MULTIPLE CHOICE answers the question.


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) What establishes the most fundamental rules of the game in American politics?

A) the Constitution B) the Supreme Court

C) the Declaration of Independence D) congressional law

2) In class, we proposed two opposing lines of argument concerning the apparent lack of efficiency and effectiveness of government in the United States. Which of the following are the proper pair of criticisms?

A) incompetent or corrupt politicians AND uninformed voters

B) uninformed voters AND the amount of money in election campaigns

C) incompetent or corrupt politicians AND a decentralized political system

D) none of these

3) The framers of the U.S. Constitution attempted to prevent tyranny by

A) requiring that Congress defer to the other branches of government.

B) not giving Congress many powers.

C) making tyranny unconstitutional.

D) decentralizing political power through institutional mechanisms such as separation of powers.

4) Both politics and policy differ between the American and parliamentary versions of democracy. The form of democracy developed in the United States is a product of

A) its constitutional system.

B) the treaty that ended the American Revolution.

C) the dominance of strong political parties in the American system.

D) the "Connecticut Compromise."

5) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the American system, but IS of the parliamentary system?

A) The legislature may remove the executive on grounds of policy disagreement.

B) The executive and members of the legislature are separately elected.

C) Members of the legislature are constitutionally-prohibited from serving in the executive's cabinet.

D) Divided party government (where the legislature is controlled by one party and the executive is controlled by another) is highly probable.

6) In a parliamentary system, the prime minister is usually chosen by the

A) nation's voters. B) legislature's majority party. C) cabinet.

D) ruling monarch.

7) Which of the following is NOT a likely feature of politics in a parliamentary system?

A) legislative/executive deadlock B) strong political parties

C) coalition government D) All of these ARE likely features.

8) In the American system, a president can be impeached by the House of Representatives.

Impeachment means

A) that House members can take a "vote of confidence" in the president's leadership and

[if he loses] force him to resign.

B) the president can be formally charged (indicted) for alleged "high crimes and misdemeanors."

C) the president will be removed from office by the Congress.

D) none of the above.

9) Which of the following IS a characteristic of the American political system but NOT of a parliamentary system?

1. personality-oriented election campaigns

2. proliferation of interest groups

3. separate elections for legislators and the chief executive

4. dramatic change in "critical elections"

5. need for "coalition governments"

A) 1, 2, and 3 B) 1, 2, 3, and 4 C) 4 and 5 D) 1, 4, and 5

10) An important implication of our comparison of the parliamentary and American systems is that the structure of a political system emphasizes some values and not others. Which values are BEST served by the decentralized nature of the American system?

A) efficient and effective government

B) effective, but prudent government

C) circumscribed (limited), deliberate government

D) crippled, impotent government

11) Which of the following is (are) among the reforms that have been proposed to make the

American system more efficient (as outlined by James Sundquist)?

A) allowing executive (Cabinet) officials to play a role in Congress (such as floor leaders)

B) allowing sitting members of Congress to serve as cabinet officers

C) give the president the power to dissolve Congress and call for new elections

D) All of these have been proposed.

12) Which of the following is (are) NOT among the reforms that have been proposed to make the American system more efficient (as outlined by James Sundquist)?

A) make it possible for Congress to remove the president from office by a means easier than the impeachment process

B) allow members of the House of Representatives to serve four-year terms rather than the current two-year terms

C) allow the Supreme Court to resolve issues where the president and Congress become gridlocked (stalemated).

D) None of these proposals are discussed by Sundquist

13) The process that determines "who gets what, when, and how" is known as

A) decision-making. B) political science. C) politics. D) paternalism.

14) Harold Laswell's definition in the previous question implies that

A) people are in conflict over valued things in society.

B) societies have a set of procedures to resolve the question of "who gets what, when, and how."

C) individuals are anti-social.

D) both a and b.

15) In class, we introduced a public policy classification scheme. Which of the following questions must be answered in order to classify a policy under this scheme?

1. Who is the primary target group?

2. Why is government implementing the policy?

3. What are the goals of the policy?

4. What is the activity of government with respect to the primary target group [what is government doing to or for the primary target group]?

5. Who are the secondary target groups?

A) 1, 3, and 5 B) 1, 2, and 4 C) 2 and 4 D) 1 and 4

16) In which class of public policy does government set standards for behavior, inspect for compliance with the standards, and punish for non-compliance?

A) resource extractive B) regulatory C) redistributive

D) internal organization and management

17) In which class of public policy does government benefit, aid, or subsidize a target group?

A) resource allocative B) regulatory C) redistributive

D) internal organization and management

18) Suppose a city council passed an ordinance in 1990 which prohibits individuals and businesses from posting signs (i.e., garage sale signs, small business advertising) on right-of-ways, intersections, street lights, telephone poles, city property, etc. Because

Code Enforcement (the city department responsible for enforcement of the ordinance) does not have enough manpower, it has not issued a single citation for violation of the ordinance in twelve years. Consequently, these signs are pervasive around the city.

What important principle of public policy does this example illustrate?

A) Public policies NEVER work.

B) City governments have little authority to make public policy decisions.

C) Public policies consist of decisions AND action - the action of government determines the content of public policy.

D) Public policies are what government intends to do.

19) Under the policy classification scheme introduced in class, which of the following is NOT one of the five activities that government can undertake with respect to a primary target group?

A) give B) take C) symbolize D) lie

20) A city council passes and the police enforce an ordinance imposing fines on the parents of minor children who are "on the streets" past a 1:00 a.m. curfew. This is an example of which class of policy?

A) resource allocative B) symbolic C) regulatory D) resource extractive

21) Once every ten years (subsequent to the decennial census), the 450 seats in the United

States House of Representatives are reapportioned to reflect population shifts.

Legislatures in each of the 50 states redraw congressional district lines (within their states) so that each district contains (roughly) the same number of people. As a result of the 2000 census, the number of representatives allotted to Texas increased from 30 to 32. The

Texas legislature last redrew district lines in 2001 to account for this change. Redrawing congressional district lines by state legislatures is an example of which type or class of public policy?

A) resource allocative B) resource extractive C) regulatory

D) internal organization and management

22) In 1964, Congress passed the Employment Opportunity Act that established the Job Corps.

This program provides intensive vocational training and basic education to youths from 14 to 21 years of age who are poor, out of school, and out of work. This is an example of which type or class of public policy?

A) resource allocative B) resource extractive C) regulatory D) symbolic

23) A few years ago, Congress passed a resolution declaring that surviving Japanese-

Americans who had their property confiscated when they were interned in concentration camps during World War II were entitled to compensation. Checks for $20,000 were then mailed by the U.S. Treasury Department to all those eligible. This is an example of which type or class of public policy?

A) resource allocative B) resource extractive C) regulatory

D) internal organization and management

24) Under state law in Texas, voters may elect to establish special district governments called

Crime Control and Prevention Districts to distribute sales tax revenues to municipal governments for the purposes of implementing law enforcement programs. In March

1995, voters in the City of Fort Worth established the first such district in the state. In

October 1995, the Fort Worth Crime Control and Prevention District began funding anticrime programs to be implemented by the City of Fort Worth Police Department. This is an example of which type or class of public policy? [HINT: the policy action in this case is the distribution of sales tax revenues from the Crime Control District to the Fort Worth

Police Department.]

A) symbolic B) resource extractive C) internal organization and management

D) regulatory

25) The U.S. Department of Commerce requires that shrimpers operating in U.S. waters install

"turtle-excluder devices" [TEDs] on their nets to reduce the number of sea turtles that are inadvertently killed in shrimp harvests. The Coast Guard randomly inspects shrimping boats and may impose fines on or impound the vessels of shrimpers who are not in compliance. This is an example of which type or class of public policy?

A) resource allocative B) regulatory C) symbolic D) resource extractive

26) After considerable public protests by human rights advocacy groups in the United States, the United States government denies the People's Republic of China most favored nation trading status as a result of China's alleged human rights violations. This is an example of which class of policy?

A) resource extractive B) symbolic C) regulatory

D) internal organization and management

27) According to the essay by Ted Lowi, "New Directions in Policy and Politics," which of the following observations is true of moral regulation (called C2 policies by Lowi)?

A) These policies were once almost the exclusive province of state government authority.

B) Most of these policies were removed in total or substantial part from state jurisdiction by the United States Supreme Court.

C) In recent years, most of these policies have become nationalized (fallen under the jurisdiction of the national government).

D) All of these statements are true.

28) Lowi believes that the apparent transformation of American politics recently can be termed

"new politics" insofar as

A) more issues have become radicalized.

B) the jurisdiction over policies embodying moral controversies has shifted from the states to the national level of government.

C) the substantive issues themselves (i.e., freedom of religion, abortion, racial equality, etc.) are exclusively mid- late-20th century issues.

D) none of these.

29) Lowi distinguishes "social" regulatory policies from "economic" regulatory policies on the grounds that

A) only social regulatory policies can become radicalized.

B) the debate over "social" regulatory policies tends to be "instrumental" (focused on the consequences of the proscribed behavior).

C) in social regulation, the policy itself is usually aimed at the "moral base" of the proscribed conduct.

D) none of these -- Lowi concludes the distinction between the two types of regulation is ultimately not meaningful.

30) According to Lowi, with respect to prostitution, the mainstream position would likely

A) support laws prohibiting an open market on the grounds that prostitution is sinful behavior.

B) support laws prohibiting an open market on the grounds that prostitution is morally wrong to permit the dehumanization of women.

C) support laws prohibiting an open market on the grounds that prostitution poses a serious health (disease) risk and is associated with drug abuse and other injurious consequences.

D) oppose laws criminalizing prostitution on the grounds that it is a "victimless crime."

31) Lowi contends that the debate over some issues begins as mainstream debate but may become radicalized. On other issues, the debate may be radicalized in the beginning but become dominated by mainstream arguments over time. According to Lowi, the debate over __________ is an example of the former case, while __________ is an example of the latter.

A) environmental protection; animal rights B) AIDS; environmental protection

C) racial integration; AIDS D) the death penalty; racial integration

32) According to the Greenberg text, which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to democracy?

A) Democracy was widely practiced by western European nations in the eighteenth century.

B) Since the days of ancient China, democracy has been practiced throughout most of Asia and Europe.

C) Democracy and capitalism always exist together.

D) Most Western philosophers and rulers before the eighteenth century were not friendly to the idea of rule by the many.

33) According to the Greenberg text, the core of democratic theory lies in

A) a faith in the collective will of all individuals.

B) a faith in the capacity of ordinary human beings.

C) faith in the majority.

D) a faith in "chaos theory."

34) According to the Greenberg text, direct participatory democracy

A) means that citizens elect representatives in free elections.

B) is synonymous with the concept of "representative democracy."

C) best typifies government in the United States under the Articles of Confederation.

D) means that citizens are able to meet together regularly to debate and decide the issues of the day.

35) According to the Greenberg text, in large societies like the United States, democracy means in practice

A) direct rule by the people through elections and referenda.

B) direct rule by the people through participation in local government and the workplace.

C) rule by the people mainly through elected representatives.

D) rule by the people mainly through referenda.

36) According to the Greenberg text, the deliberative will of the people refers to

A) what the people want at any given point in time.

B) what the people want after a period of reflection and discussion with others.

C) the common good, discovered through the study of tradition and common culture.

D) the general will, which Rousseau said must be discovered in a face-to-face assembly of all citizens.

37) According to the Greenberg text, with respect to the distribution of wealth in a nation, according to Aristotle and Jefferson, the ideal society for the practice of democracy is one

A) where wealth is distributed fairly evenly among everyone.

B) where a small elite controls most wealth.

C) with a large middle class.

D) in which men and women share equally.

38) According to the Greenberg text, James Madison feared majority rule because he thought it would have which of the following negative effects?

A) It would reduce the political influence of wealthy elites.

B) It would hamper swift decision making.

C) It would make it difficult for large numbers of people to agree on decisions.

D) It would undermine freedom and threaten individual rights.

39) According to the Greenberg text, the ideas in the Declaration of Independence

A) seem old-fashioned today.

B) were unheard of at the time it was written.

C) were almost entirely Thomas Jefferson's and Benjamin Franklin's.

D) were widely discussed at the time, and remain popular today.

40) According to the Greenberg text, most of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention were

A) old men who tended to be businessmen without formal education.

B) old men who tended to be farmers.

C) young men who tended to be wealthy and highly educated.

D) young men who tended to have a lot in common with ordinary Americans.

41) According to the Greenberg text, the __________ Compromise broke the deadlock at the

Constitutional Convention concerning the issue of representation.

A) New York B) Georgia C) Connecticut D) Virginia

42) According to the Greenberg text, separation of powers in the Constitution refers to

A) federalism between states and the central government.

B) distinct spheres of responsibility for the three branches of the national government.

C) procedures for each branch of the national government to limit the power of the other branches.

D) civilian control of the national military.

43) According to the Greenberg text, which of the following statements can best illustrate the concept of mixed or balanced government?

A) The best way to prevent tyranny is to combine the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

B) Establish an executive that is subordinate to the legislature.

C) Fragment government power into three distinct branches.

D) Give the states most of the power.

44) According to the Greenberg text, most observers agree that

A) Americans share a common political culture.

B) Americans have many different political cultures with very different fundamental beliefs.

C) political culture is a myth.

D) we cannot observe or understand political culture.

45) According to the Greenberg text, a foundation belief of the American public includes

A) belief in government interventionism.

B) a strong sense of competitive individualism.

C) distrust of free enterprise.

D) hostility toward religion.

46) According to the Greenberg text, fundamental beliefs that have political consequences make up a country's

A) political culture. B) economic environment. C) social status.

D) pluralistic contradictions.

47) According to the Greenberg text, American tolerance for stark political and economic inequality in the United States is fostered most by the belief in

A) a strong national government. B) redistributive public policies.

C) individualism. D) democracy.

48) According to the Greenberg text, competitive individualism

A) encompasses the belief in both equality of opportunity and equality of results.

B) is generally not supported by the American public.

C) is not as common in most modern capitalist nations as in the U.S..

D) violates the basic concept of a free enterprise system.

49) According to the Greenberg text, Americans tend to favor __________ over public provision.

A) socialism B) private consumption C) public ownership D) elitism

50) According to the Greenberg text, which two fundamental beliefs are virtually in direct conflict in contemporary America?

A) democracy and competitive individualism B) populism and democracy

C) populism and free enterprise D) competitive individualism and the free market
