Hat Trick: Tackling learning styles and asynchronous learning support on the web

Hat Trick:
Tackling learning styles and
asynchronous learning support
on the web
R. Craig Collins
Fall, 2005
• Trying to reach your students requires appealing
to many learning styles, and may take more
repetition than can be delivered during class.
Many teachers would like technology to bridge
these gaps, but aren’t sure what is available. This
information is to introduce educators to some of
those tools. From implementing simple
animations, turning PowerPoints into web pages,
or making short movies that guide hands-on
learning; tools for the classroom, or use across
the web
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
• Participants will be able to:
– Address learning styles in the class
– Provide repetition to students
– Create presentations
– Optimize images
– Convert to web format
– Create web pages
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Address Learning Styles
• Three types of learners
– Visual
– Auditory
– Tactile/Kinesthetic (Hands on)
– Best results if instruction includes all
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Address Learning Styles
• Retention
– 10% of what is read
– 20% of what is heard
– 30% of what is seen
– 70% of what is seen and heard
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
• While many faculty members include
slide shows, or use the overhead to
form presentations, what if a student
misses that class?
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Provide Repetition
• Repetition key to learning
• Problem
– How can your presentation be delivered
enough times to facilitate learning?
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Create Presentations
• A software presentation can capture
your lecture, but…
• Problem: how do you handle
– Delivery to the student who needs it?
– Delivery where they need it?
– Delivery when they need it?
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Online Presentations
• Transform the presentation
– Available in the class
– Available out of the class
– On demand availability
• Create Web Pages
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Convert to Web Format
• If you have PowerPoint
– File\Save as Web Page …
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Convert to Web Format
• If you don’t have PowerPoint…
• OpenOffice’s Impress… File\Export
– Free at www.openoffice.org
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Convert to Web Format
• Images
– Balance of clarity and download time
• Photoshop
– File\Save for Web…
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Convert to Web Format
• If you don’t have Photoshop…
• GIMP… File\Save As…
Advanced Options… Optimized
– Free at www.gimp.org
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Convert to Web Format
• Digital Movies
– Compressed Web format
• Microsoft Movie Maker
– Free with Windows XP, service pack 2
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Create Web pages
• Non presentation pages
– Microsoft Word
• File\Save as Web Page…
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Create Web Pages
• If you don’t have Word…
• OpenOffice’s Writer… File\Export
– Free at www.openoffice.org
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Create Web Pages
• Design real web pages:
• Industry Standard, DreamWeaver
– www.macromedia.com, expensive
– www.nvu.com, free
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
• Participants will be able to:
– Address learning styles in the class
– Provide repetition to students
– Create presentations
– Optimize images
– Convert to web format
– Create web pages
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
Looking Forward
• Armed with this information
• Now you can create material to
– Address learning styles
– Provide repetition, and
– deliver it asynchronously,
over the web
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins
– Blinding Flash of the Obvious
– You can now experiment with creating
web pages to deliver course content
– R. Craig Collins
– craig.collins@templejc.edu
Hat Trick: R. Craig Collins