QUIZ 4. Name Biol 1406 ___________________________

Biol 1406
1. What happens if a baby has only
one X chromosome, and no Y?
4. A plant has a dominant phenotype
but an unknown genotype. The
proper experiment to determine its
correct genotype would be a/an:
a. heterozygotic cross.
b. testcross.
c. homozytic cross.
d. F1 cross.
e. back cross.
a. Such a major chromosome
deficiency is lethal, so the baby
would be stillborn.
b. This baby would be a female
with Turner syndrome.
c. The baby would be a male
with Turner syndrome.
d. The individual would have
Klinefelter syndrome.
5. The Law of Segregation (Mendel)
is best demonstrated using:
a. a monohybrid cross.
b. a dihybrid cross
c. a testcross.
d. a back cross.
e. two recessive varieties of the gene
under study.
2. What are alleles?
a. specific physical locations of genes
on a chromosome
b. variations of the same gene (i.e.,
similar nucleotide sequences on
homologous chromosomes)
c. homozygotes
d. heterozygotes
3. A single gene capable of
influencing multiple phenotypes
within a single organism is said to be
a. codominant for that gene
b. incompletely dominant for
that gene
c. polygenic for that gene
d. pleiotropic for that gene