Macro-Stability of Swiss WIR-Bank Spending: Balance, Velocity, & Leverage by James Stodder (RPI) & Bernard Lietaer (UC-Berkeley) James Stodder, (Ph.D., Economics, Yale 1990) Lally School of Management & Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Hartford Hartford, Connecticut, USA 12-Jul-16 1 12-Jul-16 2 I will try to show: 1. The WIR system, based on centralized electronic credits, is self-adjusting. 2.a. Small Companies show countercyclical WIR Velocities. 2.b. Large Companies show countercyclical WIR Balances. 3. These self-adjusting, countercyclical credits are non-inflationary. 12-Jul-16 3 Swiss WIR-Bank, 80 Years Old Founded during Great Depression, in 1934, around ideas of German-Argentine businessman: Silvio Gesell (1862-1930). Wirtschaftsring, or “Cercle Économique” WIR = “WE” in German Since 1955, Small-to-Medium Businesses only. 12-Jul-16 4 In 2008, WIR-Bank had 70,200 Participants Turnover 1.6 Billion SFr ($1.5 b. US) WIR clients maintain two accounts, one in Swiss Francs (SFr), the other in WIR. WIR accounts can be used to clear (in WIR) trades only with other WIR clients. Since 1973, WIR credits are not supposed to trade for SFr (although this still happens) 12-Jul-16 5 Distribution of WIR Client-Firms Number Number Industry Swiss WIR RETAIL, of which Registered Non-Registered 62,380 SERVICES, of which Registered Non-Registered Portion (1,000 SFr) (1,000 SFr) (Swiss Fr.) Turn/Balance = WIR/Swiss Turnover Balance Av. Bal. Velocity 14,275 5,933 8,342 22.9% 9.5% 13.4% 345,757 223,822 121,935 127,100 64,958 62,142 8,904 10,949 7,449 2.72 3.446 1.962 164,709 10,380 3,817 6,563 6.3% 2.3% 4.0% 213,515 112,186 101,329 88,788 30,745 58,044 8,554 8,055 8,844 2.405 3.649 1.746 HOSPITALITY, of which Registered Non-Registered 28,006 3,438 2,099 1,339 12.3% 7.5% 4.8% 73,021 61,872 11,148 22,416 16,156 6,261 6,520 7,697 4,676 3.257 3.83 1.781 CONSTRUCTION, of which Registered Non-Registered 57,268 21,162 6,992 14,170 37.0% 12.2% 24.7% 527,619 280,169 247,450 210,477 82,462 128,015 9,946 11,794 9,034 2.507 3.398 1.933 MANUFACTURING, of which Registered Non-Registered 38,421 7,310 1,820 5,490 19.0% 4.7% 14.3% 230,196 87,418 142,778 101,884 26,092 75,792 13,938 14,336 13,805 2.259 3.350 1.884 WHOLESALE, of which Registered Non-Registered 21,762 4,138 1,027 3,111 19.0% 4.7% 14.3% 223,631 80,371 143,260 73,787 15,462 58,325 17,832 15,056 18,748 3.031 5.198 2.456 TOTALS, of which Registered Non-Registered 372,546 60,703 21,688 39,015 16.3% 5.8% 10.5% 1,613,739 845,838 767,901 624,452 235,874 388,578 10,287 10,876 9,960 2.584 3.586 1.976 12-Jul-16 6 (1) Why are Centralized Electronic Credits Self-Adjusting? - because they are created by trade itself 12-Jul-16 7 WIR-Credit is Self-Adjusting If I agree to let you baby-sit for me, then my account is debited, and your account is credited, by the same amount. There is no “monetary base” or “high powered money” (reserves within the central bank), or “bank money multiplier.” Bank balances are self-adjusting, growing or contracting in direct proportion to trade. 12-Jul-16 8 (2) This Self-Adjusting Credit is Counter-Cyclical 12-Jul-16 9 Long-term Correlation with Unemployment 12-Jul-16 10 Do changes in GDP lead to changes in WIR? 12-Jul-16 Maybe. 11 Overall, Counter-Cyclical link is strong: GDP (-) => WIR-Turnover (+) Table 2 Indep. Var=> D(LrGdpMa2(-1)) R2 D(LrWIRTurnover) 1953-2012 D(LrWIRTurnover) 1953-1972 D(LrWIRTurnover) 1973-2012 -1.0191 -1.4789 -1.0141 [-3.613]*** [-2.746]** [-2.606]** 0.951 0.977 0.936 t-stats in [ ]: ***: p < 0.01 12-Jul-16 12 (2) Why is this Countercyclical Credit Important to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)? - because they are so credit constrained in downturns. 12-Jul-16 13 Employees and Owners in Small to Medium Firms can be shown to have: • Higher Risk of Layoffs & Bankruptcy • Less Access to Bank Credit WINTER-EBMER & ZWEIMÜLLER “Firm Size Wage Differentials in Switzerland,” American Economic Review (1999) TERRA, Maria Christina “Credit constraints in Brazilian firms,” Revista Brasilera de Economia (2003) 12-Jul-16 14 Is ↑ WIR Turnover in a Recession from Money, Velocity, or Both? Recall the “Quantity of Money" Equation: ‘ Turnover ’ = M * V = P * Q = GDP => %∆M + %∆V = %∆P + %∆Q = %∆GDP where M = Money (Balances) V = Velocity P = Price Level Q = Goods & Services Purchased 12-Jul-16 15 %∆ Turnover [= %∆ Money + %∆ Velocity] => M2 Velocity is very Pro-Cyclical %∆M %∆M + %∆V %∆V 12-Jul-16 See Updated Graph HERE 16 (2b) Why do Larger Firms use WIR Counter-cyclically? 1) Because it helps them hold onto SME customers and suppliers in tough times. 2) This is similar to countercyclical pattern of large firms providing trade credits to smaller customers and distributors. 12-Jul-16 17 SMEs are more subject to Credit Risk Consider B2B Trade Credits, on terms like “2% 10, net 30.” Trade Credits are: • A major form of credit for SMEs in OECD • 20% of Large-Firm Accounts Receivable • Used in a highly countercyclical way Nilsen, J., “Trade credit and the bank lending channel,” Journal of Money Credit and Banking (2002) 12-Jul-16 18 Both Registred and Non-Registered Firms are Counter-Cyclical in Turnover: GDP (-) => WIR-Turnover Construction (+) Table 11 D(LrVAma2(-1)) R2 Registered 1995-2008 Non-Registered 1995-2008 D(LrWirTurnCons) D(LrWirTurnCons) -1.0524 -0.7599 [-3.139]*** 0.776 [-1.852]○ 0.718 t-stats in [ ]:***: p < 0.01; 12-Jul-16 o: p < 0.15 19 Registered firms Countercyclical in Velocity, Non-Registered firms are so in Balances. Value Added (-) => WIR-Turnover (+) Table 7, 9 DOLS estim. D(LrVAma2(-1)) R2 Registered 1995-2008 Non-Registered 1995-2008 D(LrWirVELOC) D(LrWirBALAN) -1.8710 [-3.627]*** 0.214 -0.7791 [-0.781] 0.660 t-stats in [ ]: ***: p < 0.01, ** : p < 0.05,* 12-Jul-16 20 Lemma on Balances + Velocities Lemma 3: If, in a Secondary Currency (i) Turnover is countercyclical for both large firms and SMEs; (ii) Large firms use this currency only with SME customers; and (iii) Large firms allow good SME customers to settle a greater portion of their bills in secondary currency during recessions, it follows that: 12-Jul-16 21 Lemma 3, cont. Secondary Balances are countercyclical for Large firms; Velocities are countercyclical for SMEs. These terms “drive” or dominate Turnover: the Output elasticity of Balances is more negative for Large firms than the elasticity of Velocities. The opposite is true for SMEs: 𝑳 𝑩𝑸 12-Jul-16 <0< 𝑉𝑄𝐿 , 𝑺 𝑽𝑸 < 0 < 𝐵𝑄𝑆 . 22 Table 10: Balance or Velocity Dominance in “Standard Counter-Cyclical Pattern” Registered Non-Registered Null Hypothesis: 𝑉𝑄𝑅 − 𝑇𝑄𝑅 = 0, 𝑹 Alternative Hypothesis: 𝑽𝑹 𝑸 − 𝑻𝑸 < 𝟎 Null Hypothesis: 𝐵𝑄𝑁𝑅 − 𝑇𝑄𝑁𝑅 = 0, 𝑵𝑹 Alternative Hypothesis: 𝑩𝑵𝑹 𝑸 − 𝑻𝑸 < 𝟎 DOLS Estim. FMOLS Estim. DOLS Estim. FMOLS Estim. 𝑇𝑄𝑅 = -0.5249, 𝑇𝑄𝑅 = -0.7861, 𝑇𝑄𝑁𝑅 = -0.5192, 𝑇𝑄𝑁𝑅 = -0.6702, 𝑽𝑹 𝑸 = -1.8710. 𝑵𝑹 𝑵𝑹 𝑽𝑹 = -0.8557. 𝑩 𝑩 = -0.7791. 𝑸 𝑸 = -1.1036. 𝑸 P-values: 1.13E-04, 6.31E-03 P-values: 0.4366, 0.3509 P-values: 0.0399, 0.3979 P-values: 3.64E-03, 0.3279 23 SUM, All Effects CONST Yates Pearson 0.0856 0.0441 Count_B= Count_V= Reg 6 15 0.6650 Count_B= Count_V= HOSP NA Count_B= Count_V= MANUF 0.2059 Count_B= Count_V= 12-Jul-16 0.0833 Reg 0 2 NA Reg 1 0 0.0350 Reg 2 1 Non-Reg 11 7 Table 12: Countercyclical Dominance of WIR Balances (B) or Velocity (V) Registered and Non-Registered Firms, Several Functional Specifications RETAIL Non-Reg 1 0 Count_B= Count_V= SERV Non-Reg 0 0 0.2357 Count_B= Count_V= WHOL Non-Reg 0 5 NA 0.0528 Count_B= Count_V= NA Reg 0 2 Non-Reg 0 1 0.0578 Reg 2 4 Non-Reg 3 0 0.0098 Reg 0 5 Non-Reg 4 1 24 (3) Why are Self-Adjusting, Countercyclical Credits likely to be Non-Inflationary? - Because they are More Countercyclical than Ordinary Money. 12-Jul-16 25 US Macro-Stability: Better since WWII, (But Room for Improvement!) Average U.S. Business Cycle, 1854 to 2006 Contraction 1854-1919 (16 cycles) 45% 1919-1945 (6 cycles) 55% 34% 1945-2006 (10 cycles) 66% 15% 0 Expansion 85% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Months Source: 12-Jul-16 26 %∆ Turnover [= %∆ Money + %∆ Velocity] => M2 Velocity is very Pro-Cyclical %∆M %∆M + %∆V %∆V 12-Jul-16 27 (4) The Question of Inflation To fight inflation, Central Banks are forced to tighten money supply, even if it leads to a recession. But a more ‘Micro’ Monetary Policy can reach sectors untouched by standard monetary expansion – without putting upward pressure on prices. Making up for lost purchasing power is not inflationary; it is anti-deflationary. 12-Jul-16 28 As the internet allows Marketers to go from Broadcasting to ‘Point-Casting’ Similarly, WIR allows Monetary Authority to move from Macro- to Micro-Credit. Expended WIR credits don’t go to those who have the most credit, but those who have the least. This seems “fairer” (can gain political support). Rather than inflationary, it is anti-deflationary. 12-Jul-16 29 Data suggest WIR is more countercyclically leveraged than M2 Most used in highly cyclical sectors (Construction: 37%, Retail: 23%) Large Non-Registered firms: high SFr/WIR ratio. Similar to pattern of Trade-Credits –underappreciated credit channel. SMEs relying on WIR are most credit- constrained in recessions. 12-Jul-16 30 For Paper, email me: 12-Jul-16 31