BIOLOGY 1406 Name _____________________________ GEN BIOLOGY I

LOCKLIN: BIOL1406: Test 1
Name _____________________________
June 10, 2004
Form A
Exam I
I. (20 points) Multiple choice. Select the correct answer for each question and place the answer on your exam in the
blank to the left of the number.
____1. Pure water has a pH of 7 because it contains
a. equal numbers of hydrogen and hydroxide ions
b. equal numbers of hydrogen and oxygen atoms
c. a variety of buffers
d. none of the above
e. a, b, and c are correct
____2. You drink a glass of lemonade, but your body's pH does not change. This is an example of how organisms:
a. maintain homeostasis.
d. are immune to acid.
b. maintain organization.
e. are what they eat.
c. adapt to their environment.
____3. What is the defining characteristic of an acid?
a. It donates hydrogen ions.
b. It accepts hydrogen ions.
c. It will donate or accept hydrogen ions depending on the pH.
d. It has an excess of hydroxide ions
e. It has a pH greater than 7.
____4. If two atoms share a pair of electrons, they are held together by a(n)
a. polar bond
c. hydrogen bond
b. covalent bond
d. ionic bond
e. neutral bond
___5. Which of the following is a CORRECT statement about the scientific method?
a. it distinguishes between good and bad
b. it can only be done by someone with a Ph.D. or advanced training
c. it organizes evidence and helps us predict what will happen in our environment
d. it requires expensive laboratory equipment
e. its methods are substantially different from the way people normally process information
___6. Based upon your knowledge of atomic structure, an atom with 14 protons in its nucleus
a. would be very stable and unreactive
d. would be very positively charged
b. tend to form covalent bonds
e. none of the above
c. would probably form ionic bonds
__7. Each amino acid differs from others in the
a. location of the carbon atoms
d. nature of the R group
b. number of carboxyl groups
e. all of the above
c. size of the amino group
___8. The bonds between two carbon atoms or carbon and hydrogen represent
a. shared electrons
c. energy sinkholes
b. slurpy factoids
d. ionic bonds
e. both a and d
___19. Which of the following lists the four elements that make up 97% of all living tissue?
a. hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen
d. carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur
b. oxygen, carbon, helium, nitrogen
e. nitrogen, carbon, helium, sulfur
c. oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur
Biol 1406: Exam I
II. (20 points) Fill in the blanks with the correct word or statement. The value of each question is in the parentheses
following the number.
1. (1) The linear arrangement of amino acids in the polypeptide chain is referred to as the __________________ structure
of the protein.
4. (1) Cholesterol, testosterone, and estrogen are all examples of _______________________________.
5. (2) List two of the attributes something must have to be considered truly alive:
__________________________________ and __________________________________________________.
6. (1) A compound that maintains a solution at a constant pH by accepting or releasing H + in response to small changes in
H+ concentrations is known as a __________________________.
8. (1) pH is the measure of the concentration of ________________________ present in a solution.
10. (1) The four nitrogen bases in a molecule of DNA are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and _______________.
11. (1) Name one function of carbohydrates ______________________________________________________
13. (1) Water is attracted to any substance which __________________________________________________
14. (3) List the three kinds of atoms which make up any carbohydrate. ______________, _________________, and
III. (20 points) Matching. Place the letter of the correct answer from Column B into the blank to the left of the
term in Column A. NOTE: There are more answers in Column B than you will need.
____1. Alfred Russell Wallace
___11. ion
____2. atom
___12. Kingdom Monera
____3. Baron Cuvier
___13. Lamarck
____4. compound
___14. natural selection
____5. phospholipid
___15. amino acids
____6. functional group
___16. biology
____7. Galápagos Islands
___17. species
____8. homeostasis
___18. theory
____9. hydrophobic
___19. Thomas Malthus
___10. hypothesis
___20. uniformitarianism
Biol 1406: Exam I
a. the branch of chemistry which studies carbon compounds
b. French biologist; a theory of evolution with an incorrect explanation
c. a hypothesis of long standing with much supporting evidence.
d. nucleotide bases found only in DNA
e. ordinary natural processes have always taken place and can account for
geological changes
f. Essay on Population; populations will outstrip the food supply
g. basic building block of proteins
h. the basic unit of matter
i. Das Kapital, Tristan und Isolde, and Origin of Species published
j. the science, or study of life
k. a molecule of two or more atoms of different kinds
l. a group of similar organisms that are capable of interbreeding under
natural conditions
m. an educated guess attempting to explain observations
n. independently worked out the Theory of Evolution while in the Far
Eastern tropics
o. the simplest of all living things; essentially the bacteria
p. a carbohydrate composed of two monosaccharides
q. known as the natural "laboratory" of evolution
r. a certain combination of atoms which always reacts the same way and
confers certain properties upon the compounds containing them
s. French paleontologist; "created" pre-historic worlds of extinct creatures
t. culling of poorly adapted organisms by the environment; most welladapted leave the most offspring
u. non-polar; not dissolvable in water
v. the most abundant type of molecule which makes up cell membranes
w. an "atom" with one or more charges
x. maintenance of a stable internal environment by a cell or an organism
Biol 1406: Exam I
IV. (10 points) Matching. Place the letter of the correct answer into the blank to the left of the term.
_____1. glucose
_____2. steroid
_____3. hydroxyl group
_____4. phospholipid
_____5. amino acid
_____6. Which of the drawings depicts the electron configuration of oxygen?
_____7. Which of the drawings depicts the electron configuration of carbon?
_____8. Which of the drawings depicts the electron configuration of nitrogen?
_____9. Which of the drawings is an atom with the atomic number of eight?
_____10. Which of the drawings depicts an atom that is likely to gain one electron?
Biol 1406: Exam I
V. (8 points) Fill in the map with the appropriate words below.
composed of
composed of
consist of
consist of
composed of
Fatty Acids
Nucleic Acids
Amino Acids
Nitrogen Bases
Biol 1406: Exam I
VI. (10 points) Lab material. For questions 1-5, identify the parts of the microscope at the front of the room with
the correct answer. For 6-10, answer the questions.
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________
Viewing Tube
Objective lens
Coarse Adjustment Knob
Iris Diaphragm
Fine Adjustment Knob
Slide Clips
6. If you are looking at a specimen with the high power objective (43X), what is the total magnification of the image?
7. What is one difference between plant and animal cells?
8. The basic organization of living things are cells  tissues  ________________.
9. The name of the exotic aquatic plant we looked at that is causing serious ecological problems in central Texas aquatic
environments is ________________.
10. The green organelles in the plant cells where photosynthesis takes place are called __________________.
Biol 1406: Exam I
VI. (20 points) Short Answer/Essay. CHOOSE ONLY ONE! You may use the back of the page if necessary.
Essay 1. Water is a unique substance because it has a variety of special properties.
(6 points) (A) Draw the molecular structure of a water molecule and indicate the positively and negatively charged
regions of the molecule
(6 points) (B) Tommy took temperature readings of a pond from the surface to the bottom and he recorded the following
temperatures: 0C, 2C, 3C, and 4C. Draw a profile of the pond and indicate where the temperature readings were
(8 points) (C) Describe the key properties of water that make it so important in biological systems.
Biol 1406: Exam I