CPMT 1411: Introduction to Computer Maintenance (4:3–1)


CPMT 1411: Introduction to Computer Maintenance (4:3–1)

A study of the information for the assembly of a microcomputer system.Emphasis on the evolution of microprocessors and microprocessor bus structures .Lab fee $16

CPMT 1445: Computer System Maintenance (4:3-2)

Examination of the functions of the components within a computer system.Development of skills in the use of test equipment and maintenance aids. Lab fee $16

CPMT 1447: Computer System Peripherals (4:3–1)

Principles and practices involved in computer system troubleshooting techniques, programs,and the use of specialized test equipment. Lab fee $16

CPMT 2445: Computer System Troubleshooting (4:3-2)

Principles and practices involved in computer system troubleshooting techniques and repair procedures including advanced diagnostic test programs and the use of specialized test equipment. Lab fee $16

GRPH 1322: Electronic Publishing I (3:2-2)

Course Description:An introduction to computer layout and design using major components of electronic publishing including text,graphics,and page layout and design using a computer.Introduction to the basic concepts and terminology associated with typography and page layout. Lab fee $16

IMED 2309: Internet Commerce (3:3-1)

An overview of the Internet as a marketing and sales tool with emphasis on developing a prototype for electronic commerce.Topics include database technology,creating web sites in order to collect information,performing on-line transactions,and generating dynamic content. Lab fee $16

ITCC 1302: Local Area Networks Design and Protocols: Cisco I (3:2-2)

Skill development in the design and installation of local area networks to ensure optimal throughput.Topics include cabling,cable closets,management devices,selection,and installation of network devices,protocols,and sub-netting. Lab fee $16

ITCC 1306: Basic Router Configuration: Cisco 2 (3:2-2)

An introduction to Cisco basic router configuration for local area networks.Topics include initial router configuration for TCP/IP,management of the configuration,backup of router configuration files,routing protocols,and the use of security features. Lab fee $16

ITCC 1342: Local Area Management (LAN): Cisco 3 (3:2-2)

Skill development in managing traffic in local area networks (LAN)and in the management of network devices for LANs.This course includes configuring of routers for IPX protocol,filtering traffic in an IPX environment,and identifying and resolving network congestion problem. Lab fee $16

ITCC 1346: Wide Area Management (WAN): Cisco 4 (3:2-2)

An introduction to wide area networking (WAN)services and management. Lab fee $16

ITNW 1321: Introduction to Networking (3:3-1)

Introduction to the fundamentals,basic concepts,and terminology of networks.Topics include the access and use of the Internet and networking hardware and software,including current developments in networking. Lab fee $16

ITNW 1325: Fundamentals of Networking (3:3-1)

Course Description:Instruction in networking technologies and their implementation.

Topics include the OSI reference model,network protocols,transmission media,and networking hardware and software. Lab fee$16

ITNW 2301: Administering Microsoft Windows NT: (3:2-2)

Development of knowledge and skills necessary to perform post-installation and day-to- day administration tasks in a single-domain or multiple-domain Windows NT based network. Lab fee $16

ITNW 2321: Networking with TCP/IP: (3:2-2)

Preparation to set up,configure,use,and support Transmission Control Protocol/Internet

Protocol (TCP/IP)on networking operating systems. Lab fee $16

ITNW 2335: Network Troubleshooting and Support: (2:2-2)

Instruction in the techniques used to troubleshoot and support networks with emphasis on solving real world problems in a hands-on environment.Topics include troubleshooting and research techniques,available resources,and network management hard/software. Lab fee $16

ITNW 2351: Microsoft Windows NT Core Technologies: (3:2-2)

Foundation course for supporting a network operating system.Skill development in

installing,configuring,customizing,optimizing,networking,integrating,and troubleshooting a network operating system. Lab fee $16

ITSC 1301: Introduction to Computers: (3:3-1)

Overview of computer information systems.Introduces computer hardware,software, procedures,and human resources.Explores integration and application in business and other segments in society.Fundamentals of computer problem-solving and programming may be discussed and applied.Examines applications and software relating to a specific curricular area. Lab fee $16

ITSC 1311: AS/400 Operating System I: (3:2-2)

A study of the AS/400 operating system including multiuser concepts,terminal emulation, use of system editor,basic AS/400 menus,commands,and help screens.Topics include introductory system management concepts and file management. Lab fee $16

ITSC 1313: Internet/Web Page Development: (3:2-2)

Instruction in the use of Internet services and the fundamentals of web page design and web site development. Lab fee $16

ITSC 1405: Introduction to PC Operating Systems: (4:3-2)

A study of personal computer operating systems.Topics include installation and configuration,file management,memory and storage management,control of peripheral devices,and use of utilities. Lab fee $16

ITSC 1409: Integrated Software Applications I: (4:3-2)

Integration of applications from popular business productivity software suites.Instruction in embedding data,linking and combining documents using word processing, spreadsheets,databases,and/or presentation media software. Lab fee $16

ITSC 2321: Integrated Software Applications II: (3:2-3)

Continued study of computer applications from business productivity software suites.

Instruction in embedding data and linking and combining documents using word processing,spreadsheets,databases,and/or presentation media software. Lab fee $16

ITSC 2331: Integrated Software Applications III: (3:2-3)

Designed for advanced users with emphasis on a wide range of productivity tasks including complex assignments that require advanced formatting and functionality. Lab fee $16

ITSC 2339: Personal Computer Help Desk: (3:2-2)

Diagnosis and solution of user hardware and software related problems with on-the-job projects in either a Help Desk lab or in short-term assignments for local business. Lab fee $16

ITSC 2486: Internship - Computer and Information Sciences, General: (4:1-19)

An experience external to the college for an advanced student in a specialized field involving a written agreement between the educational institution and a business or industry.Mentored and supervised by a workplace employee,the student achieves objectives that are developed and documented by the college and that are directly related to specific occupational outcomes.This may be a paid or unpaid experience.This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. Prerequisite : 24 credit hours of

CIS classes.*To be taken last semester of degree plan or with prior approval of instructor.

ITSE 1314: Introduction to RPG Programming: (3:2-2)

Introduction to computer programming using RPG.Emphasis on the fundamentals of structured design,development,testing,implementation,and documentation.Includes language syntax,data and file structures,input/output devices,and files. Lab fee $16

ITSE 1318: Introduction to COBOL Programming: (3:2-2)

Introduction to computer programming using COBOL.Emphasis on the fundamentals of structured design,development,testing,implementation,and documentation.Includes language syntax,data and file structures,input/output devices,and files. Lab fee $16

ITSE 1329: Programming Logic and Design: (3:3-0)

A disciplined approach to problem-solving with structured techniques and representation of algorithms using appropriate design tools.Discussion of methods for testing,evaluation, and documentation.

ITSE 1331: Introduction to Visual BASIC Programming: (3:2-2)

Introduction to computer programming using Visual BASIC.Emphasis on the fundamentals of structured design,development,testing,implementation,and documentation.Includes language syntax,data and file structures,input/output devices, and files. Lab fee $16

ITSE 1350: System Analysis and Design: (3:3-1)

Comprehensive introduction to the planning,design,and construction of computer information systems using the systems development life cycle and other appropriate design tools. Lab fee $16

ITSE 1407: Introduction to C++ Programming: (4:3-2)

Introduction to computer programming using C++.Emphasis on the fundamentals of structured design with development,testing,implementation,and documentation.Includes language syntax,data and file structures,input/output devices,and files. Lab fee $16

ITSE 2313: Web Authoring: (3:2-2)

Instruction in designing and developing web pages that incorporate text,graphics,and other supporting elements using current technologies and authoring tools. Lab fee $16

ITSE 2317: JAVA Programming: (3:2-2)

Introduction to JAVA programming with object-orientation.Emphasis on the fundamental syntax and semantics of JAVA for applications and web applets. Lab fee $16

ITSE 2331: Advanced C++ Programming: (3:2-3)

Further application of C++programming techniques including subjects such as file access, abstract data structures,class inheritance,and other advanced techniques. Lab fee $16

ITSE 2349: Advanced Visual BASIC Programming: (3:2-2)

Further applications of programming techniques using Visual BASIC.Topics include file access methods,data structures and modular programming,program testing and documentation. Lab fee $16

ITSE 2351: Advanced COBOL Programming: (3:2-2)

Further applications of programming techniques using COBOL,including file access methods,data structures and modular programming,program testing and documentation. Lab fee $16

ITSE 2357: Advanced Object-Oriented Programming: (3:2-3)

Application of advanced object-oriented programming techniques such as abstract data structures,class inheritance,virtual functions,and exception handling. Lab fee $16.

ITSW 1270: Special Topics in Management Information Systems: Information

Technology in Health Care Occupations: (2:1-2)

The student will describe the purpose and value of information technology in a health care setting;demonstrate ability to successfully complete computerized tasks using software available;describe various uses of computers and information technology in health care.(This course is for students whose major is in health occupations.)

ITSC 1307: UNIX Operating System I: (3:2-2)

A study of the UNIX operating system including multiuser concepts,terminal emulation, use of system editor,basic UNIX commands,and writing script files.Topics include introductory systems management concepts. Lab fee $16

ITSW 1307: Introduction to Database: (3:2-2)

Introduction to database theory and the practical applications of a database. Lab fee $16

ITSW 1310: Presentation Media Software: (3:2-2)

Instruction in the utilization of presentation software to produce multimedia presentations.

Graphics,text,sound,animation and/or video may be used in presentation development.Lab fee $16

ITSW 1313: Introduction to Data Entry: (3:2-2)

Training in data input.Includes source documents,conversion of source data into computer input media,input record layout design,and input coding. Lab fee $16

ITSW 2334: Advanced Spreadsheets: (3:2-2)

Designed to provide an understanding of advanced functionality of electronic spreadsheets.

Lab fee $16

ITSW 2336: UNIX Operating System II: (3:2-2)

Advanced study of the UNIX operating system.Includes advanced concepts of system management and communication,the installation and maintenance of software,network security,and data integrity issues. Lab fee $16

ITSW 2337: Advanced Database: (3:2-2)

Designed to provide an understanding of advanced functionality of databases Lab fee $16

BCIS 1316: Computer Programming (BASIC) (3:2-2)

Course designed to teach software theory and structured programming methods used to solve business data problems.Includes discussion of business applications,testing, documentation,input specification,and report generation. Lab fee $16

BCIS 1332: COBOL Programming (3:2-2)

Introduction to business programming techniques using the COBOL language.Includes

structured programming methods,designing customized software applications,testing, documentation,input specification,and report generation .Lab fee $16

BCIS 1405:Business Computer Applications (4:3-2)

This course discusses computer terminology,hardware,software,operating systems and information systems relating to the business environment.The main focus of this course is on business application of software,including word processing,spreadsheets,databases, presentations graphics and business-oriented utilization of the internet.

BCIS 1420: Introductory C Programming (4:3-2)

Introduction to business programming techniques using the C or C++language.Includes structured programming methods,designing customized software applications,testing, documentation,input specification,and report generation .Lab fee $16

BCIS 2316: Advanced Structures Programming Techniques in BASIC (3:2-2)

Further application of business programming techniques.Advanced topics may include varied file access techniques,system profiles and security,control language programming, data validation,program design testing,and other topics not normally covered in an introductory information systems programming course.Visual BASIC is the programming language used. Lab fee $16

BCIS 2332: Advanced Programming in COBOL (3:2-2)

Further application of COBOL business programming techniques.Advanced topics may include varied file access techniques,system profiles and security,control language programming,data validation,program design testing,and other topics not normally covered in an introductory information systems programming course. Lab fee $16

BCIS 2390: System Analysis & Design (3:3-0)

Analysis of business information needs and preparation of specifications and requirements for appropriate data system solutions.Includes instruction in information requirements analysis,specification development and writing,prototype evaluation,and network application interfaces.

COSC 1309: Logic Design (3:3-0)

A discipline approach to problem solving with structured techniques and representation of algorithms using pseudo code and graphical tools.Discussion of methods for testing, evaluation and documentation is included.

COSC 1315: Fundamentals of Programming (3:2-2)

Introduction to computer programming.Emphasis on the fundamentals of structured design,development,testing,implementation,and documentation.Includes coverage of language syntax,data and file structures,input/output devices,and disks/files. Lab fee$16

COSC 1401: Microcomputer Applications (4:3-2)

Overview of computer information systems.Introduces computer hardware,software, procedures,systems,and human resources and explores their integration and application in business and other segments in society.The fundamentals of computer problem solving and programming in a higher level programming language may be discussed and applied.

Lab fee $16

COSC 1420: Computer Programming (C) (4:3-2)

Introduction to programming techniques using the C or C++language.Includes structured programming methods,designing customized software applications,testing, documentation,input specification,and report generation.Lab fee $16

COSC 2330: Advanced Programming Structured Language (3:2-2)

Further applications of programming techniques.Topics may include file access methods, data structures and modular programming,program testing and documentation,and other topics not normally covered in an introductory computer programming course.Visual

BASIC is the language used. Lab fee $16

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