Details submitted to NISOD November 7, 2005 Other major conferences

Details submitted to NISOD November 7, 2005
Other major conferences
*League for Innovation Conference on Information Technology, 2005, Dallas, TX;
Learning Styles and Asynchronous Learning Support
*Creative Education Institute, 2004, Austin, TX; Technology Training to Support
Educational Consultants
*National Academy Foundation, 2003, Phoenix, AZ; Advanced Web, Servers, Digital
Content, Media Production
*Academy of Information Technology, 2003, Waco, TX; Digital networks, Digital
Audio/Video, Media Production
*National Tech Prep Network, 2002, Cincinnati, OH; Digital media, Web Pages, Internet
*National Academy Foundation Institute, 2002 Atlanta, GA; Logic for Programming,
Systems, Advanced Web, Digital Media
*NTPN, 2001, Dallas, TX; Video Conferencing tools
*NAF Summer Institute, 2001, San Antonio, TX; Introduction to the Internet
*NTPN, 2000, Charlotte, NC; Creating Simple Web Pages, Using the Internet
*NAF Teacher Institute, 2000, Washington DC; Web site access, design
*Title of Presentation
Join the CIA (Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment) to teach
*Description of Presentation
Participants will design classroom instruction using a framework of tested pedagogical
models. By expressing goals using specific verbs, participants will plan lessons with a
template that builds in contextual, verifiable learning. The system also includes methods
of instructional assessment, to adapt and improve instruction to match curricula. This
session will particularly benefit new teachers, subject matter experts that are trying to
find a framework to organize and refine course materials, and ensure learning has
*Proposed Content and Activities
The framework will be introduced via a PowerPoint presentation and handouts. The
topics will detail the goal, and pedagogical basis of Bloom’s Taxonomy, the CurriculumInstruction-Assessment (CIA) and Relate-Experience-Apply-Cooperate-Transfer
(REACT) models, the use of Pivotal Questions, and Formative Anonymous Assessment
A brief explanation and suggested Blooms Taxonomy use will be followed by a short
demonstration showing how REACT (when used in a contextual setting) can increase
learning outcomes will be conducted by and for the attendees .The session will then have
participants use fill-in-the-blank templates to develop higher level objectives, better state
the goal of the lesson in relationship to measurable assessment of the curriculum, track
materials needed, build in questioning, leverage student’s previous knowledge, test for
student learning, and finally, verify instructional success by getting feedback from the to
prepare future lessons.
*Program Strands
Teaching and Learning
*Type of Presentation
Breakout Session
*Expected Audience Size
*AudioVisual Request
Package 2: Basic Plus, $50
Includes lectern, microphone, overhead projector, data projector and screen
Additional Comments that might assist us in review of your proposal
This could also be offered for a ‘Small Group’ but regardless will focus on using
amusing, but pedagogically sound examples. The goal is for them to enjoy the session, so
they are receptive to the proposed structure, yet still demonstrate that the end result easily
focuses planning, and provides a structure to constantly improve the curriculum.