(%T3) IMED 2311 Syllabus Instructor of Record: Robert Craig Collins<br> Watson Technical Center, #507<br> 2600 S. 1st St<br> Temple, TX 76504<br> 254-298-8461<br> craig.collins@templejc.edu<br> (%T3) Learning Objectives<br> CIP Code: 11.0801 (Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design) <br> Course Title: Portfolio Development <br> Course Level: Intermediate <br> Course Description: Preparation and enhancement of portfolio to meet professional standards, development of presentation skills, and improvement of job-seeking techniques. <br> End-of-Course Outcomes: Arrange and refine projects for presentation; identify current industry requirements for employment; develop a presentation portfolio; and articulate the advantages of membership in a professional organization<br> <br><b>Course Competencies</b><br> Students will be able to:<br> <li> Discuss how digital images are created and stored<br> <li> Use cameras and scanners to capture digital images<br> <li> Compare and contrast bitmap and TIFF file formats<br> <li> Construct and edit bitmap and tiff files using Paint<br> <li> Discuss compressions<br> <li> Construct and edit compressed gif files<br> <li> Construct and edit animated gif files<br> <li> Discuss Transparency<br> <li> Construct and edit transparent aspects of files<br> <li> Compare an contrast jpeg and png files<br> <li> Create and edit jpeg and png files using advanced editing tools<br> <li> Discuss optimization<br> <li> Implement optimization<br> <li> Discuss Layers<br> <li> Create and edit images that use layers<br> <li> Discuss Paths<br> <li> Create and edit images that use paths<br> <li> Discuss Text<br> <li> Create and edit images that use text<br> <li> Discuss color balance<br> <li> Create and edit files that use color balance<br> <li> Discuss Video<br> <li> Create and edit Video<br> <li> Discuss Flash<br> <li> Create and edit images that use Flash<br> <li> Evaluate various tools and methods to create and edit digital images (%T3) Readings <br> Creative Suite 4 for Dummies, http://www.templejc.edu/dept/cis/ccollins/IMED2311/index.html<br> (%T3)General Description of lectures <br> Overview 1, Review the syllabus; orientation<br> Overview 2, Portfolios<br> Overview 3, Media Collection, Intro to Creative Suite, Lab 1<br> Overview 4, Basic Acrobat, Lab 2<br> Overview 5, Acrobat Forms, Lab 3<br> Overview 6, Review, Test #1 <br> Overview 7, Photoshop, Media Collection, Lab 4 <br> Overview 8, Optimizing with Photoshop, Lab 5<br> Overview 9, Layers in Photoshop, Video, Lab 6 <br> Overview 10, Review, HTML, Lab 7, Test #2 <br> Overview 11, Dreamweaver, Lab 8<br> Overview 12, Dreamweaver and Media, Lab 9<br> Overview 13, Audio Edit, Media collection, start lab 10<br> Overview 14, Media Distribution, Review for Test #3 <br> Overview 15, Test #3, Lab 10<br> Final Exam<br><br> <a href="http://www.templejc.edu/dept/cis/ccollins/imed2311/index.html">Course Website</a><br> Syllabus subject to change