Heater “T2” and the Temperature of Air entering the Steam Air Heater “T1”. The equation is listed below for your convenience. π»π = πΆπ(πΉπ) ∗ π΄ ∗ (π2 – π1) πΉ (4.34) The Heat Capacity of the Fuel Oil “Cp(FO)”is equal to 0.46 BTUs-per-pounddegree-Fahrenheit. The Air to Fuel Ratio (A/F) “R” is equal to 15.05 pounds Air to pounds Fuel. The Temperature of Air leaving the Steam Air Heater “T2” is 200 degrees Fahrenheit and the Temperature of Air entering the Steam Air Heater “T1” is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. With all the unknowns solved for “Ha”, we can now solve for the Heat Added to the Combustion Air by the Air Heater “Ha”. “Ha” is calculated to be 865.375 BTUs-per-pound. Stack Loss The Stack Loss “Hg” is the amount of energy that is lost to external atmosphere via the stack. To solve for “Hg”, we need the Temperature of the Uptake (Smoke Stack Gas Temperature). The Uptake Temperature is designated by the term “Tg”. To solve for Hg we need to use Figure 29. By finding the point on the 5% Excess Air Line that meets with the Temperature of the Uptake “Tg”, we can find the approximate value for the Stack Loss. “Tg”, we will assume is right at the temperature of boiling, 212 degrees. With that in mind, and lining that up with the excess air curve, we get a Stack loss of about 7.40 [% * 18546 * BTU / lb]. The units for Stack loss can be condensed into BTUs per pound. This is done by multiplying the Stack loss initial value by %18546/100%. This gets us a Stack Loss of 1372.404 BTUs per pound of Fuel Oil. 70 Figure 29 - Stack Loss, Hg (6 p. 54) % ∗ 18546 π΅ππ %) ∗ ] 100 ππ π΅ππ = 1372.404 ππ(πΉπ) ππ‘πππ πΏππ π “π»π” = 7.40 [( (4.35) Heat Radiation The Heat Radiation “Hu” is unaccounted for losses and manufacturer's margin (R-U and M) therefore it simply is 1.1415 percent of the Heat Input “Ho”. Since “Ho” is 18557.5 BTUs per pound, when we calculate “Hu” we get a value of 262.588625 BTUs per pound. π»πππ‘ π πππππ‘πππ “π»π’” = (1.415% ∗ π»π) = 262.588625 71 π΅ππ ππ (4.36) Heat Loss The Heat Loss “HL” is equal to the sum of the Heat Radiation “Hu” and the Stack Loss “Hg”. Since “Hu” is 262.588 BTUs-per-pound and “Hg” is 1372.404 BTUs-per-pound, we get a Heat Loss “HL” of 1633.323 BTUs-per-pound. π»πΏ = π»π’ + π»π = 1633.323 π΅ππ ππ (4.37) Boiler Efficiency Answer The Boiler Efficiency can now be solved by the formula below. π΅πππππ πΈπππππππππ¦, πΈππ(π΅πΏπ ) = [(π»π + π»π) − π»πΏ] [π»π − π»π] (4.38) Once the values from Sections through have been solved and plugged into the Boiler Efficiency Equation, we get a Boiler with an Efficiency of 91.59 Percent. This efficiency value is rated at maximum continuous power. πΈππ(π΅πΏπ ) = 0.9159 = 91.59% 4.5 Plant Cycle Efficiency 4.5.1 Efficiency Theory The Efficiency of the Plant is equal to the Power Output divided by the Rate of Heat Added. This is true in all Plants, not just this one. The correction factor for units throughout these Sections is 2544.4 BTU/hp-hr. Given that these sections are all plugand-chug equations with values that have already been previously solved in other sections, there will no explanations of terms here. 4.5.2 Cycle Efficiency The Cycle Efficiency is given in the Equation below and is the Efficiency of the Steam Water Cycle, without most losses. πΈπππππππππ¦ ππ πΆπ¦πππ = ππ»π ∗ 2544.4 [(πΈ − (π(π·πΈπππ) ∗ β(ππ)) + ((π ∗ β)(π·πΈπππ)) − πΈ(βπΉ3)] 72 (4.39) πΈπππππππππ¦ ππ πΆπ¦πππ = 2544.4 π»π πΆπ¦πππ (4.40) = 0.8133973 = 81.34% A Cycle Efficiency of 81.34% has been found for this plant. 4.5.3 Plant Cycle Efficiency The Plant Cycle Efficiency is the Efficiency of the Plant, all in all. Efficiency of Plant = 2544.4 / HR/Plant = 0.2750703 = 27.51 % A Plant Cycle of 27.51% has been found for this plant. This value is substantially lower than that of the Cycle Efficiency, as losses are accounted for in this equation. It is considered ‘normal’ for a plant to only receive 20 to 40 percent efficiency. No marine steam power plant is perfect, and many today are old plant systems that have been around for many years and have efficiencies even less than which was solved for in this project. 4.5.4 Carnot Efficiency As defined by Wikipedia: “The Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle proposed by Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot in 1824 and expanded by Benoit Paul Émile Clapeyron in the 1830s and 1840s. It can be shown that it is the most efficient cycle for converting a given amount of thermal energy into work, or conversely, creating a temperature difference by doing a given amount of work.” (16) Simply by using the High Temperature “T(H)” and Low Temperature “T(L)” of the System, in Rankine, we can determine the Carnot Efficiency. The Temperature extremes are listed below, both in degrees Fahrenheit and Rankine. π(πΏ) = 91.68 °πΉ = 551.68 π ππππππ π(π») = 955 °πΉ = 1415 π ππππππ With these values, we can determine the Efficiency of the Carnot Cycle. It’s equal to the difference of 1.00 and the quotient of T(L) over T(H). With these values, we get a Carnot Efficiency of 61 %. This represents the best efficiency this system can produce. 73 πΆπππππ‘ πΈπππππππππ¦ = 1 − π(πΏ) π(π») = 0.6101175 = 61 % (4.41) (4.42) Ways to increase system efficiency is by lagging piping to insulate, using a colder coolant (i.e. sailing in the arctic, as seawater temperatures will be lower), or by using machinery that run at higher efficiencies. Given the fact that this is Marine Steam Power Plant, a lot of these components are based off of older technology and with today’s newage technology, there are plants out there with higher efficiency and better performance. The next Section is my Heat Balance Spreadsheet, where I lay out the values in a clear manner to show you my ending values and overall error. 74 (6 p. 131) 75 (6 p. 131) 76 (6 p. 131) 77 5. RESULTS/DISCUSSION 5.1 MASS BALANCE DC Heater Outlet (to Feed Pump) Sub Total Running Total 375449 E 375449 375449 Super Heater Outlet E 375449 3094 Desuperheater Outlet Q(DESUP) 3094 372355 Main Steam Superheater Outlet - Desuperheater Outlet 375449 -3094 8822 Flow to TG Q(TG) 8822 362708 Flow to Main Turbine Main Steam - Q(TG) - Q(LOST) 372355 -8822 -825 174058 Flow to LP Turbine Flow to Main Turbine - B1 - B2 - Q(MN LEAK OFF) 362708 -164108 -24244 -298 -16903 Exhaust from LP Turbine Flow to LP Turbine - B3 174058 -190961 8772 Exhaust from TG Flow to TG - Q(AUX LEAK OFF) 78 8822 -50 Sub Total MASS BALANCE Running Total 172446 Main Condensate Exhaust from LP Turbine + B3 - Q(DISTILL PLT) + Q(MN IC DRN) -16903 190961 -1808 196 10620 Auxiliary Condensate Exhaust from TG + Q(DISTILL PLT) + Q(AUX IC DRN) 8772 1808 40 183066 Total Condensate Main Condensate + Auxiliary Condensate 172446 10620 1238 Flow to CONT DRNS Q(FOH) + Q(DOMESTIC) 1138 100 9580 Flow to FWDCT Q(MN AC DRN) + Q(AUX AC DRN) + Q(VENT) + Q(MN LEAK OFF) + Q(AUX LEAK OFF) + Q(CONT DRNS) + Q(MAKEUP FEED) + Q(DISTILLER A/E) + Q(SAH) 196 60 100 298 50 1238 1923 139 5576 379776 Flow to DC Heater Total Condensate + B1 + B2 - Q(SAH) + Q(FP) + Flow to FWDCT 79 183066 164108 24244 -5576 4354 9580 Sub Total MASS BALANCE Running Total 379676 Flow from DC Heater (to Feed Pump) Flow to DC Heater - Q(VENT) 379776 -100 1.12585 Error, % Calculated Actual 375449 379676 5.2 DISCUSSION To start off, my estimated “E” was nowhere close to the calculated “E”. The energy put out by this plant came out to just over 375,000 pounds-per-hour, which per 2 boilers ends up being 187,500 pounds-per-hour. The boiler values are on the high end of the range for flow; however the calculations end up with a 1.12585 % error, so that is a good indication that these calculations were done correctly. I validated my initial results (Section EQUATIONS/MATRICES) by comparing them against the Appendices Section A.1 - Initial Values. These hand calculations we validations to use to see if I was on the right track. My value for “E(EST)” was a little low, but given the fact that most of my estimate values were low, it worked out. I feel that if I had more time, I would have been able to iron out every last detail; maybe even just to use higher decimal values to get an even more accurate number. Some of my values were rounded to 3 or 4 decimal places, even though they sometimes had 8 or more. If all these round offs were not done, and the exact value was kept, maybe the final Error would be even less. Also, I had to redo my results in my last and final revision of my project, as I calculated the flow of the Desuperheated Steam incorrectly. Thus, I had to redo all subsequent equations. Some of my appendices calculations and ones done in the Excel file are incorrect; however they are correct in this project. All-in-all, given the scope of the project and the fact that I had to calculate many various components for a complete Steam Power Plant, I think any small changes wouldn’t have affected the overall result. I put a lot of time and effort into this project, 80 and since my Error percentage was only 1.12%, I feel everything was done correctly. I want to thank you for taking the time to read this, as many hours was put into this. I hope this project enabled you to learn more about Steam Powered Marine Power Plants. 81 6. CONCLUSION In a quick summation, this plant was calculated to have a total plant flow of 379,676 pounds per hour, or 189,838 pounds per hour per Boiler. I calculated the Turbo Generators to have an Operational Load of 942 kilo-Watts. Some of the major calculated efficiencies are the Boiler with a calculated efficiency of 91.59%, the Cycle Efficiency with a calculated efficiency of 81.34%, the Plant Cycle with a calculated efficiency of 27.51%, and the Carnot Cycle with a calculated efficiency of 61%. This project is consistent with the First Law of Thermodynamics – which is the Energy Conservation Theory. As the Law states: “The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, specialized for thermodynamical systems. It is usually formulated by stating that the change in the internal energy of a closed system is equal to the amount of heat supplied to the system, minus the amount of work performed by the system on its surroundings. The law of conservation of energy can be stated: The energy of an isolated system is constant.” (2) My project supports this, as my ‘Energy In’ is equal to my ‘Energy Out.’ 82 7. REFERENCES 1. lex. Navy showers and the Steam Cycle. Neptunus Lex. [Online] January 8, 2005. [Cited: December 1, 2011.] 2. Various. First Law of Thermodynamics. Wikipedia. [Online] December 11, 2011. [Cited: June 6, 2012.] 3. Heath, K., Gelardi, S. and Nurnberger, J. Marine Engineering Design I. Bronx : SUNY Maritime Collehe, 2007. MED Project. 4. Randall. steam turbine. [Online] 2011. [Cited: November 22, 2011.] 5. Various. Entropy. Wikipedia. [Online] December 2, 2011. [Cited: December 8, 2011.] 6. Holm, J.T. Marine Steam Power Plant Heat Balance Practices. New York City : The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2006. Technical & Research Bulletin. 7. Group, EEC. Boiler Tubes. EEC GROUP. [Online] February 12, 2010. [Cited: December 12, 2011.] oducts. 8. Farthing, David C. Improving Boiler Room Efficiencies. Federal Corp. [Online] Federal Corporation, September 2000. [Cited: Decemeber 1, 2011.] 9. Rowen, Alan L. Marine Machinery. Access Science. [Online] McGraw-Hill, 2008. [Cited: December 1, 2011.] 10. Various. Shell and tube heat exchanger. Wikipedia. [Online] October 6, 2011. [Cited: December 13, 2011.] 11. Anish. Starting Procedure for Turbo Generator on Ship. Marine In Sight. [Online] March 6, 2011. [Cited: Decemember 1, 2011.] 83 12. Fyre, Milt. 5MW Steam Turbine Generator Sets, 60Hz for sale! Utility Warehouse. [Online] 2011. [Cited: December 3, 2011.] 13. Sebald, Joseph F. Steam Jet Ejector. Access Science. [Online] McGraw-Hill, 2011. [Cited: Decemeber 12, 2011.] 14. Various. Main Propulsion Plant DD445 and 692 Classes and Converted Types, Operation Manual - Sectional V. Historic Naval Ships Association. [Online] 2007. [Cited: December 8, 2011.] 15. —. INFORMATION SHEET. Federation of American Scientists. [Online] [Cited: December 6, 2011.] 16. —. Carnot Cycle. Wikipedia. [Online] October 19, 2011. [Cited: December 13, 2011.] 84 A. APPENDICES 85 A.1 Initial Values A.1.1 Main Propulsion Turbine Gear Basic Efficiency: y = a + bx + cx^2 a= 0.76647319 b= 0.005653846 c= -9.91E-05 x= 3.25E+01 = SHP A.1.2 Throttle Temperature Correction 850 psig f(t) = a + bx + cx^2 a= 0.75786182 b= 0.000433256 c= -1.76E-07 x= 9.50E+02 = To A.1.3 Exhaust Loss y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 + ex^4 + fx^5 + gx^6 a= 73.6139 b= -0.0702697 c= 3.06E-05 d= -7.17E-09 e= 9.82E-13 f= -7.29E-17 g= 2.26E-21 x= 5.10E+03 = X A.1.4 Basic Efficiency (TG) Eb = a + bx + cx^2 x= 0.75 a= 5.20E-05 86 b= 1.1051853 c= -0.45642039 Eb = 1 A.1.5 Initial Temperature f(t) = a + bx + cx^2 a= 0.636609 b= 6.96E-01 c= -3.32E-01 x= 950 = To A.1.6 TG Initial Pressure Factor 750 KW y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 + ex^4 + fx^5 a= 1.0105385 b= 7.33E-05 c= -3.68E-07 d= 3.55E-13 e= -1.50E-13 f= 2.26E-17 x= 8.50E+00 A.1.7 Load Correction Factor 1000 KW y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 + ex^4 + fx^5 + gx^6 a= -0.005019998 b= 0.069283177 c= -0.002340548 d= 4.40E-05 e= -4.63E-07 f= 2.57E-09 g= -5.88E-12 x= 71.44209979 87 A.1.8 Soot Blower y = a + bx a= 204.54239 b= 1.7523506 x= 85 A.1.9 Pressure Drop across Superheater y = a + bx a= 32.445652 b= 0.95186335 x= 85 A.1.10 Temperature y = a + bx + cx^2 a= 43.13285 b= 0.041315 c= -1.36E-05 x= 816.8 A.1.11 Auxiliary Turbine Efficiency y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 a= 0.91592775 b= -0.000537166 c= -1.19E-06 d= 9.12E-10 x= 9130.365193 A.1.12 Superheat Correction Factor for Value 40 y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 + ex^4 + fx^5 a= 0.9027 b= 0.000571862 88 c= -1.40E-06 d= 1.30E-09 e= 9.18E-13 f= -1.85E-15 x= 1.88E+01 A.1.13 Load Factor fL= a + bx + cx^2 a= 3.381818 b= 2.331667 c= -0.014318 x= 87.83487 A.1.14 Heat Capacity of Air Cp(Air) = a + bx + cx^2 a= 0.243084 b= 7.56E-07 c= 1.52E-08 x= 200 A.1.15 Efficiency of Single Stage Auxiliary Turbines y = a + bx + cx^2 +dx^3 a= -1.17E+00 b= 9.69E-01 c= -2.04E-01 d= 6.26E-02 x= 118728.1489 A.1.16 Low Pressure Heater y = a + bx + cx^2 a= 8.700205 b= - 4.948946 89 c= 0.901032 x= 8.5 A.2 Values A.2.1 Steam Rate (Non-Extraction) In order to calculate the Steam Rate Non-Extraction, SR(NE), I need the following unknowns: Need: a, b, c, d, ho, h(B1), h(B2), h(B3), hi, hw a = 2544.4 / (ho - h(B1)) b = 2544.4 / (h(B1) - h(B2)) c = 2544.4 / (h(B2) - h(B3)) d = 2544.4 / (h(B3) - hw) In order to solve for a, b, c and d, I need to find ho, h(B1), h(B2), h(B3), and hw SR(NE DESIGN) = 2544.4 / (ho - hw) SR(NE DESIGN) = 5.256086 Now, I can solve for a, b, c, and d. a= 24.45049 b= 24.45049 c= 17.61129 d= 19.35137 A.2.2 Efficiency of the State Line A second check can be done against to verify that the value is accurate and plausible: Weibull Model: y=a-b*exp(-c*x^d) Coefficient Data a= 0.887102 b= 0.921078 c= 1.448821 d= 0.24045 SHP/1000, x = 32.5 Eb = 0.854662339 This second check validates and proves that the value I calculated for the Efficiency of the State Line is correct. 90 A.2.3 Temperature Correction Factor Using the 4th Polynomial Fit Equation: y = a + b*x + c*x^2 + d*x^3 + e*x^4 substituting ‘f(t)’ for ‘y’ and ‘To’ for ‘x’: f(t) = a + b*(To) + c*(To)^2 + d*(To)^3 + e*(To)^4 Coefficient Data: e= a= 0.95766 b= -0.000588 c= 0.00000174 d= -1.58E-09 4.82E-13 To = 950 f(t) = 1.01202 A.2.4 State Line Equations Si = S(COND) = 1.792699 h = h1-((S1-s)/(S1-Si))*(h1-hi)) s = S1-((h1-h)/(h1-hi))*(S1-Si)) hB1 = (ho+hB2)/2 = 1377.934 hB2 = (hB2+hi)/2 = 1129.396 A.2.5 Annulus Area Using the 4th Degree Polynomial Fit: y = a + b*x + c*x^2 + d*x^3 + e*x^4 Coefficient Data: a = -51.86644 b = 0.051456 c = -0.0000171 d = 2.6E-09 e = -1.42E-13 For a Flow of 4000: X = 4000 EL, y = 9.81118 For a Flow of 6000: X = 6000 EL, y = 17.19019 91 A.2.6 Turbine Horsepower P = ((E - G) / a) + ((E – G - B1) / b) + ((E - G - B1 - B2 - Q(MN LEAK OFF)) / c) + ((E - G - B1 - B2 - B3 - Q(MN LEAK OFF)) / d) High-Pressure Turbine Wheel Horsepower: WHP HP = ((E - G ) / a) + ((E - G - B1) / b) Low-Pressure Turbine Wheel Horsepower: WHP LP = ((E - G - B1 - B2 - Q(MN LEAK OFF)) / c) + ((E - G - B1 - B2 - B3 - Q(MN LEAK OFF)) / d) A.2.7 E(EST) and G(EST) Assume: hB = (hB1+hB2+hB3)/3 hB = 1259.426 Q(TG(EST)) = SR(TG)*KW(TG) ο #(10)(1000) Q(DESUP EST) = SR(FP)*(BHP/E)*E(EST) + 3000 Q(DESUP EST) = 48212.7 BTU/lb ???? When I substitute all the variables I know, the following equation is what's left: 20*(0.013) = 0.04 * E(EST) From Equation [3.1.9], G(EST) = (0.005 + 0.04) * E(EST) + 13000 Therefore: G(EST) = 19284.18 A.2.8 Low Pressure Heater Theory (B3-Q(DIST))*hB2 + (Q*h)(MN LEAK OFF) + (Q*h)(AUX LEAK OFF) + (Q*h')(MN COND) + (Q*h')(AUX COND)+(Q(MN A/E) + Q(AUX A/E) + Q(DIST A/E))(h(DESUP) + (Q*h)(STM AIR HTR DRN) + (Q*h)(CONTMND DRN) + (Q*h)(MAKEUP FEED) = (B3-Q(DIST)*hD1 + [Q(MN IC) + Q(AUX IC)]*h(IC DRN) + (Q*h)(FWDCT) + [(Q(MN COND) + Q(AUX COND)]*hc1 First Law of Thermodynamics [Q(MN LO) + Q(VAP FWDCT) + Q(VENT COND)]*h(f)@200°F + [Q(MN AE) + Q(AUX AE) + Q(DIST AE)]*h(f)@200°F + (Q(CONT DRNS)*h(COND DRN)) + 92 ((Q(SAH DRNS)*h(SAH DRNS)) + (Q*h)(MAKEUP FEED) = Q(VAP FWDCT)*h(g)@212°F + (Q*h)(FWDCT) A.2.9 Feed Water Drain Collection Tank Vapor Flow Q(VAP FWDCT) ≠ therefore 0 h(FWDCT) = h(f) @ 212 °F Need to solve for Q(VAP FWDCT) If Q(VAP FWDCT) > 0 OK If Q(VAP FWDCT) < 0 ERROR (Impossible) therefore Q(VAP FWDCT) = 0 Q(VAP FWDCT) = 0 therefore h(FWDCT) = h(f)@212°F If h(FWDCT) > 0 OK If h(FWDCT) < 0 ERROR (Impossible) Q(VAP FWDCT) = 180.1802 W = 0.5 * SHP W = 16250 A.2.10 Mass Flow of Air m(Air) = m(FO) * (A / F) = 16250 * 15.05 = 244562.5 A.2.11 Evaporator Flow This Section is going to show the calculations if there would be only one Evaporator installed. This system has two Evaporators installed, as shown in Section If there is one evaporator installed and operating: GPH(RATED) = 1.3 * GPH(OPER) * 1.5 (Round it to the nearest largest size) 1.3 * 11500 * 1.5 =?= 22425 I need to round to the nearest Range. Doing so, I have chosen a Gallons Per Day Rate of GPD(RATED) = 25000 93 A.2.12 Desuperheater Constants = Q(DIST) + Q(AUX IC) + Q(TG) - Q(AUX LO) Q(AUX IC) = 40 Q(AUX LO) = 50 Q(TG) = 8822.337 Constants = 1166.898 Q(DESUP) = Q(SOOT BLOWERS) + Q(STM ATOM) + Q(DOM) + Q(FP) + Q(MN A/E) + Q(AUX A/E) + Q(DIST A/E) + Q(FOH) + Q(OTHERS) Q(TOTAL) = E(EST) Q per boiler is equal to Q(Boiler), which is equal to E(EST) divided by the number of boilers (in this case 2) E= 0.0264044 Constants = 3087.9401 A.2.13 Soot Blowers Verification Check Q(SOOT BLOWERS) = # Blowers * (Q(SOOT BLOWERS) / Boilers) 100,000 < Q(SOOT BLOWERS) < 300,000 Q(SOOT BLOWERS) = 110,000 Q = 120 + (0.00165) * (Q(SOOT BLOWERS)) Q = 392.098 For a standard burner, four-thousand pounds per hour of fuel is considered "maximum." 0.5 = SFC/Est[lb/hr/SHP] 0.5 * 32500 = 16250 lb/hr per 2 boilers 16250 / 2 Boilers 8125 lb/hr per 1 boiler 4062.5 lb/hr per burner (2 Installed per Boiler, 4 Total) This 4000 lb/hr is considered to be the maximum flow, and isn’t reached under normal operating conditions. [SR * E * (5.5) * 325000 = E(Est)] 8125 / 4000 = 2.03125(which is approximately 2) 94 A.2.14 Matrix of Equations Table 7 - Matrix of Equations Equation E Q(MN Q(AUX COND) COND) G B1 B2 B3 -0.1494 -0.1085 -0.0517 0 Q(DESUP) Constants 0 0 33886.4 3.1.2 0.1902 0.1903 3.2.2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 9646.88 3.3.2 87.87.875 0 -201.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.4.2 -1171.3 0 1176.88 1273.87 0 1147.78 1147.78 0 5414076 3.5.2 0 0 0 0 1105.76 -1088 -1078.6 0 1605936 3.6.2 1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 0 0 3250.14 3.7.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1168.98 3.8.2 0.0264 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3087.94 A.2.15 Minverse A Minverse returns the inverse matrix (above) for the matrix stored in an array. Table 8 - Minverse 9.18039 -0.2424 4.01273 -1.4178 6.71847 6.82787 0 -0.2424 6.09424 0.83909 2.66378 8.16187 -5.4812 -5.5705 0 -0.1609 -0.0389 0.0042 0.00103 -0.0001 -0.0067 0.00183 0.00175 0.00728 0.00092 -0.4734 0.00093 -0.0048 0 0 0.0001 -0.0001 0.000429 4.34762 431651 6.09424 33886.4 -1.13E-05 -0.1148 0.1149 0.83909 9646.88 0.000188 1.90034 -1.9021 2.66378 0 -6.63E-05 8.43162 -8.431 8.16187 5414076 0.001218 -6.7595 6.74802 -5.4812 1605936 3.19E-04 -6.8695 5.86654 -5.5705 3250.14 0 0 1 0 11669 -1.13E-05 -0.1148 0.1149 0.83909 3087.94 A.2.16 Rated kW Load KW Rated = ((A + B + C) * SHP) + (1.6 * N) + (9 * √(N)) + 80 + “Other” Other" may include the refrigerant system or special electrical demands. A = 0.017 (Given) B (Option 1) = 0.0042 with scoop B (Option 2) = 0.007 with no scoop ο Chose C = 0.0004 * (Rated / Normal)^3 "H2O Draft Loss where Draft Loss is the pressure needed to push air through the Boiler Draft Loss = 12 "H2O 95 Rated/Normal = 1.15 C = 0.0073 N = 40 kW Rated = 1218.177 kW A.2.17 Operating kW Load KW(OPER) = (A + B + C)*SHP + 1.6*N + 9√(N) + 80 + other A= 0.011 (Given) B (Option 1) = 0 B (Option 2) = 0.007 with no scoop C= 0.0004 * (Normal / Normal)^3 "H2O Draft Loss with scoop where Draft Loss is the pressure needed to push air through the Boiler Draft Loss = 12 "H2O and C= 0.0048 N= 40 KW Operating = 941.921 ** 1000 KW is closest match ** A.2.18 Turbo Generator Temperatures, Pressures, and Enthalpies T’o = 950°F T(So) = T’o + 5°F = 955 °F h(SO) = 1484.1015\ ho’ = h(T’o,P’o) ho' = 1481.9877 hi = ho’ - Eff(TG TURB OPER) * (ho’ – hp’) hi = 1117.7 hp’ = h(P(AUX EXH), So) = 921.6939 A.2.19 Feed Pump Exhaust Enthalpy, Pressure, Temperature ΔP ~ ΔP α H α H = Pump Head 96 Δh(ACTUAL) = Δh(FP TURB)OPER h(FP TURB EXH) = ho" - Δh(ACTUAL) = ho"(ACTUAL) - (Eff(FP)oper * (h(PUMP) - hp") = hw Δh(ACTUAL) = UEW (Wheel Used Energy) UEW = 484.087 Δh = 484.87 h(FP TURB EXH) = ho” - Δh ho" = h(DESUP) ho" = 1484.205 h(FP TURB EXH) = 999.35 hw = 997.911 P"o = P(DESUP) / 0.975 = 44ο 45 (Rounded to the nearest 5 psig) P"1 = 0.9 * P"o = 40.5 To" = T(P"o, ho") = 903.2053 So" = 1.974451 S1" = S(P"o, h(DESUP)) = 1.986037 hp" = h(FP EXH), S1”) = 1456.517 A.2.20 First Law of Thermodynamics The First Law of thermodynamics, which is the Conservation of Work Law states that whatever energy enters a system will leave the system as denoted by this equation: Ζ©(Q * h)(IN) = Ζ©(Q * h)(OUT) W(Main or Aux A/E) = 0 Q(Main or Aux A/E) = 0 A.2.21 Drain Cooler Total Condensate Enthalpy. h(MN or AUX A/E) = h'(MN or AUX COND) + [Q(MN or AUX A/E)] * [h(DESUP) - (2/5)*h(IC) - (3/5)*h(AC)] where h'(MN or AUX COND) = h(MN or AUX COND) + W(PUMP) h(MN or AUX COND) = h(f) @ P(MN or AUX COND) W(PUMP) = v*ΔP*144/(36000*550*Eff(PUMP)ο (1.0)) W(PUMP) = 0 (approx.) 97 therefore h'(MN COND) = 59.7354 h'(AUX COND) = 69.134517 h(MIX), which is the Enthalpy of the Total Condensate into the Drain Cooler (1st Stage Combo) is needed for the check of TC1. h(MIX) = [Q(MN COND)*h(MN A/E) + Q(AUX COND)*h(AUX A/E)] / [Q(MN COND) + Q(AUX COND)] h(MIX) = 398316.7719 A.2.22 Condenser Flow Derivations The total heat flow through the Main or Auxiliary Condenser(s) is equal to the sum of both stages of the Air Ejectors as derived by the following equation. Q(MN or AUX COND)*h'(MN or AUX COND) + Q(MN or AUX COND)*h(DESUP) = (2/5)*Q(MN or AUX AUX)*h(IC) + (3/5)*Q(MN or AUX A/E)*h(AC) + Q(MN or AUX COND)*h(MN or AUX A/E) A.2.23 Inter- and After-Condenser Enthalpies IC = (2/5)*Q(MN or AUX COND) h(IC) = h(f)@125°F = 92.993847 AC = (3/5)*Q(MN or AUX COND) h(AC) = h(f)@200°F = 168.09914 A.2.24 Main Turbine Extraction Stages Table 9 – Main Turbine Extraction Stages P TURB IN 864.696 h(SL) S v 1482 1.65192 0.92807 TOP PT 778.226 944.917 1482 1.66304 1.03174 B1 280.272 715.751 1377.93 1.69018 2.42592 1377.13 -0.08001 B2 86.4696 483.608 1273.87 1.71733 6.63272 1272.43 B3 11.0344 1128.72 -0.67852 COND 0.73677 91.6838 197.85 1129.4 1.75501 34.4641 984.92 1.7927 395.165 98 x h* Δh T 950 1.44467 A.3 Appendices A.3.1 Power Matrix Table 10 - Power Matrix + + + + + + + 1/a+1/b+1/c+1/d (-1)(1/a+1/b+1/c+1/d) (-1)(1/b+1/c+1/d) (-1)(1/c+1/d) (-1)(1/d) 0 0 0 SHP/Em + Q(MN LEAK OFF)*(1/c+1/d) E G B1 B2 B3 Q(MN COND) Q(AUX COND) Q(DESUP Constants A.3.2 Superheater Outlet Flow Matrix Table 11 - Superheater Outlet Flow Matrix 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 + + + + + + + E G B1 B2 B3 Q(MN COND) Q(AUX COND) Q(DESUP) 0.005*E(EST) + SR(TG)*KW|operating Constants A.3.3 High Pressure Heater Matrix Table 12 - High Pressure Heater Matrix + + + + + + + hF3-h'F2 0 hD3-hB1 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 E G B1 B2 B3 Q(MN COND) Q(AUX COND) Q(DESUP) Constants A.3.4 Direct Contact Heater Matrix Table 13 - Direct Contact Heater Matrix SR(FP)*(BHP/E)-hF2 0 + hD3 + hB2 + 0 + hc1 + hc1 + 0 + Q(SAH)*hB2 + Q(VENT COND)*h(VENT COND) Q(FWDCT)*h(FWDCT)-R*h'F2-Q(LIVE STEAM MAKEUP)*hDS E G B1 B2 B3 Q(MN COND) Q(AUX COND) Q(DESUP) Constants A.3.5 Feed Water Drain Collection Tank Matrix Table 14 – Feed Water Drain Collection Tank Matrix 0 0 + 0 + 0 + hB2-hD1 + h'(MN COND) - hc1 + h'(AUX COND) - hc1 + 0 + Q(DIST)*(hB2-hD1) - (Q*h)(SAH DRN) - (Q*h)(CNTMD DRN) - [(Q*h)(VENT COND) + (Q*h)(MN LO) + (Q*h)(AUX LO)] - (Q*h)(MAKEUP FEED) - Q(MN A/E) + Q(AUX A/E) + Q(DISTILL A/E)|h(DESUP) E G B1 B2 B3 Q(MN COND) Q(AUX COND) Q(DESUP) Constants A.3.6 Main Condenser Matrix Table 15 - Main Condenser Matrix 1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 + + + + + 100 E G B1 B2 B3 Q(MN COND) + + 0 Q(AUX COND) 0 Q(DESUP) Q(MN LEAK OFF) - Q(MN IC) + Q(DIST) Constants A.3.7 Auxiliary Condenser Flow Matrix Table 16 - Auxiliary Condenser Flow Matrix 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + Q(DIST) + Q(AUX IC) + Q(TG) - Q(AUX LO) E G B1 B2 B3 Q(MN COND) Q(AUX COND) Q(DESUP) Constants A.3.8 Desuperheater Steam Flow Matrix Table 17 - Desuperheater Steam Flow Matrix SR(FP)*(BHP/E) 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + Q(SOOT BLOWERS) + Q(STM ATOM) + Q(DOM) + Q(MN A/E) + Q(AUX A/E) + Q(DIST A/E) + Q(FOH) 101 E G B1 B2 B3 Q(MN COND) Q(AUX COND) Q(DESUP) Constants