ITSW 1310 – Introduction to Presentation Software Team Rating Sheet The team member I am evaluating is: The Rating Scale used in answering the following questions range from 0 to 9 with 0 the lowest and 9 the highest. 1. Cooperated with other team members: _________________________________ 2. Provided positive input at scheduled team meetings: ___________________ 3. Agreed to do a fair share of the work: _______________________________ 4. Actually did a fair share of the work: _______________________________ 5. Produced required work:_________________________________________ 6. Produced required work on time: ________________________________ 7. Work produced was reliable and usable: _________________________ 8. This person was dependable: ___________________________________ 9. This person's attitude is very positive: ___________________________ 10. This person uses good Software Engineering Practices: _____________ 11. This person obeyed the university honor code: ________________ 12. This person obeyed the industry code of ethics: __________________ 13. I would like to work with this person on a team project again sometime: ______